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Could be. Maybe it was temporary insanity for her. Too much, too soon.

At least your mom was a sweetheart! Oh, Cali. My MIL was a doll. She really was. I miss her a lot.

Cali, how are your animals doing? My daughter says her dog is loving her being home. He is spoiled rotten!

worried: Your MIL went temporarily insane? Hey, I may have joined her at one time - like the time I had to quickly make the decision that I had to live out of state with my mother. Your poor MIL.

Game Network. Just to zone out. Family Feud, America Says and even some of the old games like Match Game.

I’m watching Downton Abbey during this virus quarantine. Never had seen any of it. I wish there were reruns of Northern Exposure somewhere - Netflix or Prime Video.


Did you see the movie? I love the series and I went to see the movie when it came out. Not every character is in the movie.

Who is your favorite character in Downton?

Oh my gosh, NOVA is doing a show on, The Truth About Fat. I have been trying to gain weight all my life! Afraid it’s just not going to happen at this point in time.

I have to watch this show. I don’t know if they will have any advice for me. Goodnight y’all.

Oh gosh, this show is fascinating. The brains of overweight people are different. Scientists are proving it with MRI results.

So, I guess I don’t totally understand obesity. How does the stomach hold all that food that people eat? I would feel so freakin sick if I ate that much food. Yuck!

Processed foods are killing people with obesity. Cook from scratch! Eat less, move more.

Why don’t they ever do shows on gaining weight? I never see those. Always losing weight. I’m in the minority.

You can watch the fat episode online on the PBS site. There are many interesting shows there I bet.

I too have had issues with being too skinny. When I was in high school mom would get on me to eat more. She actually suggested a big bowl of ice cream each night.

I am remembering some research years ago about the importance of brown fat and foods to eat to increase the brown fat levels.


Me too but it was milk shakes. Never phased me. Didn’t gain a pound.

Now that you mention it, mom wanted me to always get malts, more fat from the added malt sugar I guess. I do love malts, but cannot remember the last time I had one. I just don't eat or crave that way.

Brown fat


Thanks, I will read it. Brown fat. It is all so Interesting. Our bodies need some fat. We need to make healthy choices. Same thing with cholesterol. There is good and bad. People kill themselves eating crappy processed food.

I guess I never fell into that trap because my mom, aunt and grandma always cooked from scratch. My grandpa always did organic gardening with wonderful veggies. I never knew what it was like to eat trash like most people eat.

Glad, did you read it? I bet people don’t exercise the recommended amount of 75 to 150 minutes. I do my exercise bike. I used to do a real bike but I had a really bad accident awhile back and had surgery, my orthopedic doctor said to switch to exercise bike.

Walking is good too. Weights or bands for strength training. If not we will lose muscle mass.

People have to get back to or learn moderation in food. If people want treats then do so in moderation. I think the reason why I don’t crave junk is because it isn’t a habit for me.

I will never forget a cultural geography class in college. There was an Australian woman in the class that talked about what pigs Americans are because of the amount of food we eat. Won't tell you whAt I thought of that and her, yes I will, so much better than everyone else just such an inflated ego! Self absorbed... Maybe she should go back to where she came from. Then a couple of years later, that woman's daughter was one of my daughter's best friends.

NHWM, do I remember you are ScandinAvIan? Wonder if it has something to do with genes and our ancestors coming out of the very cold regions. The body burns lots of calories trying to stAy warm.


Two of my friends are Korean. Oh my gosh, one of them is horrified at how Americans eat. She would never eat junk food or any American food. She shops at our local Asian markets for ingredients to cook with. She’s a great cook. She wouldn’t let her son enjoy pizza at birthday parties. She would pack food for him. She went a little overboard.

She never allowed her son to eat junk food while growing up here. She packed only healthy food in his lunch box for school. She and her son attend the Buddhist temple. She married an American but she only cooks Korean food.

The other one was so eager to adapt to our American culture and food. She grew up Buddhist but she does not practice her faith or any other faith. We have a couple of Buddhist temples but she isn’t interested in going.

She loves pizza, burgers, all of our local cuisine which is delicious but a lot of it isn’t healthy! Her kids eat American food.

She goes to hear jazz and blues music with me. She loves New Orleans. They are so different. I respect both of them but the one who was eager to learn about our culture is more fun to hang out with!

HBOGO is streaming free right now; I just watched McMillions; a fascinating, TRUE story! Well worth the watch; it's six episodes long, and they don't reveal how it was done until the end, but it's definitely worth the watch.

Amazon Prime has Deal or No Deal; I noticed that Meagan Markle is suitcase lady #24 for many of the episodes! She is lovely and surprisingly shorter than the other models; they must all be about six feet tall! It's a fun diversion; I was disappointed when one contestant, who knew ALL the models by name, (one of the Christmas specials), walked away with a fairly small deal. If you're a healthcare provider, Jerry Lewis in "The Disorderly Orderly" is a hoot. I paid a few dollars for it; pure gold slapstick comedy.

NHWM, I will gladly express you as much weight that you desire.

Thanks, River. I have always been turned down to donate blood. My husband is thin but he can donate blood. He always has.

He used to donate blood and platelets for his mom when she needed them. She died from non Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

I would donate if I could but there is a weight requirement and I don’t quite meet it. I guess I am self conscious about my weight. I hate if people ask me if I am sick. I never make comments about someone being overweight but for some reason they think they can comment about me being very thin.

One woman asked me if I shopped in the children’s department of the store. A little rude...

Need: I have thought about donating blood at the Red Cross, but I would have to go to a 10 story bldg and take elevator to 10th floor. So won't be doing that. I did donate for my late cousin who died of blood cancer.
Some people can be hurtful about one's weight - sorry that happened to you; it has happened to me. I used to be thinner until I got inherited Hypothyroidism from my mom and a lady who worked at the nail salon said to me - "You got big." How rude was that?


Thst’s rude too! We are all different sizes and it doesn’t matter. Just as long as we try to be as healthy as we can. Young or old, health can be a challenge too. My daughter is only 31 and has many health issues.

The Red Cross van parks at certain areas here. They always go to my husband’s work and all the employees donate. He has been home for a month now due to Covid.

The Red Cross van goes to our area churches too.

I guess it depends on where they are located where they go.

Need my mom watches Gameshow network all day too, with breaks for CNN! I love to watch the Beast!.. my guilty pleasure is travel channel,, all the "fake" paramormal shows..

Need: Yes, I was taken aback by the comment, needless to say! Yes, we are all not the same.

I also listen to audio music on cable TV. Easy listening and classical.

I love true paranormal stories. Recently, I watched Celebrity Ghost Stories, Paranormal 911, Haunted Hospitals, and now I'm watching Psychic Kids. Next on my watch list are programs about reincarnation cases, and near death experiences.

If you have Amazon Prime, you can see these at no additional charge. No, I'm not advertising Amazon.


Do you ever watch 'Ghost Hunters"? I do love watching "Celebrity Ghost Stories" although I wonder if Kim is real or not!!😯


Kim Russo. Do you like her? I do.


Do you like her?

Okay, both of you need to listen to CoastToCoastAM. It’s a radio program. Do you know it? Google it. Tons of paranormal stuff. Shell, Kim was a guest on his show. Her interview was very interesting.

She’s nothing like Long Island Medium. I am not so sure about her but I do know two people that went to see Long Island Medium when she came here. One was spoken to in the audience and she says that she contacted her grandmother. She told her info that she says she could not have known. It was specific. Not general stuff.

We were offered my husband’s grandparents large uptown home here in New Orleans. I told my husband that I could not live there because I felt like his grandmother would haunt us. She was so mean! We told my in laws to sell the house.

I kind of wish we would have taken it. It was a gorgeous home! I have a friend who is a priest that does exorcisms. LOL I could have let him bless the home.


I know Kim is nothing like Long Island Medium!

I do like Kim! I just think she has way to many details and that is what makes me question her!

I never heard of 'CoastToCoastAM." I'll have to look into it!

You could of had your friend bless the house or you could have had the house cleanz! You live in one of the most haunted cities in the world and you have those great stores to buy sage, holy water, crystals and more...!


New Orleans is extremely haunted. I was terrified of my grandmother in law’s ghost living in that home. She was an awful woman.

Sometimes, I sense her even in my house. She was an incredible artist. I have several of her paintings throughout my home.

I have her dining room furniture in my home. I have a beautiful settee in my foyer. I have some crystal pieces, a large punch bowl, pitchers, goblets, vases, etc. and lots of silver pieces.

I have several of her large mirrors in my home. So, her energy could be in my house. Oh, I also have tons of her needlework pieces in my home. I even have her sewing box filled with contents.

I did love her home. The house blessing uses holy water and incense. It’s a beautiful prayer. Part of it is in Latin.

Polar, watch "these woods are haunted" ( I think it's called) It makes me shiver as I love the outdoors and camping..! And I love Ghost Hunters too!

Just looked up Ghost Hunters and These Woods Are Haunted. They are now on my watch list. Thanks Shell and Pam.

I like listening to Coast2Coast on radio. Lots of interesting topics.

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