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What I would like to see on TV is some of the older and different not-so-known or popular movies like the soundtrack for Stevie Wonder's Journey Through The Secret Life of Plants. Another is The Wild Parrots Of Telegraph Hill. Of the well known, well remembered films of a different nature is is The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Cabaret. These were the originals and I've seen an edited version of both. Edited, made for TV (and for younger audiences too)are still fund to watch, just not as juicy. If anyone knows of an upcoming rerun that's on the basic cable networks that would be great.


A few years back I saw Stevie at our jazz fest. He is phenomenal! Yeah, I would watch a program with an awesome soundtrack 😊.

Big Bang Theory and My Lottery Dream House, Two and 1/2 Men...
That's about it...unless there is a good movie on. I go to bed early so I can get enough sleep, with a Frozen shoulder, I simply toss and turn at night and am up all the time reapply biofreeze. I can't wait to go back to physical therapy, this is going to be a long journey.

Great shows and memories!  Love when they're re-aired.  I loved Mary, and I had my Letter on my apartment wall!   

I love to catch comedies and comedians on tv, even commercials selling their recordings which show pieces of what's on those ~ like Bob Hope, Robin Williams, and George Carlin! OMG


Sorry about your shoulder. My husband has had both shoulders operated on for rotator cuff issues.

I love Big Bang. It’s really funny. Do you watch Young Sheldon? It’s adorable!


Carlin was the best! Hey, did you by any chance listen to Steven Wright? He was hilarious!

New comics? My vote has to go to Andy Haynes. He cracks me up. Love him!

NeedHelpWMom, I'll check those out!  Thanks.

Yeah, George Carlin!  Love to hear what he'd be saying right now.  Check out his skit on Germs & The Immune System on youtube.  A friend sent it to me, and I laughed til I cried.

Remember My Favorite Martian?  I need those antennas to move about invisibly.. lol

Rainmom, the mere mention of Carol Burnett, Harvey Korman, and... Tim Conway!! makes me start laughing just hearing their names!

None ya'll watch Disney movies? I eventually start binge watching the originals. I do like Hallmark but mostly the mysteries channel. Been watching Daniel Boone series on DVD. Of course some my favorites Dukes of Hazzard, Andy Griffith, Beverly Hillbillies.

I love the old Disney movies that I watched as a kid. Also like the ones I watched with my kids. Sure, yeah. They are great! I like all of them, the ones with actors and the animated movies.

Can’t beat the animations. Disney animations are top notch. In fact, I went to see the exhibit on the history of Disney Animation at NOMA. It was really interesting and fun to see that exhibit.

Why watch TV in the first place? I am in Australia and, as of this evening, the government is asking all people 70 and over remain at home, only to go shopping when really necessary, and for medical appointments. This is not a law, just a strong recommendation. This is for our own protection.
In anticipation of a lock down (as other countries are doing) I recently spoke to my doctor about how to cope during our 'incarceration', particularly as I am carer to my husband who has bi polar and who is already traumatised over what is ramping up in Australia. Her strong recommendation was to watch tv no more than once or twice a day just to keep abreast of the news and latest government 'requests', otherwise turn the television off completely. Watching TV over extended periods can be really really depressing, even when one does not have a mental illness.
She maintains that fresh air and sunshine, and exercise wherever possible is the ideal for coping. Try to keep a routine every day, make sure everyone dresses everyday, that a balanced diet is planned where food is plentiful. Prepare projects in case this crisis means being socially isolated for more than a few weeks. We have a list of minor maintenance issues to attend to, and will be giving the entire house an autumn clean, de cluttering, re-organising etc.
Her suggestion for evenings and rest time is to read, read, read. At least we are heading into our autumn-winter period so it is a comforting thought to snuggle under a doona and escape into a world of words. This sounds really peaceful after 2 months of virus crisis 24 hours a day on television.

Helping77.. Disney!!!!  Life wouldn't be the same without Disney!  Love!  Good, fun, funny, wholesome.

Hallmark, too, good stuff!


Don’t think anyone is watching television nonstop. But it’s a distraction just like reading a book. It’s all about balance. I like listening to music too.

Yes, being outside is nice too. I sit on my patio with my coffee. I miss having a dog at times. We spend more time outside playing in the yard with our animals but my dog died awhile back. He was a sweetheart.

Luckily Showtime and several others are having Free Previews until mid April so I am watching movies that I have not seen, and 1 or 2 that I have seen. (The 5 People that you Meet in Heaven and I Can Only Imagine)
I have also cleaned 2 bedrooms and one of them was a catchall for papers so I have started to go through those and I tossed out a LOT and shredded a lot.
My bedroom is next then the china cabinet in the dining room.
By the time this is over I should be fairly organised.
The next course of action is the yard. I have a few bushes that need to be taken down and lots of plants to be torn out and weeds to be gotten rid of.

I cut the cable and went to HD broadcast and online streaming about 6 months ago. I got tired of paying their outrageous bills for a bunch of stuff that we don't watch. Streaming services like Disney+, CBS All Access, Curiousity Stream are the main ones we watch.

we watch a lot of the BBC (british) channel things like Planet Earth, etc.  or we watch the food channels............or channels that we tape record.

My mom likes watching English shows and Hallmark when she is not sleeping. Dad’s been bing watching Netflix TV show’s or playing games on the computer and building puzzle now he finished his taxes. I just DVR my regular shows and try to catch up when I get back to the house between checking up on mom.


Christmas movies !! :)

I have finally caught up on "Deputy." I really like that show. Also want to catch up on "Manifest" and some of my Netflix queue. But I'm still working full-time at home, so I have no more free time than I ever have.

Since I've made Mom stay home, she is watching Magnum P.I. reruns or Hallmark movies whenever I come over. When I call her, she always seems to be watching the Weather Channel. I had to take her keys so she wouldn't go to the store everyday anymore and really I think it was time anyway. The virus made it easier on me to do so.

I read that to maintain mental health you shouldn't watch the news more than 2x a day. So I'm not...and I haven't watched more than the usual TV shows I typically do, but know that I have some recorded stuff like cooking and business stuff. When I was sick a few years back I wouldn't have made it without HGTV, Love it or List It and the Property Bros were my go tos.

Try watching the news daily with my hubby - his preference. My preference is to read the news online daily - mostly to see if the "rules" have changed for our location.

We have a few programs we prefer using our ROKU with Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. We watched Star Trek Picard series- interesting twists in the story. My hubby is an action/adventure fan; so we are rewatching some favorites as well as NCIS. I am a medical drama fan, so we are watching The Good Doctor and New Amsterdam.

When we are feeling "snarky" about the virus, we're watching some of those apocalyptic zombie/infection movies to laugh at.

Whatever you do, please don't let your life revolve around the TV. Be creative, get some fresh air, dance or do some exercise, and connect with others.

I use to cook. And - I was good at it. To that end, back in the day - I was thrilled to see cooking shows take off and the advent of cable networks such as The Food Channel and HGTV.

But then everything went so “Martha”. Ingredients such as Crème fraîche and Mascarpone cheese. And, everything needed to be whipped, whirled and pulverized in a $500 food processor utilizing one of the 101 head, attachment and gadgets that went with.

It all just became too much - too over the top - considering my hubby and Rainman were just as happy eating the Mac and Cheese that comes in that blue box.

But who knows? Today is Day One of our self-imposed two week total quarantine. By day 10 or 11 I may return to cooking shows just to relieve the cabin fever!

Cooking For Quarantines?
Vittles for Virus’s?

But alas - I never did break down and buy a dang food processor!


Here’s the key. buy the small food processor. It doesn’t cost a fortune and works well. Buy a four cup Cusinart. It isn’t even $100. I bought mine at Bed, Bath and Beyond, so use a coupon to buy it.

CH-4DC is the model number that I have. I looked it up just for you 😊. No offense, but you can do better than box mixes. Hahaha.

I do a killer homemade mac and cheese. You don’t need a processor for that. You only need a box grater to grate the cheese.

Please don’t use pre shredded cheese. It has wood in it to work as a preventative so the cheese won’t stick together. Please make your own bechemal sauce, then add cheese to it. It’s not hard.

I like cooking. It’s therapeutic for me. I have to freeze some food because we can’t eat it all. But it taste so much better and isn’t full of chemicals used as preservatives and dyes in box mixes. Processed boxed and frozen or canned food has higher sodium too.

PBS has great instructional cooking shows.

My daughters have asked me to write down all my recipes. I have allowed them to cook with me from the time they were toddlers. I have pictures of my beautiful daughters cooking with me at a very young age.

Want to hear something funny though? Both of them have dated guys that love to cook and they cooked for my daughters! Not a bad deal! My youngest daughter is dating a guy that is an excellent cook!

So fun to read people's preferences and habits. I don't voluntarily watch tv or cable news since they seem to forget there is actually a lot of other "news" out there in the world, so I peruse online. I open my day with a bible devotion (The Bible In One Year by Nicky Gumbel, the app can be downloaded for free) and I receive my focus and peace for the day. I have never been a horror movie fan (just reading the Book of Revelations makes my hair stand on end) or a fictional drama movie person -- real life provides enough stress -- so I watch funny, irreverent stuff like Top Gear (with the original guys), 30 Rock, anything travelogue, all Harry Potter movies, The Great British Baking Show, anything nature i.e. Attenborough, and interesting shows on science, medicine, astronomy, physics. Guilty "pleasures" are watching Botched, Dr Pimplepopper and My Feet Are Killing Me. I often end my night by watching PD Live. Then I sleep like a baby.

Nothing! I watch you tube

When taking a break from news, we watch the Weather Channel, retro TV shows like "Andy Griffith", "I Dream of Jeannie" or "Bewiched". "That Girl" with Marlo Thomas is one of my favorites too. These shows are light and funny and a break from all the scary things. My husband will watch reruns of baseball and hockey games. Sometimes I do too. We read most of the time, or talk.

Lots of TV watching here. Mom is 94 and depending on time of day has trouble following the story line, but does really enjoy the old half hour comedies.... Golden Girls, MASH. And then I do have us watch some binge series on Netflix or Amazon; The Mentalist is enjoyable. Yesterday we watched HGTV most of the day. Also like the Wednesday night Chicago shows... Chicago Med, C. Fire, and C. PD - my favorite. We've both always enjoyed the Law and Order, Criminal Minds, etc. shows, but with all this current serious situation, trying to find more comedy and light-hearted shows / movies.

Mom's vision is not great and she is very unsteady and uses the walker half the time and without half the time. She says "I'm trying to get stronger" as to why she doesn't use the walker. I continually redirect her to the walker to get stronger. She is really very fast with it!

Sitting on the patio works for a while, going for walks does not. Sometimes we will go for a drive in the car just to get out of the house and maybe pick up some to go food. We had a lovely drive a week ago when I had a craving for doughnuts! After that just went driving on the road along the beach. Next time, I think in the country.

I don't care much for most TV; I rather like YouTube because I can select what I want, and get innumerable choices from around the world. As far as news is concerned, I'm usually more interested in the trend or the "bottom line" rather than all the individual details. I've also seen that one big news item pushes everything else aside--for example, I remember when Gary Condit was the subject of news every day (in the US) for a few weeks...until 9/11, and then it was "Gary who???". For all we know, Bolivia might have declared war on Zimbabwe, but if this (most unlikely!) event were to take place, most of us would never learn about it.

However, I agree with others about a few former TV shows. I liked Keeping Up Appearances, All in the Family, and Married with Children, and at least quips of the latter can be found on YouTube. Otherwise, I enjoy the ca. 45 minute UK border patrol YouTube videos, politics, music and other aspects of PR China (stuff not necessarily related to the coronavirus), (the free country of) Taiwan, and other, mostly Asian, countries; there is always something of interest!

My 600 pound life.  And if I keep eating, I will be on it next season.   GRRR I cannot take being confided to quarters.

If you have Spectrum cable, they are offering FREE Showtime for the next couple of weeks. I intend to watch The Affair and Homeland. I've recently gotten Amazon prime and have watched the series The Widow and a couple of episodes of Hunters.

Watching the free channel reruns from the 80s. It was a simpler time. "Cagney and Lacey" (still holds up)," Growing Pains", "Family Ties" and "In Plain Sight" (2008-2012).

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