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Re Bunion. Since Dorker says that what is going on is on the sole of MILs foot, I wonder of it's not actually a plantar wart. Bunions are a bone issue, not a sole of foot issue . Reminds me of my grandma who used to refer to her intestinal issue as " monkey-itis" ( it was divurticultis). Mil may refer to her food issue as a bunion when that is not actually what it is.

She is on a no sodium diet and the edema is well controlled, no Lasix necessary.

She'd been loosing weight because she'd had zero appetite. I think that was the antibiotic. That too has improved (rx'd steroid for the gout, steroids increase appetite and her's increased). The gout was in her finger and thumb, not her foot (unusual). Doc said it's pseudo gout, meaning more related to arthritis than uric acid. Getting better though, pretty rapidly.

Yes, I'm interested to see going forward, how all these specific issues she Has, get attended to.

When I took my mother to a Geriatric Psychiatrist he took a look at all the medications she was on - stuff she’d been on forever for physical stuff and newer meds her new quack PCP was adding, stopping, changing for her dementia and anxiety - and he pretty much said “Most of this makes no sense”.

The Psychiatrist did a complete overhaul - cutting out a lot of meds and pared down/changed the “mood meds”, as I call them.

Then later, when hospice was brought in - they took away all the physical related meds and just maintained the mood meds and some pain pills.

Through both med adjustments - there was absolutely no change in my mothers physical well-being. None.

I think sometimes these these older folks tend to stay on stuff that is
no longer appropriate- just because they’ve “always” taken it. For instance my mother had a hormone replacement rx... she was 88 for pity’s sake!

I don’t know who’d be the right doctor to ask in MILs current situation - but maybe a complete review should be done for what she’s taking and why she is taking it - i.e, can specific ailments just be let
go - considering her age and all?

Oh wow. Elder Care Attorney requested documents to be brought to first meeting? This is no consultation...sounds like he/she is ready to roll. That is wonderful news!

Bras. I hate them! Does MIL wear a bra with her PJs at the rehab facility? If she does not, I wouldn’t waste time trying to find one for her to struggle with should she progress to street clothes.

S.A.S. shoes. Omg my grandmother wore those. She had several pairs. She wore them into her 90s.

Dorker, sorry to hear the 5yo is sick. Hope she feels better soon.

Today was my last day of my 6 month commitment babysitting my 5 month 3 week old granddaughter. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when they picked her up day. I have jury duty Monday. So I couldn’t fulfill the the last week and it’s a good thing. I honestly think I would have collapsed.

I also have a 5yo grandson that I babysat for 18 months.

I had no idea 5 years would make such difference. I grossly overestimated my stamina! Good luck with the twins this weekend.

plantar is on the mid to back part on the bottom of the foot. My dh has to keep an eye out for it as he has had it a couple of times. Not the same place as a bunion.

Dorker, my mother also had pseudo gout in her hand, dx'd when she was in rehab in the SNF.

She stopped wearing a bra and wears a cami under her shirts.

I wonder if residents are expected to self-police their diets in an AL?

Do you whittle a bunion?

You certain DO whittle away at a plantar wart. My understanding is that a bunion is a bone issue, internal within the foot and requires surgery, not whittling.

Can I recommend using tea tree oil on the planters wart, my niece had them and after 3 days, 3xs a day application they started falling out. She said they were very painful and started feeling better the 1st day.

It is well worth the 10 or 15 dollars to deal with them or to finally know what they aren't.

It could take more time if her feet are really calloused or they are really large. I would say if no improvement after 2 weeks it's not going to help.

That could be part of her mobility issues, my niece was 15 years old and said it really hurt to walk on them, I could see she was walking funny and asked, she just thought that was life and they would go away. I think she was embarrassed, you know how 15 year old girls can be;>)


Planters warts? Falling out?!! Shaving bunions? Eewwwww!

Can we talk about something more pleasant - like gout and chitapalooza, maybe?

No. The plantar is deep in the tissue. At least in my husband’s case. He had to wear orthotics from the podiatrist in his shoes. It will also flare when reinjured. A simple misstep can cause it to flare. A pain in the rear to deal with. He has had it twice over the years. Had to have therapy etc.
The bunion is as you said in the bone. My mom had bunions and two of my nephews and my mom’s sister so I suppose there is a genetic component. No whittling on the bunion in her case. I think that’s on the corns. But if the bunion formed a callous from rubbing against the shoe, I suppose it could require whittling. My mom always thought hers was caused from high heels. Wouldn’t explain the grandsons.
Gout almost always starts in the big toe. Some people have normal Uric Acid and have gout. Some have high Uric Acid and don’t have gout. AND one can have both gout and psuedo gout I’ve read. It’s a very old and confusing disease. Nothing confusing about the pain. It’s a different mineral that collects in the joint. It can also be genetic. We have three men in the family with it.
Poor MIL has a variety of ailments. That’s for sure.

. I think we are talking about two diff problems but tea tree oil is a great remedy for many things. I was speaking of plantar fasciitis and your niece had warts. I’m sorry if I misread what Barb was referring to.

My sweet daddy was in end stage Hospice Care and my mother was crushing his Cholesterol meds into powder, mixing them with Ensure and eye-droppering it into his mouth, I came in morning while she was doing this and said "what are you DOING?" Well, the dr has not discontinued it, so she though it was important. Poor daddy--he was barely able to swallow a popsicle if you held it to his lips---

I blew a gasket and called my sister and she told mom to quit already. I gave daddy his morphine and Ativan and calmed him down (this thing mother was doing was VERY upsetting to him).

He died a week later. If that stupid Lipitor caused him to live one more day in the hell he endured---well, it's all water under the bridge now, but mother was so adamant he have ALL his meds. NOPE. Hospice was morphine and Ativan only. And anything liquid he wanted. We had to get 24/7 care so mom wouldn't try to sneak him pudding or something.

Palliative and Hospice are similar in their Keep It Simple Stupid attitude. At some point---no meds beyond the absolute necessary for QOL.

Im not sure it's a bunion ... I just call it that. Whatever it Is, it's on the sole of her foot kind of in the area where the foot stops and toes begin ... and the doc whittles at it/shaves it down.

Hasnt had to do so for maybe a year or thereabout. But for a long time it was a recurrent thing ... going back and forth a lot.

As for today ... who knows, another UTI maybe. Confusion/disoriented.

MIL couldn't figure out how to turn off the tv last night (no the nurse button didn't dawn on her). Got up and somehow unplugged the tv mounted up on the wall.

Aalso fell out of her bed last night. Told SIL (tells nurse differently) she fell flat out and had to climb back up by holding onto the bed.

Nurses heard a thud... went to check on her ... found her standing up ... Said she fell out of bed but never fell down.

SIL has asked them to run a UTI test. Told MIL they'd be coming to do that. MIL called her later to ask if she'd dreamed it, them coming to do a UTI or was that real.

Seems confused.

I not DH going up there, exposed via grand daughter, type A flu, staying away.

Ppot run ragged SIL is (don't think it's necessary ... let staff handle it). But whatever. She's trying to pull together the docs needed for Monday atty appt ... it's quite the chore sounds like.

Ceasing that endeavor to go to the Rehab site, see what's going on with her mom.

Look up plantar wart. It sounds as though that's what it is. I wonder if its causing at least some of her mobility problems. They can be quite painful.

Its something to add to the list of things for SIL or DH to ask DON about. I'm sure they have a podiatrist who visits.

Given MILs mental staus, she probably lacks the ability to localize pain. In between the shaving by the podiatrist, there is medication that needs to be applied each night which encourages the wart to die.

There is, of course the duct tape method. But apparently that doesnt work with deep warts.

Dorker, I am sorry to hear about your Grandaughter having the Flu, and I sure hope that nobody else catches it, poor little thing! Also BIL's sister passing, when it rains it pours it seems, very sad!

I am quite certain that anywhere that MIL ends up, they will want to transfer her usual medical care to the in-house Dr/ARNP/RN care team, and that any regular medications that she is taking, including her heart/Neuro/Stroke meds will be monitored by them, it is just so much easier for the patient and their families this way, that as well as make use of their Mail-order parmacy too. Any specialty type appointments will be minimized to once or twice yearly, esp with your urging, plus any meds that she is taking that can be eliminated, the in-house care team will do that too. There comes a time where meds for Cholesterol or "special" eydrops be discontinued unless absolutely nessesary.

I know that my FIL's PCP d/c'd quite a few of his meds there in the end, as at 87 and older, and in someone so compromised, what are we trying to do here, it's unfair to keep filling them up with meds to prolong their lives, and the patient too would likely agree with this plan of care.

Another thing to mention is the switching around to different Care Facilities. I would think it best to minimize these efforts too, as moving from one place to another is Expensive, using up what little money she has left in "move in costs", plus the added confusion "trying them out", and "testing MIL"s abilities, esp when the posh place doesn't even accept MEDICAID ever, that would be a total waste of time and money! SIL needs to set her sights on the real and nessasary, and quit trying to please her Mother so much!

All of the facilities are going to have their good points and their bad points, you just have to keep going back to the Safe, Clean, nice caring staffing, and a roof over her head, the bits about "slumpers" needs to go by the wayside, as MIL is 1 stroke away from being a slumper herself, and no amount of trying to satisfying her is going to change that fact. It's all going to be a Big adjustment for her, so be ready for that fallout, she will eventually adjust, esp if everyone is on the same page.

I still just cannot get over that this wasn't all part of SIL's master plan, to get her settled there in Fla, and then leave her again. She is very lucky to have you! It seems that everyone needs to be saving and pitching in for Airfare for SIL's frequent trips to Fla, as she will probably be doing a lot of travel in the next year.

The confusion set in big time for my mom around day 3 of the steroid course given due to her gout. It was scary. Incontinence, too. Once the steroid course ended, she returned to her previous self. (until the rehab mistakenly started up a new course unknown to me) It was obvious to me that the steroids led to a huge, rapid decline both times.
Type this into google "Expect psychiatric side effects from corticosteroid use in the elderly" and click the link. Sounds like it is very common. Scary!

Staceyb- if I’m not mistaken, it wasn’t B’s sister who passed but MILs sisters husband.

Was MIL's sister (94 years old), her husband passed away yesterday morning.

B's sister in St. Louis, btw, some new fangled treatment that otherwise looked to serve as hope, where there was none. Not turning out that way. Hospice involved now. I don't know the ins and outs, except to say whatever this new procedure was to have been, seems to long and grueling and no real promise at her age (78) of full recovery. The sister opted for Hospice.

Now the hunt is on, SIL very aware in light of her mom's state at present, her hopping a plane with B, to go with B to see about B's dying sister, not an option she wants to pursue. So now how to get <somewhat compromised B> to St. Louis ... and no SIL to accompany.

Seems there is only one airline from here to there, direct flight as well as reasonable flight. But would mean a stay of 4 days to catch return flight here ... that airline doesn't do this route but a couple of times a week.

Other airlines .. one would have to change planes as well not as reasonably priced. B also left with, post stroke a couple of years back, slight balance issues ..not nearly as bad as MIL's but nonetheless... still a slight fall risk .. so there is worry .. changing planes/navigating an airport, etc

And still sorting that out.


More later. MIL really turning up the drama with SIL at this point.

"All y'all care about is my safety, no one is taking into consideration my quality of life that I care more about"

As well as "now don't y'all forget about me"

MIL also confused .... came to get her for her shower today (schedule is Tues, Thurs, Sat). She declined... told them she showered yesterday ... nope. It was Thursday not yesterday.

The good news tho as reported by SIL (who actually had no intent to go there today ... far too spent and occupied with gathering paperwork for atty, but did go when it was apparent her mom fell last night as well as seeming disoriented) ..

Her mom dressed today .. it's said without help. Yes SIL has stressed upon her the expectation as to Fancy Pants and dressing daily.

Somehpw MIL dressed herself today .. I guess without help.

I said to SIL: "that's great!"

SIL: "I don't know Dorker ... she just isn't with it .. I don't think she'll be able to hang with what's expected there ... she gets too confused...and this whole thing .. it's just ... she's so scared about her future ... really has her addled"

In my text messages today was “ the only people upset when you set boundaries are those who benefitted from you having none.”

Author Unknown

According to SIL: “she's (MIL’s) so scared about her future ... really has her addled”

Criminy. SIL just doesn’t get it.

MIL is addled because of her diminishing cognition.

Also worth noting - MIL was not the least bit “scared about her future” when she & her geriatric dog were calling the shots.

SIL REALLY needs M at her elbow to re-direct her mother's wishful thinking.

I'm curious if the lawyer will weigh in on the idea of a cognitive assessment to get a better handle on what MIL's real needs are, going forward.

Rainmom and Dorker, thank you for the clairification, and so sorry to hear about MIL's BIL's passing. When we are at the age that most of us are here on the AC, it doesn't seem a year goes by where one of our oldies passes on, esp all of us here who are taking care of our own parents, that's why it's nice to see that the majority of us are hanging on here, and helping guide the newcomers, as there is So much wisdom in this group, that and one hell of a .ot of compassion as well as good ole' friendship!

I don't know what I would have done without you all, when I was pulling my hair out caring for my FIL. It's just nice to be able to write out your thoughts, and the feedback is priceless!

I had 18 Aunties and Uncles, plus our 4 parents, plus my 5 siblings in-laws, and now they are all gone, so we are the oldies now. It's so hard to believe that in 10-15 years time, it will be us facing placement into Senior Care Facilities. I will be the nice old lady with a pocket full of sweets, and I'll be as nice as can be! Just bring me a big cup of hot coffee in the morning and I won't give them any trouble at all! LOL!

Someone had posted a few days back, a recommendation that all should maybe pull back from visiting all the time. Let MIL get used to her new lot in life ....

I agree.

I have been going there, .. 2 x's a week ..

SIL: Every day. However, she had no intention of going on Friday . was going to stay home to take care of some things .. but .. the BIL to MIL passed away and she wanted to tell MIL in person, so she took poochy and off they went, to break that news. (why she didn't see fit to phone her mom .. I guess it would be her feeling that her mom in too tender a spot these days, to take that kind of news .. and would be so upset to hear it, off she went). SIL wasn't going to go yesterday . was going to stay home, rest, pull paperwork together. But word her mom fell the night before (there still seems to be some discrepancy in that occurrence .. MIL tells that she fell .. out of the bed, to her knees . the nurse reports having heard a thud . went to check on her, .. and she was standing by the bed, .. don't know .. who knows). But SIL talking to her mom, learning that her mom seemed disoriented/confused (Prednisone?, could be) .. pondering if her mom has a UTI again, wanting to direct traffic on that issue. Learning her mom had the night before .. in her confusion/disorientation couldn't figure out how to turn off the tv with the remove .. (no I don't guess the nurse button dawned on her, . .I asked SIL why didn't she use that nurse button and call for one of them to help .. SIL's reply "I guess she's effing crazy .. I don't know) . .. got out of bed, stood on her tippy toes, to reach the electric cord (extremely poor judgement on MIL's part to have done that, and unplugged the thing) .. SIL .. off she went again yesterday.

I guess in the end, .. good thing she did .. not all shot in the foot with this Rehab place, .. and supposedly one of the best in the area .. it doesn't seem so, or maybe we don't know what a bad rehab looks like. SIL had called .. (directing traffic .. her mom fully cognizant should be able to handle that on her own, without SIL's direction) .. SIL called the nurse desk asked them to check her for UTI .. that she seems confused/disoriented. They said they would, that was yesterday AM. Got there, .. early afternoon, nothing had been done to address that. Got on it again, .. took them forever .. to then bring a specimen cup for MIL .. sounds like SIL was the one to .. assist with that cup .. not staff ... (MIL can't hover .. to pee in a cup ... she'd be all over the floor). SIL got that done, notified the specimen available, and had to remind them repeatedly to come get it .. I don't think they came for the cup til about 5.

Still no word on results on that issue..

But anyway, seems SIL goes every day and she's doing nothing but wearing herself out further .. and I've weighed in on that .. as well as cautioning . she won't be, wherever she lands .. visited daily by those that live here .. we will visit . .certainly . but it won't be daily .. and SIL's reply to that, .. "Well it's just really hard for her right now, she's scared about her future .. she's so addled and fretful and worried".

I'm about over it. I realize this isn't my mom .. I haven't walked in these shoes . with a parent who is addled, fretful .. worried/scared .. and it's always easy to arm-chair QB these things. But .. as I told SIL . unsolicited advice .. ."You're going to have to limit your exposure there .. you really are".

This because MIL plays on the heart strings . with the whole .. I don't know .. it's like she's in a play. Her saying things like, "now don't ya'll stick me somewhere and forget about me".

SIL says that kinda statement pizzes here off .. but she replies w/as much patience as she can . when what she wants to say is: "What has given you any EFFING INDICATION that last umpteen damn years we've all jumped thru hoops for you, . that you're gonna be forgotten!


Something had been said along the way by B .. I don't know the context of the conversation . I wasn't there .. but B had chimed in . and here were his words: "Oh, I'm just the dog walker".

Seems MIL honed in on that, and took it with a flavor of, as follows:

MIL: "Now B says he's just the dog walker .. I don't want you guys . now you must give him the attention . when you take him with you .. if you guys can't show him the love and attention needs .. then you need to find a good home for him . I want to make sure he's loved and cared for".

What the LIVING H377?

As SIL said she wanted to reply, but didn't .. governed her remarks, but what she wanted to say is: "for the last couple of years . anytime we've been around . your dog has been fed/let in and out, hauled to groomer, doctor, .. walked .. played with .. all of it, .. by US .......................... wth is with that statement".

MIL's statement that none of us care about her "quality of life" .. which is of more concern to her .. that we are all so busy trying to find her some place "safe" .. but nobody cares about what it is she cares about .. QOL.

So many responses SIL could've come back with . .and her expressing she wanted to (in fact SIL says this is all trying her patience .. that she's trying to remain patient and let her mom work through all this, pity parties and all .. ) .. but she wanted to say to her, "We are weighing every factor .. and ya know, your QOL, .. can no longer be at the hands of what we're all willing to do to prop it all up . that ship has sailed .. you have no QOL sitting in this house day after day . just you and your dog .. and isolated . .and failing to manage on your own .. so no . QOL is not our paramount concern .. we're weighing it all ... but .. QOL .. is not at the top of the list.

SO many responses that could've gotten.

SIL is the main one dealing with her, and far too frequently IMO.

I advised .. unsolicited btw, .. "you need to begin limiting your exposure to it all.. .you've said it, we all have, time and again .. as to what it is that we're doing and why . and I know older people don't change gears . .and this is a big gear .. a huge one .. but it's been said, time and time again ... and .. for her to continue pulling at your sympathy cord the way she's doing .. you need to seriously limit your exposure to it at this point . you don't need to be there every single day . for your own well being . you're going to wear yourself down and get sick again .. but not only that, it's allowing her the platform . continually to play this oh so sad saga she's the star actress in .. and it's not fair to you .. or to any of us . you need to begin telling her, your'e done talking about it and change the subject . if she won't .. tell her you'll see her in a couple of days .. begin training her that her saga . is what it is .. it just is what it is . and lamenting . .and crying . and pulling at heart strings .. is a broken record no one wants to hear .. and do it".

But anyway ... as to visiting her. I got 2x's week

DH goes maybe every-other-day .. or every two days .. a few x's a week.

<<though presently . none of us can go .. we've ALL been around sick g'daughter and could be incubating the flu ourselves and don't need to expose MIL to it>>

That includes DD .. who had hoped to get by this weekend .. she goes 1 x' a week .. and that has been sidelined in the sick daughter.

YD ... goes 1 x' a week

OD (no surprise there) .. hasn't called or gone by, not once.

Church lady goes 1 x a week.

I'm glad that I only go 2 x's a week .. because .. we know that M hit MIL where the water hits the wheel, with reality 101 . and M is now not a favored person with MIL. I think I would fall into that category next .. if I were there enough and had to hear all of it . I'd likely tell her, .. among many things .. one would be, "you need to knock it off, this is grueling to your kids . and they are both heartbroken


heartbroken and sad beyond measure and loosing sleep and tears .. and they are doing the absolute best they can do for you, given the circumstances that you yourself orchestrated in your actions .. over the last few decades .. now shut up and take your bitter pill the way you made it . and quit making them feel guilty .. stop it ..

They can't figure out . none of us can . what she's talking about . but she brings it up to church lady, to SIL . to DH ..

her words: "I just want to go to that little place that has the duplexes near DH's church".

None of us know of any duplexes near DH's church . we don't know what the h377 she's talking about . there are no duplexes near DH's church .. there are . some townhomes .. yes . that are single story . and two to a structure .. maybe that's what she's referring to . but those are not AL's . they are townhomes for fully functional sorts .. not at all associated with any elder care, it's a normal neighborhood . like any other.

SIL going there with her mom .. (I wouldn't) . I'd just change the subject. "Mom . .we don't even know what your'e talking about .. duplexes . where ..??... what duplexes?".

MIL: "I don't know it's close to DH's church'.

SIL: "What ..???... that's like a regular neighborhood . that's not any AL or anything .. you're talking about moving out of your house and into that, ..??.. what ..??? buying one of those .. with what .. you don't have any $ .. and it's not AL . it's a normal neighborhood . if you're gonna live alone . you already have a home to do that .. you can't live alone anymore:

MIL: "I just want to go to that little area where the duplexes are".

SIL telling me, it's so hard to have any conversation with her.

YA THINK??!?!??

Because I've been telling you now for at least two years she needs a cog assessment . but no . forever it was the UTI . it was the UTI .. and it still hasn't happened and may never for all I know . so she has all this crazy talk that you try to sort thru. Change the damn subject and move on . you know there are no duplexes near there with any association to an Elder Care .. none at all, so stop trying to sort that thru with her ..

MIL playing on the heart string with SIL's visits . that she just guesses that she will have to resign herself to the fact that the rest of her days here on this earth will be pretty chitty ones ..

SIL responding to that: "Life is what you make of it mother".

MIL playing on the heart strings of .. "I just can't believe . that I will never see my home again .. I love my home .. I love all my things .. what are you all doing with all my things . are things being carted out of there, right now as we speak .. ".

SIL responding: "Mother we're all far too busy to even contemplate any of that right now, and everything is right where you left it .. nobody has moved a stick of anything".

MIL: "I just want to go home to my home, just me and my little doggie".

I could just scream .. enough already. SIL quit going there so frequently .. and when you are there and it all starts again . shut it down .. tell her you're not talking about it anymore, .. that she's going to have to trust at this point that she raised both you and your brother with enough sense and sensibility to be responsible as to the choices that are being pondered .. and be done with it . and move on . stop letting her play this stupid operatic drama chit show.

Hoping the wee bit of Zoloft takes effect soon....

Whatever .. it ended up being some Wellbutrin or something . not Zoloft ..

It was thought .. Wellbutrin will increase her appetite some (something that was showing to be a problem, no appetite), that coupled with the fact, Zoloft can cause GI issues .. and MIL already has enough GI issues .. so the doc rx'd Wellbutrin .. and yes it's being administered daily now ..

So yes, let's hope in the next week or so some of this can wane, with the anti depressant on board.

Good grief!

The thing is .. it's so obvious to me .. MIL . not firing on all cylinders . that's a given probably for a lot who are her age.

And she's playing the same cards that always worked ..

It always worked for her, .. "I just want to go home, to my home, I love so much .. and my dog".

No longer works .. SIL is not on that page, .. SIl the ultimate enabler . of Enablers, she formed her own chapter of the Enabler's Anonymous .. and is the prez and CEO of it.

It worked for too long .. and it's not working anymore .. but MIL being compromised . isn't able to process .. and realize with any cognition . keep playing the same broken record .. it's not working anymore.

"Don't ya'll stick me with a bunch of people that don't know chit from chitola .......".

Worked .. forever. Not working anymore, but play that broken record over and over.

All of it ..

It worked .. all the utterings that she throws out there, . they worked .. for a long long time ..

And she's still stuck with the loosing deck as to the cards she's playing but not cognizant enough to realize that deck is faulty and no longer gonna work for her.. but play it she does .. over and over.

Dorker, SIL needs to realize that NO place is perfect as far as rehab or NH or AL. My mother is in one of the top NHs in our area. There are issues.

There are also family members who are there every day. One woman feeds her mother all meals. Another one is there every night until her mother falls asleep. Another woman has visitors every time I go there. I wonder if SIL will think she has to be like that if she sees this kind of presence by others?

So has SIL given up on getting B to his sister's? That's a shame that he can't see his sister while she's still alive. Perhaps in 10 days, when the transfer to the LTC "purgatory" is made and presumably all the Medicaid-pending paperwork is humming along?

I think DH should volunteer to get his Brother in Law to see his sister before she dies......

Ooohhhh, that is a GREAT idea, Barb! If H can camp with orphans, he could ac company BIL to see the sister!

One more thing I want to say, Dorker, re facilities, is that falls are common. My mother never fell before entering the NH, but she has probably seven (? I've lost track) falls since then. It's usually when she wakes up at night, tries to stand up, then crumples to the floor. All have been "soft" falls, although one was a little different and there were x-rays and a CT scan. They can't restrain NH residents, so I think this is par for the course.

I, too, was going to the NH at first after every fall, but now I don't. The NH is required to inform me of falls and injuries.

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