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Dorker, I think you are right in that your father will balk at the LTC prices, since they probably aren't on the brochures. My mother was concerned about the prices, even though she could well afford any AL place.

Just make sure that YOU don't get roped into researching other places. I think CM and your father will be quick to want you to do it.

Heres a hare-brained idea for you to think about, Dorker.

"SS, it seems like Dad will not be returning home. He will be in rehab for several more weeks buts he's going to need to go to a supportive living place, one that has all levels of care. He would love for K to join him in one of those. I think you and your mom should be looking at them and arranging to speak to directors, find out when tours will be starting. Nope, he can't go home; his medical needs have advanced to the point where he can't be anyplace where there isn't RN coverage 24/7. We did see from this last go round that she doesn't know when to call 911 and actively resisted getting him medical help. What if I hadn't been reachable that night, SS? My dad would have died of septic shock, sitting in his own

Of course, K would need to have a physical, etc, and a cog eval to be able to join dad, so maybe she wants to start thinking about those. It's her choice.
Let me know what you find. If K says no then I guess Dad will be moving himself."

It takes therapeutic fibbing to a new level. I'm not sure it's the right thing to do, but I'm just leaving it there for your consideration.

Just a thought about K joining your dad...a friend of mine, his father went to a VA home, very nice, enjoying himself..His wife had to wait to be admitted to the same facility. When the wife did come to live there, she was on a different floor, but they were able to visit/be together and have meals together, everyone was happy. When a room opened up on husbands floor, wife was moved to his floor. Everything changed. Staff had to keep wife busy so husband could have his Poker game, she interfered with everything her husband tried to do.

So if K follows dad to facility and they have different floors, could it be feasible they be on different floors to give your dad and all involved some peace. They could still visit and have meals together. I know K likes to be attached to your father....

Actually none of this is untrue. He DID say he'd like her to join him. He WILL be in rehab for several weeks. It would NOT be safe for him to return home without medical supervision. It's truth, massaged.

I remember when we first saw the price for IL, here in Westchester, NY where my mom lived. 5K per month. That's 7 years ago. My brother and I blanched.

My sensible SIL said, that's fine. "Look, here is mom's monthly intake (SS, dad's pension). The shortfall is made up for by both investment dividends and slowly selling off investments. We sell the house. She'll be fine".

When pricing facility care, you need to add in to available resources all of the monies you are paying for property taxes, HOA, maintenance, food, entertainment.

Dorker, does your dad have an investment advisor he can talk to?

If I were to pick my druthers in it all, .. K .. when and if she joins wherever setting he lands .. if that's not his home .. she'd be on a different floor . and they'd visit one another, but each have their own space, . and ability to be away from one another.

I have zero control in getting involved in all that. That would necessitate I step way deep into all this and try to direct. I will, at some point, as my dad progresses forward .. speak to him about that as a notion . .and see what his thoughts are, . and how he'd like to direct that in his choices he is to make for himself and his setting .. but .. I don't care to get mired in it all and be the one at the forefront, . "oh Mr./Ms. SNF site director, let me tell you .. what we really need to consider here is that the two really . they should be apart . yes . visit one another, .. but . they really shouldn't be in any setting whereby she is still feeling as though she has to *control* what it is that's being done for/on his behalf, that will be a set up much like where he came from . and just . combative/hostile . and in the end, not safe".

Way more than I wanna stick my nose in all this. Way more.

Painfully slow process .. of getting to a point where my dad .. I need him to take the reigns here . and be more functional than he presently is able to be. Still, talking to him .. he agrees . his voice has diminished and become hard to understand . it's almost like he has to yell ... to get sound to come out, and that sound, .. almost like marbles in his mouth (yes, speech therapy ongoing . as is OT and PT) ..

I talk to him . and he tires .. so rapidly .. and .. maybe you get a couple of points covered .. maybe .. and he is having to . what sounds like shout . to get anything to come out of his voice box . and from there, the marbles . it's hard to understand what's said . (I'm not right there, can't enter, this is all via phone) . so you have to ask him to repeat himself . which frustrates him (and me) .. and further exacerbates the tired that comes on quickly with him.

Feels like he's not at any point . not yet (seems to be taking so long, and who knows what level it ever returns to honestly) ... feels like he's not at any point that one can .. lean back into him . that which is his to see to.

Case in point, . pointing out to SS . as Barb suggested, as to movement(s) forward . and I'm not at all sure that I should be the one to be breaking that news .. that should be up to him . .. to break that news, to what is his wife .. when/if they ever speak again. He should be the one to lower that boom on her, not me, not SS .. him. He will have to get a lot more "able/capable" than he is right now to be able to direct that show at all.

I happen to concur . interestingly enough, juxtaposed against the above, that he does need (considering who she is and her mental faculties and how that all exhibits) .. I happen to concur with his "confidential" status he's placed himself in . and thus .. his wife is persona non grata in all this.

I don't happen to think, not MO anyway . that he is in any way/shape/form able to withstand the barrage of her .. and what she's about, not at this point he isn't, no where close. H377 I can barely make any sense with him .. and mostly that's simply because he's hard to understand .. audibly . and .. I am firing on all cylinders mentally (or at least I think so). She wouldn't stand a prayer of being able to decipher/process/retain . what he manages to muddle out of his mouth .. not a prayer .. and ... it would serve to frustrate and confound both of them.

He gets frustrated . talking to me with my "Dad, I'm sorry can you repeat that, I didn't understand what you said".

When you consider the level of energy it's taking for him to even talk .. (seems like shouting . is all that can come out) .. and what it takes out of him to do so, it's frustrating for him (and for me).


The chemo tx's have left him with really pretty bad neuropathy in his hands/fingers.

Used to be pretty adept at emailing . but that's no longer really an option with his neuropathy. So . not like someone can hand him a laptop and him shoot off an email to me.

It's really really hard at this point to try to communicate with him effectively . at all. Seems like some of it might be easier, . maybe/perhaps . if in person . but because of Covid that's not possible, so it's only via phone.


I know at present ... it's frustrating me, pizzing me off really . because had he seen to what I told him a year ago, repeatedly . we wouldn't be in this shape. So maybe .. Dorker . just let the chips fall where they may too dam bad . he made his bed . he has to lay in it now. Maybe that should be my approach.

But . explanation:

Last year about this time . he was hospitalized . and of course, at that time, so was his wife . .and I had .. at least at that time, the ability to go inside his home . .go get (at his instruction) .. his wallet . containing his ID info . his cc's . etc etc . and his checkbook (at his direction) .. go sort thru the mail, I pay the "electric bill, look for that, .. I pay the cable TV . grab that if you see it .. "

I can't remember what else .. to be honest.

Took his key . went into his empty house . sorted thru mail . found light bill, found able tv bill, found the form in his file cabinet as directed (his retirement, and her's . for that matter . they cut a check to them monthly .. each of them respectively . and that is to pay for their health insurance supplement . and there is some form, I retrieved it this time last year, as instructed by him) .. and that form gets completed . and sent as indicated . and those checks deposited into his ck'g acct . and a ck written to pay that supplement ..

This is all from memory a year ago, as to my helping him as directed.

At that time, I was alone in their house, free to roam and find . at will . his wife hospitalized. That is not the case at present . and no . she's not gonna be someone that would sit idly by and say "oh I don't know where he keeps all that, just look around, I'll be over here, reading the paper, let me know if you need me"

Not a chance in h377 that would happen . in fact, . it would be seen by her as a threat for me to do so . and she wouldn't stand for it, . a very adversarial approach were I to attempt any of that. Bet on it, take it to the bank.

Honestly, I don't care enough to get into any pizzing match with her or anyone else, dad .. was advised by me, COUNTLESS times this time last year . ."Dad . you need to get your affairs in order, .. need to designate someone POA . your wife . her mental capacity is slipping and you need to have someone at the helm to help .. ". COUNTLESS times I advised that. To kicking the can down the road, and here we sit today . no way for me to assist . if I even want to.

If he wanted my help . .and I was willing, he should've put me on his ck'g acct . in the event of just what is presently occuring . and done that POA so that I can wave that around, where needed. He didn't.

And so now you have him laid up in a hospital bed (rehab) and barely able to communicate at all .. not with any real effectiveness. His wife .. cut off .. and even if she wasn't cut off . I'm not real sure she'd be of any help any dam way .. she is too .. scrambled in the brain to be able to do much of anything at all, IMO . and much less, not gonna be real motivated at this point to let me help him . she's cut off from him and understandably angry about it, . and not only that, I don't talk to her, on purpose ...

So for me to show up over there, "oh hi K, nice day today huh . oh btw . I'd like to look thru this filing cabinet here, .. need to grab that form you guys use to pay health insurance, . dad sent me here . oh and ya know, I think I need to dig up that electric bill too . .

Dorker, I'm not suggesting that you pay dad's bills.

I'm suggesting that you tell SS to tell K that Dad is probably not coming home. And that they need to start looking at the available sites. Not to tell them where he is going. Or where he is. Or for you to talk to K.

Just plant a seed. That's all I'm saying.

If you get dad to appoint you POA, you can show up at the house with police escort -- civil standby -- to allow you access. Not suggesting that you want to become POA, his lawyer might be a better choice.


have ya seen that in passing . maybe the cable tv bill, what about those checks sent to you guys as your retirement health ins bene's .. have those arrived here, need to get those deposited .. need to grab a few things here, to help him out".

That will go over like the Hindenburg ...

I really .. honestly .. why should I even put myself in that position . for what .. ??....

Don't want to do so.

And not only that, . that is his wife . and at some point .. (I agree, he's too weak right now, no argument from me on that one) .. at some point, he's gotta stand up and be counted for and SPEAK TO HIS WIFE .. and not duck behind all this illness .. and . not put me as the voice to his problems .. problems he well had time to address . and was prompted repeatedly to address, by me, and didn't do so.

So now we have ..... at present ..

When he was hospitalized . and far worse off than he is at present, though even at present, it ain't all that great ..

He asked of me, "can you get maybe SS to grab my wallet, checkbook there .. and get it to you .. to be honest I need to figure out . .it's all such a mess .. I don't even know where my cc stands as to the balance on it (not like him) . ... he uses his cc to pay all his bills and then jets a check off monthly to pay that cc, this I remember from having done this last year this time. It's all such a mess, .. I need to maybe look at what bills are due . and maybe get a read for that cc . and what the balance is . if you could reach out to SS .. I know she's in and outta there all the time, maybe if she can get her hands on my wallet/billfold, . and my ckbook . and get that to you . that would be helpful".

I did that, asked SS to do so, then subsequently met her at a neutral spot . to retrieve what she could find . a wallet, that's it. She couldn't find the ckbook.

I have his wallet in my possession. Haven't even given it a cursory glance as to what's in it .. why bother?

Yea, I can call the 1-800# on his cc .. and maybe enter the cc # . .and get . perhaps . I dunno . they may require I provide last 4 of social . or a PIN (I don't have that) so why bother .. I haven't tried .. haven't even attempted ..

Perhaps I could call that 1-800# and get the cc balance, and who knows, maybe even find out the thing hasn't been paid in two months . and is in danger of being shut off as a credit line .. I don't know .. I have no idea.

And I have zero power to act on his behalf. None.

I could even call the local electric company . and enter his address on their automated phone system . and get the bill . as to his electric bill .. that I know I could get ... without any identifier info, . over the phone ..

But do what with that info?

Try to use a cc that I have no idea if it's viable, and get it paid for him . pay it myself out of my account, . .and explain to him later when he's stronger, . "oh hey dad wasn't able to use your cc to pay your light bill, you owe me $225 for your electric bill" ..

Same with the cable tv .. I could probably get that info, just by entering his addy . on an automated phone system .. with the cable company. But do what with it .. try to use a cc that I don't even know if it's viable at this point . maybe in an overdue status .. ??.. I don't know.

And I'm nobody to any of these entities . and so . to try to even jump into that rabbit hole . why bother ..

I don't honestly even know what all he pays out his own funds monthly . and she out of her own funds .. I've never been made privy to all that ..

So . yes . it is something I think of in the wee hours when I awaken and can't sleep .. "Gee, . I wonder if she's gonna go to turn on a light in the house and find herself shut off over there . cuz the power bill wasn't paid .. wonder if she's gonna flip on that tv, and get nothing . cuz that cable bill wasn't paid . surely they aren't in danger of loosing their health insurance supplement because those all important

Dorker, do NOT pay any bills, not light, not CC not nothing.

Dorker - don't pay the bills - there is no way to find out what is owed and the toe in the water will mean you soon will be up to your neck.

If these people can't take care of themselves - let the issue get forced. If there are no lights at K's - then the issue with her ability to take care of herself might be forced into the open more than it is now.

Your dad had plenty of time - HIS choice NOT to act. Don't bandaid this - it is too big of a mess already.

By the way - how is DD?

How is DH? i had a laugh at his scolding you about K. He couldn't even go see his mom sometimes, often, it made him too sad. And he is lecturing you about K?

I wonder if it would be a good idea to suggest to your dad to have CM call K to let her know he is being taken care of, needs rehab to get stronger, may not be able to come home, etc (but keep phone access and location info restricted). Just to reassure her and make her a part of things, even if she's not going to retain any of it. Plus the CM may be able to tell over the phone how confused she is, and can add that to their notes/documentation. Maybe they could also call SS with same info re: update on dad and possibility of him having to move to LTC. That way, Dorker, they are hearing it from the facility instead of you, and it kind of takes the burden off of you as to being the intermediary, at least with this issue. Plus, planting that seed as to LTC.


those all important checks that come as part of their retirement . .and the funds need to be deposited to his ck'g and a check written to accompany that all important form that needs to be retrieved . sits unattended to. Surely not.

NONE of this is mine to own ... NONE OF IT ....

He was given ample warning he needed to get these matters attended to, and so here we sit.

Him .. essentially . for all practical purposes . not really able to even provide much audible input as to the direction forward . her . with her mental faculties so scrambled that she would only see my involvement as intrusion and .. would find in it .. that I'm "taking over" and animosity that I don't care to have to stand in and weather .. I just don't care that much.

So . she turns on a light switch and finds her power has been shut off due to non payment . I guess . at that point .. she and her compromised self will have to reach out to her daughter, or whoever she can .. and .. at that point . them figure it out . "oh dam looks like B didn't pay the light bill, what do I do .. I can pay it, how do I do that, what do I do here" ..

Or .. I can just say eff it .. he had the opportunity to right the course of things and chose not to . .let it all fall to h377 in a dam handbag ..

Frazzled, just so ya know . I did ask if the CM can do so the other day, when I spoke to her about that very piece, and her response: "I cannot . no . your father has himself as confidential . we cannot breach that process .. I can provide information to the only person he has designated as a contact, outside of that, no my hands are tied"

Dorker, one thing I would tell the CM: dad's bills are not being paid, no one has access to same, demented wife home alone, no one is POA. Ask her to please advise dad as utilities will be turned off, no AC, no lights, credit and mortgage default in the offing, danger to demented wife.

You need to make this someone else's emergency.

One thing in their favor . with COVID emergency . the authorities have directed . no one's power be shut off ... this is a time of hardship for a lot of people .. and not of their own doing.

We all got notices .. (he has the same electric company as I do) .. we all do here locally. That if one is experiencing hardship . the gov't has commanded that no one's power be shut off, at this time. I don't know what that looks like for folks experiencing this problem .. I guess .. at some point the piper will come calling.

But . that's one thing that came to mind as I pondered that light bill sitting there not attended to. So, in the end, because of Covid .. no chance she'll go to turn on the lights and have none. Might happen with the tv .. I don't know that the cable company is extending that latitude ...

Might have some problems with regard to a health insurance supplement for each . that didn't get that all important form signed and forwarded by each, accompanied with a check to pay it ..

Their house is paid for .. so . not like the mortgage will fall into foreclosure.

Obviously . h/o insurance has to be paid at some point(s) along the way . that's usually annual . to my knowledge . and who pays that .. ??... I have no clue.

Auto insurance, . that has to be paid . do they pay their auto insurance on auto debit from ck'g monthly .. do they pay it quarterly/semi annual . what ... ??... I don't know ..

He doesn't drive anymore and she SHOULDN'T be driving anymore. But whatever.

My inclination is to .. at least make him aware . hate to lay upon someone as sick as he is .. and he is .. still very sick/weak . "oh dad . btw . . none of your bills are getting a look see .. ya see it goes like this .. ya know . you've put yourself in that confidential status there .. ergo .. pizzing off everyone short of the Pope himself .. and so .. created a real mess .. is whatcha've done .. and . ya know .. K is real displeased with all this .. and . so is SS .. and kinda miffed to say the least . the fact that they have only me . as any resource of info on your well being . and .. to be honest dad . .. I'm kinda leaving K to her daughter . and avoiding her, . you've created enough of a chit show here that I have to deal with just on your behalf . not dealing with her chit show . let her daughter deal with that, that's been my approach as you've been under the weather here . and so . she's none to pleased with me .. She and her daughter both .. not real happy ... so .. ya know, in the end, what that looks like, in real time, here on the ground .. is a mess .. you know as well as I do, that even when you were home and in K's sights . she didn't leave my elbow there .. for fear something might be said or done that she wasn't privy to . that hasn't changed . in fact, it's likely a lot worse now . and not only that, . your stepdaughter is so put out with you for taking the approach you have in this confidential status that she said to me herself, she's not real motivated at this point to try to help you at all. So ya know . any expectation no your part, that I might could go on over to your house and nosy my way through file cabinets and mail . and so forth in attempt to get a finger on the pulse of what needs paying . and what's what .. that's not gonna go over real well . so .. wanna provide me some guidance, now that you're under the weather here . and .. yet . I have no POA or any other stake in any of this to try to help you".

My inclination is to just turn and walk away from it. If there is fallout . oh well, as I stand with my hands by my side, in a "what did you expect .. h377 I have no legal standing in any of this ... how was I supposed to do a dam thing to look after any of your affairs ... I'm not on your ck'g acct . in case you aren't aware . that kinda info doesn't get given out by banks . and cc's .. I'm not on any of your accts., nor do I have POA of any sort, sux . but .. the bed you made, not me.

I would tell him that, verbatim, Dorker, just like you wrote it. He is very ill, yes, but also being of sound mind with no POA, is the only one with the power to make any decisions as to his finances. The health insurance premium is a biggie, especially given his current state. You're right in that it's not your mess to clean up. Maybe, with dad's permission, an accountant could work with SS on getting all of the bills together? Just brainstorming. SS may stand a better chance at getting that info from her mom to take to an accountant's office.

I would have EXACTLY that conversation with your dad, Dorker, with the CM in the room on speaker phone.

Long Term Care policy needs to be kept up to date; if it lapses, they will require a new health exam, which both dad and K will fail spectacularly and no more option for the Happy Place. They would need to look for someplace that would accept Medicaid after a period of private pay.

My mom had 7 figures in investments/CDs but no LTC insurance. We were VERY careful to find her a Medicaid accepting facility, because at 10K per month per person for Skilled Care, a million dollars doesn't last very long.

Dorker, I expect that your father will want you to take care of the bills. I wouldn't give him the chance to even ask you. If you feel you must (and I must honestly say to stay out of it all completely and let the chips fall where they may) inform him of the bills, I like the idea of having the CM there, also. You will have then let him know (if he's forgotten). Any remedy to the situation will be time-consuming, so at that point make sure you stay well away from facilitating any part of the solution. Let him work out the solution.

I just see it as so likely that you will see no other way out but to start steppin' and fetchin' for him. Oh, it will be just one little thing at first, but you will end up doing more and more.

Dorker; I think a bunch of us here are making the same point, and distill that for you:

Your dad has professionals he has paid over the years to manage his investments and his weal. They have knowledge of what his and K's status is and what they can afford.

He needs to contact them and let them do the arranging. I had personal experience with this recently with an elderly congregation member whose lawyer was his POA. During an emergency (and on a weekend) we as a community stepped up in the short term to get him into temporary housing, food and an aide; the lawyer who had POA was ultimately responsible for payment and getting all else settled. He would also have taken care of the long term planning had our friend not expired in the hospital.

Lawyers can be VERY effective POAs. But of course, they need to get paid.

Call from Rehab, dad being transported to ER.

Chest pain
BP not stable

Overall -
consideing I never received my copy of the How Deal With Aging Parents and Possible Dementia handbook - I think I did pretty well from the standpoint of their care and trying to maintain their dignity. How it all effected my life is a little different story - and if I had known then what I know now, I’m sure I would have done a few things differently as it pertained to my own quality of life.

Two things I KNOW for sure that I did right:

When my mother asked to come live in my home I immediately and absolutely - unequivocally said “NO. Not gonna happen. Ever. Just No”.

The second - Shortly after my dad passed away I told my mother that if she wanted me to continue to help with her bill paying and medical appointments- anything beyond me coming to visit regularly - she was going to have to give me her Power of Attorney. DPOA both financial and medical.

I had been helping them out for roughly the previous two year without any POA because I had been dealing with my father exclusively. I adored my father, we had a very good relationship and I enjoyed the extra time that we spent together taking care of business. My father remained mentally sharp up until the end - he was reasonable, agreeable, appreciative and he treated me like a respected, intelligent adult. I KNEW that none of that would have been the case in working with my mother in that same capacity - so I firmly, flat out refused to do it without a POA and the ability to act independently.

So Dorker - I don’t think it has to be a long winded conversation with your father concerning WHY you would need a POA to act in and on his behalf - in fact, the difficulty of trying to get ANYTHING done for anyone or even oneself in the era of Covid19 is reason enough - but next time your father asks ANYTHING of you just repeat the need for a POA. And keep on repeating it.

BUT - Also keep in mind that if/once you get POA, you're in the pool. Maybe just the shallow end for right now but it’s amazing how fast one can drift towards deeper waters. Make sure you’ve got your water wings on.

oh, Dorker; thoughts and prayers for your dad. (((((hugs)))))))) for you..

Dorker - it sounds like your dad has a rough and long road ahead with cancer treatment, his BP, catheter, chest pains, etc. Hopefully he'll stabilize soon. Are you going to your country hide-a-way? I hope you do and let the heavy loads down for a bit.

For once i would love to read how someone has looked after you and helped you for a change. You are the rock for so many in your world.

I don't have as many needy nor as needy the many - but a few. My husband too. Sometimes i tell him "i need you to be the rock today" and he gets it. And vice versa.

With all of the burdens expressed on this AgingCare site - i keep wondering why i never see anyone say "bought a one way ticket to Belize - outta here".

Still no word
Have called ER, 3x's.

Am only told "we'll have his nurse call you"

2nd & 3rd call I expressed my exasperation with having already been told that.

Response: "he has your message, he's just been very busy"
"He" being, the nurse.
Can't go there of course. So, I wait.

Oh, Dorker. If there is anything worse than sitting in a plastic hospital waiting room chair when a parent is desperately ill, it's NOT being able to sit in that chair and worrying at home.

We're all here with you.

If it helps at all - and it probably won’t - know that I HATE hospital
ER’s more than ANYTHING on the planet. They are very honestly - my version of what Hell must be like.

The endlessly, endless waiting...

If ever there was a time that I am thankful for ER’s and their nurses and Doctors- clearly, it’s now. And - I truly am. However - it still has to be one of the most frustrating and miserable places to be on the planet.

Dealing with them on the phone can be even worse - but at least you can hopefully find some busy work around the house to ease the wait.

He is where he needs to be.
Kind thoughts to you Dorker.

What a frickin blasted fiasco ..


So .. I called A.G.A.I.N. no one returning my call. This time a little more indignant . and the operator, "oh let me go check, hold on a moment".

Comes back: "He wants to talk to you, . .I'm going to go back to his room . and call you from his room".


She does that, . only moments pass, . and she's calling from his room

She notes to me: "I'm in his room, hold on a minute . he's with the doc, can you hold on"

Me: "Yes"

I guess she set the phone down and walked off, don't really know. In the b'ground I can hear the doctor loudly asking him rapid fire questions (must have the bedside manner of a jackal) .. and him . amping up in frustration/anger .. trying to answer, . as best he can .. but ya know, like I said, it's a struggle for him at present . for whatever reason . to talk . and do so with any effectiveness.

The line, the phone line . were we calling Mars.. ???.. the phone line was HORRENDOUSLY BAD .... a bad echo .. and some kinda ambient noise to that echo . and .. all I can hear is the rapid succession of doc questions . .his feeble attempt at answering the questions . thru hostility and anger ..

I'm over here with "hello . .hello? .. I can answer some of those questions perhaps hello can anyone hear me".

Apparently I'm heard, because I then hear my dad thru all the echo and the horrible b'ground noise of the awful connection . I hear him . .. "that's my daughter!!!! I want to talk to my daughter!!! (stopping answering the doctor) she doesn't even skip a beat, the doctor . keeps rapid fire succession of questions . not even noting what he just said to her.

He now . not answering her questions but demanding loudly . as loud as he can get anyway .. "I want to talk to my daughter!" ..

All of this thru the haze of a horrible echo ongoing and some noise bouncing off that echo .. what kinda phone did the take in there .. ???.. was it a kids toy phone . wth?

Doc now noting what he said, responds: "Ok, let me finish asking you some questions" . .

Him now "how much longer . talk to my daughter .. talk to her, . she can talk to you, I want to talk to my daughter".

Doc not missing a beat, . rapid fire more questions.

Must've asked him about 500 questions I was on hold . listening to all this for quite some time ..

Finally .. I guess she had all her questions answered . and so now she then turns to me, thru the horrible haze of a noisy phone line . and says to me: "Ok, . well we have some of his labs . his potassium is low . his this his that . and we've done an EKG .. and that's normal .. his WBC is a little elevated . has he been on an antibiotic .. Her, "I don't see anything noted here . has he been on antibiotic" . asking again , before I even have a chance to answer.

It's echoing so badly . it's almost pointless to try to talk. I answer her, with the recent history .. UTI/sepsis .. antibiotics . etc.

She then tells me that they are going to keep him o'nite for monitoring . and a cardio consult in the AM.

She then tells me, she's putting him on the phone . and does so.

I hear from him . and his feeble attempts at talking: "I have myself in a h377uva mess here . I'm flat of my back here .. I can't talk .. I need you to come here, . I need you to do some things for me .. I need you to talk to these people .. I can't talk . they want me to talk, answer questions I can't talk .. it's too hard, . I'm short of breath ..

Me; "what is it you need me to tell them"

Dad: "I need you to come here ... I need you to talk to them .. I need someone to talk for me, I can't talk".

Me: I can't come there, Covid restrictions .. they won't let me in .. have them call me, tell them to call me .. I'll talk to them on the phone ..

Dad: "okay I'll do that"

He hangs up .

Not two mins later, he calls back . same gripes . and same story line ..

Me: Dad have them call me, . if they have questions . have them talk to me, on the phone.


Him: "Ok .. Ok, .. I'll do that .. I thought I was at Barkley .. (where he will go for LTC/Rehab . supposed to next week) but they tell me that I'm not at Barkley that I'm in the hospital.

Me: "that's right . you're in the hospital that is right next to the Rehab where you were earlier today".

Him: Well I need you to come get me .. we have to get out of here, .. I don't need to be here

Me: "Yes . yes you do need to be there . you need to let them monitor your heart . see why you were having chest pains, and unstable BP . you do need to be there

Him: Ok, they keep trying to talk to me . I can't talk

Me: "I told you . have them call me, I'll talk to them . if they come ask you questions tell them to call me".

Him: "Ok, I'll do that"

With that, we hung up . phone hasn't rang anymore . .

All of that thru some miserable/horrible connection . that I'd swear it might be a better connection to call Mars.

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