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The roomie situation is such a roll of the dice. My mom's NH usually tries to room her with people who are pretty cognizant. On one hand, she's had some good roommates. On the other, about half of her roommates have been short term rehab people, with a few being in their 60's and 70's (still living at home, ambulatory, etc) She's enjoyed being around someone other than old biddies (her words, not mine). But when they get to go home, she's really in a funk that they're gone and also that they're able to leave.

The group text indicated the issue this morning, bright and early with CC having verbally accosted MIL, last night as well as this AM.

The story goes that .. last night, CC informed MIL "put your dirty clothes in w/mine" (in a hamper there). MIL did so. Later, a staff member came to collect soiled laundry . and MIL asked of said staff member, in some shape/form, not sure what verbiage MIL used. "is that correct, I can put my laundry in the same hamper"

That did it . that sent CC into a tirade, . witnessed apparently by said staff member, who tried to de-escalate the situation telling CC .. "you can't talk to her like that", and like phrases.

I don't know if the staff member considered it all duly de-escalated or just gave up and departed, who knows ...

So this morning, I guess the verbal assault begins again, when CC says she said g'morning to MIL who didn't respond, that then brought on another verbal onslaught.

DON . in a meeting and unavailable, finally appeared .. don't know what was said to MIL on the topic, but I do know what was said to SIL on the topic, from the DON.

Basically, they can move MIL if she'd like, try to find another suitable room/roomie.

I don't think MIL wants to do that, .. I think it's thought that the instigator here (CC) should be the one to have to move . and SIL said this to DON . and DON said, "our policy here is the one who complains is the one who needs to move".

SIL took some pretty firm exception to that, . and said so .. "so you're telling me this woman gets to hand out verbal assault .. and there are no repercussions at all, .. that's not acceptable, this is the 3rd time this has happened, . and to my knowledge there's nothing my mother is doing to warrant this . and it's a known issue there that CC has a tendency to "Go OFF" on folks . she's done it to others, . what are you doing to make sure my mother feels safe/secure .. my mother feels afraid to even go to sleep .. afraid this woman will hit her, or harm her .. ".

DON indicated he'd take it up with Administration and get back with SIL.

I don't know ..

Who knows what actually happened . maybe it is a matter that MIL is doing nothing to warrant this crazy CC and her tirades ... if that's the case, then it's wrong of NH to assume that the victim is the one that has to move.

Maybe MIL is instigating it, by her tone, . or whatever, who can say. I do know the staff member was present and tried to de-escalate all this . so it was witnessed and I would assume it's documented as to who initiated all this and how.

Problem is .. MIL has a view of the grounds .. two beds in that room, MIL's is beside the big picture window, . which then one can view the grounds .. and that's where she'd like to stay. CC's bed is nearer the bathroom, not by the big window. CC has been there in that room, for 7 years . .and I don't know why . but they don't seem to wanna move CC .. seems it's up to the complainer to move, . or so it seems.

I asked SIL . .. (because she called here to let me know, . even though that group text was to both DH and myself, .. she called here, talking to me) .. I asked of SIL: "Would MIL be willing to move . to another room, .. even if it means she loses in the process her big window she can be by?".

SIL: "No . she doesn't wanna have to move, should be CC that has to move".

I dunno how they resolve these matters.

And yes, SIL was informed of the big "Shack" bday request on behalf of her mom, and saw the pitfalls herself . transport, chitapalooza, small non-ADA bathrooms, but made no motion of doing anything to subvert any of it, .. and it's not until November anyway . so .. maybe her thought process is one of, .. put off til tomorrow what doesn't have to be addressed today. Don't know, she didn't say.

MO - yes, .. it's well known there that CC if she gets sideways about something . and warranted or not . she will GO OFF on whoever she needs to.


As I told SIL: "It's a shame MIL herself isn't altogether there mentally, otherwise she could just look at CC when she gets on a roll and tell her to eff herself . and roll over and go to sleep".

That's how ya deal with bullies.

But .. I don't guess MIL has the capacity to do so . and so .. the verbal onslaughts .. she is captive to it. Until/if .. NH does anything to separate the two .. and they need to.

Sounds like, MIL wants to move from that facility altogether. No easy feat, doesn't happen o'nite . and one fraught with all sorts of .. "be careful you aren't jumping from the frying pan into the fire", . could be she ends up with .. MIL .. and likely so .. just a different set of problems in whatever "other" setting that could turn out to be .. if ever. Fully aware of that, .. SIL is. And . fully aware, one doesn't just up and move, as if this is a hotel that was found to be nasty and I can't stay here, and leaves for a cleaner/safer environment.

The one thing MIL does like, is that CC . .while volatile apparently . .is out of the room the e.n.t.i.r.e. day .. every day .. and so being subject to her tirades ... if it's gonna happen . it would only be at night .. because other than that, CC is outta the room. May not be the case with any other roomie, that may have any other number of "issues" found to be displeasing.

Who knows .. glad I don't have to sort thru these things. Really really glad.

At one point in her NH, mom had a bat$hit crazy roomate. Hoarder, verbally abusive to staff. It didn't seem to bother mom.

One night, roomie started banging a glass bottle on her tray table, uttering expletives. My SIL was there and mom put her head in her hands. SIL texted me.

I wrote an email to the DON, SW and administrator of the facilty and pointed out that our mom was being exposed to a hostile living environment. And that we would be pleased to know what actions were going to be taken to remediate the situation.

The offending person was moved out before 10 the following morning.

Is there any way that you or Dh could gently approach CC along with MIL, and say something along the lines of "it seems that you two have had a bit of a squabble, is there anything that we can do to help you both as MIL Really likes you, and we don't want these kind of things to happen in the future, we really would like to see you guys get along", that way it isn't confrontational and both sides would be able to air their concerns? It seems that CC may have been getting away with things for a long time, and maybe nobody (a concerned family member) has ever confronted her before. It might help, but it could make things worse too. Ugg, it's a dilemma for sure!

Stacey, this is the facility's job. Not DH's.

Personally, not that MO matters, .. I think that CC should be required to move, . it does "seem" she is the 'problem' here .. in that she's known to "go off" on whomever she perceives to have crossed her in some way.

Apparently, protocol there .. (?) .. it's the "complainer" that has to be the one to move.

Seems like a really extremely poor way of doing things. So, the "complainer" can either be subject to it .. and just take their lumps .. or take the chance .. and "move" .. and maybe end up ... (though she could still end up on the wrong end of the stick in any new roomie, dependent upon whatever "other" issues that new roomie could present with) .. with a roomie that has "other issues".

I don't know what they do to resolve these sorts of things. I truly do not.

Seems it should be like Barb described .. the problematic one . is the one that gets moved and moved and moved and moved again, and when it becomes a situation where they've moved her 12 x's or whatever it is, and problems keep recurring . she gets invited to find another setting entirely ..

But doesn't sound like it works that way here. Who knew?

I truly don't think that MIL is somehow being offensive and instigating any of this .. maybe not even unknowingly.

I mean . at least in this instance, . as told by MIL .. and I guess it can be verified by staff member present . I didn't ask .. but .. all she did was try to verify it's okay to put the laundry altogether, and this sent CC into a tirade. A verbal onslaught.

It'd be hard to decipher in that . how it is that MIL might've been offensive in asking that question. Perhaps CC interpreted it .. that .. MIL should know better than to ask if it's okay .. afterall CC is the queen of long time residence there, . she knows the ropes . how dare you ask if it's really okay to do things that way. Maybe that was what set her off . who can say.

Or the last time .. a week or so ago, when MIL helped the poor woman in Bingo that couldn't hold her hands still and that woman won . that . sent CC into a tirade that MIL helped her cheat . that MIL didn't even need to be there, so on and so forth.


Yes, I have "re-thunk" my response and do believe that you are right, I have never had a parent in a facility before, so scrap my response, lol! I was just pissed that CC continues to get away with bullying people at the facility, and thought that approaching her might get it done, but Bad Idea!

It’s common that complainer gets moved. At my MIL SNF explanation was that it kept complainers from getting people kicked out as bullying tactic. If you have evidence you can present ie witness behavior yourself you have a chance at getting action without being one to move. The policy at MIL place happened when some new folks started complaining to get old timers out and good rooms to themselves. Just saying a lot of unreliable reporting and your MIL may be looking to get moved to new place as all the bad stuff here....

It could be something as simple as CC forgetting that she told MIL to put clothes in her hamper, and when she learned of it the next day, felt her space was intruded upon. With cognitive decline, logic isn't a part of the equation. The staff has no doubt seen previous occasions of her ripping into people.

Makes sense Guestshop. Hadn't thought to look at it that way .. I guess those that care to fraternize with others (MIL not one of em) .. could gang up on the oldsters that have been there a while and make unfounded accusations.

Not sure what they do when the accusations are founded ...

Apparently not much.

Yea Linda, that's kinda my point. What do they do .. I guess if they care (maybe they don't) . if the person is indeed somewhat of a bully and then goes on a tirade against other residents and without real cause. What do they do?

I guess, as is it appears last night, staff member present, . and it sounds like, tried at least, to de-escalate .. not clear . whether that was seen through thoroughly before staff member departed said scene .. or if staff member just threw up hands and exited . who knows.

I think everyone is forgetting that ALL these dear old ladies are somewhere on the dementia spectrum, but they maintain various levels of manipulative skill. I also think the facility knows this.

Have you noticed that all of MIL's complaints have come now that she's bored with the facility and doing things with/for/to other people? Perhaps putting her nose in where it does not belong, or maybe even, "stirring the puddin?" Hoping this gets her moved to a "better" place, or even better, home?

I'd let the girls solve their own problems. This is merely another case of roping the family in for attention.

I guess in the end both parties talked to by DON & Administrator.

Til next time...

CC seems pretty volitile. But who knows, as Surprise put it .. these ladies on various scales of Dementia... who knows what MIL says or does to spark some of this.

In the end, MIL (the one who complains) was offered opportunity to move, and she declined

So either it's not that bad or the fact she likely wouldnt next have a roomie like CC who is gone all day every day, not willing to risk that.

I'm taking bets it will be less than a week and more CC problems.

Oh and on the dad front .. I wasnt on scene ...but he apparently a bad case of Chitapalooza before he could even get home from chemo infusion the other day.

Didnt say how bat chit crazy dealt with it. I didnt ask.

"he apparently a bad case of Chitapalooza before he could even get home from chemo infusion the other day.

Didn't say how bat chit crazy dealt with it. I didn't ask."

Was that yesterday? Did he email or call you, or did you check on him? So much for changing the chemo cocktail to prevent/lessen chitapalooza. So glad you didn't have to be involved, and that YOUR car wasn't messed up.

surprise: "Have you noticed that all of MIL's complaints have come now that she's bored with the facility and doing things with/for/to other people? Perhaps putting her nose in where it does not belong, or maybe even, "stirring the puddin?" Hoping this gets her moved to a "better" place, or even better, home?"

Hasn't MIL been known to make snide comments from time to time? I think surprise might be onto something here!

No further word about moving MIL to a better place? I guess any further consideration of this will wait until SIL is back in Florida? Of course, when SIL returns, MIL's house might take front and center attention.

We don't hear anything more about the attorney or attorney's SW. I understand about the SW -- incredible that SIL didn't realize that the SW was going to be charging for every phone call or contact from SIL! MIL must be fully on Medicaid by now, or is she still in the process of being qualified for it?

Medicaid approval went thru and retroactive back to April. I think that info was about June.

Eldercare atty and his associated SW closed case back a couple of months ago.

Yes I had warned SIL (having seen this sorta thing with atty firms from the business side), they charge for everything. Phone calls, emails, etc ... and hefty like, they arent cheap.

I called my dad to see how he fared, post chemo ... thus the news as to Chitapalooza. Also news from him, he cancelled in-home assessment as to PT.

At least for now, too weak he says.

Had explained, encouraged..
as did Oncology, who ordered same, if you want a HHA for hygeine (bathing, says he is too weak to stand for long), you have to be also receiving in home skilled services...otherwise you dont qualify for HHA.

He told me PT was scheduled to come assess but he cancelled (for now).

No I didn't cajole or prod. Doc ofc explained how this works as did I. His choice, his ramifications.


They dont give ya the warm fuzzies, these boundaries...when YOU KNOW the person "needs".

But to not enact those boundaries is to find one's self now bathing them a few times weekly and having auto now detailed to clean up Chitapalooza and an enormous never ending list of need not satisfiable by one lone soul.

Back to MIL, yes there is talk she wants to move. "We are Family" kind of out of the running as they are AL and its questionable as to her med needs vs an AL setting (that & VA A&A app would need to be in progress to fund AL, that process has seen no action).

Talk is now of another SNF that would've been opted for as favored over Purgatory back when but they didnt take Medicaid Pending, had to nix them.

SIL mentioned if a xfer to said new site is to transpire ... essential MIL go view and sign on before said process gets in motion (I agree).

This other site doesnt offer transport to potential new customers. That would need to be facilitated however family deems appropriate.

Discussion w/SIL that "transport" poses issues .. and also as to "the Shack" ... transport a real issue.

Dont know what they'll do to work that end if they consider a move something they want to look into. On "the Shack"....SIL's suggestion "tell her The Shack is closed for remodeling". Good idea!

Just make it crystal clear that regardless of her going to stay somewhere else or not, you're going to be unavailable for maybe as much as two years because your daughter needs help with the grandchildren. Twins and a toddler will be a challenge for a while, and they may have some health issues and need extra care. So, she can stay if she wants, but she may need to hire someone to do what you used to do.

You are doing a fabulous job in enforcing your boundaries with your father. So now he's dependent on bathing with only the help of K? That's his choice, since he is refusing a PT assessment because he's "too weak." Foolish man! I'm sure he's also "too weak" to get the paperwork done that he said would be on the "6 month plan." There won't ever be any paperwork done by him.

As long as SIL is insisting that MIL see another facility to approve it, it's going to be a while before that is attempted. And it probably be won't any better than Purgatory. Even if the next roommate is wonderful, that could change overnight.

There would have to be a Medicaid opening at the next place in order for MIL to be transferred, right?

Seafood Shack being remodeled...I love it! Will H go along with that?

Feeling sorry for your dad. For MOST chemo regimens, digestive issues are the worst s/e. I see it when I am in for infusions. Luckily, and I know it's just luck! I am super nauseated and don't want to eat most of time and there have been a lot of sick tummy days, but I have never thrown up or had the dreaded Chitapalooza.

I can't imagine your dad is holding down anything he eats. My FIL was exactly the same. When the chemo started to worsen his overall health--he had to quit it.

He must still life is worth living if he can bear these awful side effects and keep on wanting to go forward.

I know he's not easy to 'talk to' in a father-daughterly way. SO he keeps it all inside and then blows up at the people who care. Really sad.

When does SIL come back to start plates whirling in the air? She's coming to get MIL moved (she hopes) and start emptying the house.

I don't care for the idea of lying to MIL. Just take her out somewhere else if celebrating her 90th is such a big deal. A restaurant of ANY kind where the bathrooms are ADA approved would be fine. Balloons, a cake, gifts--she doesn't truly care WHERE she goes, she just wants to have a day out. Can't that be accomplished.

As someone who had exactly 3 people remember her birthday (one of my kids, my BF and my neighbor)….a card or ANY kind of acknowledgement would have been nice. No, DH worked until 9, came home and my daughter was here and asked her what she was doing out and about so late with the kiddoes--and she said "we came to give mom her b-day gift". Dh CANNOT fake any emotion, and he said "That's NOT today!" and tried to argue with me about it.

I wouldn't have cared if he's taken me to McDonalds, if he had only remembered.

To some of us, that IS a big deal. And MIL can easily find out if this local treasure of a restaurant is closed. She has enough insults in life, don't add to it.

Not meaning to sound judgy--I just guess once in while I have true sorry for MIL's lot in life. Yeah, she created most of it on her own, but even mean, angry difficult people have feelings. For her, trying to find "joy" in her daily life is daunting and probably impossible.

As of last night apparently, CC now has a 24/7 monitor at her side. This because she physically assaulted another resident (not MIL) who then needed transport to ER.

Wow that sounds pretty bad about CC. So glad it was not MIL yet am sorry for the other resident. Rescind my thought about inviting her to the celebration of MIL's birthday coming up. Is someone in the room all night now? My poor dear late grandmother had a roommate in the NH she was in who would reach over and pinch her. That place however was just short of a psych ward. My grandmother had to be there because she could no longer walk or use a wheelchair. She also barely spoke English having come to this country from Greece. It broke my heart each time I visited. Maybe there is a chance the place will seem improved without the arm of CC or maybe the other place will work out but it can be hard to start over unless truly necessary.

I guess your father will have to learn the hard way. So ridiculous to not bring in any home health aid. Eventually the blocks will all tumble down and they may have no other choice but not your problem.

Anyone seen, have experience, just curious, what happens when a NH resident becomes so volitile?

Do they get asked to leave?

They cant provide a monitor 24/7 indefinitely.

Where I live they would send her to a geriatric psych hospital for treatment if it was determined that these behaviors were not result of an infection, like a UTI. Or the in-house geripsych team would be consulted to see what meds need to be changed/trialed.

That's a very good point Barb, .. maybe the woman has a UTI .. and that's, at least partly, at the root of all this. Hope they're looking at that.

She is obviously creating some issues there, .. (has been though, not new) .. and so they have to find a way to get it dealt with. I can't imagine the lawsuit that could be brought upon them should a resident be seriously injured because of CC's volatility.

I guess the approach, for this moment, it's said, until they can get answers from "Corporate" . .is they provide a minder, 24/7. They say they will get answers from Corporate first of the week.

I don't know that MIL doesn't use some inflection to her tone, and/or ask things in some wrong way and somehow spur this on .. who knows .. I'm not there, . but to be subject to verbal onslaught .. assuming MIL doesn't prompt it, . isn't right.

And that poor other lady .. granted .. I guess these things happen .. but the woman, for whatever reason .. decided to reach over to CC's plate for a bite of CC's chicken on her plate .. as a result she was assaulted, and bleeding and transported to the hospital.

I don't see, . .how they can keep that kinda volatility in the midst of others and call themselves being responsible for each individual's safety. Right now, all are safe, there is a minder around the clock, yes even sitting in the room during sleeping hours .. 24/7. But that can't be status quo .. I'm quite sure.

I would be disinclined to keep my loved one in a facility in which the clinical staff had to wait for "corporate" to weigh in on what should be done in a situation like this.

But that's me, and you, Dorker, aren't the person in charge of MIL's well-being. What is DH's take on this?

Okay. I’m not saying that CC isn’t the problem. She is already well know for lighting people up...

BUT. In this one particular incident- the actual “offense” committed by MIL in putting her dirty laundry in CC’s hamper - I have to say that it probably would have ticked me off as well.

It sounds like they each have their own hamper, yes? So, why would MIL do that? An individual living in a setting like that has so very little that is their own - I can see why CC saw it as a personal space violation and got pizzed. AND, especially if by the off chance the soiled clothing that MIL was depositing was... umm... “soiled” in the worst possible way? Yeah, I gotta say - I’d of likely handed MIL her azz as well. “Put your nasty pee soaked, chitapalooza pajamas in your own effing hamper”.

Perhaps MIL is knowingly or unknowingly crossing other personal space boundaries as well? After all - with CC out of the room all day and MIL in it, I could see how MIL might start to treat the whole room - sans CC’s bed - as her own.

Just saying.

I was posting when Dorker posted about Chicken-Gate.

Yep. I’d say it’s official. CC CLEARLY has personal space issues. CLEARLY!

I know that if someone - other than Rainman - tried a Helen Keller and snatched food off of my plate, they’d of wound up with a fork in the back of their hand. And, yes - I have personal space issues. CLEARLY.

Maybe this explains the thing with staff allowing CC to keep her TV on into the dead of night. They’re afraid to turn it off?

If that facility has any single rooms - regardless of her ability to pay - they should move CC into one. Rewarding the wicked? Perhaps. But it certainly would keep everyone a wee bit safer.

In the mean time... Someone ought to run the whole personal space thing by MIL - since she isn’t wanting to change rooms and the odds of CC being moved look slim. How much MIL will get it or retain it is questionable. But it’s still better than not addressing this as a preventative measure.

EDIT: What’s the whole “pretend daughter” thing? I must have missed that.

I agree with Barb. This is classified as resident abuse, and is a reportable incident to the state’s department of health (the governing body for healthcare facilities). The NH will likely address this very quickly if they have reported it as they should; my guess is that the monitor was assigned to her in order for the admin to gather reliable information about what she is actually doing for their reporting purposes.

I think I remember that CC told MIL to put her clothes in the hamper and MIL just verifying it with the Aid that came in. I also know what happened to my Dad when he started being mean to the aids that were trying to take care of him. The AL made him go to a mental health behavioral facility. They were suppose to try to get him calm down and on some medication that would stop his aggressive behavior. He stayed in that facility for 20 days and they did not change anything other than take his sleeping medication away and said they didn’t see any aggressive behavior. The Director of the AL he was at came to review him to see if he could go back. He had a bed sore from sitting in a wheel chair all day
and they suggested to send him to the nursing home in his home town.(the AL was there also). We lived 1 1/2 hrs from there, but it was where my dad wanted to be. The Behavioral facility called at 2:30pm to take him to the NH.
By the time my husband got off work and we collected him
it was 11:30pm when we finally left and started back home.
By 5:00 the next morning the NH said he couldn’t stay. Apparently, my dad got up in the middle of the night and went into someone’s room and hit them and broke the skin on a lady. My dad was out of his mind and I could not get anyone to help me. They sent him a behavioral facility for another 20 days where they insisted he was just a pleasure.
i didn’t get it. From that facility I had him transferred to a NH
just down the road from me so I could be onsite more. He had tried to take the trac out of a patient and was stealing things off the carts in the middle of the night. He was never mean to me but after he was there 5 days the NH
called and said they were sending him to another mental health facility. He was there 3 days and had a fall and had to have the 3rd CT in the past 6 months. After Another day they sent him to the hospital because his kidneys were not working correctly. He was there for 16 days and transferred to there mental health floor. By this time my dad was just just done. He got pneumonia while there and the doctor told me that I needed to put him in hospice care. I stayed with him everyday and night and I have to say that they took
excellent care of him while he was there. It was the most traumatic experience for him and me. No one was any help with a dementia patient. They acted like they had never seen anyone act this way. I know my dad was not the only person to have violent episodes. I only hope that no one has to endure what my dad did for the last 3 mos of his life.
sorry to be so long but I guess I needed to tell someone this.

Keep us updated about Chatty Cathy, Dorker. And I am curious, too...what does H say about all of this? And SIL? Does Chatty Cathy have any family? One thing that might happen is that they sedate her more, and that means she might be in the room more.

Thinking ahead to Friday's chemo appointment, have you made an excuse to your father as to why you can't take him? You know that if you take him and chitapalooza happens again, YOU will be the one cleaning it (and him?) up, since you will be right there. Surely you don't want that?

Vicky is right, was CC's suggestion that MIL put her soiled laundry in with her own laundry. It was when a staff member came, and MIL then asked staff member if it was okay to do so .. that's when CC came unhinged.

So it was told by MIL, and I guess verifiable by said staff member who was witness to the setting and tried to diffuse it.

This week's chemo, I actually have a doc appt., and will not be attending at all, and my dad is aware of that. He moves, subsequent to this week's tx .. to a 3 week regiment of chemo . .and so won't have another one for a few weeks. I will be anxious to see how he does . given 3 weeks between tx's .. and no, I have no commitments to see to the 3 week intervals of said chemo tx's. I may move to "meeting" him there, .. ?.. don't know yet ... I will come up with something, because the thought of chitapalooza and my auto .. and cleaning that up .. no thank you.

SIL's input as to what to do on the CC issue .. I guess is somewhat of a wait and see, once "Corporate" answers as to what the path forward is as to handling the CC situation.

I don't hear any imminent plans .. as to getting MIL carted over to so and so place, as another SNF .. that might be an option. I don't hear any chatter of getting that transport lined up and said visit there, though SIL does voice .. (and I agree with her) .. that if her mother is to move to NH setting B .. as opposed to where she currently resides, she wants her mom to "visit" said setting herself, for buy-in .. and .. transport to same .. to visit ... ??.... have no clue. Hear no chatter as to that as any eventuality.

DH's take on the CC situation .. he has none. I don't hear him saying anything akin to, .. "I gotta get it figured out, how to get mom over to site B as to NH .. and have her visit . .and buy in . I gotta get her moved". I don't hear any chatter of any "resolution" forward. I haven't asked though.

Me personally .. I wish they'd find a way to move CC, .. she is the "known" issue. But whether they'll do that, . remains unanswered. I haven't understood all along, . but what do I know about how NH's operate .. how it is they let someone stay in the common population . who is so volatile, such a propensity for tirade, to staff and other residents alike. It hadn't gotten physical though, to my knowledge, until the other day. But even still, ... I don't get it, why they let someone remain among the populace there, when one never knows when CC might pop off on someone, warranted or not.

Is MIL, at least in her own case, guilty of invading someone's personal space, or .. maybe being too intrusive .. you bet she can be. I know at one time, before things became so testy between she and CC, . she'd prided herself (MIL had) on the fact, she works hard at PT (and she does, looks forward to it, though now it's relegated to Restorative, wasn't at that time) .. and she chiding CC . .that CC is not a participant in any PT .. at all, .. CC in a wheelchair . and not at all a participant in PT of any sort, and chiding her on it.

At that time, CC and she got along better than is presently the case, . and she said that CC had responded to her, "ya know, you're right, I need to get them to work with me too", .. but never did so .. or if she did, it was . not seen through, who knows. I remember hearing MIL tell this tale, . and announcing so proudly (she is .. and always has been, .. in her own mind, the world's savior) .. that she'd chided CC on this topic, and I remember being a bit surprised that it was well rec'd by CC . my thinking that CC could've easily gone off on her, has a propensity to do just that, . and told her to mind her own dam biz .. surprised me she didn't.

Yesterday AM .. DH, who hadn't had opportunity to see his mom at all, . had been out of town for the most part, on a grueling work project, and so hugely preoccupied. He did forgo church yesterday AM and went instead to visit

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