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Dorker, the person who will be responsible for MIL if SIL keels over is DH. Can you put a bug in his ear, as well as M's, that they need to send SIL for some R and R?

I was thinking along the lines that it may be time to get tough with SIL too. Maybe DH could tell her bluntly that she HAS to take care of her own needs, or she won't be any good to anyone! All everybody needs right now is another crisis (with SIL) added to the mix. Guilt her a bit - not with kindness and concern but with tough love.

Just like in an airplane - instructions are to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, and then help the little ones. Almost counter-intuitive, but it IS how these things work.

She needs to get sleep, proper nutrition, relaxation or yeah, she will crash and burn for sure. Tell her you guys need her through all this, and so does MIL. Might make her think.

Agree. There may be some paperwork SIL still needs to gather and get to Attorneys office. But besides that she needs to stay away. Take a break!

DH is visiting once or twice a day. You are visiting. Church Ladies. Maybe DD or YD here and there.

She does not need to be going to Facility everyday! She needs to stay out of the fray for awhile and recharge.

Oh I agree ... she needs to even consider accompanying her husband when he goes to St. Louis and let staff handle MIL ... if not that then yes, at least back off and regroup.

When I told her yesterday that church lady & friend would be visiting and had recommended we all take a break. Of course there was the pushback from SIL but her words also: "well if church lady goes ... she'll probably run into me there. I need to go bring more clothes hangars but I've also got to help get her menu figured out for her"

I thought (sigh) ... what do folks do that have no hoverer... somehow that menu gets done. And clothes hangars? This is pressing why? So you don't have enough hangars... so leave things in her suitcase ... for now. She won't likely be needing any of it for the next several days.


She is her own worst enemy.

So sad. She's still trying to "fix" mom and make her "happy".

This way, staff will NEVER figure out what MIL's needs truly are.

Does anyone get that if SIL hadn't hovered during the first stay, staff might have figured out that MIL needed more help?

We realized that it was important for staff to see that family showed up and was involved. NOT that family showed up and did their job for them. In the nearly 6 years that mom was at IL, AL and NH, I never once did "hands on" care. I rang the bell, or told mom to do so.

I know BIL is heavily medicated but in spite of SILs best efforts he still has manic episodes.

I would throw that out there. Guilt her, whatever. She really needs to recharge, slow down. She could be faced with one of these episodes at any time. Does she really have the emotional and/or physical reserves to deal with that right now?

DHs job to throw all this at her of course.

I expect SIL is terrified of two things:

that her mother will die if SIL turns her back for two minutes;
that "people" - whoever they are - might think that she is a bad daughter who has let her mother down.

I am not completely sure that making her feel she is a bad wife as well is going to help her to relax, calm down, and regain some sense of perspective. With a bit of luck, though, time and plans falling into place - as they will - will.

Everyone just keep breathing.

Hmmmm...does SIL have a sweet tooth? Wouldn't she LOVE a big dish of rich chocolate mousse or pudding? With a ton of whipped cream on top? And a Xanax mashed to a powder and mixed in? Have her sit down and have some with you....then slowly guide her to the bedroom, lower the blinds and let SIL have a med-nap.

Yes, I am going there. She's too enmeshed to see that she's cracking up. She is going to lose it completely if she doesn't rest. I am so glad my DH's drs always sent me home, in fact, I would ask them to come in the room and say it to me in very loud voices---"Good night Mrs. E, drive safely, we'll see you in the am. Rounds will be about 11" and then they'd turn and talk to DH and I'd escape.

Is still crashed and burned a couple of times, but I also learned to listen to my own body. When I am really stressed, I eat terribly and gain a few pounds and as I am quite short, 5 lbs is a lot on me. We had a terrible summer and fall as DH had 2 heart attacks--and while he LOST 50 lbs, I gained 10. I feel awful.

After one of my daughters had her first baby she went crazy. Anxiety so bad when I walked into her house she handed me the baby and told me to take her to a fire station, they'd raise her. I called her OB and she said to sneak some Klonipin in some food and watch for the 'calming'--then call her back. 30 minutes after a pudding cup she was feeling just like herself and saying "I can't believe what I said!" Takeaway-she had to be on a small dose of antianxiety meds for the next 9 months and she slowly adapted to the stress of being a mom after nearly 30 years of being NOT a mom.

Maybe SIL would benefit from a break from the hamster wheel. Let one of the staff be the bad guy to tell MIL that her daughter needs to conserve HER energy. Good grief, isn't she 70???

MIL is going to HAVE to be compliant, as best she can be and SIL is making that impossible.

Sometimes. do you think she's just a really hyper person and makes up stuff to do so she'll feel productive? Seems like a LOT of what she does is kind of ridiculous. Just MO.

The staff will help MIL with the menu. SIL can talk until she is blue in the face, MIL is NOT going to understand the menu. We went through this with so.many.things. The thermostat, glasses, the locks on the doors, the calendar, the nurse button, what to eat, the lifealert. If I had known then what I know now, we would never have put so.many.hours into new systems, repeated explanations, etc.

”We yelled for you for THREE HOURS and you didn’t come.”

Um, nope. We were within 10 feet of you... zero yelling. Plus, we were in the room 30 minutes ago.


It isn’t for lack of explanation or an easier system that MIL can’t do these things. It is because her brain won’t let her.

Write that hat on a piece of paper and have SIL read it 10 times a day until it sinks in.

Let the staff know they have to help her order and remind her to eat. Then go the heck home, SIL.

There is a point where our control of a situation ends... it is often far sooner than we like to think. She cannot make sure nothing happens.

If I had to guess, I would agree with CountryMouse. Blame gets passed in many families, and SIL doesn’t want the blame, from others or from herself. The wide world outside of elder care doesn’t get it, either. Most people make so many “suggestions” that a caregiver always feels like they are not doing enough, even though they are giving past the point of exhaustion.

She is a hard worker, a doer. It is so hard for doers to see something that “could” make things better and not do them. Duh. Who wouldn’t?

But this is one one of those odd situations where she needs to reframe her thinking. Pushing through works in many situations. It will not fix things here.

The staff won’t do everything, but she will be taken care of.

SIL needs a break. She may feel like if she stops, all the balls will fall. Been there a number of times.

A funeral across the country may not be the best idea for her right now. She is 70 and ill and fraying.

B may be fine. Some people need their people around other people need less of that. Depends on the kind of person he is.

I am one that often prefers to do hard things alone... I am usually happy that my people offer, but they don’t always have to come for me to feel loved. Just a different perspective.

Ducking tomatoes;)

Sil... textbook in what it looks like when a control freak looses their (perceived) control.

For God's sake will somebody get BIL to St. Louis before his sister dies? His sister in Mobile has offered the perfect solution, but if she has to drive to Jax to get BIL before driving to St. Louis she'll double her time on the road. It would be unpardonable for the Jax crowd to let her do that. In common decency, someone in Jax needs to drive or fly BIL to Mobile. Dorker has offered to do it but the responsibility really lies with SIL. What would happen if DH sat SIL down, looked her in the eye, and told her, "Sis, this is what is going to happen. You WILL do it because it's the right thing to do. If you won't do it, one of us will, but we'll never forget how badly you treated BIL."

I had to go on anti-anxiety meds thru this whole thing myself . I take 2 a day . and it helps .. also have an rx that I've yet to utilize at all, for Xanex.

I have told SIL this tidbit and suggested she do the same. She's too hard wired .. she says .. "oh I can't even take Tylenol, I'm so sensitive to meds, just 1 Tylenol and I'm toast".

She is just too hard wired to slow down. It's in her DNA.

And yes, she is so hyper she makes up things to do .. even back when MIL was living alone .. remember the pressure washer .. ??.....the deck .. a deck MIL can't even get out onto . .but by golly it was clean and pristine ... before she left town. Useless busyness.

Just like yesterday flittering about putting things away .. she was in truth, a distraction to the business at hand. She needed to sit the h377 down . and let the staff interact with MIL and stop flittering about answering questions on MIL's behalf. But can't tell her that. DH did .. finally . but it didn't stop it.

I don't think she's afraid her mom will die and she wasn't on duty to see to it. I don't think that's it really. She just doesn't know how to sit down. She's so used to having to be 40 steps in front of everything .. her husband .. bless his soul is as kind as the day is long .. and he is .. and he will do .. whatever she tells him to. But she has to "tell" him. He doesn't "see" what needs doing and take it upon himself and just "do it". So SIL is just used to a life of staying 40 steps ahead of whatever is needed.

It's the nervous energy, as SIL puts it. Some people feel like they need to be doing something all the time and their mind just won't rest. I have had this problem before too, and yes in my case caused also by anxiety, particularly in stressful situations. Part of it for me is hating the feeling of powerlessness and as HopeFloats said, seeing something that "could" help and feeling like you have to do it.

When mom lived with me, I was virtually not eating, not sleeping, had lost weight and was on the verge of a breakdown before I finally said something had to change. Even after we placed mom, I was so burnt out tired that it took me like 3 weeks to get enough rest and energy back to even feel like my normal self. SIL sounds like she is on the verge of crashing and burning too, but is running on adrenaline right now. Maybe M could get through to her mom again and sternly let her know that A) She needs to rest so she doesn't break down herself and B) The staff need to be able to see and work with MIL one on one so that they will know what care she needs and be able to make an accurate assessment. This would be one of the best things SIL could do for her mom right now, even though it's hard and feels to her like she's abandoning her.

Introduce SIL to Jon Kabat Zinn and Mindfulness Meditation.

Or to Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics/10% Happier

I put in a call to M .. asking she give me a call when she has a few mins.

I know, for whatever reason .. SIL seems to "hear" what M says where she doesn't hear it from others. Not sure why, mother/daughter . who knows. But it seems she "listens" to her daughter.

Going to impart to M .. that I think she needs to perhaps reach out with a dose of Reality 101 to her mom again. If she cares to do so.

I already know that M (SIL shared this with me) is put out with her mom . that granny's issues have so all-consumed both of their lives .. and that her dad . .needs to get to St. Louis . and at that time . .. SIL was so sunk in the MIL scene she hadn't even given even lip service to how to get B to St. Louis . and this displeased M.

I do know that M is so displeased this setting has so consumed both of her parents and for months now.

And I TRULY do not wish to feed into a monster of discontent and cause uproar in their relationships .. that's not my goal at all.

But .. I think M maybe, if she cares to .. God knows she's the only one that SIL will seemingly listen to:

1. Your mom, for her own good, is about to fall over on her face, . your dad needs her . what's gonna happen when she collapses . and its' coming. She needs to BACK OFF and let staff deal with MIL . ;go home . go to MIL's house . no she doesn't have to depart for IL . but go home . go spend time with B, who has been lost in all of this . take a day or two or three and drive him to Mobile, to his sister's so that the plans can be in the works to get him gone . to see about his sister.

2. M, do you even know that I have offered and I will do it .. I will accompany him . I will take him to Mobile to his sister's.

3. For your mom's sake .. is one thing but more importantly your mom needs to back off and let staff deal with MIL . and let them assess her true funcitonality or lack thereof . and they are the ones charged with getting a read on that . .and it's important they do so and absent any mouthpiece acting on her behalf. Go home .. spend some time with your husband ..

So . we will see how this goes . when she calls me. Last time, .. I expressed to M that SIL's bubble was floating off in the Fancy Pants venture . .and she wouldn't "hear" me when I kept trying to tell her that ship has sailed .. MIL maybe 10 years ago . but not anymore. She couldn't hear me.

So I expressed that to M . .and my misgivings and that her mom can't seemingly hear me. She talked to her mom and lo and behold .. SIL then had a clarity on it all, as her daughter put it to her, .. "you are projecting . what you want for your mom . but you need to put that to the side, . and address what your mom's needs are . not what you want for her".

HOORAY M .. !!!

She got it done where I couldn't.

So . I've put in a call to M .. left a message ..

Sounds like there's some dust up of a sort. Rehab saying hospital shouldn't of sent MIL with the low hemoglobin count she has. May need to have her carted back to outpatient infusion for transfusion.

Talked to M and she agrees her mom too enmeshed. As she put it "she needs to decide... is she gunna be able to build a life she can enjoy outside all this, if so it starts now ... start practicing. If not then decide you're gunna uproot yours and dad's life and move to FL. She needs to decide she doesn't need to scramble every time granny gets a hang nail"

Said she'd be giving some thought as to how to tailor some discussion with her mom.

From what you’ve said about M - her
personality - I imagine she’s getting annoyed with having to parent her parent long about now.

Edit: As well, I’m not surprised to hear the rehab is annoyed. While hospitals are not places one should really be hanging around - the risk for additional germs and illnesses due to the basic nature of hospitals - I think it’s safe to say MILs discharge was a bit premature.

From what I read, there is a wide variety of opinion about transfusion after hip surgery. Transfusions are not without risk.

Transfusions are not without risk, indeed, and especially not when crappy old hearts have to do the extra pumping.

Hb can plummet when there's hypervolaemia. Her diuretic is under control is it?

Or, she may need a transfusion anyway.

Poor old MIL. If she were mine I'd want her bounced back to the hospital until they've got her stable, for sure.

Grinning - I couldn't agree more warmly with the sentiment that SIL doesn't need to drop everything for hangnails.

On the other hand. This is recovery from hip surgery and a delicate point in care plan negotiations.

I don't have any experience/knowledge on it all.

Do find it peculiar that when I was there at hospital and PT came by, her unable to get up, gets nauseous and lightheaded and that persists even now.

I asked the PT guy what can be the cause for her extremely low BP.

He named numerous things. One was low hemoglobin and he said hers is low. I asked since I know transfusion wasn't required in surgery, he said it's not low enough for transfusion but is low (blood loss during surgery).

The staff at Rehab site pretty peeved. Accdg to them she should've had a transfusion and that hemoglobin # up before being discharged. # at 5 AM yesterday was 7.2

Said they are going to test again this morning and if it hasn't come up .. med transport to outpatient infusion for transfusion.

Last I heard... that blood was drawn at 5 AM this morning and results not yet in.

I guess the stress and strife of all this, taking a toll.

SIL at home today with ice pack on her ribs and ibuprofen ... having coughed herself into painful ribs.

Myself, at doc this morning. Bronchitis dx. Feel like I've been run over by a semi truck.

Rx of antibiotic and cough med and some rest hopefully I can be back at it soon.

Wonder if SIL actually has pneumonia.

Dorker, you are all being run in to the ground! Your husband is next to go down! SIL from the sounds of it isn’t improving and has now hurt her ribs. You’ve got bronchitis! You may not be “hands on” anymore but everything going on still affects you. Does your husband have any idea how all of this affects you too? If he’s anything like mine, he’s oblivious and thinks since if it doesn’t directly involve me (oh but it does!), it doesn’t affect me. I thought I was going to have a breakdown when he dealt with the aftermath of MILs passing & her partner’s betrayal!

This is just crazy to me! MIL has living a long life. It’s time for SIL step back and let whatever will be, be. I’m not all all saying she needs to let MIL die. I’m saying, she’s 89. She’s in the hands of professionals. She needs to take 20 steps back and let them do their job. MIL will be fine without her there to micromanage and speak for her. If there is a problem, rehab will contact her. MIL appears to have lived life on a silver platter and both she and SIL need to realize that, the silver platter is gone. That’s not to say she should accept subpar care and rundown facilities. They both need to accept that....there probably isn’t a perfect facility out there. Nothing is going to compare to MILs own home. Instead of worrying about living with slumpers, SIL needs to focus on the care her mother will receive once she’s placed. Maybe it won’t be the prettiest, or the sunniest, but maybe the residents are more alert and the care is better. The reality of it all is, MIL will probably not be happy no matter where she ends up.

I too was surprised MIL was discharged so soon! She had surgery Friday and was back at the rehab by Sunday afternoon right? They sure rush to get the patients out! They are saying my husband will spend 1 night in the hospital after his back surgery! Unbelievable! And as far as low blood pressure-it could also be caused by a medication. Part of the reason my FIL was in the hospital so long was because of low blood pressure. They had him on a medication to raise it but the medication he was on to help with the fluid in his lungs lowered his blood pressure so they had a hell of a time stabilizing it!

SIL did go to the doc last week . first part of the week, with the incessant non stop cough and run down into the ground malaise. Dx there was an infection of the bronchial tubes or something. She was rx'd an antibiotic and has gone the course with that. I think it was Z pak. She is doing better, as far as the cough has subsided, . but I guess the rib pain, a residual side effect of the incessant coughing she did for days and days . .and she did.

Myself .. now coughing my head off also. I was coughing the other night so much I couldn't sleep but just assumed maybe some post nasal drip . .some allergy related to all the pollen, and kept on keeping on. By last night, it was pretty apparent I was just flat out sick . and so to the doc this morning I went .. and now rx'd an antibiotic and something for the cough. And so .. am taking it easy on the sofa today under covers . and drinking and drinking .. lots of fluids . and just trying to rest.

I can't believe the ineptitude ..

SIL called .. and said POSH called her, asked her to come there.

The story "had been" that they'd do the blood test this morning and 5:00 AM, which they did do . and mark it STAT as to results ..

No results yet.

Next thing ya know, .. SIL gets a call from POSH .. would she come on in . and accompany her mom back to hospital as outpatient . to get a transfusion.

SIL: "Did the lab work come back?

POSH: No . .we marked it STAT but we don't have the results back .. but we want her to go on over to the hospital . there they can run the test right there . and if it's low . they can go ahead with the transfusion.

SIL: "Okay I'll be there shortly.

The story "Had Been" that they had it set up .. if she needs to go . she'd be transported (that part still stands) but would be accompanied by a staff member.

SIL: "What happened with the staff member, I thought you guys were going to send along a staff member to accompany her?".

POSH: "We don't have the staff to do so, we can send her on her own . but we thought you might want to accompany her.

SIL on her way.

I can only imagine she'll be caught in a loop of h&77 there ..

So be it.

Damnit ..

This is just beyond ridiculous.

She can't even Rehab at present .. anytime she stands, gets upright .. even on the bedside .. she feels faint and nauseous ..

Yet this is what a hospital finds suitable to discharge.

I know, I know, I know, I know .. somewhere in all this is a bean counter and it's said by the bean counter, "X" of days for "X" procedure . period . end of discussion.

That's why this is happening. And it doesn't seem there is any flexibility to any of it. You get "X" days and that's it. Period.

Someone mentioned in all this .. and my radar went up since we've been down that path .. knee replacements . no longer inpatient at all . done outpatient . and patient goes on home. DH had a knee replacement several years back. And I cannot for the life of me fathom having brought him home the same afternoon. I'd of been nuts.

Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry for you all! What a time.
My Dad was released to rehab too soon too. They immediately sent him back to the hospital. (They needed 2 people to get him out of bed and that was not OK in rehab. Also he had the beginnings of yet another bout of aspiration pneumonia because the hospital didn't thicken his liquids as they should have.) Took about a week more to get him well enough to go to rehab again.
It does happen.
Edit: I think in the hours that it took to process his release from the hospital and transport him, his condition gradually worsened.
I hope things improve for you all, soon.

I feel for you, Dorker.

In the last three weeks I have been diagnosed with bronchitis, upper respiratory infection, pneumonia and just this past Friday - three hours in “Urgent” (haha - urgent) care for a sinus infection. This last one was especially fun as my sinuses swelled and the skin over them turned a red-ish purple. I looked like someone had beat the snot out of me! Currently, I am on my third consecutive antibiotic. If I get a yeast infection I’m really gonna be grumpy. Like I’m not grumpy enough as it is!

Just a few days before my first cough, dh and I had gone to the beach for our twice-a-year, three day weekend.

There is a large, fancy casino in this beach town - which hubby and I enjoy very much.


As is all too common - sitting behind me at one point was this man who looked older than dirt. Scooter chair and oxygen tank - the whole nine yards... at one point he put his head up like a coyote howling at the moon and began to violently cough. I thought he was gonna bring up a kidney - from the sound of it.

Yeah - I’m pretty sure that’s where I picked up this quad-fecta of illnesses. With all those germs raining down...

What is it about old people and the casinos? I swear to God, every trip we make there - I see some ancient individual carted off on a stretcher by EMTs. Most of these old folks look like they shouldn’t even be out of bed, let alone spending their social security checks gambling unto the wee hours of the dawn.

Lord - help me to know if the day comes that I’m crossing that line!!!

Okay. Sorry for the self-indulgent rant!

Long story short - sorry to hear that you are sick, Dorker. Rest up and take care of yourself!

Still amazing to me that MIL has, what 6, 7? people spinning their plates in the air for her and her alone?


SIL has set herself up to be the accompanying angel" for MIL from now on. Every little thing, she'll get called. Because she DID THIS TO HERSELF. Kind of makes you wonder why they are even charging for care, SIL does it all.

Everyone is sick or getting sick. B may be the healthiest person around...and why oh WHY is it taking such a long time to simply get this sweet man on a plane and off to see his sister before she passes? Has he just been the backseat rider all his life? My heart aches for HIM.

This family and the dysfunction is epic.

When my mom expressed a desire to see her brother one last time--I was on the computer and had booked tickets, rented a car and found a hotel on the grounds of the retirement community where he lives. Took a half hour. I called mother for her CC to pay for all this and she balked, big time---she was just being maudlin--BUT the point is, it was eminently DOABLE and she now knows it.

B can and should be allowed to be first, sometimes. Just MO.

M can get the trip to St. Louis done - she can arrange things with the relatives and make flight arrangements. Then inform her mother of the arrangements. Maybe Dorker could talk with her about this when she calls.

Sounds like the window to have visited the ailing sister and her know you're there has slammed shut.

Now it's just wait for her to pass away and a funeral.

I guess their plan now is B is going to fly to Ann Arbor Michigan where a brother lives and ride with them to St. Louis.

So I guess ... at least he will be going whenever there is a funeral.

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