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Smeshque, I understand what you mean about us interfering with The Lord. I have a terrible tendency to give it to The Lord and take it back.

Oh Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief.

I am so grateful that He knew me before the foundation of the world, He knew that I would struggle with letting go.

Isthisreal- I smiled at the Giving it to the Lord and taking it back. Your words about yourself fit me well, also.
I am always asking, help thou my unbelief.

HE is wonderful!!!!

Yes, HE is wonderful. HE is faithful and HE loves us, warts and all, unimaginable, yet true.

Amazing Grace!

The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and HE knoweth them that trust in HIM.

Nahum 1:7 KJV

May we all find strength in HIS words to get through this day.

I have a beautiful wall hanging that I read each morning as I am starting my day, "The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you" as I bump into trials and tribulations I know that HE is with me and I have nothing to fear and I know that we already have the victory, so I find it easier to ignore the lies that the enemy uses to try and cause me to stumble. May HE guide each of us this day.

We traveled through this little town on our day trip today, this is a sign that was on their main Street. It was the most beautiful thing I have seen on this trip thus far.
I wish this was in every town , everywhere

Knowing that this labor of love is a difficult and challenging one, I have been studying some things and last night I put these two scriptures together.
So I am just sharing that maybe it will be encouragement, or reviving or helpful to you all. As I was encouraged by it.
One of the things I found interesting was that these two verses share the same numbers only reversed. Anyway interesting to me.

But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

So what caught my attention was what we sew. We can sew the very least we can or nothing, or we can sew bountifully, above and beyond what we want or feel like.

And in Galatians it says we shall reap if we faint not.

So if we don't do well for others, or do the very least we can, we will reap very little.
But if we go above and beyond the call of duty, and do well for others even when it hurts, we will reap bountifully.

That was encouraging to me. As I have been worn out especially since the new addition of my people needing care. But the Lord gave me these verses last night, and that just helped me so much, to know that my labor is not in vain. That my fatigue and sacrifice will not be forgotten by my Lord.

Anyway, I just wanted to share. Much love to you all, and especially much prayers.

Smeshque: So, so very true. If we don't plant the seeds of God's words to share with others, we don't give ourselves the opportunity to share HIS message of salvation, if only they desire to accept it. We do good work in doing sowing. That's a beautiful new Avatar, in the form of the signage you saw. Just lovely and very true. Every town needs that sign.

Your labor is never in vain, but comes back to you on hundred fold. Wait on the Lord ...

Thank you, I needed that reminder.

God is always right on time. Never ceases to amaze me.

Imagine if we all humbled ourselves and called on Jesus, looking to Heaven expecting when we prayed. That would be the rapturing faith to get us home.

Please pray for me, I am having some difficulty with feelings towards my siblings who do not care.

I am trying to make a special 80th for Mom. It is hard doing all this alone knowing there are others out there who should care.

I am just really struggling with the weight of the feelings I do not want to have about my siblings. So please pray for me. Please.

I feel so guilty for having these feelings and I am praying about it.

Smeshque, I totally understand what you are going through believe me.

Towards the end of my mom's life she and I spent a few of her birthdays just the two of us. I knew all my siblings knew when her Birthday was. I think everyone just was waiting for the next one to plan something and since I didn't feel like rounding them up (and why should have I or you for that matter) They know when your mom's b'day is.

So there we were, the two of us. Mom looking sad cause the others didn't even phone. The thing that really hurt was the fact that my younger brother (who is a real dick) would light up her face when he walked into a room. And he never lifted a finger. One day we were both visiting mom at the nursing home. I was in the washroom and heard my mom saying to him "you are the best thing that ever happened to me" To say I was hurt was an understatement. When I had done everything and he had done nothing.

I still think of these things four years after my mom's death. I know it's pointless and I pray long and hard about these things Smeshque. So don't beat yourself up too much. You are only human.

And of course I will pray for you.

Smeshque, of course.

I want to remind you that righteous anger is biblical and it is okay to feel it. It is a normal, natural emotion to the situation with your mom and siblings.

May God give you the strength to forgive them, they know not what they do.


Smeshque: I totally understand what you are going through dear lady. I am so sorry that your siblings are the way that they are. I will be praying for you. Please know that you are not alone in this mindsets of siblings. My own brother flew all the way across country (from Boston to Sacramento) when our mother lay on her death bed. I never could understand it as he left me alone. But I don't want to turn this into a me story. You may not be able to change your siblings' minds. It is imperative that you let go of the guilt because you have nothing to feel guilty about. You are the one doing the beautiful labor of love for your dear mother. You can hold your head high while they falter in insufficient doing. God sees you and the love that you are carrying through.
Huge hugs to you dear Smeshque. I'm wrapping my arms around you from afar.

Luke 23:34 Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Yes, sorry if my answer was a "me" story.

Thank you for your kind and caring words and very much for your love and support. You all are my blessing this day. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my cries. May God bless you for your sweetness.

Gershun- No sorries here, ok. It is very helpful to share our stories with one another, it makes us feel less lonely and that someone understands. I can imagine how hurt you were by that comment you heard said to your brother. I know it would sting me to the core. Thank you for the prayers.

Isthisreal- Thank you for the reassurance that my feelings are forgiveable and normal and that it is a real reason to be upset. And thank you for your prayers.

Llama- Thank you for your encouragement, I know you know how it feels as well. Thank you for your prayers. I was just having a weak moment. I do forgive them, I know the blessings they miss out on. Hugs

I am feeling better and have given it to God, (until I take it back, Isthisreal, :) )I will try not to take it back.

Today I was making out a check to pay one of AB's bills. I had not paid attention to the date probably all week. As I made it out for the 18th, I thought Oh wow it is the 18th, then yesterday was the 17th.
Yesterday was my Wedding Anniversary, only DH and I have been caught up in Mom's and AB's needs that we didn't even realize it. I told DH this evening Happy Anniversary, He said Happy Anniversary? I said Yesterday was our Anniversary. He said Oh no, I was really trying not to forget, I forget all other dates, I was really trying to make sure I didn't forget. I told Him, well if it makes you feel any better, I didn't know until I was writing a check what the date was.
So I just hugged him told him HA and we went on as usual. Oh well!
Yesterday we have been married 13 years, not comparable to many but a big thing as I did not think we would make it this far, but then we gave our lives to Jesus, and he transformed us into new and better people. We have been together 14 years, and I have known him over 20. So that's all about that.

Rough day today, but the Lord brought me through and I am thankful.

“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” 
John 1:3 
My reality now

Dearest Gershun: I did not mean to imply anyone's was a me story - other than myself. I noticed that I tend to do that ... sometimes.

Dearest Smeshque: I am glad you are feeling a little bit better tonight. God bless you.🌻🌻🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼🌼

I know I am late...Smeshque, I will pray for you my dear.🙏

That's okay Llama, I'm just overly sensitive these days and I have a tendency to turn things into my story so I know you didn't mean anything by what you said.

Sometimes I find the only way I can give advice is to think of a story where I may have experienced something similar and learned maybe something from. That's why I tell my personal experiences.

Unfortunately, my anger towards my siblings just simmers down for a while and then comes back to a boil. I guess I should just stop watching the pot. Or is it "A watched pot never boils" So then I guess I should be watching the pot?................what the heck am I even talking about. LOL

Smeshque: Happy Wedding Anniversary!❤❤❤❤

Happy anniversary, Smeshque! :)

Gershun: I turn posts often about myself to give an example. I know what you mean about being overly sensitive because I, too, have felt the same way as of recent. At some times, I think I've overstayed my welcome on the forum but then others encourage me to keep on posting. You are a long time trusted and valuable person here and are so needed. More than you'll ever know.❤❤❤

Gershun and Llama, I do the samething in hopes to 1) let the OP that I have had the same experience and have an idea what they might be going through. 2) hopefully let them know they are not alone. But like both of you I try not to turn it into a me story! Not sure if I am ever successful at it:/

Shell: I do think it is helpful to the OP to tell of one's experiences on the occasion that it may be beneficial to them. I think that sometimes it may be a story that no one has heard before. Yesterday was the first time I mentioned the words "me story" in going on 6 years now. LOL.

It's kind of scary how many me stories I have. It says something that I can relate to so much. Too much living under my belt. I wish I could relate to more of the happier stories. :P

I did make someone laugh today when I was out. That's always good.

Friends, it's not wrong tell your story in a reply, (I thought that's why we're here). Are we supposed to leave our hearts out of our replies & only give cold facts & data like a machine? I have seen many others do that, & it reads like a lecture every time...(no heart). Yes, data is helpful, & each reply contributes in its own way. But hurting people who come here, gladly read your story, because it means you heard their hearts & can console them properly. If the data machines don't like it, well they can lump it. Lol, Shalom.

Okay you've done it now. I'm going to pelt you all with continuous stories until you retch.

Let me think of a story for today. A meaningful story though.

So there is this lady that works at the local Starbucks by my place. She always seemed kind of miserable. My hubs would snap at her cause she wasn't very friendly which just in turn made her more miserable. I whispered to Hubs one day when we were in the lineup, who knows what is going on in her life, maybe she has a lot going on, she's not a bad person, just be friendly with her.

Well it worked. Every time we go in there or I go in there by myself now she is bubbly and friendly and chats. She's like my best buddy there.

So lesson learned. It may not always work but it's worth a try. Give people the benefit of the doubt and they may surprise you.

That's my "me" story for today, Aug. 21, 2019

Sweet story, Gershun

I totally agree, Tiger!

Tiger is right sharing is a great thing.

Gershun I look forward to your daily stories. Please do share. Good, Bad, Happy, Sad, whatever you feel like sharing. I love stories.

A smile, and a kind word gift that keeps on giving, and can totally change a persons day.

And thank you for the Happy Anniversaries!

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” 
Proverbs 3:5

There won't be daily stories. But if I have uplifting moments I'll share.

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