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Good for you! You have found a way to recapture joy in your life. Joy is not the absence of struggles but a choice to find things to celebrate every day and be grateful for.

Gread idea!
1. I have a harp lesson today. I started lessons about 6 weeks ago and Love it.
It is a distraction from my caregiving.
2. I get to see my granddaughter this afternoon since I have to pick her up and
take her to her swim lesson
3. My mom and I have tickets at the college to see The Vienna Choir Boys.
Mom has Alzheimer's but she LOVES music, so it will be nice to be entertained

Great idea. I’m having a hip replaced tomorrow! Yay new hip and people taking care of me! And lovely friends bringing us meals. My sister will be here and she will visit dad. I get a break from going to see him.

Yes!!! This is a fabulous idea! So often we are overwhelmed with the negative that we fail to see the good things. Even little things add up to a lot. It is early, but already my coffee tastes really good this morning to start with, and this bathrobe feels so cozy....

im off work till wednesday . i got a permit to go to the forest and cut a load of oak firewood tuesday . thats an enjoyable time . i bring the log splitter and drive right up to the logs . two hours later im headed home with about 1.5 rick of wood piled up on the truck . costs 10 bucks .

1) It's pay day
2) I am having a pretty decent good hair day, not great but not bad.
3) Shopping for discounted halloween items at TJ Maxx. My eccentric sister loves halloween and TJ Maxx has some pretty nice halloween items at a nice discount the day after halloween.

today cant go too badly . for starters i only have to work 3.5 hours . that isnt even enough time to get bemused with something .


Sounds like an interesting wedding!

Went to a Halloween party! Fun🎃

Hubby did not have to work late. Yay! So we were on time.

Made plans to go to a movie this weekend with my friend.

i had another great day . it only required a 14 dollar relay to fix my truck heater fan -- even picked up the lower two speeds that havent worked for months .
then i got some very nice mud / snow tires installed on my truck .
then while i was at the goodwill store i ran into a german made ' caterpillar ' toy dozer for 5 bucks . its brand new and worth about 90 bucks . nick may be 6 yrs old before he gets it but its ok . he will see that this home was being prepared for him ever since he was born and hes going to be less than amused with the two women currently in his life .
ive read that its appropriate to cushion a kid from some harsh facts when theyre young but you dont want to get caught lying to them . like anyone -- they will be disgusted with you forevermore .

Dizzy where online do you order houseplants? I used to get them, but haven't in a long time. I have a ton of ivy and spider plants,, just keep snipping and putting them in water.. LOL.

Mom and I hugged each other and said I love you for the first time in many years.

Mom and I hugged each other and said I love you for the first time in many years.

Mom and I hugged each other and said I love you for the first time in many years.

Mom and I both are continuing to put effort into improving how we communicate with each other and a more positive vibe continues to grow within our walls.

I completed another step in my business proposal presentation that I will be showing a panel of potential investors.

I was consciously able to turn my mindset to a better state of being and avoid my depression routine of existence.

Watching the World Series

Reading Dizzy’s post reminded me of my dad’s lemon tree. Sweet memories. He had tons of beautiful lemons that he shared.

Happy about attending my friend’s Halloween party tomorrow night!

Trick or treat! Boo!

My husband is back from rehab and seems to be getting more confident in his ability to stand up from a sitting position. (That’s where we are right now and that is just fine with me.)
The houseplants I bought online arrived in beautiful healthy shape.
My sister and her wife are visiting us a week from Saturday. It’s the first happy occasion we’ve had for getting together in over a year. The two of them are headed to Paris the week after *sigh*.
The houseplants should be in third place but they got here first and I look forward to caring for them. 3 spider plants, 3 pothos “devils ivy”, and a weeping fig. I just ordered a Meyer lemon plant, 2 baby parlor palms and some other green plants. I find succulents fascinating, but they do not spark joy. I don’t understand the current obsession with them among the youngers.

been a heck of a good day .
rain jacket made me look like i had some common sense and foresight , done a special winterizing project for mr " big deal around here " he is rightfully called , got new tread on my work truck yesterday , new motor oil today , ordered some great looking winter tires for my own truck -- get them installed tomorrow , had a good time working with the ' freedom challenged ' guys , got paid today and have tomorrow off . have to work 4 . 5 hrs friday to complete the pay period .

its all good but it still aint that phone call ive been waiting for for 3 years . some bastards are going to prison and i dont think theyre even intelligent enough to see it coming .

good .
who dont love a good blindside ?

getting as far as i can from the " dinner " thread for a while , :)>
it should be a rain day here today . thats good , i can usually work on my pet peeves at the job . probably get to try out my new rain jacket cause theres firewood to be hauled daily to a big wood burning furnace .

Three good things today:

Hubby is coming home from an out of town trip with relatives. Yay! We all miss him.
My aunt watched my mom most of the day so I had a good long break. Tomorrow is a different story though.
Tried out a new dessert recipe. Wasn't that good but the kids gave their stamp of approval. That's all that matters. :D

1) I had a problem taken care of today. I feel much better (I'd rather not go into details)
2) I saw sleep shorts on sale today and mentioned to my mother that I wasn't getting any because I am down to my last few dollars before payday. My mom mentioned that she had to go to return the shoe rack at the store that I saw the Sleep shorts at tomorrow so she would pick them up for me. They are on clearance as of now, so hopefully I will get them tomorrow. My sleep shorts are falling apart so I am in desperate need of them. 
3) We went out to lunch today at Arby's and I had a roast beef sandwich. I have been craving those for quite a while.

Honorable mentions: My water bill went down from $256 to $95 (without surcharges and taxes), which is great because the water bill is expensive in our area.

Today and yesterday were "indian Summer". and we enjoyed it and got some outdoor work done.
Mom's terrible knee pain of the last 3 days "went away" totally.. win win!
I ran to the outlets for a few things and some early Christmas shopping with my BF who's husband is failing fast, and we had a nice time venting, laughing and eating a nice lunch.
I feel refreshed!

humorous day .
a black muslim fellow ( freedom challenged ) was sent out this am . he kinda took a shine to me so i took him on my daily cleanup routine .
late in the day i was telling him bout my dark beer success and he said i could be sitting on a gold mine -- oughtta market it .
i told him i thought the craft beer craze was a bit of a fad and that many small breweries were closing as quickly as theyd opened .
he said " i donno man . if i walked into a liquor store right now and saw the budweiser and coors lite . then saw a " crazy old man " beer -- id buy it " .

i think it was supposed to be an encouraging compliment .

My 3 good things for today:

1. Much cooler weather
2. Took a very good friend out for her birthday lunch and had a good time
3. Catching up on some work after a busy weekend

NHWM - the wedding over the weekend was very nice. The ceremony was at a very beautiful chapel overlooking the ocean. Only my husband and older daughter went because she had never been to a wedding ceremony and wanted to see how it was. My younger daughter and I came later to the reception at a venue also over looking the ocean. Very nice place.

When it was time for speeches, the father of the bride, instead of giving a speech, he sang a love song to the couple. The mom of the bride did give a short speech.

Then the awkward moment came when the divorced parents of the groom took the stage. The mom said she was glad the event brought them (her and the ex) back together. The look on the her ex's face said a different story. He was grimacing and looking like he would rather be anywhere but next to her. She said a few more things about the groom, then handed the mic to her ex. He said a few things then rushed back to his table to sit next to his date. Both of them (groom's parents) looked disheveled like they were half drunk. They probably were because the open bar was serving free drinks.

The happy couple took their first dance right when the sun was setting which made it really beautiful, except it was not ideal for pictures (pointing the cameras right at the sun.)

The MC was so confused when he had to read off the names of the groom's men and bride's maids. He didn't know who was who and was reading names in the wrong order. To top it off, he didn't remember the names of the happy couple. He had to pause and search for his notes. My husband made a comment to his uncle sitting next to him that the MC didn't know the couple's names. His uncle said: "That's because he already got paid." Haha.

Made a special dinner and homemade apple pie for my brothers birthday today. The whole pie was eaten in two hours by the three of us, mom had strawberries and whip cream. Diet all next week.
Watched some favorite movies with family on TCM today.
Mom had a very good day and now is sleeping like a baby.

im always a little stressy on sundays . my ex is usually spending time with the grandkid and never fails to brag about it on FB afterwards .

im not going to socialize whatsoever with people who i know to be the prime murder suspects . i think its a disservice to jake and the process of justice .

a judge kicked open a door between the kid and i but i think he knew i wasnt ready to step thru it yet . im a real one tracker -- justice for my son ( and the kid ) , and then i will comply with anything asked of me .

Husband went back today with batteries and got remote to work. So we accomplished 3 things. Although he did it my gentle nagging made him follow through. Now we will be fine until she calls us about how to use the remotes which was clearly explained but she refused to write it down. Hopefully staff that is not around on a weekend can help.

Three good things:

1.) This weekend had the earmarks of becoming Another Dysfunctional Family Boondoggle. And in a way, it was. BUT my household stayed firmly removed - despite pressure to jump in and save the day. We’re learning! Oh yes we are. 😃

2.) My guy & I are spending the afternoon with our core group of friends. We love and support each other - without judgement. We laugh uproariously. And we do not see each other often enough. Today is a welcome gift. 💗

3.) I am taking a desperately needed break from work this week. Using 1.5 days of PTO to reset a little bit. 🤔🛀👍🏼


Tell us about the wedding. I love to hear how people met and their wedding. Interesting to hear.

My husband is opposite of me! We balance each other though.

Three things about hubby and me 😊. We were young, students.

He was the handsome bartender with the gorgeous black hair and dark eyes.
He’s Italian.

I was the waitress. Italian restaurant, uptown New Orleans. I noticed him immediately but didn’t let him know that I did. I worked my butt off at that place. We were slammed every weekend. He stayed busy making drinks so I had no idea if he noticed me when I ordered drinks for my customers.

He did notice me! He asked me out! His best friend was sitting at the bar and asked me out first, ‘pretty boy’ blonde. Not at all my type! Turned him down quickly! The piano player at the restaurant was always asking me out. He was fun but I had my eye on the great looking bartender studying to be an engineer. Married 41 years now 😊.

We drove to Baton Rouge to see my daughter. She’s a student at LSU.

My daughter saved most of the money for her new laptop. She only works part time while in school. So we pitched in and she bought it today from the Apple store.

Had a nice lunch with our daughter.

We went to lunch with my mother and some visiting family.
We bought her a new TV as the one that had been in her room from a previous resident finally failed.
We set up the TV but couldn't completely because of cable issues. My husband will go back tomorrow to see if it is a battery issue. So #3 is not a complete good thing but we tried.
I did not complain much about how messy her room was. She loves magazines and newspapers but it gets out of control. In her 2 room unit I could barely sit down and she has a love seat as well as chairs.

i went and got the rain jacket . glad i went down there the selection was a little on the unbelievable side . 48 bucks for a 100 dollar jacket .

its raining buckets full here today .

ive never minded outfitting myself well for the job at hand . it makes a person look like theyre paying attention instead of daily fighting the same ( correctable ) things .

good day so far . just put on my rib tips / egg noodles to warm up and cracked one of these btchn beers .

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