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Very depressing visit today. I got there at 11.30. Mom was asleep in bed ( she hasnt gotten up out of bed since Thurday, vitals are reported to be strong). Told nurses id go do some grocery shopping and get gas and come back. Came back at about 1 pm. Still in bed, still asleep. She'd eaten lunch ( and breakfast).

I stayed until 3 pm ( i live 2 hours away, and it's hard for me to drive after dark, which is why i went early). Still asleep. She's on o2, breathing sounds okay, not labored. Her color is good. Couldn't bear to wake her ( i was trained never to wake folks up. It's how we heal, sleeping is). I think she is fighting something off.

Hugs, BB. This sort of thing is extremely hard on the nerves. Will someone else be visiting her tomorrow, who can update you?

Ah babalou, these things are so hard.

Well, the good signs are that she's still eating. Perhaps she's just overtired, perhaps she has an infection that's causing a lack of energy. Perhaps it's the weather.

I've find as I age that colder weather wears me down more quickly than when I was young and liked to run around outside to prove how tough I was and how well I could handle cold weather. Now I cherish staying inside and perhaps taking an extra nap.

You mentioned a productive cough and congestion; perhaps she has a respiratory issue, such as bronchitis or pneumonia?

She may also be emotionally overcome by the birth of a great grandson; that's a very special event!

Make sure you get enough rest yourself; a 2 hour drive is tiring enough but is exhausting when there are emotional issues involved.

These kinds of times can really wear you down as well. The emotional concern and worry are enough to cause extra fatigue for you.

Thanks, cm, jinglbts and GA. I agree, she's fighting something off. Will check with staff tomorrow.

Thanks for the updates, Barb. I appreciate your informative posts on her status, and hopefully the next one will be one of progress.

I hope today is a "mental health day" for you - the anxiety that can increase from these unknown situations can wear you down, so take care of you too!

Barb, I was the same way, when visiting my Mom in long-term-care, if she was sleeping I would just let her be. My Mom probably was given something to calm her down and let her sleep, otherwise she would try to climb out of bed forgetting she could no longer stand up or walk.

I didn't like night driving, and here the long-term-care facility was just down the street. At night I have trouble judging the speed of other cars.

FF, I've got " baby" cataracts that cause me to experience lots of glare when it's dark.

Yes, relaxed day today. Going to make a big pot of lentil soup when dh finishes draining and cleaning the two fish tanks.

Lentil soup or bouillabaisse?

Soup day here too - chicken. We really need those "pockets of peace" amid the vagaries of relationships/care giving and they don't happen on their own. You have to create them.

I let mother sleep too, so visits have to occur at meal times as she sleeps most of the rest of the time and seems to need it. I think their bodies are winding down and just keeping going takes a lot of energy.
Hope your mum is better today,

You must be thinking of a fish called Wanda

Hope your mom is better

Mom's private caregiver brought us both the dang bug two weeks ago and I still can't shake it off
Mom still has congestion and a cough and didn't want to get out of her wheelchair last night so the dang staff at the hotel California left her in it with her head hanging low - I was just too tired myself to go put her to bed but I will tonight - we have a little rain today and I hope the afternoon caregiver can get her into bed for a cozy nap

SIL just emailed me; mom is slumping over heavily in her wheelchair. SIL got aide to come in and re-position her. SIL thinks perhaps a small stroke or TIA. Mom is comfortable, responsive to SIL's prayers. I'll call tomorrow and go up on Sunday, but we are so NOT transporting or seeking intervention. SO very glad that we seem to be on the same page. God bless wonderful in-laws, who can love unconditionally the way some of us damaged kids can't. B

Oh, Barb! ((((((((hugs)))))) What a relief to be on the same page and have in laws that can be there for her. Keep us updated, please. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Comfortable is good. SIL is a blessing. Try to get a good night's sleep - WHY do these things always pick the weekends to happen? Hugs to you, look after yourself.

My son ( the actor) is narrating Peter and the Wolf tomorrow with the NJ Symphony. More importantly, my 4 year old grandson will be in the audience. Hoping this all goes well, and that this is just a blip with mom. Love you all!

I know you're an early bird but I hope you got some rest last night and that the winter storms don't impede your travels this weekend

Prayers and hugs to you

Whoo! Wish your son "break a leg"! That *is* exciting, hope your grandson loves it as much as I did :)

Peter and the Wolf was fabulous. Went to see mom today, 6 inches of snow in Connecticut ( my brother says 3 to 5). Mom seemed about the same, maybe a tad more lethargic. No big change that I saw.

Thanks so much to all of you for your support and feedback. I re-read the whole thread the other night. It's like molasses with occasional Mercury. It makes me so glad that mom is somewhere where folks with training are caring for her.

So, got a report from SIL last week that mom is weepy and upset, thinks she has MRSA. Long story short, asked for ßome blood and urine tests, turns out Someone decreased her lexapro. Not yet sure who. Stay tuned....

Is thinking you've got MRSA better than thinking you've got a melanoma? Poor mother, for her it's a real fear whichever way you slice it.

Someone has Some Explaining to do, hm? Hope she's feeling calmer again very soon. Hugs.

Poor mum. Hope they get the dose sorted out.

I had a longish conference call with director, Don, sw, Unit manager, etc., today. The bottom line is that the behavioral health group that does medicaid management reduced my mom6lexapro because by state law, they need to try to cut back on psych meds. I get that. I work in an educational organization where we are charged with keeping children in the " least restrictive environment".

The problem is the lack of notification. I've had this conversation with these folks at least 10 times in the past three years. It works for a bit, and then it doesn't.

Got an application for another, nearby, family owned NH. Just doing that made me feel better. I'm quite done with these folks.

Your mama has been through so much - hope if you decide to move her that it is an improvement

If you don't mind my asking, is mom still private pay at her NH?

Barb, I'm tearing my hair for you. Who *doesn't* agree that psychoactive drug doses should be kept to a minimum? Obviously! But, so, they merrily go ahead and reduce the dose; but where's the follow up? Where's the baseline assessment, the monitoring plan, the review dates? And, too right, where's the consultation and advocates' agreement to this, eh?

Half-baked implementation will screw up any strategy. Wretched fatheads is what they are!

Unfortunately there are wretched fatheads in the woodwork wherever you look. But I agree it's nice to have an escape plan.

Correction, medication management. Yes mom still hasat least two years of private pay monies left.

It also transpires rhat, while mom sees the dental hygienist every three months, she has not seen the dentist is over a year. I specificallyrequested this in early december, and was told she had been seen. Stay tuned.

I don't want to move mom. She is content where she is. Need to have a pow wow with brother and sil.

Ideally you wouldn't have to move her anyway; but then there is also the thorny issue of whether an alternative place wouldn't just present its own new set of problems.

Reminds me of when Daughter 2 was doing her best to get herself expelled from school, sigh. It wasn't until I howled "you'll find every other school just as bad! I've looked! I *promise* you!" that she seemed to accept the point that she was probably better off with the devils she knew. I'm not sure the Vice Principal found my argument very flattering, mind.

I know, CM. The current place has dropped to one Medicare Star; proposed place (no availability right now, of course) has five.

In part, in large part in fact, is that the way we've set this care plan up is that my SIL spots the issues and because I am mom's HCP, I run around and try to get the issue fixed.

SOME of this stuff I would let slide (dental, for example). Psych meds, no, I am like a mama bear on my mother having some peace of mind. But part of me just wants people to do their jobs!

If I had let the ball drop on issues like these, even at a large public agency like the one I work for (where everyone thinks we just sit around eating bonbons all day), my head would have been handed to me by my boss.

One star vs five a big difference. Failure to handle meds properly is a big issue.

"while mom sees the dental hygienist every three months, she has not seen the dentist is over a year. I specifically requested this in early december, and was told she had been seen. "

This dishonesty/cover up really sticks in my craw. What else is being covered up?

Let us know how the pow wow goes.

Part of what is going on here is that most NH's these days outsource their behavioral health (geripsych) services. There aren't enough geriatric psychiatrists to go around and in most situations, having a team go out to manage these meds is a very efficient and cost effective solution.

As I've pointed out to the senior staff, adminstration, social worker and front line nursing staff over and over again, my mother hides her emotions from "strangers". She is not going to get weepy and agitated for them She saves it up for us. She has ALWAYS been like this--a real people pleaser. So the ONLY way they are going to know if she's upset about MRSA, Leprosy, etc, is if we tell them. And I think we deserve to know that they've changed her meds. I looked back at my records and found that the day after the reduction was started, mom told my SIL that "something terrible" had occurred. It hadn't, but mom interpreted something ordinary as catastrophic.

She deserves better than that. If I'd know they'd reduced her meds, we all would have known that it was having a bad effect on her in one day.

This is all about lack of communication. And they don't seem to be getting any better at it than they were 3 1/2 years ago.

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