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Regardless of how you all got there - there you are.

Facing disaster, both natural and man made.
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome is a motto of the US Army Special Forces Green Berets. Good motto for you as well, I think.

"you know I am very resourceful and I will be fine," Wow. Is she ever in Lalaland!

Turn on the News, See the Devastation! I wouldn't wish to be within 500 miles of that Hurricane Storm! Book Another Ticket Out for MIL, Even if it is Expensive, and get to a Safer Place Yourself, wherever that might be, but God Please do not just sit back and Weather Out that Storm! Who Knows What Path it might take from here!!! So what if it's the Hurricane is Downgraded, at least she will be Safe, and Queenie should consider Your Concerns for her Safety, An Act Of Love, Not a feeling of You are Trying Getting Rid Of Her!!!

MIL should have Zero Say in what is to become of her, IT IS NOT AN OPTION! "We Have Too many Other People to Worry About, and the Yellow Room is Not an Option", and tell Her that WE AREN'T GOING TO BE HERE"!

Your Guys are Giving QUEENIE WAY TOO MUCH LEVERAGE in this Scenario!

Tell her that All Power, Communications to you all of any sort, Air Conditioning and Television will Likely be knocked out for period of time and we won't even be able to communicate OR Likely even Get To You in the event that this Storm Get Really BAD, and the roads be blocked by downed trees, and powerlines! She doesn't need to know the truth (therapeutic fibbing remember), and just get her out of Dodge, as that will get her out of your hair for a while, even if you have to keep her Dog, and put a little pressure on SIL, so Hopefully she Will finally begin seeing how much MIL impacts your daily living and constant considerations, and see exactly what her MILS's needs are on a constant basis!

Does SIL Honestly Believe that her Own Mother is "Fine just Fine" in her regular day to day, and not Just in regards to Storm Watch?

It's Rediculous to think that QUEENIE can be left to he own devices, and nobody needs to be concerned about her, as she currently is Unable to get her own groceries, make her own meals, stay hydrated, take her own medications responsibly or even let her dog out of the house to relieve itself, let alone there be a situation of say a kitchen fire, or a toilet overflowing, or she become become seriously injured and unable to get to the phone, or God Forbid, her dog accidently gets out of the yard and gets hit by a car! She simply is No Longer Capable of living Safely on Her Own!

At sometime, Someone is going to have to Start making some decisions here, and MIL's opinion on the matter is going to have to be Convinced that she is Simply No Longer Safe There in her Home, On Her Own!

Sorry to be so Gruff, I am only concerned about you, and your future of having to deal with this when she is even worse off, as the sooner she becomes used to an Assisted living environment, the better off she'll be, and the better Her's and your QOL will be!

Please know that I am thinking and Praying that this Hurricane does not affect your area, and that you and your family are Safe from this Storm! 💓💓💓

MIL : I will worry about that another day. I think she is channeling Scarlett O'Harra...Gone With The Wind. Not exact but close enough.

I haven't used a movie quote in forever, but one sticks in my mind now - given the current situation. Not just the hurricane but the bigger picture.

It's from Elizabeth - The Golden Age:
"The forces that shape our world are greater than all of us, Majesty. How can I promise that they'll conspire in your favor even though you are the Queen? But this much I know. When the storm breaks, each man acts in accordance with his own nature. Some are dumb with terror. Some flee. Some hide. And some spread their wings like eagles and soar on the wind." ~ Dr. John Dee to Elizabeth as the Spanish Armada approaches

lizzy - since I'm quoting movies this morning, here ya go:

"Oh, I can't think about this now! I'll go crazy if I do! I'll think about it tomorrow....After all, tomorrow is another day". ~ Scarlett O'Hara, Gone With the Wind

Oh Dorker...My husband the construction superintendent, My MIL who was 90 who would never leave her house for tornado sirens, Bwahaha! Our houses seem a bit alike. Today the bullwagons are coming home to Kansas from Ocala, Florida. They loaded cows at Okeechobee this morning. We are helping the Florida cows escape before you sugar! I loved my MIL too so much but you know, she was in her right mind and even though she had to use the walker and couldn't get her own groceries or meds either....I can tell you she would act the same as yours! And you almost can't blame them. They are stubborn and will always say don't worry about me! Maybe when your old and you always want to go to the clouds in the sky...they don't care anymore. I'm just so sorry you are having such a rough time! They know we will never leave them so we worry but they don't. That's because we really love them so much. Mother trucker! Hang in there honey. This thread is my new soap opera.

Dorker, stay safe. Physically, emotionally & mentally. Stay strong too. Can't believe how inconsiderate we become with age or maybe some of us won't because of this caregiving journey, who knows. Then again maybe you are just MORE of you always were. Sad

Right, Dorker. You can't help out your daughter by caring for their unruly dog.....because of MIL.

You can't evacuate on a moment's notice.....because of MIL

You can't plan your lives in any meaningful way.......because of MIL.

There are many ways in which your ability to plan and to live your life is hampered by MIL's needs. As parents age, they have needs, and we tend to accommodate them (picking them up for parties, having events at their homes, etc. planning for them in emergencies)

But there is supposed to be a two way street here!

What is happening here is different. MIL is (dangerously) calling the shots.

She no longer has the capacity to judge the danger of an approaching storm.

Someone needs to talk to her doctor about what her level of need is, going forward.

This is NOT a matter of love, Dorker. This is about safety. Your husband is emotionally enmeshed with his mom in an unhealthy way. He thinks that simply not asking you to drive mom places is the solution.

He is SO off the mark. His inability to see what his mom's real needs are have an impact upon your life and those of your loved ones.

Ride out this storm, dear.

But get this fixed before Jose makes landfall.

As of now, Hurricane Irma is more than TWICE the size of Hurricane Andrew. Let that sink in.

At least on the map, it looks like it's going to swallow a good part of the SE US. Dorker, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Stay safe and let us know what is going on.

Your MIL will not move because of her own issues. Your husband will not push her to leave because he is enmeshed with her emotionally. You are the only one left who can see things rationally. Irma is powerful. Save yourself.

Just wanted to second a very good point Barb made.

DH does seem to feel/think your issue with mil should now be resolved. You are no longer being asked to tote her places. End of problem. End of story. He is completely unable and I suspect unwilling to see the bigger issue - because he does not want to have to deal with it. He does not want to make a major adjustment that will effect her life and therefore his. Nor does he want to be The Bad Guy.

So now, Dorker - instead of being merely thrown under the bus, you literally are being thrown into a hurricane. This has gone far beyond the inconvenience and annoyance at being manipulated away from a family get together. This is now a very real situation where YOUR LIFE IS AT STAKE!!! If DH can't wake up and smell the danger I hope you will. I know you know - but seriously girl, why are you not in your car heading out to safety? And no more maybe it will maybe it won't. Do you really want to take that chance with your life?

Rainmom: Everything north and west of here is booked solid with evacuees. I have my hotel reservation over on the Panhandle, . but it isn't until Saturday. I ck'd to see if anything was available before . there's nothing.

The interstates .. it's on the news .. they are parking lots and gas shortages ..

Such is life weathering these things. One has to leave almost, even before they know if they need to, or you've waited too long.

Should begin to get bad here Sunday at some point and thru Monday. So, assuming I have internet (last time I did not . not for a few days) .. I will try to get signed on to update .. if I'm able to.

I heard the governor encourage people to evacuate to the nearest shelter. Is there a shelter that you can drive to if it does not look possible to get to the Panhandle? 

I hope for the best for you and those with you.

Hurricane Irma is over 800 miles wide, roughly the size of Texas with sustained winds of over 185 miles per hour for more than 24 hours and gusts over 200 mph.

"Irma is anomalous,” says Jim Kossin, an atmospheric scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Environmental Information. “This is a record-breaker. Unprecedented. Catastrophic.”



Sorry - wrote this while you were writing, Dorker. Can't delete the whole thing so I'll just preface it with this allowed edit as a disclaimer. Never mind. 

Okay, sorry! I hate it when I can't let something go but...

Here's what I don't get - well, one of a few... What's the worst that can happen if you take off to your hotel and all that happens at home is wind and rain? You've got a few days and nights of room service and maids turning down your bed and bringing you fresh towels. You're sure you'll face gridlock. Pack your favorite pjs and leave early. Call the hotel to guarantee late arrival. After sitting for hours on end - once you get to youur hotel take a long, hot bubble bath, put on yours pjs and order room service.

I'm honestly not trying to trivialize your situation but I just don't get it. You've made two sets of reservations at hotels - so at least at one point you planned on going if the situation warrented. But now with all the vacillating on behalf of the weather people - it's a tough call. But why not error on the side of caution when the end result is a comfy, air conditioned room and someone else doing the cooking?

Everyone keeps saying MIL needs to go with SIL - storm aside - so SIL can get a good look at MIL. Why would this not be a good thing for DH since he seems set on sticking it out - with his mom?

I'm with cmagnum, I hope everyone in Irma's path can get to safety. Thinking of you all.

Irma is twice the size of Andrew! That's big!!!!!!

I'm glad you pushed for a plan, but I think you should write it down before mil shows up and make her sign it n triplicate before she moves upstairs. Seriously- a copy for her house, to be posted on the fridge beside her DNR/POLST envelope, a copy for SIL, and a copy for your house. When she can't remember next time, you pull it out and ship her off. Sounds like there might be another opportunity for a hurricane this month, so there you go.

While you are pushing for signatures, how about an advance directive? Use the possibility that you all are hurt in this storm as the spark. My state legal aid association has an advance directive form online that you can print off free. Make one for each of you- mil, dh, and yourself. You never know, maybe this storm will hit you full on and you'll need an advance directive. Put them in ziplock bags just to add to the excitement.

And then there is the ever evasive durable POA. A cheap form from the internet is better than none, and you just need to pull a couple of neighbors over to witness her signature. Once the courthouse is open next week, it can be filed at the county registrar. 

She is a captive audience now, and you don't have to be the sweetheart that's walking on eggshells not to offend. What would make you happier about this stay? Make that happen. 

Storm has downgraded some from a Category 5, to a 4 .. thus far anyway. That's good news if it continues.

The bad news is that the roads are absolute gridlock .. as it always is in these things.

The latest on the MIL front. Yesterday I sat here and I was curious, "why ...??... why it, it seems every year about this time .. it begins to fire up ... these storms being lobbed at us". Seems to be cyclic .. we've gone years and years with no storms .. but then you go years and years at times, that there's one being lobbed in your direction at any given time .. this time of year.

I did a little looking around and got a clearer explanation that I understand as to why it becomes more active this time of year ..

Then, it occured to me, .. this business of waiting until there is a named storm .. and then the rush of "where is it going, is it coming here, is it not .. what to do .. MIL .. that situation .. what to do/what to do". That's a bunch of bunk.

What needs to happen is that MIL needs to be out of this area from about August thru .. October. THAT IS A FACT!

Those are the months that are more likely to experience damaging hurricanes ..

Now, not always .. you can go years and years and not have a problem .. but we never know.

With that in mind, .. I made a decision that it isn't negotiable. She is going to need to, for her own safety ..and ours as we try to navigate dealing with these things that may or may not be an issue in our world .... she is going to have to be safely tucked at her daughter's home .. from August thru October.

She doesn't know that yet .. and it will be wildly unpopular with her. She who is of the ilk, "now I will be fine .. I've lived a long long time and seen these storms far too often and I've always been fine .. now don't you all worry about me".

Saying to her, "yes but you weren't always this age, with these many health maladies that limit your mobility". Saying that to her, might as well save your breath. But .. I am not going to back down on this one.

I hate it .. hate it for her .. as I'm fully aware .. we could be shipping her off each year, for absolutely no reason .. as we weather those months, without any event/incident.

But what's the worst that happens, so she is displaced .. at (cry me a river) her daughter's home for a few months. Oh boo hoo, such a sad state that you'd have to go visit your daughter. Count your lucky damn stars that you live where you have family and .. are able to depend on that family .. some have no one .. and they are on their own, ALL THE DAMN TIME. Storms and other less serious issues, they are on their own.

I talked with SIL, as she routinely cks in here as to the goings on . Told her of the above, hyperlinked an article to her, explaining the activity of hurricane season .. and explained to her that I want MIL out of here in those months, .. period/end of discussion.

We both agree .. (but SIL will back off it ... I will not) ... MIL will balk, mightily.

And the next big problem will be that her "dog" .. can't fly. Why? Because she won't put him in the cargo hold and he's too big to fit under the seat in front of her. As I told SIL .. we will keep the dog .. if that's what we have to do for those few months.. but I think that's absolutely beyond ridiculous .. there are people that fly every day of the year checking their pets .. she is being ridiculous and I AM NOT GOING TO ALLOW THAT AS AN EXCUSE .. that she can't fly away .. she'd have to leave her dog. B/S ... I am not willing to possibly have to compromise my safety for the sake of a dog, she won't fly in the cargo hold area.

I don't know how we will overcome the above issue .. but .. we will have to find some way to do it. MIL needs to be safely tucked away at her daughter's each year during hurricane season .. YES .. even though it may be a matter that there is a year there is no threat at all. Too bad.

I haven't told her that yet .. but she will be staying here and so she will hear it .. and no, is not going to be an option.

THIS TIME .. as was the case last time .. SHE has hunkered in here ..

But in the future .. if she insists that "she will be fine .. oh she'll be fine" .. then she and DH ............... yep ...............the two of them can hold each other's hand and walk into the fury of any storm that comes .. alone .. me not here. I will, this time, go with the plan and in that, I can even "politically as they say" .. prove my point that I have been here .. I have weathered these things and helped to assist that she be allowed to stay.

No more.

If DH insists that "well she just doesn't wanna have to do that". It will be with the understanding that I'm out .. from here forward.... after this one passes us. He's on his own. He can support his mother's decision to refuse to go to where there is safety for those few months if that's what he wants to do, .. and that then forces me to know that I will set out alone ... if I ever have to leave from an approaching storm.

I don't expect for a minute that MIl will agree to the above. So, in that .. I know what my approach has to be .. and yes it absolutely infuriates me ........... but she states what her wishes are all along the way .. and it gets honored ... so why would this one be any different.

But I don't know why anyone could look at the above and dispute that it is a viable plan going forward. Other than MIL, who is so dug in, in staying and NEVER going to stay with her daughter, not even for a long weekend.

Oh (poor thing, cry me a river) "I can't leave my dog .. I just can't .. he wouldn't understand".

What? So I'm supposed to stay planted right here . in the event of storms that may or may not crop up in the future .. because of YOUR DOG?!??!!??!!?? REALLY?!?!??!!??!?

Are we back to "lead, follow, or get out of the way"?

Following hasn't worked.
You are not getting out of the way as of yet.
Insisting on a plan is leading.

Surprise, I like the way you are thinking.

Dorker - you got the thin end of the wedge in. Now seize the opportunity to get all this paperwork done. There is urgency. You all may be blown around in the winds very soon and who knows what the outcome will be. Mil may have more self preservation instincts than you think. I suspect your chances with her one on one are better than with dh or sil involved. For all her cloud talk, I believe she wants to survive.

Now be sure to look after yourself, Sending mil to sil during hurricane season is sensible.  The dog - whatever works for you.

Um. I still suggest that you take the room out of town and let DH move MIL in, set her up, care for her and keep job going, and then come back in a week or so. You know the plan is for DORKER because it's an EMERGENCY AND I CAN COUNT ON YOU RIGHT?? to care for MIL at your home again. If you agree, you are on the slippery slope. Just sayin.

I have to agree that getting out of town to safety is a good thing.

Well if MIL will not go there daughter is retired she can come back take care of mother during your time of absence. Mother and Daughter need to work out their own differences. Not your prob!

Dorker - my favorite comment of all time in management speak.
“A lack of planning on your part doesn’t constitute an emergency on mine.”

I don't want to add to the confusion, but they've just said on our five o'clock news that the Governor of Florida has warned that all 20 million Floridans should be prepared to evacuate.

But... how? I don't understand what people are supposed to do. Surely you can't risk being caught in your car in a storm so violent you're not safe in your house?

Are there underground car parks and things that people can shelter in? What's the advice if it proves impossible to leave?


so your plans now are still "to wait and see" and plan on MIL coming to stay with you and DH with that lovely dog (I do like dogs, have had 5, but they are NOT in the same category as humans...) for a week, very likely more? In trying circumstances.

I can't imagine how stressful that will be. No DOUBT DH will be out doing repairs and helping in any way he can--and you--will be stuck at home with a cranky old woman.

Is there ANY WAY you can get her on a plane today? No matter the cost? I KNOW Dh says he will step up, but he sounds a lot like MY Dh and "stepping up" means helping other people.

The ONLY way you are going to get him to fully understand how serious you are about stepping back from MIL'S care is by leaving. And letting him "deal".

And explain to me what "mandatory evacuation" means. MIL lives in an area where this is happening, right? Does this mean someone will physically pick her up and move her somewhere safer, or do all the have to do is verbally warn her and she can hang out if she wants?

I guess it's good you are thinking "ahead" it kind of takes your mind off what is going to happen NOW. I can see why your MIL won't appoint a POA. She doesn't really trust any of you, does she? If she appoints one of her kids, they are going to change her life and she just won't do that.

Well, eventually, the state may step in and appoint a guardian and that will really make her mad.

All this sturm and drang for one little person. (sigh)

Mandatory evacuation means you are STRONGLY URGED to leave. Go to a shelter (there are schools that are made into temporary shelters, it would be almost anyone's last resort to do that), go to where you wish .. but "leave" the area where you are told to leave, is the premise.

Now do they chain you up and drag you out via law enforcement? Absolutely not. There are those who refuse to leave under any circumstances, ever, for their own reasons. Those folks are told, the following in summation. There will be no services .. no first responders available to you, no matter what the problem may be, be that criminal issues, be that health issues .. be that your house has fallen down at your feet and you have been struck by lightning .. and are writhing in pain. The premise there, .. the municipality will not risk the health and well being of first responders to send them out in treacherous conditions .. not when you were warned, to "leave" and you chose not to do so, and it is unsafe for these first responders to be put in that position. Once the all clear is given .. (pretty much once the storm is cleared, and it has been determined there are no downed live power lines or other perils .. they will then send out rescue personnel/first responders/law enforcement), but not until then .. and in some cases .. depending on the severity, it can be quite a while til that happens. Yes, people do end up dying and or horribly injured in some way or other in the above scenario and no, there is no help to assist. That is the fact.

Thus, the thinking is .. if you are asked to leave under a mandatory evacuation ... you should do so .. by all means. But not all do.

I am not under an evacuation order where I live (for whatever the data is that weather scientists use to compile these things .. I guess I don't live where there is a higher than normal flood plane or wind field ..??.... I don't really know how these things are determined). MIL does live in an evacuation zone, for whatever the basis is for determining these things.

There can be instances (tho I've never lived through one) ... a mandatory evacuation of ALL citizenry .. I guess if it was particularly dangerous that would be the case .. whether you live in evac zone or not. I've never seen that happen, but I saw it in Katrina in New Orleans .. several years back .. and not all were able to get out .. thus the huge debacle that became. Saw it happen in south FL back in 92 with Hurricane Andrew .. though back in that day I'm not sure that weather science was what it is now .. not sure how much they knew at that point, order evacuation of ALL residents of that area. The catastrophic damage and loss of life was devastating in both of those events cited.

I'm not going to that hotel in the Panhandle and have cancelled it for the following reason(s). As I said before, with these things .. one never knows ..a) how dangerous this will become ....b) where precisely it's going ......c) is it going to impact your area ...

UNTIL about 48 hours before it actually impacts your area ....

Which is about right now. We are to experience what our area will experience of it, .. Sunday PM thru Monday PM.

The roads .. at this point, turn on any news channel .. they are impassable .. gridlock traffic in any direction with those who have been ordered to evacuate (yes, some have chosen not to do so, they always do .. but many many many do). The roads are clogged, gas stations are running out of gas.

AND .............

Our area has been downgraded to a category 1. That will not be nearly as treacherous as once was thought. Yes, there will likely be loss of power .. how long .. anybody's guess .. (days ...???....hours ..???....weeks....???, who knows). Yes, there will be downed trees (we have no trees at all in our yard). With a category 1 coming this way, .. one would expect loss of power .. for however long, some trees down, debris scattered about .. such as tree limbs that fell and/or whatever debris people didn't secure in their yards and it blew this way.

That's about the worst that will be the case for us here. There will likely be some localized flooding in areas where there is a propensity for that, that isn't us .. we aren't in a flood zone. Nor is MIL (she is in an evacuation zone, but not in a flood zone, nor am I).

So I weigh it out, .. let me see, .. I can get out there and sit in my car on the interstate for hours .. and hours .. in gridlock .. even though I've not been ordered to leave .. and go to the hotel .. all by myself ..

All to escape .. loss of power and some tree limbs in the yard. Why?

I would definitely, no question about it, if I was a south FL resident .. I would be outta here .. already! They (sadly) can expect a lot of devastation .. you've all seen the aftermath of these kinds of things before on the tv news. That is what awaits south FL, roofs blown off, structures blown over, street signs and poles scattered about, boats blown into a whole other neighborhood onto people's remnant of a house that was there at one time .. total devastation.

That isn't where I live. I live about 7 hours from there. The storm is to traverse the lay of the land (if it does what they think, and they are pretty good once it gets about 48 hours away .. pretty good prognostications) .. it is to traverse the lay of the land .. (which is the best that you want to see, land slows these things down and lessens their intensity). By the time it gets to our area, it is to be a category 1.

When you weigh the PITA .. of getting out in the gridlock traffic to fight your way out of the mess, .. you weight it against .. staying .. what's the worst that is predicted to be the case here .. do I want to stay. Described above, about the expectation of what to expect in a Category 1. When I weight it out .. I'd rather weather a Category 1, than I would to get out and fight gridlock traffic, for what is, in the end, .. nothing more than an inconvenience, it isn't dangerous .. for the most part. The higher end categories of these things, 4 and 5 .. those are DANGEROUS .. you don't want to be there. But we aren't going to be a higher category .. not here where I live.

The nuisance of having MIL here .. and then being expected to step n fetch and wait on Queen Momma Drama .. nope. I am in control of that!

DH thinks he has to run out and about to assist others who have damage .. fine by me, do it. His mom will be left unattended, .. I also have parents here that I will want to go and check on their property and their needs .. and may need to "therapeutically" fib .... as to needs on behalf of my parents .. and I'm not above doing it.

He knows he will be waiting on his mother, not me. Remember the meltdown ... he knows. And if he thinks, "oh it's so critical, I have to go .. I have to go help so and so, they have a tree down .. and they can't even get out of their house" .. fine by me, go do it. Your mom can fend for herself, I'm heading over to ck on my mom/dad.

So .. that kinda explains why I decided to stay and what my plan is here.

Mandatory evacuations means you are supposed to leave. They cannot force you to leave your home or business. Many people choose to stay in case of looting and just from tradition. They have been through this many times and you won't change their minds. They have been stuck in traffic for hours leaving and coming back home. If some did not stay who would be delivering gas and running the gas stations and grocery stores? Just the Floridian way. Kind of like in our tornado alley...1/2 are In  the cellar, the rest of us are outside because we just gotta watch it!

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