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Dearest smeshque: As a matter of fact, the staff of the retinologist said "That security guard is worthless!" I am always so overjoyed when God chooses me to avert or handle any situation!
It does mean the world to me when you say that I help you....more than you'll ever know! So thank you 100 fold! And yes, social skills are taught when a person is in their growing years, though I don't enjoy events where I'm talked about as soon as I've left or the fact that at my special number birthday event, I see a social media photo of them saying "sister time" and it doesn't include me only because I'm just a sister-in-law. As a result, I stay away from further events that could be deemed hurtful. You're so right. Just because a person steps in a house of worship or claims to be a Christian, they may be fooling only themselves.
Those Mary & Martha products are all faith-based. I loved so many of them, making 3 orders, 2 of which were large. My two friends who are reps of the company are so Godly-one is expecting baby #2 at high risk any day now!
Much love back to you, dear smeshque and hug that dear mom of yours!

LL- sounds like they need new security guard. When God chooses us to handle a situation, or "save the day" for a moment you get to be a super hero. :)
That is so unkind of the sil's. I am glad you avoid situations like that, as I hate to think of you being hurt by unkind and ungrateful people.
I do love the M&M products, its hard to narrow down choices. They are good gifts for others as well.
Will be praying for your friend expecting #2. I do hope all goes well. And I will tell others I know about the M&M products. I hope they do well.
I will give my Mom a hug, she loves hugs. I will tell her it is from you.That will bring her joy.
Joy and peace to you my dear friend.

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”
Philippians 1:6

When it comes to your aging parents, taking care of them is a blessing and an opportunity to earn paradise. When your life goal is to earn God's blessing and reward life would be much more easier to bear.

Dearest smeshque: Oh, thank you so much again for all of your inspirational and kind words. Yes, they do need a new, valid security guard! Even the doctor gave me kudos for saving the day. Yes, I avoid situations where my sisters-in-law will be there. One time my married daughter was so hurt by them because they gave her as a gift a photo of themselves and if that wasn't tasteless enough, it was in a $4 K Mart frame. She drove the hour and 20 minutes to her home in tears. They had also given me the same photo. Thank you for informing your friends about the Mary & Martha products. And thanks for the heartfelt words about my friend. She lost her first baby due to pre-eclampsia and almost her own life. The next baby was a high risk, but a successful birth. I must wrap things up fast because I will have to get to bed early tonight as I'm arising super early for a dental implant consult.

Smeshque: Thank you for telling me that you hugged your mom for me. Sorry but I must eat a light dinner and get to bed.

Smeshque: And what a wonderful scripture verse that is!

I have been of line a while and catching up. Smesh, Llama, I am wrote down all the scripture and passages and will read them. Chronicles, Deuteronomy and Pslams. I have been a witness to God's power over and over. It brings tears to my eyes how thing come to be revealed and worked out and the way its done is often amazing.

Gershen, I totally agree with you about not haveing to be in an acutal church to talk to God. I have been to some Churches that are what they preach. Havent found any lately.

Zipster, I understand your frustration. but the words about going to hell and the absence of certain religious type people is not from God. You know when he speaks. Those type of words are to confuse and control you. there is not one person on this earth who had the power to dictate who goes to hell. I am not well read as far a the bible is concerned but I am very spiritual in my heart and soul. that is just meaness. Stay strong and focused on God. I hope and pray you son finds his path. The path changes sometimes in life and at least he is aware that he needs to find his way. I wont go on and on but would like to say I am on a new path and continually pray for guidance and help and protection. I try to stay in prayer in one way or another.

tumb- You are right when pleasing God is our purpose daily, and we walk with HIM, life is more bearable.

LL-Always a blessing received when you write. So sorry they made your daughter cry, that was not nice at all. I do hope you get some rest and wake refreshed in the morning and that your consult goes well. Much love and prayers, Dear Llama(HUGS)

DD-I am so glad you will be visiting the verses, they are great nutrition for our spirit. I like to say soul food. I am glad you are on a new path and I will keep you in my prayers, that you receive the guidance you seek. You are very correct, there is no one on this earth that has the power to say who is going to hell. We have only one judge. I do hope you can find a biblical church that you may receive love and support in your path. May God bless you DD in your journey, love and prayers.(HUGS)

“Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.”
Romans 12:14

DDDuck: I, too, have to play catch up because I may appear to write as a young woman but the reality is that I am 71 years old.
I bestow many blessings on you DDDuck.

Dearest Smeshque: The reality is that I don't do mornings if at all possible. My husband used to work nights so we still keep a late schedule. To change my circadian pattern for two days in a row was hard. Thank you dear smeshque for your comforting words yet again.  You are an angel.  There should be more people like you. xoxoxo 

LL- I too have an odd schedule. Makes some days harder than others, I can relate. Hope you can get back into your routine and get rested up.

smeshque: My schedule works for me. It's when I have an earlier day that throws me off. Praises to you!

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
Psalms 19:1

LL- I was reminded of you yesterday. We were driving and we have been having terribly high winds. As we drove their was a little fire starting on the side of the road. Looked like maybe someone had threw out a cigarette. I thought of you, we were going to go tend to it when some others had stopped before we could get back around. But, so glad we all spotted it.
Made me think of your fire devastation you stopped. :)
There has been so many fires around the state, and these high winds have been not helping. The Lord sent some rain today that I am hoping helped the fighters, and just praying no one gets hurt. This evening outdoors was so smoky as the wind is blowing it in. Hope they get all the fires under control. Bad thing.
But hey, You got to stop one. You are a fire extinguisher. :)
Always in my prayers.

smeshque: That is indeed ironic that you also averted what could have been a blaze! We, too, have had strong winds, which simply adds fuel to fire. You, also, are a firw extinguisher!

I can't find the thread I was on. It was about how to be able to move someone who has very limited mobility. Someone had suggested the Cloud lift chair/bed and said it was wonderful. It sounded like just what we needed so
I ordered it and it is wonderful. I did not want to put Mom in a facility but I was
so overwhelmed with not being able to manage her. This chair helps her get up out of the chair, then I can assist her to the commode beside the chair. Then I can use my homemade harness to lift her up from the commode and return to the chair. The lift chair gets her sat again. From that position she can go into the bed position (I had to have help to program the bed position). The only time I have to have someone else help is to use a drawsheet to get her in the right place and turn her to sleep on her side at night. She is on hospice so we do not have to worry about the side effects of sleeping in the chair. I am so thankful for this sight and the wonderful idea that has kept my mom at home. I think we
can keep her the rest of her journey in that chair. It has massage and heat to
help her be comfortable. The cost was less than 1 month at a facility so it was
a bargain. God has used someone on this sight to bless my Mom. Thank you
to that angel.

That is wonderful marymerry. I am so glad someone was used here to give you a blessed answer. Hopefully whoever was the bearer will recognize and let you know. I will be praying for you through the rest of your journey. It is a true labor of love what you are doing. May God bless you with your needs.

Looked it up and I believe the person who suggested it was dbcatz.
 and the topic of the thread was :Any advice getting Mom in and out of bed who is having trouble.

Jeremiah 23:29 - [Is] not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer [that] breaketh the rock in pieces?

Psalms 104:4 - Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:

Great verses, my dear LL.
Had two very good sermons today. One on what is your treasure., and lay up your treasures in Heaven, not on earth. The other was nothing is impossible with God.
Its amazing to think if we could just have faith as a grain of mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible to us. It shows that even as much faith as we have, it is only a little bit, and like a certain person in scripture, we should ask God to increase our faith.
Much love and prayers to and for you.

Dearest smeshque: Oh, I am so glad that you got glory out of those sermons. My friend is going to get induced Wed. A. M. if she makes it that far. She has never gone past 38 weeks. Now she is at 38 and 5 days! I have another friend who is a mother of 6, with baby # 5 being a special needs infant. She gets glory from God each and every day and posts of blog on Baby Faith and never errs! Truly amazing!
I wish you and your mom a blessed evening!

I will be praying for your friend, both of them. I hope she has a healthy baby, and that she makes it through ok.
My Mom had 6 , the oldest was special needs. So I know first hand the amount of work and the labor of love that goes into that. Your friend is a good woman, as is my Mom. My oldest brother wasn't supposed to live past 6, but she took care of him for almost 50 years before the Lord took him. He was such a blessing.

Oh, thank you so much! Yes, each of these 2 friends are Godly women. The mother of 6 is Supergirl! She may have to move out of this state as debts are so high for a special needs child and all of them can't be covered.
Your mom was Superwoman, too, with 6, one of them being special needs! God bless her!

Thats unfortunate that she may have to move. But if she does I hope she finds a good place.

1 Corinthians 2:9 - But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Oh, what a glorious scripture verse, smeshque! Without any doubt, my friend will prevail even if she has to take her family of 8 to another state. Thank you for your concern about her; I appreciate it.

Hebrews 13:6
So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" (NIV)

LL-With a friend like you as support, she will be fine anywhere.
Are we not blessed to have the Lord as our helper. And there is no fear in the Lord.

smeshque: My friend had her baby at 10:00 P. M. successfully last night. A second boy. All good.

LL_ Yay! that is wonderful, praise the Lord. Hope Mom and Baby are home soon to begin their new journey. Such a wonderful blessing. SO happy it all went well.
Psalms 127:3 
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

Oh, smeshque, thank you SO much. You're a blessing to all to whom you write words of wisdom. Not sure if they're home as of yet, but a friend came in to help her from 5 states away!

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