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Yay Send. Well done!!!

Definition. Latin abbreviation for quod erat demonstrandum: "Which was to be demonstrated." Q.E.D. may appear at the conclusion of a text to signify that the author's overall argument has just been proven.

Way - yes, Geometry. I loved it. You only had to memorize the first 4 theorems and then you could figure out the rest.

According to R the physio is helping. The reno guy is coming here tomorrow.

Wasn’t QED from geometry ?
Like those proofs we had to memorize ?

No, I don't remember, and it is going to bug me.

QED Quod Erat Demonstratum
QED Quantum Electrodynamics Physics
QED Qualitative European Drug Research
QED Quick and Easy Drawings
QED Quality Education Data, Inc.
QED Quantum Electro Dynamics
QED Qualitative Evaluation of Dementia
QED Quick Epicenter Determination(s)
QED Quantum Electronic Devices
QED quantitative ethanol detector

or QED is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, meaning "which was to be demonstrated". Literally it states "what was to be shown".

In context of your statement "muscles get weaker when you wear a brace"
might mean
As it has been shown or proven.
As it was demonstrated, R.'s muscle got weaker after wearing a knee brace.

Ok, I think I've got it!

Thx, Way. I have been thinking that way. A few weeks would make all the difference in getting things done there and the furniture moved from here.

Also I have been thinking that R simply isn't ready for another surgery yet, I believe it is medically crazy to be setting him up for another surgery so soon. The knee is not urgent. He hasn't recovered fully from the previous surgery - still has issues related to it. In my mind he needs to achieve his "new normal" before going ahead with the next surgery, or his recovery from this one will be much more difficult and prolonged.

As well as being inactive for a month before this assessment, R has worn a brace on his knee pretty regularly the last few years as it helps with the pain. Of course it will not help with his muscle strength. Muscles get weaker when you wear a brace. QED (does anyone remember what that means?)

I did make contact with the guy who can finish the renos here and we will chat this afternoon.

The movers will be contacted again next week.

Goodness how I wish moving was a linear process, but it just isn't. I have been a natural multitasker all my life, but as I have gotten older I like it less.

Sil and dgs will come and mow etc. for me this weekend. So grateful! Dgs needs to learn to tend a lawn and garden anyway.

Golden , you are right. There is a plan. Maybe it’s so you can get in the condo before R knee surgery. Maybe that will work out better . (((Hugs)))

Thanks all. Prayers work, I know and hugs too! 😁

Just heard from R and his breathing difficulties are bronchitis, no doubt due to the smoke. He is starting to feel better. He said it was bad when he was driving to his appointments - a 4 hr. drive. He is on antibiotics. This is unusual as he hasn't had bronchitis since I have known him.

In addition, his knee is too unstable for a successful outcome so they are setting him up with physio to strengthen the muscles. I suspect his inactivity post prostate surgery is part of the cause of that.

Both things are fixable but will take time. Needless to say he is very frustrated. I am so relieved that it is bronchitis and not allergies/asthma.

God has a plan.

Frankly I am thankful the knee surgery is put off a bit. I think it is much too soon after his prostate surgery to have another surgery. It's a complicated one as they will have to replace his knee and realign the bones in his lower leg which have bowed out due to his knee issues - rods or something.

Once again we have a delay in getting the condo ready. I have a guy who will go in and finish the work now, and R is stuck in Grande Prairie for the next while - hopefully only a few days. And so it goes...

Sending prayers your way with the upcoming knee surgery and move situation you're facing, dear Golden. Big hugs too.

Golden, May The Lord touch R and heal his breathing problems and touch ALL the medical personnel involved in his care, may HE give you both strength and peace for what is going on and may HE make the rest of the move trouble free. In the precious name of Jesus amen and amen.

Thanks send. If the condo isn't ready and I am not moved down he has an uncle he can stay with who can care for him. I feel it is too soon for the surgery but it is not scheduled yet. He has to go through more preop stuff including clearance from his dentist - again. So hopefully that will give him and us a little more time. His breathing issues have not been diagnosed yet as far as I know so not sure what treatment would be. I believe it would be have to be dealt with before he is allowed surgery.

I appreciate the prayers.

You got it!
More prayers for both you and R.
He will need a bit of help once at home from knee surgery-much more than can be planned ahead for. I agree with you, it's too soon for surgery, and maybe should be re-scheduled. After all that you both have been through, even a few weeks could find things improved enough. Can he get a breathing treatment?

Anyway, just here for the prayers! I never had knee surgery.

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