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Yes, watching with a keen eye here also . as to the fallout in the economy. Tourism is taking a major hit ..

Trying to get a better feel for it myself and my doings and comings and goings and just how careful to be.

Dorker; here is a recommendation from a doctor in Boston.

Dorker, for the grands, go to your local $$ store and stock up on craft supplies,, they still have plenty. You will still be able to entertain them. Lots of craft board, posters to color, stickers and coloring books. Mini puzzles.. cheap DVDs for kids. Or try books from your library,, if it's still open, Our library is closing Mon for 2 weeks,, this is going to hurt Mom and me. We read a lot. I can use my Kindle but her not so much. I do have a stockpile of books from my aunt,, so she can read them. Opps, just saw your libraries are already closed.

Barb, thanks for sharing this well-written article.  The specific recommendations about social distancing are very helpful!

All schools closed until April 14th and oh yeah, no toilet paper at the grocery stores!!!

I went grocery shopping yesterday and a little toilet paper and limited on how many we can buy. However, I noticed the Depends were still sitting on the shelves...if one gets desperate???

Good one Lisa!

I was wondering about NHs running out of Depends the other day.... Sometimes my brain does go to baaaad places.

The last three times I’ve been to Costco, I’ve bought a case of baby wipes. It wasn’t intentional - I just kept spacing on what I had at home.

The last time, my hubby was teasing me about my fading memory and just where we were gonna store three cases of wipes...

Guess I get some satisfaction. After all - if we completely run out of toilet paper - we’ve got 27 packs of wipes!

I made a panic run to the grocery store on Friday - I tried to fight it but it got the better of me. Since it was a “panic” run, I hadn’t thought it thru or made a list... I now have roughly 30 cans of soup in my cupboard. Don’t even get me started on how dumb that is... Rainman doesn’t do soup well. At least, about half the soups are of the “chunky” variety so if Armageddon hits I can drain off the liquid and call it stew!

But back to toilet paper. WTF?!! My store has about a 200’ isle of TP - well, they HAD - not a square to be found. No paper towels. No dried pasta. No russet potatoes. The only pasta sauces left were of the $8 a jar variety. Guess who has three jars of fancy pasta sauce to go with the 27 packs of baby wipes?

Yep. The virus is contagious. But it seems stupid is too!

... and in case anyone is wondering why I bought three jars of pasta sauce when there was no pasta to be had... I bought rice. Doesn’t that sound yummy? Rice covered in pasta sauce? Like I said, stupid.

Hi Everyone!

Long time no see. You all have been on my mind. Especially those that I know are in New York, Washington State, California and you Dorker in Florida.

I have been keeping up with Dorker but sometimes I may be several days behind.

I thought the toilet paper thing was just a crazy local thing 🙄. I am kinda relieved to know toilet paper is a world wide thing 😳

I was shocked to find some toilet paper at Target at late morning. I saw customers with it and thought no way will there be any left but behold the very brand I prefer was there. Previously I found alcohol at Walmart. The extra nice aspect to all this was everyone just had one package as I did and bought. There was no hoarding.

Hey Rainmom, your pasta-sauce-rice sounds way better than my dried lentil mix soup starter packets with no sauce, no tin tomatoes & no frozen veg available to add. He he.

All the breakfast cereal is gone too. And I heard PJs are acceptable daywear now.

Is this life now? Home in your PJs eating cereal for dinner?

P J's have always been acceptable day wear with me.🛌☺

Oh well, at least we can laugh some in the mix of all this mess.

I have always had .. there are a few things that I get nutz about running out of, and as such, stock pile to not run out of.

Paper towels
Garbage bags

Those few things are the *must haves* around here. How does one run a HH at all, absent those items? Seriously?

So I get a text from DD the other day marking just how much I've always been poked fun at for *hoarding* TP .. and can she have a few rolls . the stores are out.


For the life of me I can't figure out why there's been a run on TP .. at all the stores, for what is clearly respiratory .. so .. why TP? I don't know, unless it's that it's thought we are all gonna go under mandatory lockdown and no going to the stores for anything at all. Who knows.

As the FB meme noted earlier today:

"wait til we have a run on a pandemic of an *intestinal* nature . all the nose spray will be gone from the store shelves, go figure".

As to MIL . much to my surprise, she is weathering this shut down of the NH (for now) rather well. Maybe that's because it's all new, who knows. But as she put it in talking with DH (and doing okay and no sad malaise at play) her words: "I think I'm in the safest place I can possibly be".

Dorkemr, maybe the increased AD dosage has kicked in. In any case, Hallelujah!

Dorker, go back and read Rainmom’s post. Then read it again. Then read it as many more times as you need to until you understand her common sense approach to your problem. Hugs

The run on toilet paper has a few understandable reasons. All of a sudden kids are home much more. Everyone needs toilet paper. Once people realize they will have a hard time getting a necessity it becomes that much more important. When there is no end in sight to a common need it creates a sense of desperation for that need. When store after store has completely cleaned off shelves a panic sets in. I went back to a store when they said there would be a delivery but there was none. So that need multiplies in our mind as something we need to keep looking out for. To hear only plan for a one to two week supply doesn't satisfy the sense and urgency for that need unless one feels they can resort to newspaper heaven forbid. And those needs multiply. There are creative ways to create antiseptic wipes with baby wipes and alcohol. That does not carry over to toilet paper. Kleenex can be substituted but even that is disappearing. So one continues a daily often fruitless search which creates more anxiety. There was a funny tale that a woman in Whole Foods went to a stripped down store and found radishes and Brazil nuts. Then she realized she really had no desire for those yet there was the sense she found something. Don't know if she bought them or not.

Suggested my kids 'go' at school & at part-time jobs. DH works from home a lot, but I suggested his gym 😉

I am not used to hubby being home during the day. Since his office is complying with regulations to do self quarantine he’s working at home. It’s interesting hearing his tech conversations. I married a smart cookie 😊.

Plus, he has offered to grocery shop and cook! That’s kind of nice too. I can’t wait for all of this to clear up though, so we can feel normal again.

Schools all closed here as are health club/gyms. A lot of restaurants have gone to take out/delivery only.

I feel for working parents caught in all this mess. Expected to show up at work but no coverage for kiddos now out of school.

As for me, I'm trying to keep in mind how I can help DD this week. Herself caught up, cooped up with 3 kids ... nowhere to go.

Yes I can give her some relief by taking 1 or all here for a day here & there. Boredom though. TV ... even watching kid movies .. yawn ho hum after a while.

The 6 yo, yea give her some markers and glue and pasta and paper plates to make some crafty stuff. 2 yo's not so much.

There is a nature walk near the river .. all out doors ... maybe I could chance that and a picnic and hope 200 others didnt have the same plan.

Even our city/state parks are closed.


Kind of sad that the parks are closed. Our zoo is closed.

The zoo closing hit me hard for some reason. When I heard that, it was like I lost something. I haven’t been to the zoo in about 3-4 years & had no plans to go. Hearing I had to let moms caregivers go & isolate with her didn’t affect me as hard as the zoo closing. With all this time for self reflection maybe I’ll figure it out. Still following along Dorker, glad you’ve stood strong, it gives me hope.

I think what is hitting me hard is the whole premise of what this is doing to the economy at large. Another deep recession made to order, coming up.

Yes, it's all necessary . .the shut down .. on board that it has to be done ..

But all the small businesses that are going to go under through this whole thing is just going to be staggering.

And on another note, .. I've seen on the news that some NH's are allowing that folks come .. and sit outside the window of their LO .. if they wish to do so . .and they can talk via phone if the LO is able to do so.

I kinda wish, for MIL's sake that was a possibility at the NH where she resides, it is not. It's been asked .. by SIL ... and the answer was no .. that it would cause too much upheaval .. and I get it, .. yes .. there are too many there that are addled and confused and .. would be too off putting to so many there.

I feel so bad for the elderly that are bewildered by all this .. and yet have no one that can come and visit and allay their fears and concerns.

I know we'd gotten an email from the NH . and as of right now .. and for the foreseeable future, . no visitors, at all .. and all activities have ceased .. so as to honor that all important social distancing requirement, . dining room closed, meals being brought to each room/resident .. even PT .. at this point in time, is not continuing in the PT room, but rather bedside, per patient/resident .. so as to keep that social distancing thing in place.

I checked with my dad a few days back to make sure all had a lid on it on their end, and they were doing okay. I called again this morning to check, but they were still in bed asleep ...

My point in doing so .. not that I'll go in and visit with them . but if they need something, I'm able to go get it, and leave at their doorstep . to keep them from having to go out and into stores .. if need be.

And delivery .. that's out of the question these days . as most of those services are now working 3 and 4 days out, locally. No longer can one order things .. as to groceries, pharmacies (not here anyway) . and expect to see the delivery within a few hours .. not happening that way here. They're all backed up . and so . .if one does so, they are notified it will take 3 or 4 days ..

As for me, .. I have somehow developed a nasty cold .. (no, I don't have a fever, sore throat, muscle aches .. not yet) .. and so .. hunkering down myself, to try to rest, fluids . and hope/pray it doesn't take a turn that I now need to go get tested for Corona virus.

Dorker, I hope you can kick that cold to the curb pronto.

Supplies stripped & no deliveries here either, so greater numbers of people are tramping through greater numbers of supermarkets to get their stuff... sigh. Washing powder is the latest 'panic buy' item here.

There is the new 'community time' shopping from 7-8am for elderly & disabled but my parents + sis have already expressed their opinion that that time is not convenient to them. Fine. Suit yourselves & go when you like. May be less stuff & more crowds though.

Like you with your Dad & StepMom, I plan to do driveby deliveries if required. I won't let them starve... home brand bread, long-life milk, whatever brand tin tomatoes etc, whatever is available.

This is not the time for inflexability - being unable to accept non-preferred food brands, generic medications or going shopping at 7:30am instead of 9:30am.

All schools closed here in Utah, stores are open, but obviously running low as people panic-buy. DH is working from home and giving me a taste of what his retirement will be like---not fun.

I've been 'quarantined' for 9 months so a few more weeks won't matter---

But to add insult to injury--we got awakened by a 5.7 earthquake epicenter is about 30 miles away. Shook the whole house with a stomach dropping sensation, and 5.7 is not that big.

Aftershocks all day long have kept me in a state of semi-panic--sort of. It's just such a pit-of-the-stomach sickness when an earthquake rolls in. Hoping it's over--it's been 25 years since we had one that rocked our world like this.

Wow--my poor out-of-state kids were calling all day to check on us. We're fine but some folks out by the center of the quake--it's a mess.

Had to get a blood draw this am and the hospital was very calm and efficient. I asked how bad it had been, and one of the nurses said "If people would just CALM DOWN"....she said being hysterical is absolutely no good. BTW, they wiped down my hands when I walked into the hospital, after my blood draw and then I sanitized them in the car. I'm going to dry up and blow away! Anybody else feel like that!?

Mid I thought about you when I heard that about the earthquake there. That seems terrifying to me. To be experiencing my house rattling!

I don't know who has it worse, .. folks with their kids home to home school now, or folks like you . with a spouse who usually isn't there, .. there now . all day every day.

This whole thing beats anything I've ever seen. It's all pretty frightening.

Mid, the C, the CV-19, now a quake - how scary!! But just keep marching on...

One working from home lady has arranged respite (ie hiding from her DH) at her sister's place 2 days a week.

Do you have a garage that could become a newly converted study? Look how comfortable it is out here, with the coffee machine, a nice chair, your laptop... Me House - You Garage 😉

The earthquake was just something that we here in Utah kind of have in the back of our minds, as we live on a fault line--I can literally SEE it from my front door. This quake was centered maybe 30 miles from the 'major' fault line--I grew up in a house that was only 2 football fields' length from the major fault.

Yeah, it was an unsettling day, with being awakened by a quake (it felt like someone was shaking the bed, really, really hard) and some things did fall off the walls and glasses fell down IN the cupboard---but we're OK. It's been 25 years since the last 'quake' that I felt. We have little quakes all the time, but you don't notice.

One good thing about DH working from home--he is getting more on board with my desire to move to a different style home. He watched me running up and downstairs all day long and realized that this is not great on the knees. And, dang, this man is SMART. I hear him talking to coworkers and I am astounded by the stuff he knows!

I do feel for people who are really quarantined. We can definitely 'get out' but keep our running around to a minimum. Dh has a 'graveside service' tomorrow for his uncle, who passed away. They can't even have a funeral.

I imagine that a lot of elderly in NH's are really struggling-they are already isolated--and then they can't see anyone and are confused and lonely. I am going to visit my mom today--not really looking fwd to it, but she is really housebound, and while I cannot take her for a drive or something, I can go visit.

How's MIL holding up, Dorker? How are you feeling?

How many of us are now conscious of how many times we touch our FACES! Dh and I are working (silently) side by side and we both lean our heads in our hands. I just said to him "gosh, we're disgusting!"

I just got off the phone with my oncologist (we did a telephone visit) and he said that people were being good to self isolate and to STOP FREAKING OUT.

Glad we seen to have stopped shaking here--it's VERY unsettling!

I really haven't heard a lot about how MIL is faring other than .. she seems to be doing "okay". Surprising to me, .. as I do know they are no longer serving meals in dining rooms for one thing (not that she ever partook of that anyway) .. they no longer go to the PT room for sessions, opting instead for bedside via the PT practitioner (she always so enjoyed going to the PT room for her session) .. no visitors allowed, at all, .. not even thru a window .. not even "things" brought to give to the resident. They've ceased all activities there so as to keep to that social distancing rule. I think pretty much one is down to meandering around the place, as best they can .. and keeping a distance from other residents.

I would've thought she'd of been really really really miserable .. but seemingly not so much. So either, the AD and it's increased dose has kicked, in as Barb had suggested, .. or .. the situation . one that not a soul can change .. is just reality and she is accepting it, for now. Don't know really.

As for me, .. I don't feel good, that's for sure. But I haven't gone to test for Corona Virus . as I don't have the markers required for my area, ..

The push really is to test those with the markers, first and foremost, . over 65 yo .. and maybe w/other underlying health conditions .. have traveled out of the country or exposure to someone known to be a positive for Corona Virus ..

I have none of those markers.

I also don't have, and haven't had any fever.

Nor do I have muscle/body aches.

I just have a horrible cough . and some mild chitapalooza ... and nasal congestion and some slight nausea at times (fleeting). That, and really really tired, malaise.

I think I just have the misfortune of having caught some kind of bug at the same time the whole world is under a global pandemic and every health care practitioner on the planet is working the pandemic.

If I'm not better by tomorrow or Saturday I'll do the Teladoc thing and see what they advise.

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