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Sounds like improvement is being made. PT was by today and got her up .. and walked just a little bit .. not far at all, and she's wobbly, .. and off balance and weak, but at least she can get 'up' . .which is an improvement from when she got there, and I'd been wondering if that was gonna be permanent .. not ever able to get up again.

Sounds like the urgency with the urination . is waning some also .. not as many accidents ..


And ...

Sounds like SIL did go visit one of the recommended Rehab sites .. and it sounds like some kinda place. Some big huge complex encompassing AL's . .and Memory Care, and Rehab, SNF .. so forth .. and she said it was very nice, from what she saw of it.

DH has gone up there to relieve SIL .. who is going home, to rest (sounds like her Vertigo returned .. lesser degree . this morning . and she had to go back to the doc for whatever procedure it is that fixes it). She wants to go home and shower/rest/sleep.

DH is going there, to visit . won't be staying the night he said .. unless I guess his mom wants him to . he could .. if that's what she wants, I suppose.

But even better news. DH said he talked to his mom on the phone earlier and said to her: "Now mom . it's gonna be very important that you are agreeable to being discharged to go to a Rehab site . you need the help they can provide there, and you can get stronger there, and they can work with you".

Her response: "Oh I know . and yes, that's what I'm going to do".

So not only is she more oriented .. she's also "willing" to go to Rehab . and there isn't a bunch of pushback on it. Not from SIL . .not from MIL.

Yep .. I realize . this is just another bullet in the kink of the armor of it all . there wil be another and another and another .. of all the maladies and calamities that will go on.

But .. I feel better . at this point . that at least there is agreement to go to Rehab . that has NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE.

Um. I hope that the lovely rehab that will take Medicare also has Medicaid beds if mil has to stay. The very nice rehab that my stepbrother was in for Medicare covered post stroke had zero Medicaid beds. He was moved when he plateaued and Medicare quit paying. And who is going to cover the 20% copay? Fortunately the miracle organizer former social worker SIL can work with hospital and she has the financials. At least yellow bedroom is off table for DH given the new high level of personal care needed that he has been witness to. What ironic prayers for release while waiting for SIL to find the way. I know It gives you no pleasure to see the failing situation, but I still say be prepared for the last minute rally and SIL desperate to take her home on hospice “with a team”....

I think SIL might finally have met her match...

With her own set of physical problems (the vertigo) she is too impaired to so much as sit upright in a chair, much less race to MIL's beside to stand helplessly as she wets herself. (As I stated earlier, this vertigo thing OFTEN comes and lingers for weeks--lessening over time, but still, I'll be walking down the hall and suddenly--WHAM, I can't see straight.)

And it is made worse by lack of sleep--so much worse.

It's good that DH talked to MIL and she is "saying" she will be compliant. Hopefully so.

Sadly, once MIL is "back to normal" it is very unlikely that SIL will acquiesce to MIL's being placed.....

I hate to pray that SIL doesn't get better....just stays "sick" enough that she will find she simply cannot play nursemaid to MIL any more. And that DH will continue to support a rehab situation and then a NH.

This isn't over by a long shot.

Im actually pretty surprised she is up ... can get up. I haven't seen it. And from what I hear, the walk was only to the bathroom ... woefully short distance.

But I really wasn't sure she'd not end up wheelchair bound with this latest.

It will be interesting if/when discharged to Rehab and this sounds like a posh one, just what the gripe will be that causes SIL to swoop in and nix it all. Nothing surprises me with this crew.

I'm so glad that your MIL's condition is improving, Dorker, and that both she and her family are receptive to the idea of rehab.

I think that we all tend to think that people are just "stuck" forever in their resistance, but although MIL and SIL started out with "she'll be fine at home", in time, with your backing away from an untenable situation, they got to "let's try having her in Illinois" and "let's try bringing her home to FL". They HAVE progressed from "no, just no".

So true. When I began here .. I had proposed to the MIL camp ... an exit to IL for a while, at the impending birth of twin g'kids and to enable me to help DD with same.

Was flat out refused and ignored.

We've now seen an exit to IL that was fought mightily but occurred anyway. And now, agreeable to a rehab stay.


Also of note, on phone with SIL, her lamenting her mom's failure at med compliance. Her giving example, she has made an index card .. illustrating the various meds and reasons for each. A tool to help MIL who consistently asks, each day, what each pill is and what it's purpose is.

It hasn't helped.

She has doled out in set up in appropriate vials as to what pills, what days, what time, etc. Doesn't help.

As she put it "if you have no real awareness as to what day it really is ... and kinda at times, even what time it is, kinda lost on her.

SIL's words: "If I don't dole her pills out - she doesn't take them".


I've had to remove the phrase "told ya so" from my vernacular.

I remember complaining about that and the results that would then land in my lap. SIL always a response of "really? I ask her if she's taking her meds and she tells me she does... wonder why she says she's taking her meds if she isn't".

SIL now living it. She's had to see for protests that she does not manage on her own .. is absolutely dead on accurate.

Told ya so!

Poor sil just doesnt get it - the cognitive impairment thing.

I have to confess that shes reminding me - of me.

Of course, I had heard of dementia. Knew it had to do with people who are old loosing their grip on reality... But when my mother was first showing signs - Dementia could have walked up to me and introduced itself and I would not have been able to identify it.

It wasn’t until dementia slapped me in the face that I began to look online as to just what the heck was wrong with my mother - and wound up here - that I was able to buy a vowel and solve the puzzle.

So much of it I thought was just the “normal” part of aging. The forgetfulness. The obstinance.

I would fill up my mothers pill organizer every Friday. It started out fine. After about the first year, I saw that she was missing days here and there.

So - I gave her The Talk. Things got better for about a week. So - more talk but with a stern tone of voice. Then talk with stern voice and emphasis on importance. Then talk with stern voice, emphasis on importance AND stressing consequences. Then the talk, stern voice, importance, consequences AND beating my head against the wall...

Next, I got the brilliant idea that I would call my mother every morning and remind her to take her pills. That progressed to me actually staying in the phone and waiting while she took them. Me: “Did you take all of the pills?” Mom: “Yes. I took every one of them”. This was the routine for several months. And, starting my every single day having to talk to my mother was just so yippy-skippy fun!

Yeah - good times. Until...

I started to notice a pill or two on the bathroom floor almost every visit. Okay, fine. Mom was dropping a pill now and then but it was okay, right? The important thing was that she was taking the majority of them everyday - during my phone call.

Then it happened. One day dh and I go to visit mom. Once there, I decide I need to use the bathroom. There in the bottom of the toilet bowl is a entire days worth of pills. I swear, I must of stood there for five minutes staring down at the pills like they were a three-headed rat crawled up through the sewer line. After I’m pretty sure my head wasn’t going to explode- I call for my dh. Just in case. Just in case I’m really NOT seeing what I’m seeing.

Yep. Confirmation. Pills in the toilet. So, I ask my mom, “Mom, why did you throw your medication in the toilet?” Mom: “I didn’t do that”. Me: “Your pills are in the toilet. I’ve been finding pills on the bathroom floor for months. Clearly, you’re flushing your pills down the toilet!” Mom: “No, I’m not”.

Ive never really determined if my mom was flushing her pills to spite me, to cover up she wasn’t taking them... I don’t know. It doesn’t matter anymore.

The moral of my story? There really isn’t much of one. It was good to get it off my chest as I was having flashback anger as I read about sil and her flash cards. Gee - flashcards! That never occurred to me, I must admit. Anyhoo - hope my story provided a moments diversion from all the uncertainty in the lives of The Brain Trust - which does impact your life. Like it or not.

But yeah, sil needs to do some reading up on dementia. Ya think?

I have to pop over here everyday to see what's new.

SIL can't figure out why MIL isn't compliant with her meds? Love of heaven lady, she doesn't know what DAY it is, much less what her meds are. No way she can remember to take them, they simply don't register in her brain, and that's not her fault, just one more reason she cannot live alone.

My DH is on so many meds I cannot keep track. After his transplant, for 4-5 months, I had to chart him (just like in the hospital) and I did so, religiously and with the dedication he needed. Left to his own devices--well, he would have been sent to a rehab, it was that intense. Following his heart attacks last summer, he is now on 2 blood thinners, 2 cholesterol meds, 2 drugs for neuropathy,2 for depression/anxiety, PLUS the antirejection meds. I have no idea what the "new drugs" are and I honestly just don't care. He packs his own pills in little AM/PM packets and it's his responsibility to take them. When he lays out his pill boxes and fills them, it's for 2 weeks at a time. Looks like a pharmacy in there.

As compliant as he is, he does forget his meds fairly frequently. If you are on more than a couple of prescriptions, it gets harder and harder to keep track. I know my client with Parkinson's had absolutely NO IDEA what she was on and why. Hence, 30 hours a week in home care. Family knew that 4 days of the week, she would be getting her meds on time and appropriately.

Well---here's to hoping that SIL's vertigo remains a bit of a problem and DH can step up now. It sounds like he is doing so. GOOD! Better late than never.

Just hoping SO MUCH that once MIL improves a bit, SIL doesn't start in with that "It was just a UTI, right? Just a UTI? She's fine now, right?" and you're back 19 months.

This thread just went over 6000 comments!


I tried calling to remind Mom to take her meds. I confess, I tried a dry erase board. Sigh....

This was after I read til my eyes bled about Dementia. Sigh....

Next to my notes on big dry erase board Mom would scribble “kiss my azz”. Concerning the HH aide “she’s not here” or “I hate her”.

Mom would throw pills in trash. I found them. Then she started scrambling them all around in the pill box and said she took them. Sigh...

Pills -
OMG! I have an aunt who is usually 85% coherent. I tried helping her for 2 years and found myself in a very similar situation to Dorker. The need became overwhelming. She has now been living in AL for almost a year.

Anyway, I used to separate her pills for her, let's say on a Tuesday. I'd leave the Tuesday container empty since she had taken the Tuesday pills that morning before I arrived. I even put a bright sticker on Wed., so she'd know to start on Wed. morning. I could not understand why the HECK I'd go over to visit 2 days later and she would have taken Sunday and Saturday's pills, but not Wednesday or Thursday's. I would ask, "Aunt P, why did you take Sunday and Saturday's pills instead of Wed. and Thurs.?" She would say "Well, Sunday is the first day of the week! That's the day I am supposed to take first!" I would ask "Well, then why did you take Saturday's pill if you started on Sunday?"
Her reply "Well, Saturday comes before Sunday! I couldn't remember if I had taken Saturday's pills or not!" Made NO DAMNED SENSE!

If I made sure to get her started on Sunday, she'd still mess it up. She might take her Sunday pills, but would then skip to Wednesday.

Even then, there would be several pills on the FLOOR and one or two still in the container on the days she took them. The day we moved her to assisted living, when her recliner chair was lifted, about 100 tiny heart medication pills were on the floor underneath! She NEVER dropped or missed a dose of pain meds though! Ever!

I've learned that even elderly people who otherwise have a decent grasp on the world around them, for some reason have a real disconnect with time, days of the week, and medication. I don't know why, but it is a common issue with the elderly.

Yes Rainmom I enjoyed your story. The Talk one made me laugh. My mother did not remember the doctors order to not take her Coumadin prior to a colonoscopy. So she took it and had a complicated one with lots of polyps. She came home and while on the phone with my husband passed out fracturing her skull. She was hospitalized and then sent to rehab. Fast forward she has been in AL since. Due to other health issues we were advised she should not live alone. I wish SIL would see a therapist.

In MIL's case, there aren't any pills in the bottom of the toilet, or in the trash .. they are simply .. in the vial .. and not consumed.

I'm bracing myself ...

Rehab and discharge is tomorrow . .she will be leaving the hospital for a Rehab unit .. in a rather posh place I might add.

But what little I know of Rehabs (admittedly very little) .. she will be put through the paces. I can only hope that dreaded phone call .. or several of them .. don't ply SIL into coming to get her.

DH said he had a stearn word with his sister today (we'll see if it does any good, I don't hold out much hope it will). He told her he wants to see her take this time, that their mom is accounted for, and cared for in a Rehab place, to rest .. that she doesn't need to be there hovering . and patrolling .. go .. get outta there, let them do their jobs and she needs to go .. and not be there all the time, sun up to past sun down. We'll see.

And .. I DO think SIL is seeing it . that was my point .. I had tried to harp on all this, to deaf ears .. and lo and behold .. now SIL .. she complains of just what I used to tell her, and she'd deny it at the time. She isn't med complaint!

Now she too is complaining of it. TRIED TO TELL YA!

It doesn’t matter that the pills are in the viles and not the trash or the toilet. The fact that mil doesn’t recognize pills she’s been taking for years - asking over and over what they are, what they are for, refusing them... Well, the fact that they are in viles and not the toilet is just semantics.

“Compliance” implies a choice. With dementia there isn’t one - not really.

As for the rehab being a posh one - the phone call will still come. Maybe it will take 36 hours instead of 24 - but it will come. Count on it.


Hi Dorker,
Although I've followed your postings from the beginning, and still do, I haven't commented before because my long journey with my Mom was over by the time you began posting. Also, my family dynamic was entirely different. it appears things could be at a turning point, I'll offer a few thoughts from my several Rehab experiences, as "be prepared" forewarnings:
#1. POA. MIL never made provision so, beyond the "phone call", if she insists on "going home" will SIL and DH push back at Rehab authorities and insist she can't be released home? Will they have the legal grounds (w/out POA) to do so? Having POA sure eased my experience, and it was still far from "easy".
#2. Medicare/Insurance: If MIL does not show "improvement" in Rehab they will be pushing constantly to release her. This is at least a weekly thing. The 20 Medicare days in Rehab are not guaranteed, and only approved if patient is continually "showing improvement". DH and SIL have to be prepared to constantly sell MIL's case. That was my experience and my Mom was sweet and totally compliant w/PT demands, etc. Unlike MIL.
So, just be prepared for these new wrinkles in the ongoing MIL saga. You have great, experienced voices advising you here. You are so lucky in that at least.
You are finally in the right place.....Hang tough and just be aware of these new potential hiccups.
Best, xoxo Mina

Once MIL is in rehab, I hope SIL and DH will immediately shift to working out the plan for after rehab. It’ll take some time and effort to visit facilities and scope out long term care bed availability.

No, .... I want to be surprised .. and see that I'm wrong .. but I predict it will go about like this.

1. MIL doesn't want to stay there .. (pick a reason) .. and the phone calls begin and SIL runs to swoop her up and cocoon her back into her own home and work herself to a nub doing so .. and there goes rehab.

2. Not enough progress being made to warrant continued stay there, and so . staff wanting to release her for home .. and there goes the end of any rehab stint.

NOT that DH and SIL would then work the angle . that there needs to be some direction forward .. as to SNF . or whatever. Nope .. that isn't even on any radar .. anywhere. Nor is POA.

I'd like to be surprised and see what it is that SIL/DH are wanting out of this whole Rehab path. That she gets a bit stronger and can do a little better than has been the case (it's never gonna be restoration to a 40 yo and I think even SIL/DH are aware of that .. I hope).

Hate to be such a pessimist .. but I'm betting it's gonna take one of the two routes above.

And you bet there is some Dementia ongoing . not a doubt in my mind .. hasn't been all along. I just want to say to SIL .. who, apparently, dawn is just revealing itself to her in the fact, she now sees the med compliance thing I harped on .. and she now sees .. the mind ain't what it was .. she now remarks on those two things .. I just want to say to her, .. "ya know this ain't new SIL! This has been the case for a few years now, that I was trying to get you on this damn page .. but you sat up in IL . .and called yourself coming here every few months to stand on your damn head .. and run a hamster wheel for 3 weeks . and then off you'd go again .. with her assurances that she manages. She hasn't managed in a long damn time, .. it's just you are finally beginning to see it .. in little snippets . but you are seeing it now .. finally!'.

I remember back when the twins were born and I allowed myself to be waylaid into her saga when she got hospitalized (UTI) .. and left the twins scene and DD to attend to the MIL scene .. against my better judgement. And at that time, they found some cognitive impairment .. and I'd thought "HOORAY .. it's not me, someone else sees it .. the professionals see it", they wanted to test her further .. and SIL nixed that .. got that taken off any radar chalking it up to ... "she had a UTI, UTI's cause confusion". My harping .. "this isn't isolated to the UTI SIL .. it's been an issue .. her cognitive impairment, what's the harm, have her tested"... she didn't want to do it .. and made sure it didn't get done, and waltzed off again, to IL.

I HAD BEEN TELLING HER there is cognitive impairment. But it got ignored .. like everything else.

And yes, ... I can see that this time too .. she may very well utter those same words over this insistence. "Well she had a UTI .. UTI's cause confusion, disorientation". I can hear it .. it's coming .. as she finds excuse to now yank her out of Rehab and bring her home. Her cart to pull, not mine.

DH and I went to the hospital last night .. for a brief visit (SIL had gone to MIL's to rest). Incidentally .. SIL .. now .. maybe getting laryngitis ..???....she is so hoarse .. not congested . not yet anyway .. but can barely talk now. MIL was laid in the bed the entire visit while we were there, so I didn't see her up and moving any. She is more lucid now .. and did give voice to looking forward to getting better via a Rehab stint. That's new .. she's always vehemently rejected any path that would land her in a Rehab site.

I'm so glad that my little p/t (as needed) job . has me assigned right now .. and I'm so out of the loop on most of the goings on. And more importantly .. my spot on the front lines of all this . has been filled .. by SIL/DH . to the degree they step to that is their deal, not mine. So glad.

I predict #2 will happen (not enough progress). I also predict that SIL will spend all day every day there. Meanwhile, there will be no progress made as to the next step after rehab.

I wonder how things are going to go when it's really kind of seen in that setting, (Maybe that gets no airplay for all I know)....but we know she can no longer shower safely. I know before she left here months ago, getting dressed was almost insurmountable. I'd imagine that has worsened.

ADL stuff.

I won't likely be made aware of it, having removed myself from the front lines.

But seems to me .. if lack of any progress is at issue along with evidence of struggles with ADL's... there would be recommendation she can no longer live alone/placement, SNF.

Would be interesting to see SIL/DH take on it all.

Dorker, you are correct that an assessment will be made in the rehab about what her needs are. At least in my mom's situation, they would have sent an Occupational Therapist to evaluate her home for safety, if we hadn't already determined that she was going to Assisted Living.

I suspect the Social Workers at the facility will be talking to SIL and DH about what MIL's needs are, going forward.

The last damm thing rehab needs is SIL’s constant presence.

We can all picture this, right? SIL glued to Mega Mama’s side - and undermining the staff with high-maintenance expectations.

Shall we take bets on how long it takes for the rehab staff to tell SIL to get bent?

Oh how I wish someone in a professional capacity in all this, would set SIL reeling with all her mega over hovering and over diligence.

MIL talking last night about just that! MIL herself so weary of it. But the disconnect there is this. MIL cannot/does not manage. Period. She doesn't. So SIL hovers and does it all and then some. MIL doesn't connect the dots.

So MIL what's your answer there dear? SIL drives you up a tree sideways with all her neurotic hovering ... you can't take care of yourself... you refuse to entertain any notion of placement ..for skilled and staffed care ... what's your solution there dearie?

Her answer (absent the ability to connect those dots) would be (y'all just need to leave me be .. now I'll be fine)

Yea ok .. so the other nite when DH had to literally pick up all 170 lbs of you... because you couldn't get up and the UTI ongoing had rendered you unable to even process how to get up .. brain in a fog .. ok ...???... guess he could have just walked out and gone on home and you can just soak your Depends and end up in the end with Sepsis ... yea ok ... leave you be. Got it.

The dots, connecting them .. it's gone ... no ability to do so. None.

Yes. SIL hovers ... ENORMOUSLY ... driving everyone in her periphery nuts.

How I wish the pros would come down hard on her ... that her mom's care is way above her pay grade and she's doing her mom a disservice to delude herself otherwise.

But Dorker, lots of folks (even in this forum) do way too much caregiving, are slaves, put up with abuse, etc. The professionals don't seem to care, because it gets the monkey off their backs.

I visited with best friend and her mom yesterday. Both are declining but BF won’t plan, lost ability really. She too is stuck in “mom and I must stay in 2 story house. Why won’t you help more?” I work full time now. “I didn’t think it would take up all your time”. Now is where some reality of SIL and B come up. If his sis is ill and visit desires, rehab stint perfect time to go. Full time rested care for MIL and no need to guilt family. If doesn’t happen? Hmmmm. Predictions? I predict the posh facility will be beyond the MIL financial means and non Medicaid if long term is sought. Poochy will be too missed and not allowed. SIL May leave to do B visit and leave DH and Dorker holding the bag for placement. DH cannot force her to stay and manage all the steps to get placement. Buckle up buttercup. Bumpy ride still ahead and DH is still gonna look to offload the work.

Is it considered unbearably cruel to take MIL's phone away from her? My mother, in rehab once, was driving us all INSANE with the phone calls. (Oddly enough, in her day to day, she CANNOT manage the phone. We think she was cajoling one of the workers to dial for her..) any how--at her "new" facility, they had a landline and didn't allow cellphones, for the exact reason that the patients were calling family night and day and very little "PT" or "OT" was going on. I guess not many of their residents had ph. numbers memorized. And also, w/o a phone at hand, literally, the patient had time to REST and heal. VERY unlikely that SIL's 24/7 presence will be allowed or appreciated. Just imho.

Honestly, somebody hovering over you 24/7 is pretty counterintuitive to getting "rest". The rehab is exhausting for theses folks. There were group activities if they so chose to be a part of something social--or they could stay in their rooms.

In fact, I only visited Mother ONCE in 12 week stay at this facility (her choice) and as I signed in, the front desk person asked me to keep my visit to 1/2 hr, maximum and to understand that they would not tolerate family "undermining" the healing process.
Basically, we're happy to have you come. Don't stay long and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Mother rehabbed 100xs better than her next surgery where she opted to come home and "let" us take care of her. Ugh.

SIL is hoarse? She's burning up is what's happening. The vertigo, the hoarseness, she's not YELLING at people is she? She's shutting down, herself. I imagine she is just frantic with the knowledge that this is likely an enormous change and she isn't in control. It's the end of the road, so to speak and in a few days---she isn't going to have a say in what goes on.

Dang the lack of the POA. If DH had that, he could override his crazy (yet loving) sister and make MIL stay in a facility where, yes, she will be miserable, but safe.
He can legally make that happen now---but it would be awful and probably cause irreparable damage to his relationship with SIL. He just HAS to be tough, this one time, super tough. I don't know if he can.

MIL can't be left alone for 1 hour now. What does SIL THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN? The best they can hope for is the UTI to settle down and for MIL to be able to walk with a walker. Also hopefully make it to the bathroom and not require 10 complete bedding changes per day. Actually, she'll be in full coverage incontinence briefs from now on.

Ina facility she will be compliant with her meds b/c someone will bring them to her and watch her take them.

In a facility she can have palliative/Hospice care when she wants it. She'd also actually probably be a lot less lonely, as you would feel like a visit there would be within your ability to control it. She may actually stop complaining about the loneliness--anything could happen.

AS long as you keep pounding that thought into SIL's head that this is a whole new regime change and she cannot control it. Someone in CHARGE has to have a come to Jesus with SIL and tell her in no uncertain terms she is OUT of the elder care job. She needs to be a loving daughter and quit trying to change the rotation of the earth.

I think ANYTHING could happen. MIL will rally to a point, will SIL allow herself to see the truth or will she hop right back into the overbearing care?

Who knows?

(Just a side note--about the pills: My FIL hated all the meds he had to take (except for the Norco!!) and I'd hand him his pills and a glass of water and walk away. A week after he passed, I, like Xena, pulled out his recliner and there were PILES of pills. Hundreds. He didn't want to take them and by darn, he DIDN'T. I had a good laugh, vacuumed up probably $500 worth of stuff and said "good job, Dad, you sneaky devil")

A few follow-up thoughts FWIW:
#1. Barb is exactly right re: Rehab assessment of MIL's ability to conduct ADL's as well as a general assessment of "cognitive" function. They certainly did this with my Mom. DH and SIL should WANT to know the results of this assessment and subsequent recommendations for MIL whenever release from Rehab may occur.
#2. SIL and DH should be meeting with the Rehab SW right away re: options for MIL upon release, especially since Medicaid is involved with placement. I cannot speak to the Medicaid issue as my Mom was financially able to personally fund her ALF/SNF care. Sorry, I know I'm preaching to the choir (you, Dorker) here, but just recommendations based on my own experiences.
#3. A recommendation for help in seeking appropriate placement: The local Alzheimer's Association. NO, your LO does not have to have ALZ, my Mom did not. They were magnificent and helped me find the perfect, lovely placement for my Mom. I personally visited and met w/people of at least 25 "highly recommended" facilities before contacting the local ALZ Association. Everyone I met with was a " Marketing Manager"....enough said.
The beautiful, small place where I placed my Mom was actually run by an experienced RN and that's who I met with and got the "facility tour". Never regretted it, nor did Mom. Again, this was not a Medicaid situation, but if you want to put a bug in DH's ear.....entirely up to you....OR, if he should come to you, overwhelmed and not knowing where to turn for help, I would very highly recommend the local ALZ organization for wonderful assistance in placing a LO in an ALF/SNF facility. I don't know where you are in FL but this happened to be the Marco Island/Naples area where my Mom had resided for 30+ years.
Again, only FWIW, based on my personal experience, and, if sometime in the near future, you find any of this helpful.
Stay strong in your boundaries: You are magnificent in how far you have progressed since starting this thread!!
In fact, I am sure that is why your thread has survived and thrived. All of us, fellow CG's, past and present, owe you some thanks for your open, honest, straight-forward, unembellished and compelling evolutionary/revolutionary true tale. Including the honest but heart-wrenching decisions that ultimately have to be made, weighing the options, the fall-out, what you are ultimately willing or not willing to do, to give up or refuse to give up....More power to ya Dorker!
So well catalogued, so well told, so relatable to so many. Thank you!

Minna, Fabulous advice. B

When my mom went into SNF for rehab, they had rehab beds but no open long term beds for Medicaid pending. We let them know on Day 1 about the need for long term beds, and two weeks later, one opened up. Point being that Medicaid bed availability is a fluid situation, and you can't wait until a week before discharge to put out the word. I see MIL raising holy h*ll at the idea that this is more than a temporary rehab gig to get her able to go back home.

I'd be shocked if this posh place has any Medicaid beds. I don't believe they would, but not sure.

But doesn't matter, it's not gonna turn in that direction, no matter what.

I'm quite sure that this is temporary .. and thought so by all .. and for Rehab and nothing more.

In fact, if the SW at the Rehab place were to tell SIL .. "Look she's gonna have to be carted around on your back every minute of every day .. she is that much compromised ..".

SIL would shake her head in acknowledgement and hulk her mom onto her back, and off they'd go.

Where would DB weigh in it all? He'd likely tell his sister just how many bricks she is short of a load for taking that on .. but .. then turn and let her.

Nobody has POA and that isn't about to be forthcoming .. there's not a thing that can be done.

I firmly believe she needs to be in a staffed/supported environment .. a SNF .. but .. MO matters not.

I intend to try to get DH's ear .. to impart to him that he needs to be more proactive than he's been in the past, and get a read from the powers-that-be on site there, as to his mom's limitations . .and if need be .. pull the plug (or try to) on his sister's valiant efforts to hold this all up in the pinky of her hand ..

But .. I'll impart that to him . and then I better (for my own good) be able to "let it go" when he doesn't follow through on it . To do otherwise, is to just spin myself into a tizzy of frustration that ends in a road to nowhere.

I'd like to see, SIL and B fly out to St. Louis (assuming the sister there hasn't passed already and the funeral took place absent their presence. I really don't know, haven't asked). But this would be the absolute perfect opportunity for them to fly there and spend some time with her. And "GET AWAY FROM THIS CHIT SHOW HERE".

Will they? I doubt it. SIL will try to run the show there at the Rehab and sit bedside with her mom .. and go the steps of PT as they transpire, so forth.

SIL has full blown laryngitis and can only talk in barely whispers at this point, but she was . (ready for this ..???)... earlier .. unpacking for her mom, the things she'd brought there .. and transported her mom to the Rehab site .. and then unpacking and putting away her mom's things .. and couldn't talk .. her voice gone.

I haven't weighed in, my thoughts though .. if you're too damn stupid to go home and rest . and read your own body's signals .. as to how exhausted you are, trying to prop all this chit up . then you deserve every bit of it.

DH did tell her to do so . but .. nobody can make her .. and so if she wants to run herself into the damn dirt, .. so be it.

Whatever it is that MIL did to raise such a dutiful servant .. I wish I knew. It didn't rub off on DH that's for sure.

He did not go to the Rehab site tonight, didn't get in from work until late, and he's exhausted .. and he has the good sense, to go rest. Go figure.

Either I'm just mean to the core, .. through and through. Or, I'm crazy and have lost my mind. I really don't know.

So .. I had called SIL .. yesterday on my way home from work .. found her unable to talk other than just a whisper of hoarse voice. The only thing she got out .. she wa telling me that they were at the rehab site, just got there, .. she was unloading and putting away MIL's things.

I didn't keep her, responded to her: "Oh man . you sound awful ... I'm gunna let y you go so you can save your voice".

I didn't hear anymore from her, understandably so. She doesn't need to be using her voice, sounded awful.

So then today I get an email from her. She goes into explaining that yesterday was awful .. her voice gone .. and the hospital/rehab site . kept yanking their chain as to when/if .. there'd be availability to go to the rehab at all. This was, according to MIL, then causing MIL to get more and more anxious and dreading it all, and even stating she wonders if maybe she should just go home, maybe she can't even participate in rehab .. not well enough (?).

Anyway, they did finally get the go ahead and SIL transported her there, in rush hour traffic sounds like. They had to get an aide of some sort to help to get MIL in and situated and get all her things in (don't know what was brought there).

And they brought MIL a dinner tray .. and she had to then caution the staff, when there was carrot cake on the tray and caution her mom not to eat it. She can't eat nuts .. (Diverticulitis) .. is supposed to be on a low fiber diet right now . and so .. said she was trying to talk to the staff .. to set that straight . but when she talks, nothing comes out but a whisper.

So . she finally got her mom situated .. and went on home (isn't going today . staying home to rest, rest her voice, etc).

Called her mom this morning and PT was there to do an eval .. and she asked her mom if she'd taken her morning meds .. did she take her evening meds last night .. her mom didn't know. So now it was a phone call to staff .. to try to dial down on all that.

Am I crazy .. is this over-the-top .. ???.... do most folks who arrive at a Rehab site, not have the capacity to know what they should and shouldn't eat .. so as to aggravate their already existing condition, whatever that condition might be .. do they not know . .whether they've taken their pills ...???..... is this typical?

I'm over here like ... "hmm .. well .. point #1, . it's a good thing you can't speak . maybe that will have them interacting with your mom more than would be normally the case, and NOT YOU .. and maybe they'll get a truer read of what she is and isn't .. if they have to interact with HER and NOT WITH YOU. Point #2, if she doesn't know what she should and shouldn't put in her mouth after all she's been through (this isn't the first rodeo with a Diverticulitis flare up) .. then . I dunno what to say .. if she doesn't know whether her pills were doled out to her and she took them or didn't .. maybe that's not the right setting for her.

Sheesh. Either I'm just mean and don't realize what old folks need .. in the way of an advocate . someone to speak for them, act for them. Or I'm flat out nuts ..

Either that, or it's SIL that's crazy ..

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