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Btoken hip. Surgery tomorrow.

More later.

Oh, no. So sorry to all of you. Poor MIL.

I'm so sorry, Dorker.
Very likely, her hip broke and then she fell. Not the other way around.

Broken hip, and now surgery? Oboy...I think there is no chance of Fancy Pants AL now.

Hope comes through surgery okay! (Does it require a general anesthetic?)

Oh no, poor MIL. And I know it's hard for you guys as well. Prayers for all of you as you walk through this.

Wow. I predicted things would
go downhill fast - but I didn’t think it would be this fast.

Sorry to say, it’s been my experience that in cases of a broken hip - with someone as old and in an already compromised physical condition- that it’s only a matter of time - a short time.

Im sorry it has come down to this. Not that I expected a clean white cloud... but this... this is gonna be really awful for everyone involved. Especially, mil.

If no one has talked to you about hospice/palliative at this point, someone may want to enquire. And make sure a geriatrician is consulting on the case... someone who understands the intricacies of care in the elderly.

When FIL (similar in age and infirmities to MIL, more advanced dementia, but he didn’t have heart issues) fell and thought hip was broken, one of the options was opting for hospice/palliative instead of doing surgery, which can be very traumatic at that age. Not sure how all of that works because his hip was not broken. We ended up going hospice anyway because he basically went into a kind of coma over the next few days because of the shock and his age.

May or may not be relevant to your situation, but I thought I would throw it out there before they do the surgery. Hope everything works out for the best...

I'm so sorry.
Gonna be hard for everyone.
I hope the cloud comes for her soon.
This turn of events will surely make her more miserable.

My grandmother fell and broke her hip at age 90.
They did surgery on her but that broken hip was the beginning of the end, which didn't come until 3.5 years later. She had numerous TIAs and falls after that surgery. It was one hospitalization after another.
I loved her dearly, but looking back, knowing what I know now, I wish she had not made it through the surgery. She had nothing but 3.5 years of pain and misery.

Prayers that surgery goes well.

Sending Prayers for you all Dorker. I have learned so much from you and all the other posters here. Stay strong.

As a further voice of doom and gloom - better break out your armor, Dorker. Denial, guilt, sadness and fear will surely bring about finger pointing, blame and accusations.

Just how this next part goes, I’m sorry to say.

Sorry about broken hip. Strength to all of you. The guilt games will begin.

So sorry to hear this.

I don't know why the blame, though. MIL fell in rehab after a hospitalization.

Or will it be said that she should have rehabbed at home?!

I hope H can put the workin'/churchin'/huntin'/orphan campin'/missionary lunchin' on hold for a while...

No one said that blaming Dorker was going to make any sense, CTTN. Just that she might want to prepare for it.

Dorker, so sorry. Prayers for you all.

So Sorry Dorker--not one bit surprised, but sorry, nonetheless.

So begins the actual downhill spiral. DO NOT let DH and MIL fall into the shoulda -coulda-woulda way of thinking that if they'd had her home she would not have fallen. Barb is probably right-hip broke first, causing the fall.

I hope that whatever the outcome--you are all at peace.

So sorry to hear this, Dorker. May your family stay strong for each other through this crisis. Her poor old body is just so frail... like my mom's was.

Hugs Dorker to you and your family!!

Falls happen anywhere. My MIL fell standing near my FIL in the kitchen. MY FIL fell because he got light headed. My mom fell at AL twice...TIAs. And bones get brittle and break spontaneously. My mom had brittle bones, probably osteoporosis. She had a tub/fib break in her mid 50’s just putting a dish away. Even SIL camping out in the room wouldn’t have stopped this. Sending strength and calm to you and the sibs.

I just realized. No one has health care proxy or DPOA. Not a good position to be in; needing surgery and no one able to speak for you.

Hope the hospital will be compassionate and listen to her kids.

It may vary from state to state, hospital to hospital but in my experience, hospitals do listen to the kids. My uncle had recently retired and was in good health when without warning he had a massive heart attack (is there ever a warning? Probably not. But point being no one expected this to happen). His son was first to arrive at the hospital and they asked him what he wanted them to do-keep trying to revive him or stop. He told them to keep going so they did. He had no POA or anything. When my uncles wife arrived, she took over. She was allowed to make all of the decisions without having a POA or any other documents. Bit of a different situation but I can’t see why they wouldn’t let the kids make a decision is MIL cannot.

So sorry to hear about your MIL Dorker!

Here's hoping for the best, Dorker.

She hadn't eaten last night *just wasn't hungry*. Her food tray hadn't yet been brought this morning .. and she said she'd felt dizzy earlier when they'd gotten her up to weigh her. Lightheaded.

They've been concerned . .she'd eaten a bit better when on the steroids . and off the antibiotic finally . but absent those two factors . she really hasn't eaten much . .since she got there, and is loosing weight. Last night, no different . .she didn't eat.

They got her up to weigh her . .as they do every AM . .and she said she felt a bit dizzy . but I don't guess she mentioned it (poor judgement).. and so in a bit . .she knew the SW and Atty were coming, she'd been told they'd be coming. So she got up . and didn't feel well, . somewhat a bit nausea .. and lightheaded . but thought she'd power through.

Went to the bathroom to wash her face, brush her teeth ..

And down she went. (poor judgement, cognitive impairment that is worsening . and likely will worsen more behind this hip surgery and anesthesia would be my guess).

I had gone to see/visit my dad so didn't' head up to the hospital until late afternoon. And got side tracked to go by the Rehab (SIL's request) . and gather MIL's things . .as she'll be vacating that for a bit.

Also .. MIL found to be dehydrated upon her arrival there at ER .. and so IV fluids pumped into her ..

I don't guess a Rehab stays after such things .. particularly when no one has been told there is cognitive impairment that I have shouted from every corner . .that hasn't been addressed. But anyway.

So .. she will have surgery tomorrow . had already been given her dose of Eliquis for the day and so they thought . the bleed risk . let's put it off til tomorrow.

When I went to gather her things .. one of the CNA's there helped me . and this is what I was told: "I tell Ms. _________all the time, don't get out of bed without us here to assist . but she doesn't listen".

I just pointed to my head . and said .. "she has a bad memory" and kept working .. doesn't matter at this point. Damage done.

All the time she's been in Rehab . the instructions were (but nobody followed them . nor was there follow through, or bed alarm) . ."don't get out of bed unassisted".

But .. didn't seem to be anyone checking on that .. and so .. I don't know why they bothered saying it, there was no follow-thru to make sure she wasn't doing so.

And this was supposedly one of the "best" Rehabs in town.

Likely she won't be going back to that one .. which of course, is okay by me . she will need now, an ortho of a Rehab . for whatever that's worth at this point.

Pleased I was able to get SIL to GO HOME.

She was .. hanging in the balance, "Should I stay here o'nite, I'm so so tired .. I just cannot get a break here .. I just can't .. it's one damn thing after another, .. I finally got to the doc and got an rx . and am trying to get well . they told me to go home and rest .. HA .. fat chance of that, . should I stay here .. I feel bad leaving her".

Me: Do what you want, but you need to learn the word "NO", and use it .. No I am not going to stay the night, I'm tired, I'm sick . and I need to rest, and do it".

She did.

DH stayed behind for several hours .. I left ..

Get some sleep, Dorker. Thanks so much for posting.

Dorker, prayers for all of you getting through the next 5 days. Had bad flashback of MIL breaking her hip & the surgery after. If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve been prepared. She got through the surgery & we thought that was that everything would be fine. Nobody shared with us that in elderly patients organs sometimes don’t come out of anasthesia. Her kidneys, her liver & something else never came back online & we lost her a week later. In the end it was better because she was facing NH placement & that wouldn’t of been pretty. Thinking MIL is praying for the cloud maybe she’ll catch one. I’m praying for whatever is best for all if you.

A friend of mine lost her mom (70's) from just this very thing.

Hip surgery ..

Then to Rehab

Got Pnumonia ..

Back to hospital

Then . fixed up and back to Rehab

Where she got a blood clot/stroke .. and gone.

Nothing would surprise me at this point.

And .. she's been .. as far as I'm concerned, looking for a broken hip for a long long time .. her balance/mobility is so so so poor . and now her cognitive/judgement issues . she has no ability anymore to decide .. "gee, I don't feel quite right . maybe I better tell someone and stay my butt right here in the bed".

You really are amazing Dorker. You go through so much in almost any given day and still are able to put pen to paper (via our modern world) with such detail that I think most here can almost place themselves in the situation. I hope the surgery proceeds as best as possible for all of you whatever that might be. I know many here will be waiting with baited breath for the latest chapter of this ever evolving tale once again brought to life for us to absorb. And there is no what if but only what once again.

What about that 5 wishes document? Has it been destroyed? Sounds like it's needed, or an emergency visit by atty and crew before surgery.

I hate to be blunt, but you might want to suggest that since MIL would like to go home on the cloud, having a DNR(do not resusitate) order on her at the hospital might help her. If she were to stop breathing during surgery or recovery, she could lift off to the cloud painlessly.

The 5 wishes might still be helpful if the advance directive can't be executed. I bet there's a way to get one at the hospital for her- my mil was required to have one before her surgery and it was at the visitor's desk. The volunteers witnessed. I would hate for her to be on a ventilator and intubated when she really wants to float away.

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