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Barb and Patooski: No I have no intention of walking any walk towards a path to AL and then get shot down as to my participation when it's decided once again . after I've expended the energy to go that walk . that nothing is suitable .. for Mommy Dearest .. no thanks.

Not said in anger, believe me, said in the spot of .. "I have done all that I am willing to do as to placement and what's best for you mom, it's on you now". That's it, just that simple.

I will .. when the day/hour comes .. and need for emptying the contents of the home, her placed .. I will be more than happy to help if requested .. outside of that .. if you guys want me as a friend .. then things will look like just that, I will bring her a vase of flowers and a sweet card and visit with her in an AL setting .. I will come get her if she's able, and we'll go to lunch .. a "Friend" .. nothing more.

Seeing to her needs, yes even . sorting thru path forward to AL . is off my radar. Not interested.

Oh good! Dorker, you sound stronger and stronger. Keep on!

Exactly, Dorker, good call, just let them figure out plans or placement for their mom. They need to own their own decisions or lack thereof, as well as the consequences. If you were to get involved with researching AL or anything to do with care or placement, it's more opportunity for you to be blamed for MIL's unhappiness, for one. Also they may see it as an "in" for asking more of you, i.e. if you were willing to do research, maybe you could just do x or y as well "just this one time."

If your SIL calls, I'd just be honest in telling her that while your participation in MIL's care for 15 years was out of love and by the same token, your not participating now doesn't mean lack of love for MIL or the family, your life has changed in that you now have the grandkids to think about and are busy with things you need to attend to, and are not able to provide one on one care for MIL anymore. Further, that MIL's care needs are far greater now than any one or two lay people can manage (which I know you've said repeatedly to her, but I'd reiterate it if she asks). No other explanation or justification necessary. If she says, "Can you just _____? Just this once?" Tell her no, I'm sorry, I won't be able to do that but if you talk to DH maybe he could.

Hold firm to your boundaries. It is not your responsibility to find assisted living for your mother-in-law. It is your husband's and sister-in-law's responsibility. You could run yourself ragged trying to find an appropriate place for her to live and it wouldn't be good enough, or nice enough... The list goes on. husband and sister-in-law have to be on the same page working together to facilitate any forward motion. You should not be involved at all.your husband is finally Awakening to what you have been saying for 15 years. His mother needs more help than you can give her. It's not that you don't love her is that you do love her, and want the best for her. But all the leg work is up to them. And then when it falls apart if it does, it's on their heads not yours. You can be supportive you can be a listening ear, but you cannot make mother-in-law happy.
All of us want things we cannot have. I know I do, and I have to adapt to that. Mother-in-law is no different and not that special. I'm hoping to hear that you spoken to your sister-in-law and begun to mend the fences. I also hope that your issues with your husband can be mended. Let the anger go... It's pointless now, and is only hurting you. Sounds like you are making some progress however slow.

I'm not suggesting Dorker take on finding an AL or SNF. Gathering financial information, finding out if facilities take Medicaid and the like? That I might consider doing, if, and only if, dh, SIL and Dorker have a frank and open conversation in which Dorker feels free to say "BS" anytime someone says something stupid.

I understand the need to stand firm in not doing any care. But it may be that a gracious gesture allows a bit of movement in this deadlock.

Dorker, you have got it right!  Don't THEY love THEIR mother?  It is Their Responsibility, for heaven's sake. I would advise not involving myself in any errands, research on AL, NH, etc. That would be just a way for the camel to get its nose in the tent, and then the whole body.  Which of course is what this whole "You don't love MIL..." manipulative tactic is about.  Like little kids. Like "if you love me, you'd let me play with household chemicals, give me matches, on and on."  Anything to dump their problem in someone else's yard.  Fact is MIL cannot live alone!  Are they willing and able to hire 3 shifts of caregivers? I doubt it.  They must deal with MIL's living situation and truly it has nothing to do with you . You are busy with your family, grandkids, etc.  Your life has changed. I mean, 15 years is not supposed to mean anything??   Do they even realize that they are so scared of MIL that they are not even able to think in terms of MIL's best interests?  So, in reality, who is not showing love here, refusing to be responsible? DH and SIL.
Basically, it would become a delaying tactic, no facility would be found that they would agree to, so why play at being their ineffective middleman? And be their target for blame?  They are just looking to "solve" their problem of keeping MIL happy at your expense.  Impossible actually.  Finding an acceptable placement really MUST be done by SIL and DH.  They certainly would insist on any decision making power and so should be doing the research. Much more efficient and effective. You are wise not to be pulled in. Leave them to it.  I suspect that all of them, MIL, SIL and DH have some very serious mental/emotional entanglements, which only professional help might be able to help.  
You really have better things to do. Grandkids grow up so fast - now is the time to enjoy them and build memories that will last them a lifetime.  I know mine have.  Priceless.. your grandkids need and deserve you.

Which is what makes me think there is a purpose to having Dorker go to IL. And if SIL feels abandoned and unloved, why force the issue unless there is a purpose to taking her with. And the return to FL was noted as December. So why the trip at end of month up?

How do you feel when you know that someone is blazingly angry with you, because you really can't miss it, but you haven't yet understood exactly why?

SIL is not some evil version of the Sorcerer's Apprentice, she is a caregiver doing her imperfect best, and aren't we all. And even if she were an evil etc. for Dorker "no" remains a complete sentence and always will - MIL's, SIL's and DH's poor decisions are never again going to affect Dorker's workload. She's already done that part.

Dorker if you want to spend the holidays with your young growing family, you should. If, *as well not instead*, you want to travel to IL with DH or independently of him to see his family, you should.

I doubt it this will be MIL's last Christmas. Could be. But then so could the last ten have been, and so far so good.

Do what feels comfortable. You're the only judge of that.

You know, if DH was asked by the pastor to research AL facilities for placing some frail church member with no family - say - Mrs. Magillicutty - well, I'll bet he'd hop right on it like smell on a skunk. Bet he'd make lists, do visits, ask questions, and anything else for dear old Mrs. Magillicutty. Which is exactly what HE (not Dorker) needs to do for MIL.

Maybe the pastor could direct him to do that for "Mrs. Magillicutty", an unseen suffering former church member, and then make a tricky switch? ;-) hahaha (just a little levity here)
But really... if MIL is to be in FL, DH must be the official and sole point person, period.

Good point EmilySue, I'll be sure to file that one away should anyone think that ole Dorker is gonna take up the charge here in FL as point person.

You're right, I'm sure DH would lead the charge if if it was poor ole frail Mrs. Magilliccuty, long time church member.

Maybe it takes time, but I do live with a sense the other shoe will drop ..

I know, it can't drop on me, I've been clear where I stand .. but that doesn't mean there won't be attempt.

And no, for anyone who is keeping count, . that all-important prompted phone call from SIL, hasn't come in yet .. and no I don't care. Don't call, do call whatever.

Woke up this morning, just absolutely riddled with the anxiety that has plagued this thing for so long. Frustrated w/myself. I understand/comprehend, I am out of all this, so why do I feel such angst.

It's the dread of the other shoe that could drop and then the animosity that creates and so forth . the very reason I have to get out of all this. It's not good to live with this kind of anxiety daily and it is a reminder of just that.

And then it occurred to me, .. as I sat here, ordering online, some matching Xmas PJ sets for the g'kids and a cute reindeer antler headband for the oldest and a pretty little red bow headband for the baby girl of the twins .. it occurred to me, this is why I get so anxiety riddled over it.

For so long, my world, my zen .. whatever you wanna call it, .. could be upended so routinely .. with need, ever present/incessant need. It's not how I want to spend my existence.

Just interesting, to have woken up feeling absolutely at almost a panic ..

And then just something so simple as ordering some cute stuff for the g'kids .. something I enjoy doing, and coordinating with DD .. as we are presently working .. to find a slot of time, to take them for Santa pics and in their cute PJ's .. and the joys of getting this accomplished. This is what I "want" to do .. with my time, not chase after more rabbit holes and more incessant, never-ending need from a frail old lady that I keep saying, needs more help .. and until now, .. has been ignored or treated with wrath for my assertions.

Just unreal, .. to still be feeling that angst .. even though It's clear to everyone involved, I am out!

{{{Hugs}}} Dorker
You did good. I do think it's a touch of PTSD.
Stay nourished, rested, and remember to keep enjoying those uplifting activities. Basically, care for yourself now while you heal.
And enjoy your upcoming holidays!

Spent the afternoon grocery gathering and putting together and delivering the makings for Thanksgiving dinners, to some needy folks in the area.

Benevolence, to those who actually need and appreciate kindness extended their way. That's what it's all about.

Highly recommended as to a way to spend one's time.

Not about being directed by the neurosis of one who is selfish and uncaring as to the impact of their indecision and actions.

Dorker, kudos to you for truly understanding gratitude and giving.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock...

As we wait for the time bomb to explode - I’m wondering how everyone’s Thanksgiving was? Anyone a “Black Friday” shopper?

I had a lovely Thanksgiving, Rainmom. How about yours?

No Black Friday for me but I am putting up a few Christmas things today around the house. I bought a beautiful evergreen wreath at a friendly local nursery Thanksgiving Eve and now the house is perfumed. . .

Thanksgiving was great. Cooked huge prime rib. Didn't allow anyone to use their phones (DH did anyway) and the kids tore around the house---I was VERY grateful to not have to contend with an aftermath of turkey and all the accompanying side dishes.

The adults DID bring a newspaper and were pouring over Black Friday deals I sat there content, knowing my Christmas shopping is (90% DONE).

My Thanksgiving was small
and quite. Pretty much a non-event although I did cook a 7lb. turkey breast and mashed potatoes & gravy, etc. Hubby had to work, which he has done for all but one of our 21 TGings together. So - just me and Rainman since hubby doesn’t get home from work until 7:30 and I don’t like Rainman eating a big meal that late - it tends to mess with his stomach. Probably something to do with him insisting on going to bed around 8:30. It’s weird but he really wants to go to bed that early!

Anyhoo - just enough leftover turkey to make a casserole thingy I do and maybe a couple of sandwiches. Perfect.

Honestly- I don’t mind being alone on the holidays. Before my parents passed I usually went there or they came here - and my brothers did their own thing with their adult kids and grandkids or with the wives families. Of couse there were those last few TGings with my folks in the dining room of their posh IL - over cooked and under seasoned. You know what I mean if you’ve ever been to one.

I have to admit I’m kinda anti-holiday. Between my chosen career in retail and my mothers insistence that every moment of every holiday be exactly as she wanted it to be... I’m pretty much over all of it. Even birthdays.

If it weren’t for my husband I’d skip it all. But he had a rough childhood with an alcoholic, illiterate father and a bona fide grifter for a mother. In 20+ years together he has never mentioned one word about a Christmas with his family, a TG meal, a special gift - nothing. It makes me so sad. After we first met I couldn’t help but noticed how enchanted- not a guy word, but - he was with my mothers big to-dos over the holidays, so I make an effort for him.

As for Black Friday? Wild horses couldn’t drag me out of my house to shop. Or go anywhere near a mall or store. Not even the grocery store. 25 years in retail cured that for good. Good thing my last ten years was as a district manager so I could limit my customer contact - other wise I would have likely assaulted a customer some Christmas. But I still had to deal with the malls and the traffic and the parking. Six day work weeks, 12 hour days from TG through Christmas. Ugggg! I don’t miss it one bit.

But it I do admire you, Midkid - for having your shopping almost done. I usually wait until the last minute - (see retail career, the last thing I wanted to do was shop). Last year I did try buying a few things early - hid them around the house and promptly forgot about them. Discovered hubbys sports log’d hoodie in August. “Oh yeahhhh...”. Then got paranoid that my mind was going.

Wonder whats up in Dorkerland...

Dorkerville is alive and the struggles of "as the stomach turns" it continues.

I'm presently at my mom's. Been here since Tuesday for Thanksgiving with she and her new husband and his brood six strong (adult offspring, spouses and grown or almost grown grands).

One brother and his wife drove up to join also. DH came night before Tgiving and stayed Tgiving day and then he departed for hunting for the weekend.

Been kinda quiet in spite of the above.

No Black Friday shopping for me. No thanks to all that craziness.

Same ole on my end.

I had all my kids together for only one day- the ones still at home and the one married w kiddos and one engaged. We constantly ran interference with the one who is likely a narc, encouraging everyone to maintain their boundaries and reminding them to gray rock when needed. The oldest reminded the oldest at home that he chooses when to get angry with others and he can let the words roll off if he chooses to. We hope to teach our kids to say no to each other and to ask for what they need. I think next year we should hire a therapist for the day!

We are not perfect people and there were minor explosions. I so strongly want to prevent anything happening in this family that looks remotely like Dorker's situation with a narc queen running the show and her children only believing her version of world events. Not going to allow gas lighting in my family.

Hang in there Dorker, we're all rooting for you!

There has still been no phone call from SIL ... even tho I'm told DH prompted same yet again.

She who captains this ship. Meanwhile I am counseled by DH briefly ... MD that is I guess envisions himself, that the reason this all causes me so much angst and anxiety is that my actions, to have turned away from this scene and turn my back to it all... is contrary to the nurturer I truly am. That if I will just cave in and realize she's an old lady that yes doesn't take her meds ...doesn't follow through with prescribed med advice .. doesn't eat right...doesn't hydrate ...falls at times ...just realize that's how it is with her and step back in to be of help. Afterall Dorker you too will get old one day ... and what you're doing in turning away and turning your back on it all .. it's contrary to who you are ... and you're gunna have regrets over this ... she'll be gone one day and you'll regret taking this approach.

Y'all round and round it always goes.

To my response of .. no .. I helped for a long long time in all this ...15 years. It's my firm belief she shouldn't be given the latitude any longer to direct .. for instance AL ... which is apparently up for discussion but in FL ultimately ....DH who is gunna be carting her to docs and follow thru .. who is gunna do that. It's not gunna be me ... she and her insistence FL is where she wants to be ... and so by GOD that's where we go . .. does anybody talk to anyone else about the particulars of how that's gunna work. Nope.

Your sister . Who captains this whole thing has a deeply ingrained pattern of not making herself available for dialogue... for her it's all about what works for mother damned anyone else's priorities. That worked for a long time . .
.not anymore ...not with your mom as frail and compromised as she's been for a few years now that I've been shouting it.

You guys don't have to listen to me ..but I also don't have to help either.

So you guys figure it out ..outside any input from my peanut gallery ...but doesn't appear that's happening ... just trusty ole assumption Dorker will step far and wide as to propping it up. Not anymore.

THERE is where my angst and anxiety that wakes me from restful sleep routinely lies .. not in changing from someone who nurtures to someone who doesn't.

At this DH ... angry his sister doesn't reach out. How's to prompt again ... in stringer language which he is prompted by me ...leave it alone .. she doesn't care to get any input from me .. that's apparent. Just know .. you two need to figure the logistics of it all absent my help.

To which he says sister is gunna be told AL needs to be IL not here.

Will he DO any of this?


Intransigence... inertia

Always ..

Til it comes back up to counsel me and my ways

Round and round and round

Dorker, good for you for holding tight to your boundaries. So frustrating that there is STILL no resolution and STILL expectations of you. Amazing.
So glad you could spend time with your family and get a little relief from this.

Hugs Dorker. It’s still easier to tell you how you feel and how you should step back in than do it himself. The AL must be in Illinois —not FL — is showing you that he on some level knows the way he won’t have to do more long term is to have her elsewhere, so he does hear you on some level. Funny DH fancies himself a better therapist and counselor than the pastor. It’s more convenient for HIM so it must be better for you. Stay firm on the holiday plans, I still think the ever present agenda is there. He told you that MIL thinks if she can come back to FL and you are available for her with him all will be well. He still wants to wrap you in the caregiver cloak, even if it becomes your marriage’s shroud.....

Dorker, perhaps you need to boldly tell your DH that what is stressing you out is the fact that he and his sister's lack of action in getting MIL proper care amounts to abuse - just as you wouldn't let a child play in the street they can no longer allow a frail, confused old woman to be the mistress of her own fate.

I couldn’t agree with you more, cwillie.

But. I think leading the dysfunctional change in this clusterF, is dh’s and SILs refusal to see and/or accept that Mil is indeed - mentally compromised.

Dh seems to accept the physical decline aspects of the situation. Sil seems to still think that with enough TLC and “whirley gigs” that MIL can be restored to an independence- of sorts. And - that any evidence of mental compromise merely stems from a temporary culprit- UTI, not taking a specific med as prescribed, etc.

This way of looking down the rabbit hole fosters their “she is still human, she still has a brain, she still has her own wants which MUST be respected...”. Which in turn provides them with the excuse they need to continue to do nothing towards making MILs care more realistic and more appropriate.

When I think of the hundreds of people here on AC - the hundreds of thousands world wide - myself included - who pulled the trigger and made the decision to moved our elderly loved one into AL’s and NH’s, against their wishes - their delusional wants - it just makes me shake my head.

Just what did this woman do to make her children so timid? I mean, as they circled the campground looking for her perfect site - her golden stamp of approve site to pitch the tent - was she playing some sort of music tape that contained a subliminal message? “Never defy mother, never defy

Rainmom and cwillie. Pegged it, precisely. They continue to allow MIL, in her compromised mental faculties .. to drive the whole thing with her, .. "it makes her too sad to even think of having to go into a supported living setting", .. and "afterall she still has a brain, she can still think, not like she is out of it with Alzheimers or something . and doesn't know who/where she is".

Yes, a brain that at least one doc wanted looked into further, as to cognitive deficits. But no, musn't do that .. no. It was a UTI .. that's why she was confused.

Meanwhile, .. last time I heard, she can't tell you what year it is .. left alone . to manage on her own, she fails at med compliance, nutrition/hydration routinely and falls frequently ..

As recent as Tgiving day, a fine example of her and her mental capabilities. DH phoned her to extend Happy Tgiving in IL. It was known by all, that he would be joining me, at my mom's out of state, for Tgiving itself .. and then would travel to where he has a relative .. same state .. but about 2 hours or so distance, and spend the remainder of the weekend, hunting.

So .. Tgiving day he calls his mom in IL. Happy Thanksgiving mom, .. how's your day going .. blah blah .. talks to her, .. tells her that he's at ___________(dorker's mom's) .. and no . he isn't hunting yet . he's having tgiving with Dorker and her mom .. and family and then will leave to go hunting.

They talk a few more mins, .. I jump in, "Hey MIL .. just wanted to wish ya a happy Thanksgiving . hope you guys are having a great time time today and enjoy some good food, gotta run . back to the kitchen I go", and I hopped off the phone, put DH back on the phone.

I heard him several times, his mom asking, "so you aren't together there with Dorker?".


Him: "Mom, I'm here at dorker's mom's .. we're having tgiving here, . and I'll head out from here and go hunting over at (his cousin's)".

MIL: "So you aren't with Dorker, . you guys aren't together?".

(AHEM .......................... I JUST TALKED TO HER ONLY A MOMENT BEFORE ALL THIS!!!!)

Him now getting a bit agitated: "No mom .. no .. I'm here, I'm at dorker's mom's .. we're having tgiving here at dorker's mom's .. then I'm gonna head out ....

MIL: "So you guys aren't together .. you guys aren't spending tgiving together?".

Him: "Mom I'm at Dorker's mom's with Dorker .. yes we're together".

When he got off the phone, "GAWD .. She couldn't grasp that .. that I'm here .. that I'm here at your mom's .. she just couldn't get that right in her mind".

Yea she's "all there". That just one of so many examples where I cite, .. she has some deficiencies in her thinking.

But no .. no of course not, SIL who captains this ship .. no no .. we don't need to bother looking into that.

IT MIGHT MEAN SHE'D FIND OUT THERE IS AN URGENT NEED FOR MORE DAMN CARE! And God forbid she actually pick up the phone to talk to me, and me hit her with reality 101, on so so so many points.

It is said that AL is .. I don't know, somewhere in the pipeline .. I'm out of the loop .. for all I know, they know what the word AL means .. and nothing more has been delved into .. I really don't know. But in any event, it is said that is on the radar .. for some given point in time .. next week, 10 years from now . who the h377 knows .. and whenever that day comes . it will be in FL.

Thus my trying to get DH to understand .. (and his sister won't even talk to me) .. "Okay .. well you guys do whatcha wanna do .. your mom .. but .. just so ya know DH .. nobody talks to anybody as to how this all pans out . ... but just because your mom is in an AL somewhere, .. she will still have doc appts to be hauled to, and I am not in that camp, .. so .. who is gonna see to that .. won't be me".

Thus I am counseled, as he watches my sleep so fitful these days and awake at all hours .. with stress


awakened at God awful hours with just worry/strife .. and angst over a situation that was never mine to own .. and I'm fighting like h377 to get free of .. and I am counseled by my .. I guess he pictures himself an MD .. "that's because you are turning away from who you are, .. you are a nurturer by nature .. you care .. and you are countering that in the actions you're taking .. and maybe you just need to give in and realize .. she's an old lady that yes, doesn't take her meds, or eat right or whatever .. but she needs help .. and you .. taking the course you're taking, is stressing you out .. it goes against your nature".

NO you idiot .. what goes against my nature is the fact that you and your sister both walk around with blindfolds on and then bump into walls and fall off cliffs and then stand there .. with a dumbfounded look of *how did that happen* .. you two don't talk to each other .. neither one of you .. and nobody has asked of me, what I'm willing to do .. not a single person . never have .. and more importantly at this 9th hour .. and it's just ASSUMED ... I guess .. that she will be brought here, and at some point the magic gates of an AL will open for her .. and how all her needs get met in that setting .. I guess it's just assumed that Dorker steps up to the plate. And I'm here to tell ya that aint' happening ..

I did offer that I will be what I envision a true daughter in law to be .. I'll go get her to take her to lunch of she's able or join her there for lunch, bring her flowers .. visit .. that I will do, but I am not on the list as someone who will continue carting her to docs .. and at your sister's whims .. of all her magical fairy dust and whirly gigs .. not doing it.

That then prompted him to get agitated that his sister STILL has not reached out to talk to me, even tho prompted by him to do so. Said he was going to tell her, that if she can't talk to me, and make a damn plan that works, then she can keep mother in IL .. and find AL there.

I don't expect one breath more has been spoken to his sister .. that would be about status quo for this group.

Until the next time that something brings all this up again .. maybe another fitful night on my part .. and him asking why I'm up at some God awful hour of the night .. and my responding .. honestly .. "stress/anxiety" .. and then I will be counseled that I am going against my nature .. and I just need to give in and realize that it's my nature to care and to nurture.

Round and round and round it goes .. and the two damn people that need to talk to one another both walk around with huge ear muffs on .. to muffle any sound and blinders on their eyes, bumping into walls and falling off of cliffs .. but their mom can think by golly .. and she just gets too sad to have to even think of an AL site.

Dorker, do you see the workings of "The Patriarchy" here?

Men hunt and they fulfill communal obligations through their church.

Woman stay at home and caregive.

According to DH, this is the "natural" order of things, according to your "nature"?

I call BS on this.

I call BS on it too Barb.

The sad part is .. with some communal conversation that includes all parties, not just the whims of a cognitively impaired 89 yo .. and the walking in lock step to that notion .. it doesn't have to be this way.

Mature/rational/responsible adults .. "talk" about these things.

I cannot believe .. I can't wrap my brain around it at all .. that there's been no dialogue apparently .. from either his sister's corner, and definitely not coming from him .. as any notion that had occurred to him.

Okay .. so at some point in all this (God knows when or how) .. there will be an AL setting and here in FL, cuz by GOLLY she can think and that's what she wants, .. she doesn't want to be in IL .. so by GOLLY that's what we're gonna do then.

And it doesn't occur to either one of these nimrods that there needs to be some real dialogue/discussion on how that works, the cogs of the whole thing.

Gee, she's still going to need things ... and we know how damn opposed she is to public transport of any sort ...

So what that just miraculously disappears .. she now becomes someone contrary to what she's always been and caves in .. and on the public bus she goes, when they cart them off for whatever .. maybe a few groceries or incidentals they need, .. or maybe on a field trip. Suddenly she becomes someone she's never been . .and is now suddenly agreeable to that set up where until now, if we know one thing about her, .. we know that's nothing she will entertain the notion of doing, being carted anywhere by "others".

So .. it doesn't occur to either one of these dumb azzes that there needs to be some discussion on how all that's gonna look.

How is she going to get to doc appts?

We already know she is staunchly opposed to 'others' facilitating same .. what that just magically disappears. I don't think so. So who is gonna do it? It's not gonna be me .. I'm done with the whole magic fairy dust and whirly gigs that SIL conjures up as to her mom's well being .. and from afar. So who is gonna do it?

Magic fairies? Who?

As I told DH and yes tongue in cheek on my part (which isn't nice, but I'm done being nice) .. "I don't know DH .. maybe the Lord will provide a path that you can now attend to that feature where you haven't been able to before".

YES, said tongue in cheek.

The fact that neither of the two dumb azzes have had that as even any notion of some discussion that needs to take place .. it just astounds me.

So .. okay .. let's assume there is some magical pill that is going to change the course of her thinking (MIL's) and find her no longer so staunchly opposed to "others" providing transport, and so on that little mini van she hops .. and off to the doc. There, .. she will be charged with ascertaining what's said to her, absent the presence of anyone to sort thru and ask any probing questions and assimilate the information given to her, .. and process it and act upon it.

She is NOT capable of that.

But these two dumb azzes fail to have any real dialogue behind that.

AL .. it will be (at some point) and BY GOLLY because she can still think .. and because "it's important that we consider her wants in all this too, she is still a person and she has her own wants and wishes for her circumstances" .. oooookay then! She doesn't want to be in IL, she wants to be in FL. Ooookay then!

And the logistics of how all that is going to work in the end? Somebody? Anybody? ... (crickets chirping, you hear crickets at the deafening silence behind that). Nobody talking about the real, on-the-ground, logistics of it all.

But by GOLLY she'll be in FL, where she wants to be, and after all she can still think . and it's important that her wants/wishes also be a part of all this.

Ooookay then!

It appears to me that there is a systemic failure on both their parts to come to any realization

I actually don't think it is b/s to describe Dorker's nature as being that of a nurturer.

Or if it does go against her nature then she's spent an awful lot of her life on something for which she has no aptitude.

And I don't think there is anything very reprehensible about MIL's children attempting to comply with their mother's long-held wishes, either. That is the goal of elder care. The ideal is to accomplish it safely for the parent and without wreaking havoc on everyone else. There never is an ideal, and there always does have to be more or less compromise either on the meeting wishes side or the havoc side, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to get as close as possible.

Dorker, what IS keeping you awake? Pick one or more of

Fear of MIL's coming home unsupported
Fear of MIL's coming soon to an ALF near you
Frustration at the prolonged uncertainty, with the stress of being left in limbo
Hurt and anger resulting from your very lengthy, under-appreciated service to MIL
Inability to shake your sense of responsibility, no matter how much you might resent its clinging to you
Indignation at being blamed for any deterioration in relationships
Overwhelming urge to shout I told you so umpteen times a day

If the answer is actually All of the Above, plus a few others, what are we going to do about it? Because this won't come to an end until MIL does, and possibly will go on after that, and you will lose your mind.

I thought it was a very good thing that you talked this through with your pastor. Any plans to follow up on that?

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