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Dorker, to me (and I've been down this road) it sounds like the CM is charting all of the information you are giving them. They aren't therapists, so they might not seem long on hand holding. But good ones get the job done.

Your job right now is to impart information about what you've observed. And to to tell dad that, sadly, no, you can't help. You gave him an opportunity in the past to empower you to help and he EXPLICITY rejected that.

And Baker Act for K sounds like good option. Sad but efficient.

As my mom often said, these folks who resist the direction of their smart and savvy kids are their own worst enemy. Dad has ignored your advice and will be, sadly, the worse for it.

"So, it's, really sad, dad, but you need to rely on case management to help you figure out what next steps are. I've given them all the information they need. I will call you and love you, but I will not support you being discharged home because it's not safe. K has dementia and isnt even safe herself, much less care for you."

Wise words (as usual) from Barb.

Do not get dragged into any of this, Dorker. Do not give even an inch here, as it will quickly become miles. You tried to get your father to get his affairs in order several times last year, and he kept putting it off and putting it off. So now there is no one to help him. Don't allow him to make it you!

Barb, as always spot-on. That is essentially what I am doing, providing what input I can . in the hopes that the folks who do this kinda stuff for a living and are far more knowledgeable than I am .. can help to direct what he has asked ... at least partly ..

Obviously he has some awareness the status quo can't continue . and spoke of such. Spoke of the fact, . he'd like to return home with some exceptions to that setting and a c'giver in place, and I countered that in conversation with him that I don't ascribe to that being viable . as K will make short order of dismissing any c'giver brought to bear, . thinking her/he an intrusion on her territory . been there done that. That then brought forth some dialogue from him as to his liquidity and so forth as to paying for LTC .. and that may be the setting in which he has to turn.

I think, . it's somewhat noted . at least IMO . that he has awareness of the needed changes. Obviously . as said before .. all the powers-that-be .. remind me continually . it's ultimately his decision to make, ... fully aware of that. If he makes the decision to return to his home . K as c'giver . there's not a dam thing I can do to change that, and GAWD knows .. I've voiced MO to him and everyone else in any role to listen . that's all I can do . that's all the powers-that-be can do too .. per their "it's ultimately his decision". Yep . got it.

Will he turn left at the fork in the road ahead? Who knows .. will he turn left and head into a different setting? Or will he head straight, right back into that sick/combative environment. I think probably the latter .. as the saying goes "the h377 you know, is always better than the h377 you don't know".

All I can do, is register my viewpoint and that I'm doing ..

I sometimes ponder (would have to only ponder, .. the only experience I've had in all this was with MIL . who is not my mom . and w/dad . who was .. shall we say . disengaged for most of my life) .. I do have to ponder at times . were this someone I'm strongly bonded to . and felt compelled to jump headlong . what would this whole picture look like. I dunno . not the case here.

Outside of the above .. I am staying out of it all. I haven't gone over to strong arm any mail out of K's hands . in an effort to make sure his bills are being sorted and paid accdgly .. I haven't gone on foot .. and ck'd out sites for the next stop in his journey . only to watch him cut the flooring right out from under that ultimately in the path straight back into his home . why bother. I haven't . don't intend to .. call up stepsister's DH . with a "hey how's about you send me a copy of that LTC policy .. I may not understand all the finite points . but I can sure pass it along to staff there at the Rehab site for some help . how bout it". Haven't asked, .. don't care, the time to have sat down with me and gone over some of these things . in the thinking maybe I could/would advocate on your behalf .. I begged you to do so . and you shoved me on away . at arm's length . where I'm more comfortable any dam way .. so .. so be it.

On another perhaps brighter note .. I'll take any glimmer of light I can find . and on the DD front.

Yesterday .. Mother's Day .. was an absolute pleasure . as much as I can de-escalate . something I struggle to succeed at, when tension fills the air.

Was able to enjoy a lunch out .. for Mother's Day (restaurants here, . some that have chosen to do so, can open at 25% capacity for seating and so we actually went to a sit down restaurant . not a take out as has been the case for weeks).

And .. her DH watched the twins. The 6 yo went with us, my request she join us. Not only that ... ya gotta understand . going out to lunch with DD . it never happens .. but when it does . it's usually my paying the freight for same. Not yesterday . . yesterday she was absolutely 100% firm . she wanted to pay her own way .. (mine too, but I wouldn't' let her pay


wouldn't' let her pay for me). She actually used a debit card . which she indicates a sit down sesh w/her DH . one of numerous sit down sesh's .. and that one of her demands . wants access to her own debit card . and he did oblige somewhere along in all this. She used her own debit card (which she didnt' have previously him limiting those purse strings) . and she paid for her's and her daughter's lunch out. And him at home watching the twins.

She made it a point to also tell us while out .. (in front of the 6 yo which I thought was odd, .. I'd be wanting to shield the 6 yo from all that dialogue) . but she said what she did, right in front of the 6 yo who didn't even register what had been said, she was busy coloring and not paying attn to adult talk , DD's words: "And I'll have you guys know that my DH is running inteference today .. he has . since the moment we got up this morning . if the kids needed anything . he's the one hopping to . to address it .. he has done all the laundry and let me relax .. and enjoy the day . and anything they whine and bicker about or need . he hops to . and sees to it".

So anyway .. a glimmer of light in that situation ..

Doesn't explain why he somehow found it suitable to encourage stealing, .. doesn't explain why as to so much of what has gone on . doesn't explain whether I have the true skinny as to the goings on in their world. Perhaps I don't and there's much more to the story than I've been lead to believe.

I don't need to know, to be honest .. you guys figure out your world, and I'll stay over here. Hands-off.

So anyway . just a little glimmer of perhaps some hope that things . at least some of the "things/stuff" that has gone on . can begin some improvement. All the "why" .. of the many aspects of it all, . up to them to sort thru.

Just a note, lest you guys think that I'm smarter than the average bear, I'm not.

I got to watch a LOT of eldercare happen over the years, from my own grandma, cousins' grandparents, cousins' parents, my parents, first husband's parents and current DH's mom. Not to mention a bunch of aunts and uncles.

I got to compare and contrast what worked and what didnt. I watched a dear cousin get bullied into unpaid caregiving, destroying his career and relationship. He committed suicide last summer.

What I've seen has informed what I pass on to you all. It's not anything about me; its ALL about the experience.

Barb, with all that, you've seen/experienced a lot more than some of us . and that lends itself to the, as you put it, . .*what works/what doesn't work*. So . we're all grateful . I know I am . for your spot on take on these kinds of things.

I would be passing along the advice I've lived . from my days as helper/helpmate to the MIL situation . were anyone that I knew in those shoes. Run for your life . unless you are willing to jump in both feet first . and headlong . run . run for your life ..

That one I did live .. and see/experience and have the tattered/torn tee shirt to prove it.

But that's only one experience . for me, thankfully. Now weathering the dad saga . and all it's ugly underbelly.

Thankfully . that MIl saga came along and I knew what to NOT get mired in .. and how it's such a slippery slope one finds themselves stuck in quicksand in it all, if allowing themselves to climb that slope at all.

Two more points.

1. Has anyone else had any experience w/regard to someone going into LTC setting and yet . receiving infusions for cancer tx. All I know is what that one social worker told me (hospital SW) that his cancer tx's would negate any ability to go into LTC . those wouldn't be accommodated. I don't know . doesnt' sound logical to me .. LTC residents are routinely carted out for doc appts . what makes cancer tx any different?

2. Fatigue . have any of you that have walked this walk . found the bone crushing fatigue I am finding? I've actually slept better the last couple of nights than I did for a while in all the continual saga that has been my world the last few weeks. The last couple of nights .. sleep didn't allude me thankfully. But I find that I am so so tired .. still. Anyone else experience that? And puzzling because really other than the phone flurries .. which have certainly taken place, I'm not out and about running my legs off behind all this saga ..

Dorker, at this time last year my FIL was in LTC with cancer. He was taken to a nearby hospital for chemo once a week. His chemo was given in the form of a shot I believe. He didn’t have lung cancer like your dad though, he had multiple myeloma. And no one at home to take care of him. Perhaps it’s different in Florida or perhaps the pandemic has changed things but what the SW is telling you doesn’t sound right to me either.

My FIL ended up back in the hospital with a UTI and from there he was sent back to LTC on hospice and his chemo was discontinued because at that point the doctors said he wasn’t going to improve and would probably be gone in a matter of months. But before the UTI, he received chemo on a weekly basis.

I am not sure why cancer treatment couldn’t be accommodated? I am sure there are residents in LTC that have to leave for dialysis and regular doctors appointments.

Didn't sound right to me. I know with MIL . I'm not the one on the front lines, and ordering transport for her in the event of a doc appt., and she certainly doesn't go routinely to any doc appt., but it is done . and transport is arranged, and a CNA goes with her (not always satisfied that the CNA dotted any i's and crossed any t's as to said visit . but again . not my purview .. I hear hear about the fallout). So my point is .. I know for a fact, .. people that live in LTC sites are in fact carted out for doc appts .. I know that to be the case.

Cancer/infusions, that I don't know, but stands to reason it's no different than the patient who has to be carted out for, like you noted, dialysis.

Find it hard to believe that wouldn't be possible. I know here in FL our governor re-opened . elective procedures . .. so that's not it .. one can certainly now select to have that much needed gall bladder surgery or that much put off, biopsy . .so forth.

Dorker, cancer treatments, etc

Certainly on your pencil and paper list to ask of the SNF.

Perhaps the admit person thought he was coming on on hospice care...

My very smart, un-guilt)-ridden sil always asked "why" when some administrative type told us something. Not sure what was different about her upbringing, but my brother immediately got that she was good as resisting authority. Best decision he ever made

Great hopefully continuing news on the DD front. Yes I have periods of mental exhaustion but lately not as many as there is more smoothness to her routine. When she first entered AL and all that entailed as to their rules,her needs etc.I was feeling very wiped out. Your shares this week have left me wiped out for you. I keep hoping you catch some breaks.

Good Lord! The being tired - as it relates to my caregiving years...

There were days and weeks where I was SO tired. A tired like I’d never felt before or since. I was so tired I felt it all the down to my bones.

I could barely wait to get Rainman into bed so I could drop into bed myself. More often than not - I was in bed by 9pm. It certainly didn’t work wonders for mine and hubbys relationship. I didn’t want to talk. I didn’t want to be touched. I just wanted to go to sleep and turn off.

The problem was - I have had pretty severe insomnia since I was a teenager. So, long about 1am I would wake up. Wide awake and sitting out on the deck chain smoking. If I was lucky - I could fall asleep again at around 5:30am and sleep two hours before Rainman woke up. It was a torturous cycle of tired to dead tired and back again.

I pray you never get as tired as I was during those years.

Dorker, consider getting covid antibody testing in the coming weeks.

About the fatigue, yes! You're going through a lot of stress with everything and your body and mind just get exhausted. Even before mom came to stay with us a year or so before she passed, then got moved to facility care, in the months and years in between when her mental state worsened and the phone calls ramped up... even then I remember some days being just exhausted dealing with it all, especially mentally. I remember hating the sound of the phone ringing and dreading waking up with missed calls and messages. I honestly still get that knots in my stomach feeling from time to time when the phone rings from the flashbacks.

I don't even think things have gotten that bad here .. to the point the phone rings and I jump. I do right now, of course, . but generally speaking . . my phone doesn't ring all that frequently with the latest crises. Has lately .. but that wasn't the norm.

The timeline of my dad's events . they had a c'giver .. I'm guessing that was dispensed with maybe as best I can remember about mid March or end of March perhaps. And I think beyond that, any care on his behalf ceased. I would call every once in a while and ck in . but purposely not go there and put my eyeballs on anything . (why bother just to be shoo'd away) .. unless invited to do so. But by then .. COVID in full bloom and shut downs and told to stay away from the vulnerable and elderly, that's my dad . to a "t".

We have a daughter that lives with us .. (YD) works in a hospital and on the Covid floor . and so .. going anywhere near my dad .. was out of the question. Didn't do it.

Ck'd in periodically .. took an Easter dinner over and basically handed it off at the door and was on my way. Got a call he was out of Miralax .. got that . and just a visual from the doorway and then was gone.

So it's not like my phone rings with crises after crises, thankfully. But deterioration ongoing in his world, for certain in those weeks absent any c'giver on site.

And of course, the wear/tear/stress of the DD situation and trying to step up to the plate and be there, . in a big way . to childcare . til I kinda got to the point within myself .. "I'm not gonna be a crutch to all this . you're the mom . your kids .. his kids . you guys figure it out" and stepped back.

Just .. perhaps I don't wear the stress as well as I used to.

Yes, when that antibody test becomes more reliable and more available .. I intend to have it.

Got a call this evening from Rehab . but . felt good about ignoring it, he's in the care of pros there. Have no idea if it was a call from a staff member, or him . no one left a mssg, so I don't know, but I'm okay that I ignored it.

At that time .. I was fixing DH some dinner, and then subsequently sat down with him to interface a bit about our days and compare notes . and just .. downtime . and that's okay .. I need/deserve, normality. And I took it, and am not sorry.

As I mentioned in an earlier post - my stomach still knots up when the phone rings even sometimes when the ringing phone is on the frickin’ TV. And - still - every time I come home from being gone for errands or whatever - I have the same dread as I purposely take a minute to set down my purse before I look over at the phone for the “missed call” indicator. Lol - but now I stop to wash my hands before I look at the phone!

Anyhoo - my point between the phone and the fatigue is - it you don’t make some plans - some FIRM boundaries and stick to then this type of caregiving to difficult people can break you. Or at least a pretty bad sprain. It’s almost four years since my mom past and I am still so... BROKEN. No, wait... Damaged. That’s it, right?

Doker - if you are able to ignore the
phone and remember to take time each day for you and for your husband and are able to stick to it - you are so far ahead in the game than I ever was. Keep it up.

One thing I know about me .. I need calm, I need normalcy ..

Some people are so capable and even thrive as they spin 100 tops at one time and keep them all spinning in unison . and do it with the greatest of ease, .. prefer it.

Not me.

Haha. I can admire all the spinning tops and ain't it pretty . but soon enough I'm gonna walk over and stop all of them, and stack them nice and quiet in the corner, and then go experience some "calm" . be that . mindless tv, reading, music .. talk to a friend on the phone . just decompress.

“my stomach still knots up when the phone rings even sometimes when the ringing phone is on the frickin’ TV.”

Rain, that cracked me up. I thought it was just me, lol. TV phone or when an old person calls out for help on TV, or even a certain way the floor squeaks still gets me. And don’t even get me started on ambulance sirens when I am out for a walk. DH and I are measuring our recovery from major caregiving (I still have my difficult sibling from afar) by how we respond to those types of sounds:)

And Dorker, you have certainly earned your decompress:)

Dorker, something just popped into my head; dad is probably in "acute rehab" where hes getting therapies several times a day. Often, patients move from there to subacute rehab for the remainder of their rehab, getting less intense therapy. This is what transpired after my mom's stroke.

I imagine after the staff confers tomorrow there will be an assessment of how long they estimate he will stay where he is and what the projection is for discharge either home or to another facility.

Just something to keep in mind. I remember that it came as a great shock to us that the original rehab place we had arranged for wasn't keeping her.

Here is a link to a chart I found:

Keep those boundaries up!

The phone. Me too. I still hate it ringing. The calls on weekends & days off for falls... I imagine there is scar tissue across the sound processing part of my brain...

We have 'short stay' & 'slow stream' rehab options here. Slow for frail/feeble or multi-issues.

Slow leads to Home. Though the 'frequent flyers' will slide back to hospital for falls, infections, chronic illness etc

Then Home after set time. If still not ready: Transitional Care. Another set time in another setting (often NH). Some will slide back to hospital again.

Like snakes & ladders! (No-one wants to play this game!!!)

Transitional Care proceeds finally to Home. Or doesn't & stops right there. If available, they may take a bed permanently. If not, 3 shiny brochures are presented for local options. If lucky, a loving family member has done the research & wait-listed them somewhere good.

When the brochures are slid over the tonne of bricks called why didn't I plan? falls from a great height. Nothing to be done but choose: Eeny Meeno Mo.

Ironically, Dorker's dad could probably return home with less than 24/7 help if it wasn't for K.

If he had someone to cook and clean, grocery shop and remind him to take meds, he'd be fine.

Just needs a new wife! Had that one 50 yrs... throw her to the wolves & replace.

Or, time to call his Brother again.

Note: I DO NOT support either of those options!!!

Lol, Beatty!

No, K would probably be fine for now at home with meds for agitation and the same level of care as Dad.

It's her anxiety and agitation that is derailing all this.

Interesting, Dorker, about the CMs comment about the amount of Oxy that he is taking--that it's NOT problematic. You might mention that to stepsister. She clearly has bought her mother's delusional story line.

Dorker, how far away do your father and K live? I thought it was 30 mins? If so, that's quite a trip to be the Miralax delivery person. I can see how this could quite easily become more demands for things to be delivered. You don't want to become the Dorker Stepandfetchit Delivery Service!

Good idea, I think I will, just in passing, .. mention the whole OXY issue to SIL and CM's comments when that was raised as a possible "issue".

I'm guessing that my having brought that possible problem to CM's radar, . and her cursory look thru the chart, while on the phone with me .. I guess if they too were seeing it as a problem it might present in the form of him asking for more pain management med(s), more frequently than she was noting as she spoke to me, saying "hmm .. yea .. I don't see that has been a problem here".

Kind of interesting to note as that's a problem that, . gets a lot of h377 raised over it. To hear her tell it, he eats the things like candy, to excess. To hear him tell it, he takes "as needed". I don't know where the truth lies, .. but ... I'm guessing since CM didn't see it in the chart, as problematic, . perhaps .. dad is correct, and it's just one of the things K hyper fixates on.

I know she is opposed to pills in general for any dam thing. Her own daughter, who is bipolar can't even tell her mom the meds she takes, . her mom comes undone .. "That stuff is poison . you're going to poison yourself with all that" and gets all over wrought with it all.

My approach very much so, has been hands-off on the whole thing. I know her fixation with meds/pills .. and I don't live there, to truly see what goes on. Not to mention an awareness on my part, . the man is at the end of his life . .oxy addiction or whatever .. let him be.

Yes, dad lives 30/45 mins from me, depending on time of day, traffic back up etc. This Miralax run .. it was during the height of Covid . and those delivery services, all of them . were running 2 and 3 days as to any turn around time for orders. I did it, that one time . ran by and got Miralax . delivered it, . did a cursory glance from afar, . and was on my way.

Not anything I'd be in the routine habit of doing.

Yet one more example however, of how ill equipped K is as c'giver. Even I know .. about him and his weathering of the meds he takes, and the cancer tx . that he gets this issue ... vacillates between constipation and diarrhea. Even I, have an awareness around that piece of how he fares day to day and I don't live there.

Why .. .I mean . someone whose role is c'giver .. .and he certainly isn't traveling around the house . gathering his own needs for the most part, .. so obviously she has to be the one to walk to the cupboard to get out the Miralax .. not him .. doesn't occur to her . "gee, this bottle is getting really low, let me put that on he list". That and there didn't seem to be any urgency on her part, when that got imparted to me by my dad, . that he was out of Miralax . and needed more. Didn't seem to register as any pressing issue in her hemisphere. So I did it.

She .. so many examples, is just woefully ill equipped to be a c'giver .. to his many needs.

Says it all, that night I got the late night phone call, him sitting in chitapalooza . all day per her words . as she'd struggled all day with my (her words) "stubborn/ornery" dad .. that he won't *help her, to help him* get up . he's being stubborn . ornery ... that I need to fuss at him . set him on notice, that he's got to help her to help him . that she can't pull him up all on her own, he has to help her, .. but he's being stubborn, and no amount of trying to persuade her was going to change her mindset .. that he "can't" it's not that he "won't" do it, .. he "CAN'T", too weak. She seeing it all as him being stubborn. Within hours he in the ER and the dx a raging, pretty bad UTI that has developed into Sepsis. Yea .. he is being stubborn in not helping her to help him get up.

I know her brain is broken and as such one can't expect her to make reasonable/logic based decisions. But I'm human . it's frustrating.

I can't imagine how much more frustrating it would be to be ailing and sick . and have that as my resource for help.


My vantage point, MO . they would both be fine to remain in the home . were she someone who was more trusting and allowed the help to the forefront that is so sorely needed on both their parts. Her on some meds to help with her agitation and anxiety and dementia .. and he with the actual physical help there, of someone to do the things around the house and attend to the many facets of what he needs, .. navigation as to doc appts and transport for same .. and bathing him .. and meals . timely .. and sustenance, hydration ..

That would all require she be a wholly different person than what is seen in her. She would have to be not so territorial and proprietary as to her husband and his needs . and welcoming of the assistance .. she's anything but.

Ultimately his decision.

At this point, I can only hope . as the CM said yesterday .. in describing that sometimes these folks have to go on to LTC for more rehab .. to build more strength . and their site is short term . no exceptions . it may be that his insurance and supplement has to kick in for a LT site . for a longer stay . and that can be up to 100 days .. and explaining the aspects of how insurance kicks in to pay for same .. that he may be assessed and directed in that path forward, for now.

I can only hope.

Just wow. I don't know what to say.

So .. this morning, stepsister reaches out via text, "is here any new news on the front with your dad".

I did tell her, as follows:

Me: Nothing really no .. I can tell you . kind of interesting . .. I did impart to case management there, the issue w/regard to possible addiction to OXY and to make them aware . and the response was a cursory glance thru the record where it was noted to me that hasn't been seen as an issue there".

Response from stepsister: Any word .. as to when he's coming home, if he's coming home .. is he able to get up out of bed on his own".

(all the while my home phone is ringing off the hook, from dad's residence, . and one can only assume that might be stepmom calling me .. I don't know that stepsister is in residence with her mom at that residence)

I answered stepsister's question above: "needs 50/75% assist to get out of bed, considered to be significant deficit so I'm told"

**Note - I didn't answer any question as to when or if he's coming home . specifically didn't answer to that question on purpose

Next thing, my cell rings and it's stepsister calling from her cell: Good morning .. I was just wondering has there been any discussion about him coming home . is he coming to the home, is he going elsewhere, do you have any information on that"

Me: "That hasn't been discussed at all .. I know case management will ultimately decide on a discharge plan but I'm not aware of that".

(all the while my home phone is ringing off the hook from the residence where my dad lives and I'm not answering it, don't intend to)

Stepsister: "okay . well . I mean .. I'd hate to think he would just suddenly land there at the house, no plan in place . ... that's not going to happen is it?".

Me: "Not sure if you can hear my home phone ringing here, it's your mom calling from their residence. Just so you know .. I've been advised to let you deal with your mom .. me, I'll deal w/my dad, so I won't be answering her calls .. but to answer your question .. I don't imagine that suddenly that would occur . that he'd be discharged and suddenly appear in the driveway of their home . there'd have to be more plan in place, I would discourage that if I were aware of that as any plan . at this point, I'm not aware of any discharge plans".

Stepsister now tearing up, beginning to cry: "Okay well .. (hesitation in her responding) .. this is all a very difficult situation .. I'm doing the best I can here to deal with my mom .. but this is all really chitty . I mean it, it's really chitty . that's his wife . and for him to put her in a position where she can't know anything at all, .. and she's frantic . and I'm doing the best I can .. (thru tears now) .. to keep a lid on her . but I mean . who advised you of that, was that your dad . that advised you to let me deal with mom and you deal with him . was that him .. ???...

Me: No, in talking w/case management there, and them trying to get a feel for the demographics of this whole thing and the history of why/how . etc . and them asking of me .. who does your stepmom trust . who can talk to her, .. and me telling them she has a daughter .. and them suggesting it best that you deal with her, for the time being and me deal on my dad's behalf for the time being"

((that's all a complete lie (therapeutic) on my part, case management hasn't advised me of anything .. it's the only thing I know to do .. I can't deal with him and her too))

((and yes, my phone . has continually rang . all morning, still ringing as we speak .. repeated calls from her .. incessant))

Stepsister, more tears: "Well this is all just completely chitty . I mean .. you can tell him I said that when you talk to him . if they want me to deal with her, then why can't I get thru to get any information . this getting it 3rd party from you . it's just chitty .. you can tell him that .. for him to cut out what is his wife . from any information and ability to get that


her ability to get any information, my not able to get any information .. you can tell him that this is all complete chit and tell him I said so .. have you talked to him"

Me: "yes it is an incredibly difficult position to put everyone in and I've told him that (and I have, that's the truth ... I have told him that) .. they're going to have to do things differently going forward .. this has all been done outside of anything I had anything to do with .. and not what I recommended, .. and put me in the middle of a situation I didn't ask for . and I've expressed that to him".

Stepsister, now .. tears . and obvious: "Well I'm sorry to unload on you, I know it's not your fault . I'm just really frustrated here . trying to keep a lid on her, she's his wife .. for him to take this drastic a step . I mean .. I just . it's just completely chitty what he's done and I want you to tell him I said so .. "

Me: "I agree it's chitty and no position I wanted to be in . they have to do things different than this".

((What I wanted to say is . if you guys had dealt with her bat chit crazy . maybe he wouldn't of had to take this drastic of measure. But I didn't say that)))

Stepsister: "I'll say! Yes, like .. maybe 20 years ago . they should've dealt better with all this and so here we all are . now it's a dam mess .. and it's just complete chit . all of it .. she has every right to know what's going on with him .. but he's got it set up .. she can't even know where he is, much less how he's doing".

Me: Well, if there's anything that needs to be passed along, I'll surely get that news to you . in answer to whether he is to suddenly appear in their d/w and home now .. that's not anything I'm aware of .. to my knowledge case management has to meet and plan for discharge and that hasn't occurred . . and I would discourage that kinda thing . so no . no one needs to worry that he'll appear on the driveway this afternoon and everyone ill equipped to know what's next . that's not going to happen".

Stepsister thru more tears all the while my home phone, cell phone, ringing non stop: "Okay . well .. I'll be in touch, I'll try to put a lid on mom . incredibly difficult, but I'll do what I can .. I'll be in touch with you"

And with that we hung up.

Stepmom has left a voice message: "Dorker I need you to call me, I am calling all the numbers I have for you, and I need to talk to you .. please give me a call".

I haven't called her back.

Chit . just CHIT CHIT CHIT!

Yes, it IS $hitty of him.

I understand his frustration with her behavior, but he's never gotten her the help she needs. Never overridden her bad decisions on things like firing caregiver.

Maybe she should be allowed to talk to case management. That way they can invoke Baker Act as they will have first hand knowledge of her mental state.

Keep that idea in the back of your head for the next time you speak to CM.

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