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Well, that's the thing, Dorker. If this was a high voltage electricity supply it ought to have been made extremely conspicuous, and I would have thought it was the supply company's responsibility to make sure of that. They can't just leave these things lying about looking like old bits of vine, after all. So that's the question I had in mind - how visible was this thing?

Add me to the list of people surprised that a cardiologist doesn't care about edema from congestive HEART failure!

"Long and short, one of the insurances involved has denied any culpability in it all, and lawsuits have now commenced. The boy's health .. not progressing as they would like, with some of his injuries."

I thought this might happen. The equipment (bucket truck) manufacturer probably has in its manual that it's not to be used by anyone under age 18. And the homeowners insurance could deny coverage because the equipment was being used counter to instructions. The equipment manual could also say to not use in the vicinity of power lines.

So are the two families still friends? Is the young man still in the trauma center? I feel so badly for him...he should be getting ready to start his (senior?) year of high school, and here he is with these grievous injuries and a forever-changed life.

Re Cardio. I'm fascinated by this because my cardiologist spends a full 5 minutes which each of my ankles and I DON'T have CHF. He also does a sonogram of each leg. I guess I though this was pretty standard for (ahem) elderly patients.

Surprising to me too, that the cardio doc didn't gander at the ankles/feet ..

But I can only surmise, .. maybe it's all lost cause ..???... I don't know. Either that are they are incompetent. Neither of which I have any control over.

Lord knows I've tried to get her to agree to a change in PCP .. and go with home healthcare and that went no where. I'm not about to climb that mountain, "I'm not so sure that's a real competent cardio doc there MIL .. maybe we should look at changing that".

Not gonna go there.

As to the boy and the injuries there and that situation. Yes they are still friends, all of them, .. as much as can be in these types of things. I'm sure things will grow more tense on that front .. I'd be surprised if they don't.

In fact, .. my brother sees them routinely in visits to the hospital. He was, in fact, blindsided by this lawsuit that has now commenced. I guess he'd thought, since they were friends . he'd be tipped off .. not so.

I guess when he questioned the dad .. the dad's response was (and I don't know enough about legalities to know the ins and outs of it all) the response from the kid's dad was something akin to, "it's not personal .. it's just to get at the insurances". Is that the truth? I dunno. Is that all there is to this? I dunno ..

I do know that my brother had a lengthy convo with his atty ..and the long and short of that, were some questions on his behalf of whether they "Can" go after him and his wife personally. Answer there, yes . they can, .. sans the primary residence, which is off limits and retirement funding, off limits, .. any other assets yes .. they can .. it's all fair game. Will they? Remains unanswered. As was said to my brother, .. comparatively speaking .. the astronomical catastrophic level of injury here, .. vs the peanuts they'd get .. personally from you ... will they?, .. who knows. But yes, they can .. if they want to.

I don't know enough about how all this stuff works.

Why does one have to "sue" to get at the insurances? I dunno. Do they? I dunno .. is that what's at the crux of all this? I don't know.

It was the Work Comp that denied it, not the HO policy. The work comp denied the claim .. and at least to my rudimentary understanding they have grounds to have done so .. and so suing them .. I don't know .. what do I know. Much sharper minds than mine at work in all this.

The HO policy did tender their offer, .. but it was rejected .. as suit has been formally filed. Why reject the offer of the HO Policy because suit has been filed? I don't get that. The limits of the policy are the limits .. nothing more .. why reject that offer. Way higher than my pay grade here.

Did the lift bucket come with big flashing neon signs on it that said, "not to be used near power lines", "not for use by minors". I don't know. If it doesn't .. does that make them negligible in all this .. or at least contributory to it .. I don't know, seems like it could. Maybe that too will become part of it all.

The story on the front with the young man .. he is no longer in the trauma unit, has a separate room now, and is able to go in and out some in a wheelchair and does so. Tensions growing in the situation (understandably so) . the kid chomping at the bit at this point to get on with it, the prosthesis that will be in order, the PT, etc. But that isn't to be until wounds healed, .. skin grafts .. and so he is upset and antsy.

What was formerly sort of a setting where everyone was so grateful he's alive .. evolved now .. more tense (predictable) .. the grind and gruel, of the order of the day as to what's to come, life as it will now be known .. brings about more tension in the environment than had been formerly the case.

It's a tough situation and one that weighs heavily on me, of course for the poor kid and his life now forever altered horribly, also for my brother and his wife.

My Primary Care Dr looks and presses on my ankles every time I am there. Whether it be for my 6 month checkup or a Sinus Infection. And NO I do not have attractive ankles.

My daughter calls them cankles. I prefer to think my big shin muscle wraps around the front of my ankle making it look not too feminine. LoL

I have no heart problems. No high blood pressure.

Sounds like Cardio is a bad Doc or what good would it do to look and suggest when MIL is not med compliant. Puzzling.

I do hope the trip to IL does happen so that you can decompress from this mess.

I think it's very much the case, why bother, not med compliant. Been proven time and again.

I've been there with her so many times and that the issue. And it goes round and round and round it goes, and where it stops everybody knows, .. she's not gonna comply.

Like was said before, someone needs to stand there, .. stopwatch in hand, as to pills and make sure they're consumed, then be at the ready to assist to the bathroom .. more care.

Why bother.

It has gone the gamut .. you guys know the drill. Them counseling/encouraging, cautioning .. on why those are important and what they do for her (Lasix) .. and then her rebutting that it's too hard to get up and down and around to go to the bathroom, and them countering with Adult Diaper dialogue as well as support hose .. and that is declined by MIL.

Round and round it has gone, continually. I don't blame them for not going there .. what a waste of their valuable time.

Yes, that's their job .. to go round and round and round. But .. I can see why they wouldn't.

Same thing with the Gabapentin .. them looking thru her rx's she brought with her (happens that is rx'd by primary care, so advised to seek refill there) .. but . them looking at it .. and the vial full, untaken pills .. and the rx' .. more than a year old, and MIL readily admitting she doesn't take them .. but yet in the same sentence, "But yes I need something for this Neuropathy".

Counseled, urged/cautioned, etc .. why we should be taking that. Will she?

Likely not . unless someone stands there to direct.

She isn't med compliant. Period. She does, seemingly, take her Eliquis. Not sure why that one is taken routinely .. I guess there aren't any ill side effects ..??... I don't know. I haven't asked her.

The doctor is not at fault here, not one iota. He knows this patient, he NO DOUBT knows that she is full on non-compliant and a liar to boot. Why raise HIS BP over something he'd addressed probably 50 times?

Why would the cardio doc look at legs he full well knows are a mess? What's the point of MIL even GOING to the doctors she goes to? She does what she wants, she lies to their faces, they aren't stupid, love of heaven, does she really feel she's pulling a fast one on them? She's 100% non compliant and he knows it. Fussing her is pointless.

Ah well, she'll be leaving soon. I hope, Dorker, that you can pull back and not even think about her while she gone. Leave that stew of gross undies right where they are..SIL needs a little shock therapy.

You know full well that MIL will be back as soon as humanly possible. Nothing will change. She'll probably be in a little better shape since SIL will manhandle her into PT and she'll have eaten better, but as soon as her feet get inside her own home, things will start to fall apart again.

Sadly, I think we all know that no matter what anyone (besides MIL and SIL) say or do, MIL is going to get her own way, now and in the end.

Time, Dorker, for you to decide if you want to 'keep on keeping on' with care. If you do, then do it with a 'happy heart', not out of anger towards everyone involved. I can no longer care for my mother with a good attitude--so I am out of the picture and I am simply her daughter who calls or sees her once a month. Her life is not worse, nor better b/c of my absence.

Remember--a fine line between service and servitude.

Dorker, I think you are off the hook for the foreseeable future, yes? SIL is flying in next Thursday, correct? So you can skip going to see MIL that day.

I think we should plan for a cyberparty on Aug 23, the day that MIL finally leaves town with SIL.

Regarding the ankles.

My my mom had CHF. Not too bad said her doctor but enough to put her on Lasix. Just two tablets a day but my mother had become terrible at taking her daily meds. The same
meds that I filled into her daily reminder box faithfully every Friday. After a while I discovered mom was flushing her meds down the toilet. One day I was visiting and low and behold- there they were at the bottom of the toilet bowl... seems she forgot to flush. That was a fun moment for me. But that’s another story...


The odd thing was - as expected, once my mom was in the NH and someone was standing over her, handing her the meds and ensuring she take them - her ankle swelling soon went away. And yes, we’re talking ankles roughly the same size as her thighs nearly - no real definition from her top of leg to bottom, and flip-flops being her “shoe” of choice as that’s all she could squeeze her feet into.

Thats not the odd part -

The odd part was that once my
mother was on hospice and the Lasix was discontinued - nothing happened. I had expected to see her ankles swell back up. But nope. Once it was under control AND my mother was spending a lot of her day in her recliner with her feet up and she was eating an appropriate diet - sans salt - her ankles remained unpuffed.

Who would have thunk it? The whole following doctors orders thing..? Huh.

p.s. I think it’s all together possible that with consistent care and attention - plus PT - mil could return from SILs in much, much better shape than she arrived. Now, us sane folk would see this as evidence that mil can not live unsupervised. But I’m afraid sil won’t interrupt it as the same. Nope. But that thinking is borrowing trouble - for now.

Rainmom, I had one of those moments last year. Cardio doc dx'ed mild support sox due to venous insufficiency. Ordered them. Wore them once . Stopped.

A year later, getting dressed the morning of my cardio appointment, pit on those annoying sox. Got to the appointment after work and realized that my feet didn't hurt.

Mentioned this in wonderment to doc (he rolled his eyes at me) and sonogram tech lady who explained "When the blood doesn't pool, your feet don't hurt!".

Compliance. Amazing concept!

One can maybe glean a slither of hope in a little exchange that occurred yesterday at doc office, if one cares to allow themselves any hope.

The doc asked how long is she staying with her daughter in IL. She answered: "Well a few months is what they tell me, I hope".

She then added:

".............and then they are to bring me back here and then they will stay here a while .. that's what the plan is supposed to be".

Now ................. is MIL accurate there? Is that indeed "the plan". Or is SIL going to deposit her here, .. and off she'll go again. I don't know. Is that any surprise to any of us. Nobody talks to anybody. I don't know what "the plan" is.

That "plan" if it is one and it's accurate, makes a lot more sense to me than anything else that has transpired. Is SIL now at a page in all this with some realization that the day has come .. we want to allow mother to stay in her home, and so what will need to happen henceforth .. she will not be living alone any longer. That will mean we'll kinda jockey back and forth .. and she with us in IL at times, and vice versa, until the day we can't do that anymore.

Is that the plan? I don't know.

Makes more sense, for these folks who are so sold in allowing her to not have to leave her home.

And if that's the case, then .. going forward .. one can maybe entertain the notion of redefining some boundaries .. if needed. Not fair it should all be on SIL, solely, here forward .. all the time, amen.

I don't know what that would look like, .. I haven't been down this road .. but .. I am "reasonable". If it's a matter that MIL is accurate in what she imparted to the physician yesterday .. then .. it would appear that SIL has come to that realization (though nobody has sent a memo on it). And so redefining some boundaries around how that all works, would be in order.

I wish these folks would all talk to one another, so that some strategies can be enacted. But nope.

Is MIL out to lunch and the above not at all anything that will transpire? I don't know. If not .. if she's to be deposited back in FL .. and on her own .. then .. going forward, what will my participation be, and willingly and not with resentment.

Good question.

I am looking forward to, some decompression in all this, with MIL being out of sight .. and out of mind, at least some. I haven't had that folks. Yes, .. it's been years and years .. of always "on", as to what might happen next, as to need.

Yes, I've been able to back away from the steppin and fetchin .. and that's been a Godsend .. but it hasn't negated the "need" that still exists. Need that isn't on me any longer to step to, but the "need" is still there, ever present, and at times acutely so. Been this way for years.

I haven't lived what SIL has been afforded. She has been able to go home to IL and live her life .. and at least for a while, .. designate on this end .. what was to be done and by whom (me) and how it's done and where, etc etc. And then go on with her life .. and live it as she pleases. I haven't been given that . not in a long long time. Yes, .. I released all the steppin and fetchin .. I did do that. But because of my makeup and who I am, .. it didn't "release" emotionally. I still, ever-aware .. of all the "need". No power to change any of it, it still there.

I'm looking forward to some "time" to be able to reflect and examine some of it .. and it would be helpful if I knew of any plans as we go forward, I don't.

Interesting to me to note .. in some conversation with MIL. I did say to her, "Oh I think it will be great, you can go "enjoy" your daughter, in her home .. and ya know when she comes here, she's running all the time, you know she is so busy when she comes here, she doesn't stop .. and you've said yourself ....


"You've said yourself that she's no one you can enjoy anymore, always the task master. Maybe once you get settled on her end, .. maybe you and she can enjoy one another again, and spend some quality time together".

That was met with, hesitation on MIL's part and a sigh and then: " really think that's how it's gonna be huh?".

Me: "Well I would hope so. We know you don't enjoy her when she's here, .. that's for sure .. she's too busy when she's here, when you are in her home she won't be here attending to all she does when she's here".

MIL: "Oh I don't know, she seems to stay pretty damn busy all the time, between those dogs she helps her daughter with, and her husband and their household .. she .. she's just a busy person .. I don't know".

((In other words, .. her daughter .. not one to stop and smell the roses, ever. And that is very true of her daughter. Very much so))

Do I think that her daughter will find time to carve out any enjoyment in that setting. My thoughts... her mom right now, far too compromised to enjoy much. She's so weak .. just getting dressed is a chore almost insurmountable for her. Is it possible, that thru some med compliance and some PT .. maybe some of that can improve and she'd find herself able to dress for the day without being completely spent .. and even better, able to get into the car and make her way to a lunch destination and maybe even a movie. That would be my hope. Absolutely.

And the ONLY HOPE there is of that ever being able to transpire is in the setting at SIL's house, if even there, with all SIL's busyness.

If even there ..

I know that it doesn't occur here. SIL breezes into town generally speaking, every few months and by then, there are 400 things to see to, some necessary some completely superfluous . and SIL runs like a house-afire the entire duration and so thus .. "she's no one you can enjoy anymore". Very accurate.

I don't argue the finer points of it all with MIL, she doesn't see it, isn't gonna. "But MIL .. you are so so compromised, look .. just even getting dressed .. just that, is more than you can do on most days .. even that and you're worn out and ready to go back to bed .. don't you see it .. if you'll just go there and with a happy heart .. it's going to be so much better .. first off, .. your meds .. those will be given to you, and someone to hound you relentlessly til you consume them .. that in and of itself will help. But beyond that, .. you can be driven to PT a few times weekly which we all know is going to strengthen you .. and that stamina that you're so lacking .. it will improve some, don't you see it".

Pointless. She, .. if the above was said, would agree .. "well you're right, I'm just a prisoner here in this house and that's not healthy".

Only to then revert to the same ole same ole, of "I just don't think all this is necessary .. my house is perfect for me, .. I'm just fine right here, me and poochy". Same ole!

I don't go there any longer.

It's my hope that with some more attentive care .. she will see that she feels better .. maybe enough so that there can be a slice of enjoyment somewhere in her life. There certainly isn't much in the present setting, if any.

Will her daughter stop and "enjoy" life .. ??....

Out of my control.

Will MIL get up there and begin with mouthing off about her husband. Very well could happen, yes. BUT SIL .. of all people .. patient to a fault, to her own detriment patient.

This morning a fine example of SIL's patience. I get a text from her, "oh dear, mom forgot to ask you to run by the vet yesterday for her dog treats, shes' out of them".

Answer to that text: "Wish ya luck, . not on my radar to stop at the vet today or back to Pleasant Lane and MIL's home".

Were that me, I'd of come undone. Too damn bad, she should've had it on the list. Will have to wait.

Next, a text that neighbor across the way will do it.

Wonder if she actually thought you would drop what you were doing and run out for dog treats yesterday.

xena, I don't even know if it was MIL behind the "oops I forgot to tell Dorker that we need to run by the vet for the specialty dog treats".

She might've mentioned it to her daughter, and that's where it stopped, nothing more.

Her daughter the micro-manager then afoot with the whole .. "Oh me oh my .. well we must get someone on that and have that dispensed with immediately".

I would just about bet that's how it went.

I never heard from MIL on the task, only SIL.

Had I then said, "oh dear, let me rush right out and get that handled, no problem".

Would've suited her, just fine. Task dispensed with.


Whatever. As far as I'm concerned, it'd have to wait. The dog .. IMO .. can use to go without "treats" for a few days .. he'd live.

About to be "not my problem".

Ah, Dorker, you're getting there!

There are two "disturbances" in the Atlantic. Wouldn't it be poetic justice if one of them arrives while SIL is in Florida and she has to ride it out with MIL at her house without electricity?

I saw that Realtime. Thought the same thing.

Yup, just might have waited a bit too long, Duh!

Dorker can leave town, and MIL and SIL can come to stay with H for the duration. Then the three of them can finally do the communicating they haven't managed to do otherwise! ☔

It’s pretty ironic, isn’t it? That it would take the three of them trapped together in the same house due to a hurricane to get them to be together for any length of

But actually communicating? Talking about what’s important - in the literal face of it smacking them upside their heads..? Wishful thinking, I’m betting. I think they’d still find a way to dodge the elephant.

cttn55 - THAT would be AWESOME! More than anything, it would be great if DH could actually SEE what is involved in taking care of MIL.

Last I heard it's supposed to dissipate and no threat to the U.S.

Suits me fine.

But yes ... that would have been really interesting. Dorker heading for higher ground and the 3 of them wading thru it all together.

Oh well.

We're gunna have the twin 1 yo's for the day and into the evening. Off to eat my Wheaties. Gunna need em.

If MIL keeps playing “ciproflaxin roulette,” she’s going to end up with c-diff. If she doesn’t have it already.

My father died from c-diff. Mil would probably have to be isolated in the hospital if she got it.

Not to imply Dorker should do anything,..,just passing info along ....
Was having dinner with a friend who works for an international company. He said on all flights lasting more than four hours his company requires all employees (regardless of age) to wear compression hose. This to avoid DVT.
So probably a good idea for MIL to wear those on the flight. I know she wouldn’t wear them before on a daily basis but perhaps for the flight she would.
Of course, they will be more difficult for SIL to get on MIL if MIL doesn’t get the fluid off first. She might practice a few days in advance. Might be helpful since she won’t be taking the diuretic on travel day.
Also friend said that the hose helps recovery from jet lag.

SIL mentioned, after the fact, concern about flight and edema. I thought that to be kind of a ridiculous thing to concern yourself with for what equates to a direct non stop 2 1/2 hour or so flight.

Maybe not?

She said she was going to phone cardio doc to inquire.

Support hose, sounds like a good approach. But she won't do it in sure.

Sheesh. I know you all here get it, very clearly. But just .... all the more reason MIL needs badly to give us all a break.

The following occurrence today... in and of itself singularly would be no big deal. But it's the composite of the whole picture. Enough to drive you off the edge.

So it goes like this. We had the 1 yo twins today so DD and her husband could take their 4 yo for one last hoorah of summer fun at a amusement park a few hours away. School starts Monday.

So they took off .. headed that way. Got there maybe about noon to a driving thunderstorm in process and park closed... at least til lightning ceases. So throngs/crowds of people huddled anywhere there was shelter.

DD notices her phone blowing up ... sees it's her g'ma but chooses to ignore as she's shoved in like cattle in the safety of some cover from a thunderstorm ongoing.

Phone keeps blowing up.

She figures it must be important. Checks the voice mail. Message from her g'ma requesting a return phone call... that it's 'urgent.

She steps away now from the hoarded of humanity huddled together avoiding the storm... so she can hear .. otherwise too noisy.

She reaches her g'ma ... and accdg to DD spends 10 mins trying to get a word in edge wise to let her g'ma know she is at an out of town amusement park in a driving thunderstorm ... only to not successfully achieve being able to say a word ...and her g'ma calling her on the carpet because she's so hard to reach (she is hard to reach ... unless you text ... she doesn't do phone calls real well .. usually a kid at her elbow or on her hip). If you text ...she's generally pretty responsive. MIL doesn't text.

Sounds like MIL so busy berating her that she's impossible to reach ... she didn't come up for air for DD to say anything and DD now supremely frustrated.

What was so 'urgent'.

She'll be leaving with her daughter for IL on 8/23 .. wants to donate the contents of her fridge/freezer to DD and family.


THIS was so urgent?!?!

So urgent in fact DD wasn't able to even talk at all and so annoyed (DD is sick of hearing this from her g'ma's her go to ...the g'ma).

DD said she was frustrated... hot... shoved in with throngs of folks and REALLY REALLLY failing to see how this is "urgent".

She just hung up on MIL

Said "she wouldn't let me say anything ...she was off on this tangent about how she can never get me ... and then off to the races to tell me about foods she wants me to get TWO WEEKS from now ....but BY GOD I have to hear this right now ... in a driving thunderstorm.... I was Pizzed!!!! I just hung up on her. I'll just tell her later the connection was bad ... but chit I'm tired of hearing how hard I am to reach. I have what's called A LIFE DAMNIT!!!!!"

Yes MIL needs to go to IL for a while. We all need a break.

I don't think she hears good ... so .... specifically on the phone... it's ALL one sided ... her off to the races talking and she doesn't hear you trying to talk...nor does she stop for the give and take and ebb and flow of conversation. It's frustrating.

And at least in this instance ... and there are others ... what is "urgent" to her ... she who has nothing else to do .... is usually NOT urgent to the other party. But that doesn't stop her.... off she goes ...non stop talking .. no coming up for air.

She needs to go. We all need a break.

"She'll be leaving with her daughter for IL on 8/23 .. wants to donate the contents of her fridge/freezer to DD and family."

Be happy, as this is a further indication that the trip really will happen!

I hope D was just unloading to you her frustration regarding MIl's calls, because this is not your issue to fix with MIL. But I think you know that.

4 more days until SIL arrives and you can put MIL out of your mind for quite a while!

No, I"m sure there is no expectation that I would somehow address any of it. It was just commiserating more than anything else. We've all experienced it in MIL, .. she calls, you hate to even pick up the phone. 1) you're now stuck on the phone with someone who has nothing else to do, but hang on the phone, while you certainly don't live that life .. you have plenty to do. 2) She will be off and running with whatever is on her radar, and any chance at all for you to say to her, "oh man, let me call you back, I'm right in the middle of putting out a fire here in my kitchen, I mean it, it's bad, let me go", not gonna happen. She doesn't hear your end of things, she's off and gone .. yak yak yak yak .. we've all experienced it. Probably so have plenty of other folks that deal with elderly in their life.

Singularly, .. it would be a minor annoyance, .. nothing more. But .. it's certainly only one aspect of many frustrations with it all, too many.

Got another text from SIL (which has been ignored, she has a brother, she can address him w/it all if she likes, or not).

She, I guess, .. stressing .. here she has these workers that will commence this week, then she departs for here, . I guess the work ongoing, some of it, in her absence, which is worrisome to her (Her husband will be there in IL, but I don't think she holds a lot of confidence that he can "handle things" .. not as well as she can, justified or not, who knows).

So the above a stress. Then, she's also got the handymen coming and going to outfit her house, grab bars, .. etc. So she's got that stress.

The 3 doggies she's caring for, one on it's last leg with some leg issues and breathing issues.

She'd forgotten to have us address (she was on the phone, on video conference, she could've done so, but forgot I suppose) .. to ask whether flying will present problems with regard to edema .. and what should be done. Forgot to ask, .. should MIL be upping her dose of Lasix .. since she seems so plagued with the edema (NO, SIL .. she needs to take what they rx, ................. but she doesn't, .. she plays fast and loose with it all, that's the problem, but I'm so done covering this ground).

Says she will put in a call to cardio doc office, where we just went for her appt. You do that!

Says that she has an appt for MIL to see the PCP .. for her refills of Gabapentin (again, you do that .. she doesn't take it, but whatever). Refills on the Cipro .. that she shouldn't also be playing fast and loose with, but you go, you do that.

That she has an appt also on that same day for Poochy to be seen at the vet, .. that he needs more of his shots (I don't recall precisely but seems like every time she comes here, he needs "more shots". I'm not sure about a vet that doesn't do all the immunizations at one yearly visit for same, but whatever).

An appt the next day for poochy to be groomed before they depart (I guess they don't have groomers in IL .. and this is so very pressing because .... what ...??? has to look his best for plane ride, ...???.....).

Follows all the above with, "I'm just so stressed out with it all, .. I sure hope I have time to even get her organized and packed in the short week I'll be there".

Okay .. I didn't respond at all. I'm not sure if the above, or some of it, maybe a prompt for me to take the ball and run with it, on at least some of what is to be seen to here on this end.

But no.

First off, she has a brother, she can run all this past him. If she feels that Poochy needs to be groomed, maybe her brother would care to take up that superfluous task (she's so good at creating things that need to be done, this .. to me .. isn't one of em).

Okay so she's stressed out that they handy men are to come, grab bars, etc. for prep for MIL's stay there. I dunno .. but .. uh . .. weren't you supposed to have taken her there back in April, wan't that the plan ..


Wasn't the plan that she was supposed to have been taken back in the spring, .. I mean you'd put it off, because "We certainly can't bring her here in the dead of winter", so spring was the target. Ahh, but that was put off, because now there is "Team MIL" in place. So, the grab bars and such, ... they've been put off from that time, til now, why? You flew home without your mom back in April, .... knowing full well, that hurricane season would be the next crux as to when she departs here. That was what ... 4 months ago? And now, there's all this stress, .. because we're down to the wire here, and the handy men coming and going .. for such things. You've had 4 months, ... did you think that somehow it would all gets shelved? And it didn't. I dunno.

So you're stressed .. the workers there as to the basement deal . and you don't have much confidence in your husband .. so where's that daughter of yours that leans on you every weekend and then some, as to her dogs. Maybe she'd be a little more attentive to look after such in your absence. I dunno, just sayin...

So you're stressed that the dog has to get in for more immunizations. In my opinion, you need to be asking that vet, .. I was there at so and so date, for immunizations, why weren't they all done at that time?

You're stressed that MIL has to get to PCP to make sure there are refills on Gabapentin she doesn't take .. and Cipro ... oh well, .. deal with it, you've known this date was approaching and I even asked you .. way back when, if you'd like for me and DH to take the wheel here and get her situated and packed and fly her up there, and you declined, saying it would be so stressful for her, .. and there will be tears, .. and you feel you need to handle it. So .. handle it!

Little patience at this point.

I know the countdown is on, ,.. mere days and she will be here, and then it will be the fire drill of all she has to attend to, . to get this thing in motion. All while, her mom (she reports) so stressed out and not wanting to do this.

Oh well .............

Talk to your brother about it.

There was no response from me.

Dorker, make sure DD tells her DAD about the phone call from MIL; not your problem.

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