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I’m shattered.

“M”, who had - up until reading the latest- been one of my favorite players in this cluster eff - has moved over to the dark side.

Previously, M so sensible, a seemingly straight shooter with little patience for nonsense - has become one of THEM. Probable my least favorite group of “participants”
- the ones who stand on the sidelines, rarely if ever dirtying their hands but say things like “You need to JUST...”.


I hope DH can take comfort remembering that MIL was acting depressed when she still lived in her own home, woe is me, going to the cloud... also that she wasn't eating right, was suffering from swollen legs, chitapalooza, all which are improved now because of NH care...

Oh, man.
If it isn't one thing, it's another.

This 'newest' malaise is NOT the result of an teensy increase of her Zoloft. More likely she DOES have a UTI, which make her act crazy. It's sad that they are moving so slowly on that--but, it is what it is. I imagine getting a 'clean catch' on someone who is essentially bed bound must require 2-3 people!

M's heart may be in the right place, but she is clueless as they come.

However....if MIL really thinks she would be happier in IL, why not let SIL just make the move? She has all that crazy energy and not enough places to burn it off. At least you guys would only have to be involved peripherally. Dh will recover rapidly, and you can do/not do for your squabbling parents as you see fit.

My inlaws fought loud and nasty every single day, all day for 42 years. When they FINALLY divorced, we were all so happy. FIL went on to live 16 more years in a condo and 'dated', golfed and traveled and had the kind of life he wanted and died before he was sick enough to need to move to a NH.

MIL is still one of the nastiest people I have ever had the misfortune to know. She STILL brings up stuff FIL did, 70 years ago. And to hear her talk about it, you'd think it happened yesterday. She NEVER forgives and NEVER forgets. I used her main bathroom one day years ago when we were up there replacing her disposal. The water intake valve on the toilet has just grown so old and stiff, it began to leak. She had a carpeted bathroom (gross, gross, gross) so she didn't notice the small water leak and called DH to come fix it. He did, but suggested she get tile or vinyl so that any future problems would be noticeable sooner. She fixated on that--did have the floor replaced--but I am no longer allowed to use her bathroom. it's been about 12 years, and when I used to go with DH to visit, she would offer him a drink, but I couldn't have one b/c I might need to use the bathroom and I had broken her last toilet. Yes, DH told her how this is a thing that just HAPPENS, houses have problems that don't have 'causes'. So for the last 12 years, if I go to her home, DH is allowed a Diet Coke and a chair to sit in. I have no drink and I have to stand. I am also not allowed in the living room, but I don't know why. Needless to say, I don't visit her anymore. It's actually funny, but sad at the same time.

Their fighting made it impossible for me to feel comfortable with letting my kids be near them, or heavne forbid, have a sleepover or one on one time with them.

Dh comes home from a visit with his mom and we don't even talk. He gets so worked up---and just, well, he hates her, and that's sad.

Now she's showing serious signs of dementia, but b/c she was so crazy, baseline, they couldn't even DO a cog eval on her. She couldn't stay on topic. She lives in dire fear that DH is going to 'slam her into a nasty NH'. He isn't, I don't know why she thinks he even thinks about her.

I do NOT do stressful situations well. Never have. Spending 2 hours with mother this week has left me headachy and depressed.

You can't fix crazy---all you can do is limit your exposure to it.

Surprised it took this long really. Word from NH today . no visitors for 1 month, as of right now. Improvement in things . that may be lifted, .. no improvement . and it may be extended, all due to this Corona Virus.

Not sure what that will do to MIL . who lives in between the pits of despair and complete doldrums of a dark dungeon of depression at her plight.

The UTI results were negative, so that's not it.

I was surprised that M .. crossed into that territory. There are so few in this saga that have their heads screwed on straight. She was one of them, seemingly. She was the lead in spearheading getting her mom to see that MIL cannot live alone any longer, this whole "I'll manage thing" . .ain't working . and convincing her mom that she can no longer attend to it all, it's too much. She was the lead in getting her mom to come to her senses on that topic about a year ago.

I guess it was all well and good, .. .MIL wants to be in FL . and .. maybe for her, out of sight, out of mind .. somewhat. I know this all came to a head with M jumping in (remember, M has been absent the whole scene really, living her own life . up in IL and only visiting maybe 1 x per year) .. and so . MIL was in IL . . living with M's mom there .. for several months. Many many many things that caused M to see the light, and then bring her mom along to the reality . that this isn't tenable.

M has been here 1x since MIL was placed, . .and yes, visited there at the NH during her brief wknd stay here in town, visited a few times there. Was less than impressed .. as to .. I dunno ... I guess what one sees in visiting any NH.

Couple that with MIL's sadness that is portrayed in every phone call .. and .. M now of the mindset that her granny needs to be moved to IL, to a setting that isn't as displeasing. Does such a setting exist? I would argue, no . it doesn't.

For someone far removed from it all, as is M ... sans her annual visit here .. juxtapose that situation with her granny ... her sad, forlorn granny, here in FL . and against her mother in law, up in IL . who has been placed out of her home and into a cute little apartment in an ALF .. and is . for the most part, not missing a beat as to her life there in IL.

What M is failing to see, factoring in that she's not here . on site . to see what goes on all the time . is that MIL .. is a far vastly different cases than that of her mother in law up in IL .. who is . for the most part, doing much much better physically (probably worse in some ways mentally) . but she . her mother in law in IL . she is completely ambulatory, far more social . .. from what I hear .. and that continues to this day as the woman meets her luncheon group a couple of times a week and plays cards . and whatever else she does to busy herself. And none of the Afib MIL has, or CHF .. or any of the other maladies. M is failing to sit up and recognize that. All she knows, is that her granny is so sad, . thus . she needs to be where she can be happier.

I say .. .g'luck with that .. not sure there can be ANY setting she can be happier. Not with her limited capabilities and her sensibilities to not mix and socialize .. she's not gonna be. Not in any setting. But go on .. knock yourself out .. find the right spot . and get it done .. as far as I'm concerned. Doubt that'll happen.

Will be interesting for certain ..

SIL . who is very much on the page . that her mom . maybe that's just her personality now .. that she's gonna be a sadsack the last days she rides this earth ... she is very much on that page, . but all while trying to "fix" every thing she possibly can . and a realization that maybe can't be fixed, the unhappiness.

Will be interesting to see if that plate gets thrown into the 40 others that constantly spin .. I'm betting it won't.

I'm not real convinced that SIL wants her there . at her elbow. Maybe much easier to go on with one's life and maybe make the


make the much needed phone calls to dial down on whatever issue dujour there may be . and then turn and go on with your day ...

Quite different when the LO lives right around the corner from you in a SNF . and there is a "pull" to get by there . and then once there, . the myriad of things (made up and not made up) that SIL attends to .. and .. of course, . hearing the malaise that goes on . routinely. Quite different.

At this point, I'm praying for MIL to move on to the next plane of existence. There is nothing for her on this plane except misery. The sooner she goes, the better for her and everyone else.

At times such as these with a great deal of the world imploding it is hard to hear the complaints of MIL. I imagine she may not know all that is rapidly changing for so many on a daily basis but perhaps she could hear about it. I realize depression feels truly awful. I have experienced that but to experience this new world is awfully searing. I feel and fear for the livelihood of my grown children who are having the rug pulled out from them yet it makes me realize however down I have ever been I have always felt more concern for the generations after me.

It sounds like MIL is getting increased attention from DH, SIL, her therapist, psych doc, etc due to this depression spell, no? I thought I recalled that DH had kind of backed off as far as the visits due to the negativity there for awhile. It'll be interesting to see how she handles the No Visitors situation. I'm guessing SIL and DH will probably be getting more calls.

No visitors for a month. How sad
for all the old folks living in a facility of one sort or another. I wonder for how many people - they couldn’t have known that the last time they saw their loved one, was the last time they’ll ever see them. I guess, in general - that could be said about anyone at any time... but with so many facilities on lockdown it’s certain to be exponentially a reality.

The situation in the nursing home outside of Seattle certainly proves it’s the right thing to do. But it’s still so sad. But, in general - that could be said of this whole epic place in time and history that the entire world now finds itself.

Im not sure MIL will be able to wrap her broken brain around it all. I’m thinking - she’ll be thinking “It’s just my son, he just lives around the corner. He’s okay.” I’m betting a lot of old folks will have a hard time understanding all of this.

Ive heard that some facilities are putting a freeze on accepting new residents. So, perhaps even if Dorkers dad and stepmom wanted to move into an AL - who knows if that is even possible now or in the near future.

Boy! I’m a real Negative Nancy right now. But, I have to admit that this whole thing has really gotten to me. I’m beyond depressed. Pandemics and M.

Gyms & restaurants - nearly empty.
Swimming pool - deserted.
Roads - very quiet.
It's eery.

People still jogging & walking their dogs :)

It is a strange feeling. I agree, Rain and Beatty.

Checked w/my dad yesterday .. as to today's upcoming chemo appt., "think you should maybe contact the doc office, and consult with them as to whether you should be out and about with this virus thing ongoing?".

He said nah .. not worried about it. Okay .. so be it, I suppose. He did note (and I've been with him there, at the oncology site) .. it's usually not crowded there, at all. Pretty quiet . and an enormous waiting area . so not like folks are packed in elbow to elbow in chairs, waiting to be called. Reminded him as to groceries, .. pharmacy, etc .. there's always home delivery .. and/or . one can pull into the parking spot and have things brought to them. Wasn't interested in that. So be it.

I don't know how it all fell as to MIL and the scenario that she now has to absorb, no visitors for a month (unless things begin to look better, in which case, that stipulation will be lifted .. and/or .. if it gets worse, it could be extended longer than the one month). Haven't heard how it fell with her. I do know there was to be a meeting of residents there yesterday at 2 PM .. and I guess, those that are able to absorb such news .. were to attend the meeting . and be informed of the new set up . no visitors for a month.

SIL talking with them there at the NH .. apparently not even vendors are allowed. Whatever supplies are brought in . have to be left at the locked door, for staff to then haul into the site. She asked if MIL would still be able to see the visiting psych doc and yes, medical personnel contracted to provide services are still going to be doing so .. but non essential personnel .. no. No hair services, .. the hair stylist person won't be coming.

I am curious as to how this goes with MIL. I've always pondered how things would go if .. per say . they did "less" visiting and phoning her .. and have her have no choice but to lean more into the setting and it's personnel .. as opposed to the family ..

Wondering if . in the end, .. we might possibly find an improvement in her .. just in the shear fact that she will have no visitors (other than phone calls) .. and has to now lean into the setting there and it's personnel.

Looks like there won't be any choice, at this point. No visitors allowed. Yes .. one can phone as often as they'd like, but outside of that, .. nothing else. And no, ... I'd heard that some NH's .. are getting it set up (I can't imagine the technological and scheduling nightmare that'd be) to get tablets available, to Skype and so forth . between LO's and family. Not being done where MIL is.

I have learned a LOT about the pandemic, but I'm not going to post it here. Let me just say that there is a possibility of medical care rationing. And the elderly won't be at the top of the list to get the care...

MIL may even have to do with less than a 2x/week psych visit. With no visitors, expect that other residents might need that resource, too. I guess no more visits from the minister?

MIL and you father (and stepmother) very well may not survive this. Some of us (especially older) might not, either.

What a B movie that would be. The tale of a world where so many are living well past their expiration dates and "fate's" selective way of wiping out a large sect of those past their expiry dates populace.

Not a movie I'd pay to go see, .. but .. some sci-fi folks might.

It's already been stated by the talking heads that if they can't flatten that peak (rise in occurrences of positives for this virus) ... then we'll be seeing a lot of that, . .as the ICU beds and ventilators aren't going to be able to handle the influx.

Myself, .. I'm struggling to kinda wrap my brain around, how it is that the flu kills 10's of thousands every year world wide, .. and yes .. likely some of those thousands immuno compromised to begin with .. but . we don't shut the world down .. in the knowledge that the flu is running rampant. Why are we doing so w/this particular strain of illness. I just don't think it's all that necessary . shutting down all that we see, being shut down. Yes, NH's .. definitely .. that's only prudent ... as they are known poster people of the very sect most at risk.

So far, I fall into the corner, this is a bunch of over-reaction. Shutting down Disney and the like, .. people being sent home to work from home ... all the gatherings of sporting events, concerts, etc .. cancelled. C'mon.

I realize, .. if that curve doesn't flatten it would over burden our health care system and there would be far too many that are gravely ill and can't be cared for. But the risk population .. thus far, .. is over 60 ... so it seems. No, I don't wanna be one of those people laying in a bed in the hallway as the ICU units fill and no ventilator masks cuz I'm over 60 .. no. And yes, that is what, if you listen to the talking heads, .. could be the result, .. so the push to flatten that peak ..

But the same thing isn't done annually as the flu ramps up and kills tens of thousands .. why this?

Because the epidemiologists are very freaked out, Dorker. Because it's a novel virus, no population anywhere in the world has baseline immunity, and there is no predicting how it will behave if it hits large numbers of susceptible people suddenly.

They know broadly what will happen with various strains of 'flu, they can model a strain's probable effects, there are effective vaccines, they can contain it within acceptable levels. But this virus they don't yet know and there are unpleasant possibilities to be aware of.

Take smallpox as a comparison. Over the centuries year in year out smallpox killed a lot of people, and horribly mutilated far more; it was rife across the then known world and there was no choice for nations but to cope with its periodic comings and goings.* But when Europeans took it to the Americas, where no inhabitants had ever encountered the infection before, whole tribes were obliterated. Literally, in some places nobody survived.

Not just 'flu - the world still lives with bubonic plague (mortality rate 50-70% if untreated) and pneumonic plague (mortality rate 100%), cholera, typhoid, malaria, polio and TB. I had to look up the mortality rates (I thought pneumonic plague was in the 80-90%s, I didn't realise it was that bad) but the other examples are just off the top of my head, common knowledge.

* or anyway not until Edward Jenner listened to a couple of dairymaids telling him the old wives' tale about how you couldn't catch it if you'd already had cowpox - a much milder, related virus - and thought he might as well give it a whirl: deliberately give a little boy cowpox, then expose him to smallpox and see what happened. Fortunately for that little boy, Jenner discovered that this old wives' tale *did* work! - so he wrote up the treatment and called it vaccination, after vacca, Latin for cow.

As with SARS and all the rest of them, springing up every few years, there is a *risk* that Covid-19 could get out of hand and extremely large numbers of people could die. But it's a risk, not a prediction, let alone a death sentence: at the moment, we know that even in the most vulnerable age groups there is roughly an 87% chance of surviving the illness; and we also know that with the greatest respect and sympathy to their families many of the patients who have died with the virus were not long for this world in any case.

I don't know if anyone will have bad taste enough to point out that there may be significantly fewer deaths from cancer and dementia this year. Of course, if someone you care about is elderly, frail and/or in poor health, it's not much consolation to think "oh well he'd had it anyway."

Humans are generally very bad at assessing risk and responding proportionately. There were once good evolutionary reasons for this, similar to those why herds of gazelle don't just stand there while they figure out whether the lion looks hungry at the moment and if so how hungry. But we'd avoid lots of other risks if we trusted our advanced hominid brains a bit more and didn't do stupid things like BUY ALL THE BLOODY RICE so that sensible shoppers whose kitchen cupboards are actually low on rice and who are not just hoarding can't find any. Humph. Idiots.

"So far, I fall into the corner, this is a bunch of over-reaction. Shutting down Disney and the like, .. people being sent home to work from home ... all the gatherings of sporting events, concerts, etc .. cancelled. C'mon." I am spending much less time on this site the last few days. I am reading a lot about COVID-19. I'm not going to educate nonbelievers here on the seriousness of this threat -- all of the information is out there. The "oh the flu is worse!" thinking is not accurate. I'm not an expert, so have no credence? Fine. But consider that the experts ARE worried. Here's an article that gives a glimpse as to why.

“What a B movie that would be. The tale of a world where so many are living well past their expiration dates and "fate's" selective way of wiping out a large sect of those past their expiry dates populace.“

Soylent Green. Made in the early 70’s and staring Charlton Heston. Edward G. Robinson has a supporting role - it was his final film. Critics were mixed but it did win a number of awards and is on the American Film Institutes Top 100.

CTTN55, I agree with you - people are adults, they decide for themselves what risks to take, and that's fine. Ignoring the information isn't making a choice, it's wishful thinking.

Politicians are not in an enviable position. Their nightmare would be being proved to be The Leader Who Did Nothing And Let All The People Die. At the same time, how many votes are there in Closing Down Disney?

Don't start me on the BBC (again!) but a correspondent was describing in quietly appalled tones how some government department or other had decided against banning attendance at sports events or enforcing postponement of them. Well! Attending a soccer game with 39,000 other people at the moment is a risk, sure; but it's not compulsory.

There's a performance of Haydn's Creation in the Cathedral tomorrow, and my daughter's future MIL is in the choir. To go or not to go... I'm sort of hoping they'll postpone that one. I really think I can't go. I'm a key worker and I don't *need* to go and stand in a building next to a few hundred other people.

This is from a high school friend who lives in Italy...

"I am writing to you from Bergamo, Italy, at the heart of the coronavirus crisis. The news media in the US has not captured the severity of what is happening here. I am writing this post because each of you, today, not the government, not the school district, not the mayor, each individual citizen has the chance, today to take actions that will deter the Italian situation from becoming your own country’s reality. The only way to stop this virus is to limit contagion. And the only way to limit contagion is for millions of people to change their behavior today. 

If you are in Europe or the US you are weeks away from where we are today in Italy.

I can hear you now. “It’s just a flu. It only affects old people with preconditions”

There are 2 reasons why Coronavirus has brought Italy to it’s knees. First it is a flu is devastating when people get really sick they need weeks of ICU – and, second, because of how fast and effectively it spreads. There is 2 week incubation period and many who have it never show symptoms.  

When Prime Minister Conte announced last night that the entire country, 60 million people, would go on lock down, the line that struck me most was “there is no more time.” Because to be clear, this national lock down, is a hail mary. What he means is that if the numbers of contagion do not start to go down, the system, Italy, will collapse. 

Why? Today the ICUs in Lombardy are at capacity – more than capacity. They have begun to put ICU units in the hallways. If the numbers do not go down, the growth rate of contagion tells us that there will be thousands of people who in a matter of a week? two weeks? who will need care. What will happen when there are 100, or a 1000 people who need the hospital and only a few ICU places left? 

On Monday a doctor wrote in the paper that they have begun to have to decide who lives and who dies when the patients show up in the emergency room, like what is done in war. This will only get worse. 

There are a finite number of drs, nurses, medical staff and they are getting the virus. They have also been working non-stop, non-stop for days and days. What happens when the drs, nurses and medical staff are simply not able to care for the patients, when they are not there?

And finally for those who say that this is just something that happens to old people, starting yesterday the hospitals are reporting that younger and younger patients – 40, 45, 18, are coming in for treatment. 

You have a chance to make a difference and stop the spread in your country. Push for the entire office to work at home today, cancel birthday parties, and other gatherings, stay home as much as you can. If you have a fever, any fever, stay home. Push for school closures, now. Anything you can do to stop the spread, because it is spreading in your communities – there is a two week incubation period – and if you do these things now you can buy your medical system time. 

And for those who say it is not possible to close the schools, and do all these other things, locking down Italy was beyond anyone’s imagination a week ago. 

Soon you will not have a choice, so do what you can now. "

Talked to my son in law who is a Dr. in Richmond VA....he is going to work as usual and I asked him how bad this was going to get and he said "People need to STOP FREAKING OUT! and start washing their hands". Then he said "It's really a problem if you are elderly and immunocompromised..." to which I replied "well, at 63 I hardly think of myself as elderly, but remember that cancer I had last year? And the fact that I only ended chemotherapy 5 months ago---" he kind of laughed and said, "well, don't GO anywhere". I didn't even get a flu shot--no point!

I did hit the grocery store yesterday--all 18 checkstands were open with no fewer than 10 people in each line. And we've had 4 reported cases of Covid19. I mean, 2 of them are professional b-ball players, so yeah, that's a thing--but I'm not catching this from them. I can't even think how many people touch a basketball during a game..ugh, gross.

I am old enough to remember polio. THAT was terrifying and thank goodness, that's hardly a blip on the radar now.

Schools here are all closed, or are closing. Dh will be working from home next week--our church's semi annual conference has been 'cancelled' to any attending--over 100,000 people attend every 6 months and they come from all over the world. That was just a common sense approach. Church has been cancelled until late April.

Since there is no immunization for this (yet) we will have to calm down and ride this out. My SIL wasn't upset or worried and said we need to practice common sense and it will all be OK. He has a PhD in immunology, so I really respect his advice. I AM calm, but I am not looking fwd to DH being home, working all week. Well--at least he refused to travel (for the first time in his career) so he won't get stuck in some other city, confined to a hotel for 2 weeks.

I, too, have little sympathy right now for MIL. Maybe it's b/c this thing is scary and we don't know much about it!


Chit! Where’s my brown paper bag?!!

Okay. I’m not making light of it all. I’m just one of those annoying people who make stupid jokes in times of extreme stress and tragedy.

I think Barbs friend in Italy is ringing a bell that EVERYONE in this country would be smart to hear.

This has moved beyond worrying about inconvenience.

Sorry. I had written a post referencing my brown paper bag earlier but it was eaten up in cyberspace.

It referenced my need to process our changing world in bite sized pieces.

I made the mistake of binge watching CNN the night our Fearless Leader made his speech. After a few hours of it all, I was in such a state I had to go get the bag I keep next to my bed - for when panic attacks hit in the middle of the night and result in feeling like I can’t breath.
Hence - my brown paper bag.

I'm in the camp too that it's being overblown, at least the panic aspect of it, anyway. I'm with the mindset of 'be prepared, yes, but panic, no.' Just using plain common sense, like washing hands goes far. I can't for the life of me figure out why people here are panic buying toilet paper. I mean, it is a respiratory virus, we're not talking about explosive diarrhea here....

I am bummed because I don’t get to attend a graduating ceremony for my daughter. Louisiana State University cancelled the ceremony. Diplomas are being mailed to students. 😞

I feel so bad for my daughter. She’s disappointed.

Yeah, safety comes first but it’s still sad.

Um....that letter from barbs friend....her friend didn’t write that letter. That letter has been posted all over the internet for days. And the letter writer varies. Barb says it was from a high school’s been posted elsewhere by others who say it came from old college’s all part of the hysteria. It was on Reddit 2 days ago...and was originally a Facebook post.

Our news just reported that all New Orleans public schools will be closed for 30 days.

I wonder how parents are going to handle daycare issues. Presents havoc for parents that work during school hours. It’s sad but the mayor feels safety comes first.

Closing of junior schools and day care... unless armies of grandparents can do childcare, all those Mother's or Father's will be pulled out of the workforce. Nurses, Doctors, Police, Shop Assistants, Cleaners +++. But the Teachers will be home. Those home with children will take in many more to enable others to work. Childcare will move into the homes.

Just like already smaller groups of people are watching sports together in local pubs instead of in stadiums.

So surreal.


Interesting that you mention pubs. New Orleans is a big drinking area. Party city! There is a celebration for everything! The mayor is speaking on television right now. She just announced there will be no restrictions on alcohol sales! LOL

The mayor did address serious important issues first, such as precautionary measures concerning the virus, treatments for the virus, school closures, etc. She is the mayor of New Orleans though, this city continually celebrates year round!

What are the rest of you folks doing?

Here locally they announced closure of schools until the end of March .. and possibly beyond (remains to be determined). The libraries are closed, . all venues as to large gatherings for events .. closed. City/state parks closed, local zoo.

I take my grandkids, . to libraries, parks and other sites .. for entertainment on occasion. Yesterday being a good for instance, had the 6 yo at an open gym kinda thing designed specifically for kids and play. I did "hesitate" momentarily and ponder, should I be doing that, should we all hunker down in the safety of our homes .. is it safe to be going to these public places?

I didn't have an answer, I went. Interestingly enough, there weren't many others there to do the same.

Had wanted to just run out last night .. grab a bite of dinner out, .. (didn't do so for other reasons) but that too, I pondered, is it safe .. should we just stay home?

Obviously it's prudent to not gather in mass groups for events like concerts, and sporting events . where folks are packed in by the thousands .. elbow to elbow. I get all that.

But where does one draw the line? Does one now not go to privately owned entertainment sites .. such as I take the kiddos to? Does one not go out to dinner?

It has all caused me to stop a moment, and think.

Yesterday with the cancellation of school for the foreseeable future .. DD had mentioned a place we'd taken the kids before, . for a wknd of fun. Think a hotel that also has an enormous water park associated, . and so one stays on site .. and just goes to the water park for entertainment, . or the on site restaurant to eat, . and/or .. then goes back to their room. She mentioned that yesterday as a means of *I'm gonna have to come up with SOMETHING TO DO HERE ... these kids will be bonkers .. being cooped up for weeks*.

Sounded like a splendid idea to me. Yea, let's do it.

Then I remembered .. hmmm .. should we be going to a site like that, .. this virus running rampant?

I don't have the answers.


I am bummed 🙁. My daughter’s graduation ceremony is canceled. She is disappointed. So are we. The university (LSU) is only holding online classes for the remainder of the year. She will have her diploma mailed to her.

Oh, I know it’s a safety issue but it’s a let down not to see her in her cap and gown. Know what I mean? Oh well...

My husband’s company instructed all of the employees to work from home. We only have about 36 reported cases here in Louisiana but they say it’s expected to rise. Stores are selling out of everything here. Reminds me of what happens during our hurricane season.

The mayor said all public schools will be closed for 30 days. St. Patty day parades are canceled.

I suspect our upcoming festivals will be canceled as well. New Orleans relies on tourism so the city is going to feel a major hit not having French Quarter of Jazz Fest. I am hoping they can be rescheduled.

Glad Mardi Gras went along without a hitch concerning the virus, although sadly, we had a couple of deaths due to parade goers being killed by floats. The drivers can’t stop suddenly and there are large crowds, drinking and pushing, it is horrible to hear of deaths happening during a time that is enjoyable for many here along with the tourists.

So...that’s what going on in our neck of the woods.

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