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Honestly, I'm kinda just .. I don't know, disgusted.

I mean . she's gonna be sent back to the Rehab from whence she came from. We know it's supposedly "one of the best" in the area .. and so what the h377 are the other ones?

My opinion of that as a site . they aren't staffed to meet the need of someone who has some memory issues (cognitive). She was told to ask for assistance . before getting out of bed, . repeatedly.

The story from her .. "I do, they don't come" (who knows if she does or doesn't . who can say). But in the end, she gets out of bed unassisted, we know that . i.e., broken hip to prove it.

We know she arrived at the hospital dehydrated. They aren't staffed to deal with folks . not at that Rehab . which IMO is one that is for folks who are there to rehab but the assumption there, she has all her mental faculties (she does not). We know she didn't drink enough to not dehydrate, and they don't have the staff there to follow behind all that.

It's my belief she needs to be rehabbing in SNF .. where there is more staff (but would that even be staffed appropriately . who the h377 knows).

I put in a call to the case manager where she is hospitalized presently and expressed my misgivings . citing her memory issues . and that she doesn't in fact, wait for them to come .. and so gets up out of bed any way .. and that she doesn't hydrate appropriately . and becomes dizzy and so forth.

The answer given: "Honestly you're not going to find the staffing levels at any facility .. and yes I hear that about a lot of places . they call for the nurse . but one doesn't come . so they just do it themselves . it's a problem that is pervasive .. and so .. the only plus to sending her back to where she came here from .. is that she is familiar with the setting there, the staff . . and so for someone with short term memory issues . that in and of itself can prove somewhat beneficial in that she won't be having to adjust to new staff, new setting.

I dropped it. Can't fight city hall.

More broken bones and dehydration to come .. I'd say.

It's not the site's problem . I get it. They are staffed, at least MO .. they are staffed according to the assumption that the mental faculties are all in place . and so they don't have the oversight needed to man what is at issue, they simply do not.

But there is no formal dx of Dementia with MIL . and so .. when she's told that she should stay in bed unless assisted . by damn there gonna assume she understands that and will follow thru. She doesn't. When they bring her a cup/pitcher of water, they're going to assume she understands the importance of hydrating appropriately and leave her to it.

I get it.

Case Manager says the following: "honestly you're going to find limits on where she can be accepted period . there are Rehabs that are going to deny her, simply because they know she's also a LTC patient . .and so they aren't going to tie up a bed for what is a short stay of rehab .. knowing she will have greater need than they can meet.

Goes on to extrapolate some on that whole thing. Long story short .. it just is what it is.

More broken bones to come (hopefully not . but I don't see that it won't happen).

SIL will want to be spending all day with MIL, coaxing her to hydrate and cajoling her to eat. Maybe she'll insist upon staying all night with her, too (or guilt your H into sharing the overnight duty).

Keep your boundaries, Dorker!

Dorker, Is anyone looking at rehabs that are in SNFs?

My mom, post stroke, went to AL; was unsuccessful there; not enough care. Broke her hip. Then went to SNF for rehab because we knew that, having been unsuccessful at VERY helpful AL, she was NOT going to succeed at an AL AFTER a broken hip.

Has anyone adjusted their thinking to accept the idea of significant cognitive impairment and constant dehydration and the fact that she's not eating adequately?

That all sounds like SNF territory to me.

Even if she goes back to the rehab she came from, SIL and DH need to get on the folks there to do an accurate assessment of MIL's abilities, so as to recommend the best possible Long Term placement.

The answer given: "Honestly you're not going to find the staffing levels at any facility"

Sadly, that has been my experience as a caretaker, yes, no matter what kind of facility it is. (even the hospitals). I just felt it necessary to be there, a lot, to do those neglected, health-rebuilding things that are simply neglected by most staffers. (And not just with elderly patients, either.) I felt like I was the watchdog for my DH during his crisis', of course for my mom, and even for my young daughter. Staff members simply cannot give the same attention as we do. :-(

That's interesting; it was (I guess obviously) not my experience.

While their communication skills TOTALLY SUCKED, the SNF rehab facility my mom was discharged to, and where she subsequently stayed for 4 1/2 years noticed EVERYTHING.

This started with the beginnings of a bedsore (the DON at the AL said it was "nothing" when we pointed it out to her; the SNF brought in their wound care guy to tend it every day. AL was and is not medical care.

My mother was constantly encouraged to drink. She was checked for dehydration and weight loss (and gain) due to her CHF. They diagnosed pneumonia at least once before we had any clue (oh, she just seemed a little "off", her LPN said". UTIs were caught before they took hold.

If a patient is constantly ringing to have their covers adjusted, they are not going to get the level of care they expect. I think perhaps the nurses knew if my mom rang, she had to pee.

CTTN is on it, .. my spidey senses are up .. and the boundaries are firm.

Yes, indeed.

Talking with SIL .. she'd been in contact with some liaison to the hospital where MIL is presently inpatient and the site where she will return for Rehab. SIL expressing the same concerns that I voiced.

The liaison . much the same feedback . along with: The staffing is just woefully deficient in most places .. and it comes down to, you either get family to attend to the LO or you hire a sitter .. @$20/hr

SIL relating this conversation to me and followed by: "I guess I'll just have to be here more than I have been . I don't know how ... I mean it's been all I can do to do all that I've been doing . I just don't know what else to do".

My spidey senses shot up ..

Yep .. gunna be looking for Dorker to do a tour of duty . to "sit with" .and police. It's coming.

I don't mind . (I haven't yet clearly defined anything that I'm willing to do) .. sitting for a few hours maybe daytime . some days . not every day and I am certainly not willing to do an o'nite shift. Nope.

My feeling her folks .. and it's neither here nor there, as it doesn't do a damn thing to forward progress this whole show.

I began saying how long ago that she is cognitively impaired and it needs to be looked into. It was summarily dismissed and ignored. That still exists to this day . that cognitive impairment . and it's worse than when I began shooting those flares off.

And it's going to get even worse.

Nothing has been done to define that cognitive issue . not a damn thing.

I have dropped it, in the interest of not banging my head til it's a bloody pulp . but also because the goal at this point is to get some signatures from a "supposedly" of sound mind MIL ..

And so I've dropped it. I no longer ride that loud horn. I've dropped it.

The fact remains however, . she is cognitively impaired. Period. You can tell her all day long, "now look what happened. We told you not to get out of the bed .. and you kept doing so anyway .. I mean you fell a few days before . and weren't hurt . that should've been your warning bell . to not do that .. but it wasn't .. and now look . you've broken your hip . will you listen now?!?!?!??".

Say that all day .. all you want .. might as well go talk into an abyss .. it will do just as much good.

Her response .. if you ask her (as she was doing at one point) .. "Why were you up and stretching on your tippy toes to unplug the tv . why wouldn't you have just called the nurse".

She will tell you one of two things:

1. They never come, I call them but they never come.

2. I just do it myself rather than wait for any of them.

That's what you hear from her. You then caution again, .. "they've told you not to be up and ambling about without assistance . you need to listen".

You will then hear again, one of the two above from her.

Does no good to keep harping at that. She's not gonna absorb it, it's pointless.

So .. my point in all that is this. Does no good to sit and look back at the history of it all and I know that .. doesn't help any forward progress.

BUT .................................

Had they LISTENED TO ME . back when I began to shoot off the flares that she needs more help .. .she doesn't manage . .she is cognitively impaired, that needs to be looked at.

Had they insisted . .and heard me . and gone this route back then . she'd of been in a facility sooner, and in the eyes/ears of the staff that sees these things . and some of this would've/possibly/maybe been caught . .that she's impaired .. you can instruct her all day long . she needs to drink more . she needs to not get up without assistance . it would've been caught and seen . .and perhaps .. addressed ..

And we'd of maybe been further down the road .. in some way/shape/form.

I would hope.

Maybe not, what do I know. Maybe she would've been in an AL somewhere .. these last few years . and they'd of not


staffed appropriate to what her needs are . and they'd of picked up on that and deferred her to a SNF .. or a MC . I don't know .. maybe she still would've fallen . in some site where she now resides . who can say.

But .. the fact remains .. the picture as we see it this day/this hour . she is in the hospital, will be bounced outta there .. either tomorrow or Monday . and into that same Rehab that I thought woefully under-staffed to meet her specific needs.

BUT ...

Sounds like that's about what would be found anywhere .. woefully under-staffed.

And to hear SIL (at the moment): "Maybe now that she got hurt . she'll realize the relevance of not getting out of bed unassisted like they tell her.

(ME: FAT CHANCE, but whatever SIL!)

And to try to answer Barb's point. Have we looked into SNF . and rehab.

Yes. But the problem is this. There are some that are equipped with SNF as well as Rehab . both in one site. One of those is the site B that I referred to .. lots there cognitively impaired . and it was to be her Purgatory site .. but they also have Rehab there .

BUT .. they have no beds at present.

There is one other . that was recommended . that will .. they will take someone who is rehabbing at present and soon to transition to Medicaid Pending . (purgatory) .. but we haven't been to see it . and .. we're told there is lots of cognitive impairment there also . but they are checking to see if they have availability.

We're told . that most sites . are going to decline to accept her . .SNF/Rehab sites. Why? Because she needs LTC .. and because not all the SNF/Rehab sites . accept Medicaid . and they know that the day and hour . that Medicare (which she is presently . with a supplement kicked in) . the day and hour that Medicare says . "oh she's done . we're finished rehabbing her", her need then switches to not going home . nope . it switches to Purgatory . and they aren't interested in Medicaid Pending and making a bed for that .. so they will refuse on that ground to even take her as a Rehab patient.

Lots of SNF/Rehab combined sites . they are out there. But only a few that are

A. Geographically desireable

B. Will take Medicaid Pending (which this will switch to at any given moment when it's no longer medically necessary to Rehab).

The choices are VERY limited.

As it stands at present, she will return to the supposed "posh" rehab (not so posh if you ask MO) . and there she will rehab . and the work will be going on behind the scenes as to where she goes next as to Purgatory .. likely site B . like I mentioned before .. site B that were they to have beds available, she'd go there now . instead of Posh site .. she'd go on and go there, but they have no available beds.

I'm just over here guarding my boundaries and my mantra is . "okay we don't think there is cognitive impairment cuz GOD KNOWS I shouted it in every direction for forever and no one listened to me . so fine . we'll go with that .. so when she doesn't "listen" and climbs out of the bed again . and falls and next time a head contusion or whatever .. oh well ... she supposedly is cognitively sound enough that she doesn't need to be in a setting to circle the wagons around that issue. Got it. Then don't be looking in my direction as an o'nite sitter.

And ...FWIW ..

DH .. was slated to go on some men's trip this weekend . with his church buddies and has passed on it . staying here .. to attend to his mom, . while he can . while working . and juggling both. As it should be.

Didn't even call for me to interject any opinion . he just nixed any plan and .. is .. going in the AM before work . and helping out however he can . daily .. and ending each day going . and helping out . and then home, . to bed . and then back at it again.

So .. while he was so totally and completely checked out at one time .. he is at this point, more honed in. Acknowledgement where it's deserved, I'd say.

I'd prioritize finding the facility that has the best reputation for their therapy department. It's MIL's best chance for successful rehabbing.

I'm glad he's stepped up, Dorker!

Glad he's steppin' up and glad you have boundary-pushin'-sensors up because it will come. Hopefully MIL will go to rehab then to purgatory smoothly. Take care of all of you.

She needs a cog assessment... at the hospital... like now.

I know you know this, btw:)

SIL... no you do not need to be there more. You are ready to drop.

But the way to get all the powers that be here to even care about getting her more help is cognitive assessment. Otherwise, she is just another demanding, stubborn old lady. And from their perspective, that is SIL’s and DH’s problem, not theirs.

Being in a place that handles cognitive impairment is a GOOD thing. This is not beneath her... it is what she NEEDS. She will always seem more high functioning around family because there are oh so many little props that we do with those who we know well. She has internalized certain things to say and ways of saying them that make her seem more able. If anyone were to actually probe her more deeply, that would become more and more obvious.

The rehab place is looking pretty necessary and frankly, they haven’t don’t anything wrong. I would be glad she is going back there. One less thing. (Obviously it would be better if there was a continuing care option, but that doesn’t look like it is an option in time for her super speedy discharge;)

I know this probably sounds bad, but what happens, happens. No one can prevent this stuff from happening, even if they are there all the time. She is as safe as can be reasonable there. The staff knows her and they have heard your thoughts. They can’t be one on one, but at least there is a baseline of MIL’s issues. At least at this point, they know her and it is familiar to her. That really is the best anyone can do.

But that cog assessment opens up the door to memory care type places, as well as lends urgency. It also allows them to give credence to accurate information given by her children, rather than relying on MIL’s take on everything.

SIL cannot be there more. She just can’t, and she is the only one who can make that choice for her health. She is going to have a breakdown of some kind, and her mother is going to do nothing to make this easier. You are showing her how to have healthy boundaries and encouraging her to have them... so important.

And good on DH!!

If she gets a failing grade on cog assessment without a new POA do they rely on very old POA? My concern would be who is listened to regarding placement if she insists on home even down the line. Will old POA suffice if need be? I hope so and I would think it should. They may feel she needs a little more time after surgery for cog. assessment. I hope it can be as easy as possible. I agree SIL could collapse under all this strain. Her husband seems truly like a gem with all that has and continues to transpire. I know he has issues but they haven't really taken alot of SIL's time greatly. Hope you all catch a break.

Nobody is going to do any cog assessment, not right now.

Im going to be curious as SW Jessica re-enters the scene (presently out of town at some conference). She indicated she would be doing an assessment as to MIL via visiting her and records.

WI'll be curious to hear her thoughts.

But no cog assessment right now. Still too foggy brained post surgery.

Who first spoke to the rehab staff about MIL's capabilities? Please tell me someone took those folks aside and put them on the right page!! They actually thought (think) MIL is competent?  If they haven't been told the truth it seems like it might take some time to suss out the reality, but by now they should have figured that MIL belongs in a memory care SNF.  I don't think I've ever come across people like DH, SIL, MIL.  They truly don't get it about life, death, old age and growing decrepitude, both mental and physical? Dorker, I have to hand it to you - I sure would not have the stamina and patience to deal with this kind of nonsense.  What time wasting - it is bad enough when everyone is realistic, but worrying about MIL and slumpers? I mean, guys, what is MIL herself?   Sounds like SIL and DH will need to concentrate everything they have on just getting her into a bed, period.
Our medical system is chaos - willfully so. Because it is all about free market economics and money.  And chaos works very well for looters and such. Where we will be when the big viral hemorrhagic fever pandemic hits, I don't even want to think.

I did, for all it was worth, not much. Brought it to the attention of a nurse, who "said" she'd put it in the chart, to ask the doc for a referral for neuro psych eval. Heard nothing more on it, . mentioned it at a Progress Meeting, to the SW, who said they don't do such there, .. that has to be obtained via referral from PCP. I dropped it.

Can't care more than do her offspring.

The present a great example of the ongoing sussing over her.

Yes, I realize she has just been thru a major operation/surgery .. I get that. But being there, around the clock .. and "doing" for her, every single thing . then does not give an accurate picture of just how low her functionality is . and I have said as much .. so be it.

For instance, DH got up this morning (regretted leaving her alone for the night last night) . got up before daylight and headed that way to make sure he was there . when her b'fast tray comes (she isn't eating but just a few bites it seems when a tray is brought . but what she does consume, be that thru a straw for beverage . or with a fork for food, has to be spoon fed to her, or the cup held to her . she can't hold anything . too weak).

So DH was there to see to the few bites of b'fast she ate. SIL then arrived at lunch time to see to that. And she ate but a few bites . and SIL feeding her. SIL still there, it's 8:30 some odd at night.

DH just came in a bit ago . and ate some dinner, and showered and is heading there to spend the night ..

I have to wonder . what happens to other elderly folks .. I'm truly asking .. I don't know .. if they don't have family there sussing their every breath for them.

I don't know the answer to that.

It's my belief they should . back away some . so staff can see just how low functioning she is . .. they don't see it . all they see is family there (a son and a daughter) fussing constantly.

Who does it when the elderly there alone . is too weak to eat? Do they not eat? Does someone help? I truly don't know. If the elderly is so out of it, just so checked out (she's there mentally, but not really) .. if they're so checked out, they don't even reach for that cup with the straw in it, to take a sip .. if they don't push that nurse button . because they are dying of heartburn pain .. if they need a washrag to wash their face, or that little cup thing . to brush their teeth and a small cup of water to rinse the toothpaste .. or someone to re-straighten her covers . or .. any of a number of other things being fussed about.

What happens with other elderly folks in this shape? Not everyone has kids that will come and sit bedside around the clock. What happens?

I don't know that I agree with their approach .. I have to think I'd back away . no not abandon her . no . but I wouldn't have a problem announcing to staff . "she needs ___________", or having her "push the button right there, the red button mother" . and let staff come and go to attend to all the fussing of all she is unable to do on her own. So it could be seen/experienced by the med staff whose charge it is to report as to her well being or not.

But whatever . each will do as they wish.

Forgot to mention she apparently ripped out her IV's last night in her sleep ..

And . that this morning when DH arrived . she was so completely checked out mentally. She did know who he was .. but she didn't know where she was . was most upset by that . "Where am I? Where is my room? This isn't my room .. where is my room? Where am I?".

Over and over, almost agitated and frantic . and DH having to repeatedly tell her/answer to the above. I think she did come around more . but she was so checked out this morning!

You are right, Dorker. This is the time to let others see it.

And if she doesn’t want to eat and hasn’t for some time and wants the cloud to come, not sure why they are forcing the issue. Actually, I know why, but I wish they could see that it might be time to stop trying to force life and accept what may be happening naturally.

This end of life stuff is never easy, never clear.

So who does???? With the right placement..... when my dad was in nursing home - in memory care - I would visit for a few hours. I saw how frequently the staff came to make sure he was drinking whatever was in his cup. They would make sure he ate. They were there for toileting. Lots of "checking in" and doing what was needed. It was not a big deal nor a lot of fuss - just part of the job.

This was in a nursing home in a rural area with mostly Medicaid beds. I would thank them - and because a small rural community most of them had grandparents or great-grandparents who knew my dad - so it seemed like extension of family. 

With the right and accurate assessment of cognitive abilities - your MIL will be placed appropriately. My dad, angry as all get out about nursing home, liked his caregivers. He was clean, took his meds on time, fed and drink regularly, teeth brushed, and spoken too as if he were an adult deserving of respect and kindness. I am grateful to them.

Your MIL needs a team in place - one that will encourage you all to visit and be the children again.

I wonder if she's got another UTI. The increased confusion sounds like it.

Did DH report that she was agitated and confused to the RN?

One thing that became clear each time my mom was hospitalized was that the staff had NO idea what her previous level of functioning was. So they assumed that what they were seeing was normal and typical for mom.

It became clear to us that the important thing was not so much being there for mom. It was to alert staff about changes in her mental status, energy level, motivation and the like.

The increased confusion is probably the fact she maybe has some undx'd Dementia and putting her under .. maybe worsened the undx'd Dementia

She's been on an IV antibiotic as they'd seen in chest xray ever so slight shading perhaps slight pneumonia. SIL says probably just the Histioplasmosis coloring the chest xray.

But in any event probably not UTI with antibiotic ongoing.

I'll head up there tomorrow AM and clock in for a little bit ...DH has to work so I'll go relieve him from over nite duty <over nite duty I don't necessarily agree with>.

Anesthesia can do all kinds of things fast to people, especially the elderly. My DH became extremely irrational and totally delusional after emergency surgery and after a scheduled surgery. It was absolutely terrifying to me. The staff said it is a frequent thing and called it "ICU Psychosis." He did fully recover his mental capacity, though.

Your MIL is behaving just like my mom did in the hospital, but Mom did come out of that - back to her previous state. In the hospital, though, she went into a wild anxiety state at night and even called 911 from her hospital bed phone to come rescue her. She would also beg the nurses to call me, and they did several nights around 2AM - and I would talk her down and explain where she was, and soothe her to go back to sleep and tell her everything is OK.

All the new drugs they introduce to them in the hospital - I suspect they really mess with the mind. Even my young daughter had her moments after her surgery and took a while to come fully back to normal. I suspect it was the morphine for both my DH and my daughter.

All I know about morphine is that it's used in end-of-life .. hospice.

But .. I also know . from having had OD eons back . break her elbow and her ankle in one fell swoop .. jumping from the top of the pool slide, into the pool. Only she didn't make it into the water . hit the decking .. concrete .. around the pool. Excruciating pain. Morphine drip started in the ER. She got some pretty bad tremors . and I remember the ER staff telling me that Morphine can do that.

MIL was getting Morphine in the ER . .for pain and yes, had those horrible tremors. But in her, the tremors remain .. her hands so shaky. No morphine on board at this point . but I suspect maybe some other narcotics for pain relief, but I don't know.

I took this from a Harvard Medical Journal thingy. Just a FYI...

“During illness, hospitalization, or recovery from surgery or stroke, many people experience delirium, a rapidly developing and severe confusion accompanied by altered consciousness and an inability to focus.
It's the most common complication of hospitalization among people ages 65 and over: 20% of those admitted to hospitals, up to 60% of those who have certain surgeries, and almost 80% of those treated in ICUs develop delirium. When hospital delirium isn't recognized, it can hinder recovery. Prolonged delirium is associated with poor long-term outcomes (mental and physical) and a higher mortality rate.”

My Dad developed ICU Psychosis when hospitalized for CHF. He was not in ICU but an RN explained his sleep pattern had been not what he was used to along with just being out of his element caused this. Dad had no cognitive decline. The ICU Psychosis cleared up as he recovered before he left hospital.

My Maternal Grandmother also had no cognitive decline but after a knee replacement acted very bizarre after surgery.

Both Dad and Maternal Grandmother were given something for sedation or to aid sleep. In both cases the meds just made matters worse.

My Mom who did have a type of Dementia when put under anesthesia for a procedure to fix a dislocated thumb was fine. No exasperated effects. But she was in ERs often for falls and always became agitated unless my sister or I were there.

I would never discount the possibility of a UTI. Unless a urine culture had been done and the CORRECT antibiotic was on board. UTIs require specific antibiotics for different bacteria’s involved.

I hate this for you guys. It’s all so frustrating and exhausting. I am glad DH stayed with MIL tonight. SIL really does need to rest or she’s going to end up in the hospital also.

And btw, Dorker - next time Suzy the Hospital Social Woker says to you “ Every place is understaffed. It’s just the way it is”. Ask her -

“So we’re suppose to accept substandard care for MIL for which reason - because she is old or because she doesn’t have money?”

Lastly - AFTER mil is tucked back into her posh rehab bed, ask for a meeting. Demand it if you have to. Start with something along the
line of “So, the hospital documented and informed us that at the time of MILs admission there - she was dangerously dehydrated... most
likely causing her to be weaken and dizzy - causing her fall. Which as you know, resulted in a broken hip. We want to know what YOUR PLAN is to ensure she does not become dehydrated again?”

Take a member for your Attorney Team. Introduce them by name and of XYZ firm - Attorney’s at Law. Lord knows - your paying them enough!

Just another FWIW comment re: 2 things I don't believe have been addressed during all this excellent advice you've received, Dorker. And, of course, from personal experience.
#1. DO NOT let MIL be discharged on a weekend unless you are 3000% comfortable that every piece of necessary paperwork is in order and in the hands of the decision-makers and unequivocally approved. My sister and I thought we had everything worked out and approved (and this didn't even involve Medicaid) when our 91 YO Mom had her first horrible fall/surgery/rehab experience. We were assured by the Rehab center that she was approved, everything's in order, they will send their transport bus to the hospital to bring her to Rehab.

So the hospital discharges Mom at 10AM Sat. Mom is in a wheelchair, sister with her in the lobby of the hospital, waiting for transport, when sister gets a call on her cell from Rehab: Sorry, we can't accept Mom, there's a missing signature from insurance co. 6 hours of hell trying to get someone eligible to sign on a Saturday. By now, 91 YO Mom has been sitting in a wheelchair for 8 hours in hospital lobby. Took 4 more hours for Rehab to actually transport her. Unbelievable totally beauracratic, unnecessary, hugely emotional and harmful Medicare nightmare. Point: Those nice, helpful people you deal with during the week? Yeah, they only work M-F. You are on your own on weekends. SIL needs to wave that POA, push back and say NO WAY to any weekend release of MIL.
#2. Re: Falls and the elderly. Everyone is correct. It really can't be prevented and will happen. My personal experience is that, regardless of cognitive impairment, there's a lifetime of " muscle memory" that takes over: In these elderly people's minds they have done these things all their lives so of course they can still do them now. So, without thought, they launch themselves out of the wheelchair bcuz the bathroom door is only 6' away.....of course they can walk there on their own.....they always have: true story with my Mom. I vividly recall our many conversations after Mom's many, thankfully not "broken bones" falls, becuz of this very act.
Luckily my Mom did adjust to her compromised mobility......eventually. I wish you and yours the best, Dorker. Mostly, I wish you perseverance becuz, almost certainly, this is just the beginning.

Just a couple of thoughts. Make sure MIL gets Her pain meds strategically timed for transfer.

Chances are she won’t get it on time at the rehab if they don’t have it on hand. Usually they have to order it from the pharmacy after the patient comes in and there are sometimes delays. And hospitals won’t give you any to take with. So good that the move is on Monday instead of Saturday. Ask for ice packs or heating pads (whichever works best for her) if the meds aren’t there when she needs them. If she sees PT this weekend you can ask if that would be helpful for her. It was for my mom’s back.

My mother had the ICU psychosis one time. It was awful. As a result she would not take certain meds again as she felt the meds caused it. She came out of it fine but it was scary.

If I had help we would rotate overnight stays when she was in the hospital. Otherwise I went home at night.

Somehow patients make it but there are many things that can and do go wrong or go undone when a helping family member isn’t there and often even when they are there.

When the trays are picked up, staff usually notes if the food wasn’t eaten and will often help feed the patient if no one else is there. My husband was recently in the hospital and he was checked on every two hours 24/7. They had a wall device that recorded each visit to the room. You would need to ask what the rules are at MIL’s hospital on how often she’s checked on. I stayed with him the entire time. He was groggy from meds. It’s hard for a compromised patient to remember instructions.

People dying in the hospital from accidents is a leading cause of death. Side effects of meds. Wrong meds. Hospital errors, hospital acquired infections. Doctors not washing their hands. Not a good place to hang out.

Also if someone would ask for the Appetite stimulate megace that might help her get her strength back.

I think Mina’s example is a good one to show that things that couldn’t be dreamed of can go wrong on transferring. Especially on weekends.

The 2 pieces of advice about the weekend discharge and the timing of pain meds are SPOT ON!

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