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Is a chitapalooza anything like a cluster fornication?

I suggest that extra muu muu for after the incident. The tsa has a problem with people wearing baggy or bulky clothing and that would just be the last straw, for MIL to get flagged for a patdown.

I for one hope you keep reading SIL's texts and will let us know what happens. Something of a warning to those who delay too long, or think a flight with an elderly grumpster with poochie might be a good idea. Plus, this is more engrossing than any movie. We need to know the ending!

Febreze is SIL's friend....

In spite of everything, my heart goes out to SIL and MIL as they prepare for a difficult journey. Imagine the anxiety they must both feel about the trip tomorrow. Imagine the sorrow and helplessness MIL must feel, suspecting, as she does by now, that she may not see her own home again.


I wonder if a jumper type dress with a belt, scarf or sash around the middle so that it doesn't look like she is trying to hide anything.

I feel for them too. Prayers that everything will go smoothly.

Am I the only one that thinks this is just plain rude on SIL's part.

The last time she breezed thru town with her royal son and his brood ... for what amounted to a long weekend, L (church lady) tried to find a workable time to stop in and meet this all important daughter of MIL's.

Wasn't to be, far too short a visit. No time available to accommodate that request.

FF to now, here to pack up and organize her mom and extricate her from here.

Again, trying to find a time that's suitable. Nope. No time.

I was at church this evening where L was actually kinda surprised that "leave date" is tomorrow. L had apparently thought SIL would be here longer.

When she learned this .. she implored me to ask if they'd mind just a short stop to meet and say hi, this evening before MIL departs.

I did so. Answer no. She'd helped her mom shower, set her hair for her and that activity had wiped her mom out. That she too .. pretty spent from all she's had to do. So, no ...guesses it will have to wait til they return in December.

I could tell this was disappointing to L who has tried to be helpful in whatever way possible.

All I could do was apologize on their behalf.

But I'm kinda miffed. I think it's rude. The very people your mom has depended on for a life line and you can't make 10/15 mins to be cordial.

Just rude!!!

I can see both sides of the coin. On the one hand, yes, it does appear a bit unappreciative on SIL's part, especially since L has been of help to MIL, and I don't blame you for being a bit aggravated.

But, as a person who loathes, and I do mean loathes, last minute visits and surprises when it comes to visitors (have had my BIL's family of 5 show up on my door step unannounced 3 days before Christmas in the past), I can see how perhaps SIL may have been caught off guard and refused, especially if she was in pajamas, no makeup, hadn't showered, the house was a mess, etc.

Plus, it sounds like SIL barely sits down for 2 seconds as it is. Look at all the trouble and frustration you went through trying to get her to sit down face to face with you awhile back to talk about MIL.

Maybe you and DH can send L a nice card on MIL's behalf with a gift certificate or something expressing appreciation for helping with MIL.

Guess sil has never heard that old saying about burning bridges...

Point is ...L doesn't wait til the last minute. She's in the loop for the most part. Puts in a call at the beginning of SIL visit... requests a few mins .... would like to come by at their convenience.

It's always "oh me oh my ... I'm so busy"

Same song and dance I got forever. Just shows a lack of appreciation and gratitude IMO.

Oh well. Broad scheme of things, not gunna loose sleep over this one.

Does further my view that SIL is all about scorched earth approach as to any need on behalf of her mom...she'll bug the pope if that's what she has to do.

But she can't be bothered to be cordial and polite and reciprocal.

Just rude.

"So, no ...guesses it will have to wait til they return in December."

Uh - I think it is this part that would annoy me the most... Does SIL not even consider the idea that this plan may very well not be feasible whatsoever? That this could be the final farewell for MIL to many Florida friends or even relatives?

Sorry, no, but lovely Church Lady wouldn't make it onto my To Do list. Not because she isn't lovely, but because even a short visit does not contribute to getting MIL on that plane. Stick to the project.

You could suggest MIL send LCL a nice post card when she's settled in at SIL's, perhaps.

SIL is a user, isn't she? I'm still puzzled over how she can expect people like the housekeeper to drop what they are doing (with her granddaughter at the pool) to go and pick up Poochy's DOG TREATS. Does SIL have no sense of what's important and what isn't?

And even MIL asked L to pick up dog food or treats one time, yes? No sense of what's a priority and what isn't. (As far as I'm concerned, that dog would NEVER be a priority.)

But then again, didn't the new pastor and his wife drop by MIL's and stay for HOURS? That was pretty inconsiderate. Supposedly that WAS on the calendar, but completely forgotten by MIL?

I like the idea of sending L a postcard once she's in IL (and I still thrill to read or write these words!!!).

Tick, tick, tick ...

Tick-tock indeed.

And CM: Yes, and we don't consider negotiation with the hired pressure washer person .. much of a project that furthers getting MIL onto the plane either. But there was time for that, right?

Or for that matter, grooming for Poochy.


Yes, I'm to head over that way here shortly .. text from SIL last night. "If you could come earlier .. so you can help me keep this ole lady moving".

Indeed. One does have to prod her along, and keep doing so, repeatedly.

My sentiments this morning? First and foremost, I hope/hope/hope, please let there be no drama. I don't do the whole tears and dread and drama thing. Can I not muster any sympathy for the fact that MIL may be cognizant enough that she too realizes .. as she said the other day "I will never see this place again, I won't make it back here", can I not muster an ounce of sympathy for that?

No, seemingly, not right now I can't.

I'm wondering if .. given some time to decompress from all this .. and some distance from the whole needy scene .. will my heart soften some? I hope so.

I guess, reflecting some at this point, I'm kinda in a place with it all, .. I've' been on this page .. long ago .. and long since come to the realization this should've occurred long before now. And some residual anger and frustration .. that hangs .. in the "dog sitting" instead of retrieving her mom. In refusals to go get a Cog assessment looked into .. in the refusal .. for so long, "she's so stubborn, what are we gonna do with her", in renewal of a DL when advised that's not wise.

Yes, I do realize .. logically .. that day has come .. move on past it Dorker .. it's here now. Celebrate, pop the cork! I get all that.

I guess, the piece where I am, presently .. I just don't want all the drama with it all. Not necessary. The realist in me, .. is well past all that .. if there ever was any .. and I see, so clearly, the necessity of all this .. and pining away for what if and, if only's .. it's all pointless. Let's move this along here.

I do feel a tinge of sorrow for SIL's husband. But when I say .. he and she both (patient to a fault) .. are the most cut out for this kinda thing .. that can possibly be, that's the absolute truth. Some people just .. I guess .. when we were all made, they got an extra heaping dose of patience. Maybe not common sense, that line ... when they were being manufactured, .. these folks .. they skipped it .. but patience .. they got an extra heaping dose of it.

Myself, I guess when I was being manufactured, I got their dose of common sense .. and maybe not as much patience.

Looking forward and pondering,... truly am .... it's been so so so long ... what will life feel like, not knowing .. always in the knowing .. that any minute a shoe could drop in that corner, and .. one needs to figure out, "oh geeze .. now we gotta go see about _____________________", or .... as has been the case for me personally, for the last several months, .. it's been one of, "oh well chit ....!!!! who is gonna step up for that, cuz it ain't gonna be me, but it's still there, no one to speak to it".

What's life gonna feel like, without that hanging on me, daily, .. hourly .. of every bit of my existence.

Folks, I can reflect back to when YD graduated high school .. that was in 2012 .. and there was a big party in her honor. That was six years ago. MIL unable to attend. Not because she was acutely ill with some malady .. she just wasn't up to outings .. even at that point .. for the most part. This has been ongoing for YEARS.

When DD got married, 2009 ................ she was "unable" to attend the rehearsal dinner, .. just wasn't up to it. Botched the whole seating the next day at the wedding, not knowing what her assignment as "gmother of the bride" should be, as to seating, etc. But the point there, .. this has been years and years.

This will be a whole other way of life that I'm unfamiliar with.


And one more thing. I do happen to think she will make it back here, barring some major fall that lands her incapacitated for good.

I think under her daughter's watchful care .. taking her meds routinely, eating nutritiously .. and even more so .. some of that much needed PT .. that SIL will be carting her to, more than 1 x per week ....

She will see herself .. improved in health and standing. I do see that as a real probability.

One never knows, of course .. she could meet her cloud in her sleep .. tomorrow or next month or whatever. But ... barring some calamity .. I see her .. (as much as an almost 90 yo can be) strengthened and somewhat healthier .. and very much so able to return here by xmas. And in better shape than she's been for a long while.

I won't borrow worries for now, but that part does cause me some concern. Only because I've seen it far too frequently with SIL. Of course your mother is doing better, look what all you do for her, that she doesn't do when you aren't around ... and off she goes. Thus, the concern, she'd deposit her back here, and off she'd go .. again.

I can hear it now, already .. "Oh she's doing so much better now, she's been with me for months and she knows she has to take her meds, .. and she has to eat those MOW's .. and she did all that PT .. and that helped her, she's doing so much better now, she'll be fine".

I can hear it.

I will, .. be making my point clear, I will not be doing Dorker Thursdays anymore, "clearly she can no longer live alone".

You can't sell me .. anymore .. on the whole "she'll be fine thing". Not buying it.

She's not fine, hasn't been fine ..

So .. deposit her if you will, back in FL .. but .. don't look in the direction of Dorker Thursdays .. not gonna happen.

SIL did say ... they'd be coming back here at xmas .. and her words, "we'll be staying here .. and then I just .. I can't even think past it all, it just gets too overwhelming .. I don't know what we do .. April .. whatever .. I just can't think that far ahead".

So I guess, rudimentarily at least (but she's known to change course, and reality .. lost on her) .. "the plan" commences, .. that the juncture has been reached .. she will jockey back and forth between here and there, never living alone again.

Those words were spoken .. but .. having lived all this .. ya have to excuse me if my confidence in any viable "plan" .. is about nil.

I saw this although I didn’t personally go through this when my mother was taking care of her mother. I namded it martyrdom syndrome. The care giver, could be full time or part time, (my mom rotated care giving between two other out of state sisters), puts so much time and energy into taking care of the care givie that the care giver neglects them self and sometimes other people. In this case my father. My recommendation is to have a polite, matter of fact talk first with hubby, then with hubby and sis together. Tell them what the needs of your mother in law are, what your needs are and what you expect from each of them. Then when your expectations are being ignored or compromised let everyone including hubby know. You can then back away to your boundaries and let the immeadete family come to their own agreements. Im pretty sure your short term, and possibly long term answer will be that somebody hires an in-home care person for your mother in law.

Dear Dorker,
Get in your car girl and get over there! That plane will not wait. You have so much love here today and support. Look at all these posts from just 1 story. May you have a easy day with grace and peace.

dont be surprised if you find yourself a little teary-eyed at the airport - in spite of how you’re feeling right now.

Inside every common sensed, stoic pragmatist is a big softie looking to sneak out.

I barely shed a tear when my mother passed. Yet every time one of those fund-raiser commercials for the Humane Society come on the TV - I cry buckets of Ulgy Cry runny nose tears. Every frickin’ time.

Way too early to be thinking about three months down the
road - or even about what life is
going to look like - feel like - without mil in your backyard.

Along with “accepting the things I cannot change” the wise folks at AA say “one day at a time”. Good advice for anyone looking to recovery from any habitual, self-harming behavior.

But I will say this - next week it will be two years since my mother passed away. My stomach still clenches up every time the phone rings. Every frickin’ time.

Tears at the airport - yes, and largely from the release of stress!

Tick, Tock,

I sure don’t envy SIL, MIL, Poochy, or others seated nearby on that plane. Let’s hope for all involved flight goes smoothly.

Dorker, when you see MIL depart you may see the Old Gal that you were so fond of and an unexpected tear may surface.

Glad for you. Hope you put something on ice so you can have your own personal toast when you get home from airport.

All the emotions will surface for sure... It truly may be like a kind of PTSD afterwards....
And I do think everyone on this thread will continue to be here to support you through the future hurdles.

Well, I'm now the other side of it all. WHEW!!!!!

No drama, no tears.

It was mass chaos at the airport (when is it not). The "plan" had been that I obtain a "gate pass" to go on thru security and go with them, to the waiting area, to board .. in case I'm needed. Between Poochy and the MIL in the wheelchair.

The "plan", was not to be according to TSA.

I pulled up to the curb .. to drop them off, .. as I knew I would do. And then go park. Of course, then someone had to go secure a wheelchair for MIL. SIL and I got all the luggage out at the curb there, .. and the walker (poochy still in my car).

Once they got there with the wheelchair and got MIL seated, then we got poochy out .. and SIL hung onto him, and the staff there wheeled the wheelchair along . and a sky cap with the luggage.

I went to go park the car, and come back to find them. Found MIL seated in her wheelchair, and SIL at the ticket counter doing whatever she needed to do, and the staff person there with MIL/wheelchair .. and MIL holding dog leash.

I went to the counter to ask for my gate pass, and nope. I guess, unless you don't speak english or are military .. no.

Thus, my g'byes right there .. gave each a hug .. and wished MIL well, told her to make the most of her stay there and enjoy her time there, and with that, I was gone.

Suited me fine.

SIL called my as I was driving back. She said they were seated on the plane .. that there'd been no problems .. poochy at their feet (they are in economy plus) .. and so there is room for poochy at their feet, so she says. I asked her if the window seat occupant had arrived and is that person okay with poochy and yes, it is a guy and he loves dogs. Had just recently had to put their family pet to sleep .. was fine with dogs. Whew, again!!!!!

While I was at MIL's .. waiting for them to finish getting dressed, and so forth. Neighbors came from across the street (the guy is the one who drags her garbage out weekly). They came just for a brief send off, to say g'bye. MIL/SIL not yet presentable, so I visited with them briefly.

The female of that quotient .. expressed that this is long overdue .. that she has worried about MIL .. that she needs to be in someone's care. Then went into what her tale was with her own mom .. and her having grown old and in need of care, and explained that. I responded, "she does not want to do this", ..and she said in response, "OH WE KNOW ............... SHE'S TOLD US ............. more than once!. Went on to say, "but it will be for the best, I'm so glad you guys have all gotten this worked out for her".

It was interesting. Only because I don't really talk to her neighbors all that much. That would be SIL talking to them, probably imploring them to service for various things .. not me. If I'm on the scene there, I'm doing whatever needs doing .. thus it wouldn't be me reaching out to one of her neighbors.

Was just validating to hear that from some folks who are .. really .. pretty darn removed from all of this, sans what the guy does in retrieving her garbage can and hauling it out.

So .. I am back now, and DD wants to come by and visit with kids .. and so that will be on my radar for the immediate future .. in the next little. And beyond that, .. we'll see.

Not yet feeling any big huge whoosh of a sigh of relief. Not sure why that is. I should feel as though a ton has been lifted off of me, and I don't .. not yet. Maybe it takes time.

Let the cyberparty commence! I'll be making MIL-garitas for all!

"I went to the counter to ask for my gate pass, and nope. I guess, unless you don't speak english or are military .. no."

Say WHAT?! So the TSA thinks the ENGLISH speakers originating on an AMERICAN flight are more dangerous (can't go to the gate???) than non-English speakers?

LOL. CTTN, .. that's the first problem, never try to figure out why TSA does what they do. It's pointless.

Worked for me, .. however they managed, without my presence, they did it, without me.

And they'll manage here forward, without me.

Yes, cyber party commences.



I'm so glad! Praying MIL makes it there without incident.

Hooray!!! You Did It! Whoo-hoo! Congrats! Having a Bourbon and Ginger Ale in your honor tonight with my dinner! Lick back and Relax, Breathe.... She's Outa Here!

So Wonderful!!! I am happy everything went smoothly at the airport and you are now home and enjoying your daughter and grandchildren. Pamper yourself Dorker because you deserve it! Please keep us posted with updates. I read your updates every morning and will be having withdrawals if we don't hear from you. I will have a cocktail tonight in your honor! Cheers.

For future reference you can arrange for gate pass ahead of time. I used to do it every time my Mom traveled to get her to the gate or to meet her on return. It wasn’t complicated. I had to provide all identity information and then take driver’s license or passport (if going through international boarding area) so they could verify in person.

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