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I wonder if she's developed aspiration pneumonia from the honey.

I guess SIL asked MIL if she wanted 911 called because of MIL's stated wish to die at home. Dorker, if you say one thing to DH this week, suggest that hospice be gotten on board. That's the key to catching the cloud.

I'm not being snarky. If this lady is done with living, she needs to be on board with no 911.

DH got home about 4 AM ...had waited at ER, he and SIL for a room for MIL. Still didn't have her in a room. I guess that'll happen at some point or maybe it has by now.

The only few things he said after taking a fast shower and getting in bed.

A CT was done on MIL's gut to investigate the pain she described earlier in the day. Nothing found.

There is a UTI

He doesn't know what else will be determined as to what's wrong or what tests they want to run.

She still can't get up ... is maybe based in the fact she's so weak ...beyond anything either have seen before weak.

Somewhat still disoriented.

Mumbled something just as he was saying he has to go to sleep now ... that he told his sister "you know, if she's this weak, you're not gunna be able to take her home, right?" Said SIL answered yes she knew that this might be changing every thing.

I then asked out loud (though I know ... old folks .. it happens) ..."she hasn't had Chitapalooza... Wonder why she gets UTI's so much"

DH's response to that: "she hasn't showered since they got back here. Just little spit baths".

Disn't say it ..but...there's a reason right there. I can only guess she's gotten as I said of her ... even more frail..may be bathing now is too difficult..??...

Wondered as I then turned over to go to sleep ... how long was SIL as her caregiver... her staunch stance in all this ... how long was she gunna find that acceptable. They've been back now 2 weeks I think.

Interesting to note also. SIL was to go back for whatever the follow up was to be on her Vertigo .. scheduled appt today. Per DH she is having to cancel it.

SIL stayed there. DH came home.

Sounds to me like they should've CT'ed her head before her gut. But if I don't think Dorker should waste her breath chipping in, and I don't, then why am I doing it???

Who's got the dog?

Just keep breathing Dorker. Shoulder rubs to DH and SIL. Mind you, I honestly don't think they should be holding their breath, either. Clearly there's been a change but it doesn't necessarily mean... anything in particular.

Barb, interestingly enough ...DH said last night, his words, "she looks like she's at death's door... she needs Hospice is what is needed here"

All this the wee hours and him wanting to sleep.

And as to asking MIL on calling 911. I got the sense from what they described as to her abilities ... lack thereof ... and so out of it .. so weak ...not even really with it ... I got the sense they could've asked her "do you want us to go dig a hole in the yard and shove you in it" and the answer would've been .. as it was with what they did ask...a mumbled ...barely audible ..head slung low "I dunno".

Uultimately DH and SIL debated whether to try to get her to the car on their own for transport or call 911.

MIL not a part of the convo .. her out of it mostly .. just kinda not all here. They determined they'd call 911.

I think they could've told her they were calling in a witch doc after they all sleep on it a day or two. It would've met with her mumbled ..barely audible ... "uhh.." not much more.

Dorker, I'm glad DH has hospice in his head.

With regard to the choice being between 911 and " getting her in the car". Oy. My mantra is " If it's enough of an emergency for the ER, you need an ambulance. Otherwise you call your doc/wait til the AM and go to Urgent Care".

The choice here is between 911 ( professional evaluation) and leaving her be.

Per phone to DH this morning from SIL ... they got her in a room about 4 AM.

I guess there has been one round of IV antibiotic and another to come (Diverticulitis flare up as well as UTI) ... SIL reported that MIL is more oriented now.

Been using bed pan but they're to bring in bedside commode and PT to report in.

I guess we'll see if she's able to get up to use bedside commode.

Poor SIL ... her voice... hoarse ... likely shear exhaustion

Sounds like there was some at least small convo between she and he on the fact this can't continue .. SIL in over her head ...

At least there is a crack of light in that dialogue where it's always been flatly refused before

One can only hope that THIS is the tipping point and SIL will realize it and FINALLY work with DH to make the move to a NH for MIL. How fortuitous that BOTH SIL and DH were present at all these moments. They can't argue about it.

The UTI will be cleared up, once again.....and then? Sil will have a meltdown like no other if she doesn't take care of herself.

I agree that MIL and SIL are probably very depressed about the fact that coming back to FL didn't make anything better at all. MIL, in fact, sounds much, much worse.

Hospice would be a godsend. I think MIL is going to do a pretty quick downward spiral.

As far as the rude remark about the twins--well they DID take a lot of the attention off of MIL and her life did change b/c of them.

Life is funny. My mother has like 40 great grandkids and the ONLY ONES she interested in are a set of twins, IVF product and little miracles--but altho she has stated to all and sundry that "twins run in our family" we do have to chuckle at her b/c these two darlings were created in a lab. If I told her how it "happened" she'd slap me into next week.

I hope DD lets that remark go. Twins are HARD. And life is in the exhausting stage for DD. I just hope that isn't the last conversation she ever has with MIL.

Hang in there, Dorker. We're here for you, whatever.

TRY to get SIL to not STAY AT THE HOSPITAL 24/7. She needs a break.

See, what I did offer to do, thus far .. hasn't been answered to as to whether it's needed.

The ambulance carted MIL off to the hospital last night . and DH and SIL .. rode to the hospital in DH's auto. And so .. SIL is presently at the hospital and no way to leave there.

YD is off work today, .. mentioned to DH when he was on the phone with SIL .. "if she needs us to, . YD is off work .. she and I will bring MIL's car to the hospital so she can leave if she'd like".

I did not offer to sit bedside, and I won't.

I will go in and say hi .. and extend my concerns, much as any other acquaintance might do .. but I won't sit bedside as I used to do.

Thus far .. that hasn't been answered as to whether SIL would like YD and myself to get the car there for her, so she can leave. I did hear DH encouraging her to not stay at night, that she needs to go home and rest, and I heard her respond that she hopes to do just that.

B is in charge of poochy at home .. and I guess, if need be, B could hop in the car and run go get SIL from the hospital.

Just .. offered the above, only from the standpoint of not wanting to be over here acting like I'm completely out to lunch as to what all has occurred .. and offer to help in some small way.

No, DD won't discount that remark as something that severs her's and granny's relationship .. she's all too aware, as we all are, . that MIl's brain ain't what it used to be and she says the wrong things, .. all too often.

I'm really curious .. MIL hasn't bathed/showered since the return here to FL, other than nominal wipe downs.

When I asked DH about that this morning .. his answer: "They can't get her into the shower and turned around and onto that chair, and she can't do it".

The obvious next question is, .. "and .. so ...???....has there been any consideration as to what to do ..??.... I mean .. people don't go on and on and on .. without bathing .. what has been the "plan" if any as to addressing that".

I didn't ask it, he wouldn't know . and .. not only that, I'm not about to sit over here and armchair QB .. as to what others do and don't do.

As I've long stated ... she needs to be in a facility, 24/7 supported care, where that issue .. is one that would be dealt with. And we all know how that has fallen as to any suggestion.

But I am curious .. I mean .. surely there wasn't a thought about and a presumption on anyone's part . "Well she'll just never bathe again .. we'll just wipe her down as best we can . and that's that".

Surely that wasn't what anyone thought as suitable going forward.

And .. also of note .. YD having gotten up in the middle of it all this morning, wanting to know how granny is . and of course, DH imparting to her, the goings on . and her answer at first, .. "Dad .. she can't be left alone anymore .. ya'll know that right?". His answer, 'oh yea, .. we both know that, .. SIL is well aware of it .. that dog though .. that dog .. even SIL said that dog is gonna be the death of her, .. no place is gonna take her dog and she can't bear to part with her dog'.

I didn't weigh in .. I don't have a horse in this race, but I do have my thoughts on the above.

YD then chimed in .. "no dad . she needs to be in a nursing home .... and there aren't ANY nursing homes that are gonna take a dog .. if you're in a nursing home .. you are there because you can't take care of yourself, much less a pet .. she doesn't even take care of him now .. SIL and B do .. not her ..".

Glad to hear it all coming from another peanut gallery and not mine.

If Dorker's H doesn't agree to do an overnight shift at the hospital, SIL probably won't leave the hospital.

If MIL gets the req'd amount of inpatient hospital time to qualify for rehab (in a facility), will SIL allow it, despite how "sad" it might be? Maybe this time she will allow it, even if MIL is unhappy.

What about SILs husband? Doesn't she need to be with him alot? How can she do that at the hospital and also her vertigo might come back. All so sad and difficult.

I hope the swallowing issues are being looked at.

Okay. So here goes...

The not showering. Another fun topic that I have way more experience with than I ever wanted.

Mil is not showering because she has “cognitive impairment”. The dreaded “D” word. Dementia.

Not showering is one of the first and most common signs that an aged individuals mind is deteriorating. Sure - mil has all kinds of ambulating and balance issues. Sure - right now mil is weak as a new born kitten. HOWEVER- mil was not so bad two weeks ago -
one week ago, even. If mil was
strong enough and mobile enough to get into a car and go to a restaurant and sit through dinner - back into the car, etc. - she was strong enough to have taken - fully assisted from Sil - a shower.

People are gonna want to put
lipstick on it and blame her balance and mobility. Even say “we were saving her strength for the outing”, “she was too tired after the dinner out” - whatever. Cause let’s face it - no one likes to admit their aged loved one refuses to shower. If mil was able to make that restaurant dinner out - there was a day - somewhere in the few prior to that dinner when mil was able to ambulate enough to sit on a shower chair - with sil doing all the rest of it.

But mil refused - and sil was/is too frickin’ worn out to argue the point. Perhaps even - that bit of atmospheric snarkyness between mil and sil stemmed from exactly
this type of argument- taking a

On the plus side- this is - in part - what has landed mil where she is. I say “plus side” because this has
occurred during a brief open window when sil is probably feeling a whole lot of tired, frustrated, depressed and even - angry.

Im not so mean as to imply that sil being all of the above is good. A “serves her right” type of thing. No. But... if sil is ever going to give in - give up, in her eyes - the time is now. Right now.

I KNOW you don’t want to be involved - I get it. But since no one this group can’t find their own azz with two hands and a flashlight- SOMEONE needs to plant the bug in SILs ear that its time - past time - to call it - and call in the professionals.

Hospice. Nursing home. Either. Both.

If SIL has not been able to shower MIL and that has helped lead to UTI and hospitalization - then MIL care is clearly beyond the ability of even SIL now. She needs a facility set up for / staff trained in - helping her with the ADL she no longer can manage - even with SIL help.

Now - poochy? Dorker - are any eyes rolling your way? MIL in Nursing Home - you bring poochy for visits? Are you up for a spoiled somewhat incontinent dog?

Rainmom; I couldn't agree with you more about your assessment of the showering thing. But I think Dorker needs to tread carefully about making any suggestions to SIL.

That's DH's problem and he's seen the light.

Dorker backing out of care has led these two to EXPERIENCE their mom's decline, not just view it from afar.

I agree, I think the cognitive decline is further along than I realized.

The twin remark that I found so offensive, yep, no filters left and a brewing UTI on board. Makes sense to me now.

I really do sympathize with all involved. Doesn't/didn’t have to get to this point but it did. A lot of us have the holey T-shirt’s so no judgement from me.

Pretty positive SIL, if she’s realized where her Mom is in all this, what needs to happen, is overcome with guilt that she’s failed MIL. Simply because she’s been so hell bent on making MIL happy. Which is not gonna happen.

I am sure MIL is miserable and feels awful.

Hospitals are not good places for anyone with Dementia. Example: Dorker’s Stepmom!

Dorker, I know MIL has CHF along with other maladies, does she have AFIB as well?

I agree, I think Dorker is where she needs to be, on the sidelines. Not offering up suggestions or info unless asked.

Barb -
No, I get it. Totally. I just feel so strongly that now - right now - everything that has happened until this moment has created a perfect alignment of the stars.

If it’s ever gonna happen - happen without further drama and the further eroding of relationships between those involved- sans mil - it’s gotta happen now. I’d hate to see this - another opportunity- pizzed away while sil is looking for a flashlight.

Maybe the bug gets planted via dh. Or maybe via YD to dh to sil. Or DD via dh to sil. Even via social worker to sil.

Its just that given sils past preformance - even given just how worn out sil is right now - I’m betting sil is still gonna need a bit of a push. To do it. To make the dreaded call.

But if it’s gonna happened without further collateral damage its gotta be now. Or very , very soon. Before mil gets pumped full with enough antibiotics to resume her “I just want to go to my own house - me and my dog...”. Sil will collapse and give in. Again.

I hate to see - another - wasted opportunity.

Rainmom, I totally get what you're saying. Hoping that discharge planning sees how worn down SIL, that DH shows up for planning meeting and calls BS on MIL going home.

But ultimately, Dorker has stepped out of this horror show and has no dog in the game. ( Although she may have a dog in her home soon...,lol).

I just feel like her having any opinion in SIL's direction is going to incite anger/resentment on SIL's part and be counterproductive.

Dorker has previously told us that she will not take care of Poochy. SIL volunteered for that.

I feel the only person SIL might, possibly, there’s a slim chance, listen to is the hospital Social Worker or discharge planner. If said person counsels SIL that no, she is not a failure, she’s gone as far as she can as a 24 hour caregiver and to try to keep this up is not providing MIL with adequate care. That trying to keep this up will be failing her Mom.

Bottom line - You hold your ground and maintain your self respect - #1 Sit the MIL down - look her in the eye and TELL her what is going to happen and what date - There is no other option and she needs to cooperate. #2 - Call the SIL - TELL her "this is how its going to be" I need you to respect that. Oh, and BTW has anyone ever told you how overbearing and insinuating you are? > I should be able to tell you the truth about how I feel as we are family, That your OCD is actually causing people to feel offended and the effect is that MIL doesn't want to be subjected to it - I love you- and I'm not trying to hurt your feelings but its time now that you understand and have some self awareness. - moving forward> TELL the MIL "I need your help- your cooperation" if it cant be worked out - then maybe we can get you a temporary place at XYZ living community and you can have a holiday there. Buck-up and GROUND yourself - that is the right thing to do - being honest and direct and firm!

Inthemix.......the OP has washed hands of this. She does not and should not sit her MIL down and tell her anything. Or her SIL. Have you read all the replies? Quite a bit has happened since she first posted in June of 2017.

Inthemixofit, bless you for your encouraging words 🤗

The only thing is, that Dorker's situation is just a tad more complicated than that. As nearly two years and 5,000 comments so far only go to show.

Dorker, the *next* time you're dealing with a recalcitrant mother in law I'm sure you'll be right on top if it, eh?

OMG. I can’t help myself... it’s the “word nerd” in me!

Definition of recalcitrant
: obstinately defiant of authority or restraint
: difficult to manage or operate
: not responsive to treatment
this subject is recalcitrant both to observation and to experiment

So sorry for sidetracking. But I so love learning a fancy new word!!!

Thank you, Countrymouse!

Nerd Alert!

I just had to look up that word also.

I think you're doing the right thing, Dorker. DH and SIL are having to see MIL's situation firsthand, and that's probably the best thing to happen right now, as it is making them both think more about the future. How much remains to be seen, of course. Hopefully to goodness SIL will realize that MIL can't go on not bathing and that MIL needs MORE HELP than she can provide, which has been shouted from the rooftops. I hope if rehab is an opportunity this time, she will let her mom go there and get that help and then look at further options for placement.

Thanking the heavens above that through this place .. thru counseling, . heart and gut wrenching struggle, I am where I am at present, in all this. Firmly on the sidelines .. and only peeking over and not in it all.

There is some discussion as to release to Rehab. She is classified, as that all important "inpatient". That because there are not one but two infections at work .. I guess that qualifies under Medicare and they don't stick that stupid "outpatient" label on her.

The social worker there, approached SIL . and suggested, highly suggested .. that Rehab be the next stop . and SIL not opposed. Albeit . she'd like the chance to go by and take a gander at what are proposed sites for same. Social worker gave her a list, .. with rankings as to favorable or not . .and so on . .and a list that includes sites located near MIL's home.

SIL intends to go .. tomorrow I think, to a couple of them on the list, and take a look around. And she asked the social worker, to make sure that there are beds available, . once she zeroes in on what she finds suitable.

I asked SIL: "...and MIL .. is she balking at this?".

SIL tells it that MIL is .. somewhat more oriented now .. sans IV antibiotics coursing thru her system. That she'd been dreading approaching the topic with MIL when the social worker re-appeared with the requested lists. SIL introduced the social worker to MIL, then explained briefly . .that the social worker was there, to drop off a list of Rehab sites .. and so she'd be going to take a look at a few of them . .and that it's thought maybe that'd be the best place at discharge. MIL's response: "ok".

SIL herself, . "I don't know if that means she wasn't actually hearing me .. and said *ok* .. just because that's the thing to say . or if she's *ok* .. in the end, with that . I don't know".

YD and myself dropped off MIL's car there for SIL . so she can (if she will) go home. She needs to. We went in and visited all of about 20 minutes, and left.

MIL hasn't been made to get up yet .. so it's not known .. not yet anyway . how that will go. She has pee'd all over herself and the bedding several times. Supposed to be using a bedpan . but .. as MIL tells it .. "when the urge hits, that's it . it's too late .. there is no warning, no time to wait". I asked SIL if she should be catheterized and she said she asked that question and that no, . there is infection and they don't wanna do that. I asked if she can be put in Depends . and the answer to that was something about . "has to be authorized". Don't know what that means, didn't ask anymore about it.

I'm glad to be on the sidelines of all this.

There would've been a time I'd of been the one on the hunt for the "suitable" rehab site. I'd of then been on the broken busted azz road of .. "nothing is suitable" . and .. so .. they would be insulated from the real world of all this . and she'd of been brought home .. no qualms about it . yet again.

Such a difference it all makes, .. with me out of it. DH and his sister both are having to live it .. in your face .. and no insulation by Dorker being the step n fetcher in it all .. and SIL off in IL living her life . and DH churching and hunting . and Dorker over here screaming . "FOLKS THIS IS TOO MUCH TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH".

SIL began down the road of pondering how it is she ended up with a UTI .. there's been no chitapalooza ongoing. I then couldn't help myself, . "From what DH tells me, she hasn't bathed since you guys got back".

This brought about from SIL: "Oh she gave me a devil of a time at my house, .. I mean . she doesn't bathe anyway . more than maybe 2 x's a week . and it was down to like 1 x a week . and it was awful trying to get her to bathe .. I'd have to help her .. but she would give me a fit . not wanting to do it".

She went on to explain that at her house, . her master shower in her bathroom much too small, but she'd gotten some kinda xfer

Dorker, Beware!
I don't know how they are in FL, but my personal experience with discharge planners here in Ga, they seem to really encourage/pressure the family to take the patient HOME and get HH to come do the PT, I'm guessing because it costs much less than sending the patient to inpatient rehab. Once MIL gets a whiff of that option, she WILL insist she is able to go home and will insist she will comply with HHPT. Don't allow her to do this! If SIL is stupid enough to let that happen, then she deserves to be mopping up another chitzapalooza.


Some kind of transfer bench for the bathtub . which is all the only other bathroom in her home offers. And that it was too much of a struggle for her to lift her legs up and over the tub apron.

Good GOD!

This is what someone (SIL) thinks is suitable to be calling herself "a caregiver" to her mom. To me, there are so many indicators, but this is just one more .. you are way over your head in trying to meet the needs of this frail woman ... when they can no longer safely bathe . it's past time for them to be in a setting where there are professionals to help with that. GOOD GOD!

I didn't say that to her .. I just listened. I wanted so badly to tell her that .. but .. I'm just .. I don't know . there's almost more satisfaction at this point, in zipping my lip .. and way more frustration in voicing MO . that falls on always deaf ears. I just zip it . and don't chime in.

I wanted so badly to chime in .. "...and .. what was the plan . now that you guys are back . I mean . seriously ...?!??!.... not bathing . is not gonna be a workable solution here SIL". But I didn't say it.

She went on to tell me that she has some kinda non allergenic sensitive skin wipes . and that's what they've been using to clean her mom. Uhm . sure . okay . yea!

GOOD GOD .. that's all I can say. I mean it.

That somehow you delude yourself in your notion that it saddens her too much to even approach any level of discussion about placement anywhere . and so . you'll just . as long as you can anyway . til you can't anymore . care for her yourself. AND THIS .. is what you call appropriate care?

I didn't say any of that . would've been fruitless to do so.

Nope. On the sidelines .. I will be.

And if SIL then goes and visits these Rehab sites and finds none suitable for her mom . and brings her home . .on the sidelines I will be. Yep.

And .. no . she didn't ask me to go and view the sites (likely that's because I've taken one huge leap back out of all of it) . she didn't ask me to go with her. I couldn't anyway, working the next few days.

I will be interested to hear . once they try to get her up . whether that can occur. Of course, if it can't . that's a huge game changer in it all. Can't even go to Rehab if you can't participate in Rehabbing.

Dorker, stay firmly on the sidelines.

SIL is the one who needs to say
"Mom, I can't do this anymore".

MIL lives alone (SIL is a visitor) and cannot be forced to stay and care for her debilitated mother.

The ball is in SIL's court. DH will support her in saying no to their mom going home, now that hes seeing what you've been preaching.

Good work, Dorker. Hope your dad is improving.

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