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I am not sure you can be half in and half out of this situation. You aren't out completely but you need to decide either way because you are sending mixed messages to all parties here. Be like your husband who just ignores things until they must be dealt with, or your SIL who is in too deep, like you were before. There is no happy medium for you. Your husband has no problem compartmentalizing his mother's needs. Learn from him. As said above, he ignores his sister's texts, why can't you?

Try not to ask your husband about his mother when he gets home from work; let him be the one to bring any discussion of her up You know what he is going to say if you do inquire, so don't set yourself up for disappointment because DH & SIL are not going to change by any effort you make; they have made that perfectly clear to you. She is staying in her home- that's their decision. Let it go!

You can't make them feel or do what you think needs to be done for MIL;  it's a losing battle for you. Accept that and move on.

I know that you are probably feeling guilty about stepping out of it all. Don't. It's their mother not yours.

Make your choice but stick to it and be consistent. That's why I agree with not answering your SIL's texts but only once a week. For years those three have been happy to let you take the lead because you allowed it out of the goodness of your heart and b/o the good relationship you had with her prior to this.

You have done your part.

You have no say in anything at this point- you aren't her POA, nor a blood relative. What would fuel me is that no one respects your input anyway & that would make it easier for me to butt out. They aren't listening, why waste your time anymore?

The suggestion about answering "she needs more care" & "btw how is your husband?" as stated above is brilliant when you do reply to SIL. 

Either 100% in or 100% out. Of course be cordial when speaking to MIL or SIL as you don't want to be mean.  JMO. 

I like that practical approach and the "just from here til Sunday of this week". It gives a laid out plan .. in black and white.

I think I will try that, .. for the rest of this week ...

I will respond if it has to do with MIL .. and the "need" there (various issues that crop up, of concern to SIL) .. I will respond like Surprise suggested, "She needs more care".

And I'm not saying another thing. She will likely come back with some excuse .. or some other something. But there will be no more responses from me on the topic.

As far as she's concerned, it will be like I dropped off the face of the earth after having responded "She needs more care". Nothing further.

Each time she texts with something of that nature .. if she does. The response above .. and then nothing further.

I like the practicality of it.

If she then sends texts having to do with the goings on as to her husband and that situation, I will engage and talk with her.

But as soon as the conversation then turns again, as to MIL concerns .. it will be again, "She needs more care", as I drop off the face of the planet and go NC.

Will give that a try. I have a busy week this week, between orientation and training for this flu clinic biz .. and some of the end of the month stuff for our biz .. and so .. won't have time for all the bs .. as it is anyway.

I don't think it's that I'm addicted to the drama. I think it's a matter that when you are the one here .. in the same town .. and your world gets upended by all of this, routinely .. even though you have said it until you are blue in the face "this isn't working" .. yet the dilemmas still get laid out there .. under the guise of *struggles* that SIL faces trying to manage it from afar .. (hint hint - will you pick up the ball and run with it).

Would be a lot easier (or seems that way), if we lived .. oh I don't know 9 hours away from where MIL lives and SIL lamenting the struggles she deals with to manage it all. I would find it a lot easier .. internally .. to just respond, "oh geeze, yea that's a problem, sure you'll get it worked out".

Because .............

I'm not gonna jump in my car and drive 9 hours one way to go take a meal to MIL when MOW didn't show up, or a doc visit or whatever.

It's the "pull" of the constant hints .. and the "feeling" of ... well geeze I'm here, .. she isn't. And indeed, BECAUSE I'm here and she isn't ... it would be real easy to pull the trigger and "oh my .. you don't say .. wonder what happened to MOW today .. I can sure send a plate of dinner that way later, no worries".

Or ....

"oh man .. I hate it that it's such a struggle to find someone to get her to the doc .. yea that's awful .. let me see .. looks like I'm open on Wednesday .. I'll go get her and get her there, not a problem".

The above is where I was, for a long long time. Hopping in to resolve whatever the problem was. LONG LONG TIME.

But not anymore.

It's like, I wish she'd just stop sharing the struggles she faces with it all. Why bother, unless it's because you think I will "engage" again. Stop sharing it with me.

Yea, it's going to be a nightmare at times .. a lotta times .. trying to manage it all from afar .. but this is what you have signed on for, it's your mom. Your decision.

But I'm done saying all that. It will just be a simple, "she needs more care". And that's it, nothing more. And she can twist in the wind as she then responds with something else about what she's done to try to resolve blank and blank problems but that this didn't work for that reason and so forth. Twisting in the wind.

Because I'm not going to jump in and solve it, that's the bottom line. So telling me about it, only then causes me to feel bad .. and feel as though I'm somehow being unkind and uncaring to refuse to do anything about it.

I know that isn't the case. They, all 3 of them, had in me .. for many many years .. a go-to, as to getting all this seen to. But .. IMO .. they should've long ago .. figured out what they'd do when things worsen. Their failure to do that, isn't on me any longer.

I do like that suggestion and I will keep posting as to what occurs.

No word at all from any corner thus far, and I like it that way.

And no, I haven't brought up MIL at all to DH. He was the one yesterday lamenting that his mother called him to report in on the mental sluggishness of this young man that was brought around to clean the yard for her, and that he'd not be a good candidate for hire as .. she'd heard me .. talking to this kid about that.

(I wasn't ever talking to the kid about being hired, .. I wouldn't do that, .. that's not my capacity in our company .. never has been). I was asking the kid whether he'd be available for day labor/odd jobs on an as need basis.

He was the one that brought that topic up .. and he was disgusted by it, .. only because he kinda feels like, (and he's right) .. his mother is no authority on who he hires or doesn't .. and who he might utilize from time to time .. and she really should keep her nose out of it.

I didn't say a lot when DH brought that up other than, "yea I told you the guy does appear to be a little slow .. that you'd have to really kinda watch to make sure he keeps a move-on . .and gets after it".

I think DH appreciates MY input perhaps .. on that topic .. but not so much is mom's, . and more to the point .. when he's already heard that input.

But I don't bring her up anymore to him. It's pointless and frustrating to do so.

My concern with "she needs more care" is - for someone like SIL - who can't see the truth, doesn't want to see the truth, "she needs more care" may still be to vague for her.

SIL may find herself thinking " well Dorker, that's exactly what I trying to do with MOW or finding transportation..."

I think your scenario about DH thinking you are mean by not responding to the fishing text from SIL is wrong. He ignores the drama so should you. IF he should react like you described in your my opinion that reaction would be completely unacceptable. That type of reaction should get him a quick attitude adjustment!

You have been given great advice on how to respond or not to SIL. I won't even go there.

Rainmom. I still like the answer, "she needs more care". It doesn't offer any further explanation, nor does it need more. She knows, .. they all know .. that's my thought process on the topic. I don't need to expand anymore on it.

Yes, it could leave SIL with a mindset of, "well that's what I'm saying Dorker, .. I'm struggling here with all these things ....", ... and a perception on her part that if Dorker will step up to the plate .. that will help as to "she needs more care".

But that is on her, to sort through. She and her brother.

I knew for a long time that her brother ..................a) he doesn't have the time ...........b) doesn't really want to make the time ..................c) is on the periphery of it all for the most part, and has been .. all along. Quite comfortable there.

SIL .. I think ... I'm guessing ... (I feel bad for her in that respect) .. is going to have a whole new dose of reality.

I was in that gap .. filling it ... for a very long time.

That achieved a few great things.

1. It afforded that MIL be able to continue living in her home .. where she so adamantly wants to be, and always has wanted to be.

2. It ran interference for DH ..who didn't have to wade thru the muck and mire of it all, he had me.

3. Afforded SIL some comfort in knowing she could be at her home 1K miles away and live her life .. (and yes micromanage, she's always done that). But there was someone on this end, TO BE micro-managed. Me.

I have thought about it all, and pondered "is there anything that would engage me back in all of it, like I was previously". It obviously worked just dandy for all involved, for a long time.

And no, .. the more I ponder it .. the involvement I want at this point is to go visit her and enjoy her company when/where that's possible. If that means in her home, .. then so be it .. if that means in a facility somewhere, all the better. But absent any facility .. I want to just be able to "enjoy" her. I have, in years past, .. enjoyed her company.

I won't say she's so far gone she can't be enjoyed anymore. It's more difficult as she ages, as is probably the case for a lot of the aged. They want to tell the same ole tired stories you've heard 100 x's from their youth. They can't follow a line of/train of thought .. and stay engaged in a conversation, without you having to circle back to make some finer points clear. That kinda thing. But I know she enjoys us .. and being around all of us .. and the g'kids .. and that's the relationship I want.

That is what I'm determined to work towards.

The nitty gritty of it all, is this, it went on far too long. And that's my fault. I should've long ago stepped back from it all .. long before I did. I'm too kind for my own good.

It got to the point that I was extremely frustrated, routinely .. with a lot of what went on. My life changed, .. to the point that I have grown daughters now .. and so ... that too, an impact on my life in that, ... I'm done "taking care of anyone or anything .. that means dogs, kids, elderly, .. all of it, done". UNLESS ............ I want to.

That's what one gets for spending a life of "taking care of everyone and everything", that's the reward. You do, or at least I think so, get to a point where you can dust off your hands and say "done".   (Until it's your own parent that needs .. and my day is coming on that front)

It didn't help that MIL's condition and state of being about that time, was escalating in need. And SIL .. micro-management, also along with it.

Just done.

I'm going to strive so very hard to be not at all responsive when SIL texts with yet some other struggle. I do feel for her, I truly do. I honestly do. I can't imagine how hard it must be to not be where your mom lives and be so worried about her well being .. and be adrift for the most part, other than what you can piece together via social services and the like, 1K miles away.

It must be a nightmare. But that still doesn't mean that I would ponder it all and think, "well gee, .. yea I sit here and say she needs more care, .. let me step in and be part of that".


I don't have the answers. I do, but they don't want the answers I have, .. thus I'm determined to stay out of it all.

My mantra will be "she needs more care". I'm not even going to say permanently that will be what I parrot. But for the time being, .. at least for this week .. that's going to be my line. Period.

The folks on this board have been so enormously helpful .. and the knowledge that others have walked this path and worse even.

Sometimes at night I read other threads on here and I am amazed at these caregiver stories. I wonder how on earth these people are still standing. Some of these caregivers are carrying the load of 2 people! When i am feeling stressed, I read some others stories and I can see that I don't really have it so bad after all. May you have a peaceful week!

Right on, BootShopGirl. Dorker has gotten so much support. We're over 1500 posts on this thread, for crying out loud!

I do not know what all has been said. I lost interest in this thread, because of the excessively long posts, after the second page, FOUR months ago! So many other people are looking for support and advice from other caregivers, and listen to it and use it!

Dorker, I've been following your posts avidly and now can totally see in my mind the world of MIL, SIL and the rest of the crew (including the newest character, well-meaning but slow odd job-kid). Though your situation is definitely not as extreme as many others on this forum, in my opinion you are blogging about good old human nature and all the various ups and downs of the human condition and I find it quite interesting! Plus I really like your writing style. Keep it up!

No offense but I tend to agree with GladImhere.

That's the beauty of an online support forum. If it is something that interests you, you can click on it and read, otherwise, keep scrolling. Some on here, .. taking care of an ailing spouse, as well as parents, both parents .. I don't know how they do it. Stronger than I. Will say that much.


This morning, DH scrolling thru some texts and sighs out loud "sister!".

As he then reads (his tone worn and tired from it all). Good, I say .. only because those are the two that NEED to be talking about it all. It doesn't need to filter through me.

He goes on to read it ... basically an update .. the findings at PCP .. nothing major with scan done....but doc wants further tests done (???). And that SIL will try to get housekeeper to get her there. And that SIL is still working to try to get MOW for weekends .. that it sounds as though MIL isn't eating anything of sustenance on weekends, because MOW isn't yet set up to deliver those meals to her, for weekends.

He reads this aloud ... (thinking out loud I guess), with a bit of disdain to his tone. He then says, with a big sigh:

"I don't know why mother even wants to go for further tests ... she is a cash cow to that doctor, .. why ... she's 87 years old, .. what are they wanting to test at this point ... why does she keep running after all these solutions .. and she can't even do it ... ".

I only responded, "not sure how much of a cash cow a Medicare only patient is ..".

He then .. "it's stupid .. if it were me, and I'm 87 years old and can barely get around, I'd be saying no .. not doing it ...".

I said in response: "you need to read about Palliative care ... ", went on to explain some of what my knowledge is on that. He said, "that sounds like more what would be up her alley".

He then, lamenting .. how "dramatic" his mother is (and she is, .. academy award winning) .. mocking her words she says often, "this isn't me, this isn't what I'm about, .. running to doctors all the time". At that, he then weighed in on the dog issue, .. MIL's dog .. her life's blood. Him venting out loud, "her and that little dog .. that's the only reason she's staying alive .. her little dog .. when that dog goes, .. GOD HELP US ALL ........". He then talked about when our family dog died, had him for 14 years and it .. as is the case with most folks, broke our hearts ... we all cried, including him, for two weeks straight over it, missing him so. He compared it . and said that in his mother's case .. she will likely want to hop into the crematorium with the dog when he goes...that it will be bad, with her academy award winning drama she routinely displays.

At that, I only interjected, .. yea but in our case .. we had to get on with the business of living, we had kids .. jobs .. etc .. she has none of that, so it will be bad ... that's for sure.

And at that I changed the subject.

Nothing said about the weekend MOW .. and that she is not eating anything of nutritional value on weekends, absent the MOW.

If he doesn't care to address that *need*, then I suppose I won't suggest any solutions either.

But good .. so good .. it's the two of them talking, .. SIL and he .. rather than filtered through me. As it should be!

No, he didn't respond ...

No, I didn't ask if he was going to.

Will I get a text from SIL later, "I texted brother and he never responded". I don't know, possibly.

My answer is at the ready: "She needs more care".

Dorker - i think it is great that you were just listening to your DH - it sounds like all he wanted was a little venting and you to listen. Then you offered the morsel of palliative care and he seemed to find that intriguing. Good work!!!! Maybe he'll start pursuing that. As to SIL texts - i'm glad you are ready "she needs more care". Good luck and stay strong. And thank you for the encouragement on my thread about my in laws.

Um. You do all realize that Meals on Wheels does NOT deliver on weekends, right?? They deliver enough meals to cover weekends but it's delivered on Friday (or with flex schedule), but MOW hours are Monday - Friday with changes on holiday periods. If you are looking for delivery on a weekend day because MIL needs the company or "fresh" meal? You are outta luck.

Guestshopadmin, .. yes it does sound like from what SIL describes, they deliver every day here locally, except weekends. If you want weekend meals, they deliver those (frozen variety) with Friday delivery.

I guess it's been a bunch of hooey to get that all in order. She has MOW for weekdays, daily . they deliver approximately 11 AM or so, .. from what I hear. But I guess, .. if one wants weekend meals, that's a whole different process to get on the rotation for it.

Dorker, curious though but does it not ever enter your head that you have a whole public thread dedicated to just you and your life. Yes, I don't have to read it and believe me I don't but this whole thing smacks of self-centeredness and to be honest narcissism.

Yes, it's none of my business but then again it kind of is cause as I said this is a public thread. Just my opinion though. You don't have to respond if you don't want to.

Gershun, that was pretty rude. If you are not interested in this thread just don't read it. But I am. I'm going through some of the same things and I, at least, learn from what other people say. By the way, there are several threads here dedicated to just one person.


It's apparent that this specific thread and my "lengthy posts" have rubbed you wrong.

That's unfortunate. Again, you are invited to just scroll right on past this thread. There are numerous threads here devoted to one single lone situation/problem, not just mine. Not sure why this specific one is so abrasive to you .. but so be it, that's your right to not "enjoy" what's written here.

Not trying to offend anyone here, certainly. I learn from reading what others have written here .. and in some cases, I too scroll right on past things that don't specifically pertain to what I might benefit from.

You might try doing so yourself.

Actually, Dorker and Dood I've been reading these threads for over two years now and there are no threads dedicated to just one person, one topic yes, not one person.
Maybe, what I said is rude but it was just an observation shared by a few people, not just me. I guess I personally am not so self-centered that I would even entertain the thought of having a thread dedicated to just myself and nobody else. But hey, to each his own. Enjoy the limelight Dorker!

Agree, complete and total narcissism, maybe reading another thread on daughters of narcissistic mothers and how it effects the way one thinks and behaves and has to always be the center of attention. Does such a wonderful job of sucking everyone in. And I guess I am rude, too. But, I have never seen this either, and it is very irritating. Yes, I will not read. And I have been here five years.

Celebrating an end to a successful day today. No texts from SIL .. and no problems. None that I'm aware of, and that's working for me.

Striving to keep it that way.

Lots of great folks with even better advice here, .. learning.   It's a steep curve for some (me).   But I'm learning.   

Yeah, Dorker! I can still remember the feeling of utter relief- and amazement- when I'd start getting ready for bed and realize the phone hadn't rung all day!

It sure feels good, doesn't it?

I don't know why people who aren't interested in a thread have to post negatively, and then flounce off. (Skip the post, skip the flounce.) Or they read a few posts, don't come back for a long time, then come back and post negatively before they flounce. Why bother?

Many of us here are intrigued by Dorker's story, because many of us have experienced parts of her story in one way or another.

What I like best is that on this thread, this poster is making progress (unlike the posters on some other threads, who never change their ways). I stop reading those threads, because I am not interested after a while in the "poor me, ain't it awful, yes but" attitudes. I'm not interested in cheerleading someone's constant venting.

But that's just me! More patient posters like to offer sympathy for those sorts.

Dorker HAS made a LOT of progress, which is why I'm so interested in her story (plus, she describes the situations in an entertaining way in her choice of words). Yes, she's finding it difficult to disengage, but that's just a stumbling block for now. She is making HUGE strides forward to stop being so involved in this triangular dysfunctional family of Narcissa, SIL (and we need a name for her!) and H.

Please keep posting, Dorker!

I didn't flounce off.............still around, just not interested. If you enjoy Dorker's posts good for you. Have at it. :)

In my mind (no disrespect Dorker) my name for SIL is Irma.

Easy to stand on the outside and look in at another's "situation" and see what they should do.
This "job" of caregiving is THE toughest thing ever emotional roller coaster that doesn't stop.
I too have been reading this thread and learning from everyone's advice and came to the conclusion recently to resort to tough love in the situation with my dad.   Repeating the same old stories time and time again to my kids and my husband and whoever wanted to listen.   I was driving myself crazy and everyone around me with the ifs, ands, butts and should'ves, could'ves, and wouldves!
I backed away big time, like went cold turkey and let go of checking in on my dad and let him find his own way living on his own..let him "do it himself".  I knew he was really struggling to take care of himself and I did watch from a distance because I do care, love him and have great compassion for him but I could no longer enable his bad choices. He ended up calling 911 for himself.....
Long story short he came to the conclusion on his own that he wanted to return to assisted-living.
Dads thriving there now and looks happier and healthier than he has in the three months since he returned back home from assisted-living.

What I learned from Dorker's thread?
The situation with my dad was affecting my family as a whole, it wasn't just about him!  It really hurt to let dad struggle and to see him get worse health wise but somehow it made him realize that he needed more help than what I could do for him at home and even at AL!  The employees there are wonderful...they are like family... they do the hands-on care, I get to do the quality time with dad now...that I was missing more than I realized cause I was so stressed!

Yes, he "needed more care"...

...just like Dorkers MIL 😉

Thank goodness for the fine folks on this board and so much support. The victories and stepping out of the line of fire.

This morning's update from DH (and praise the heavens above, it wasn't me that was filtering this info).

I guess his sister got the memo ... last time I talked to her, via text .. it was the whole "passing the baton to you on the yardwork, since you're in touch with the neighbor and their church ....", that whole thing.

She hasn't bugged me since. Maybe the memo finally stuck.

She'd texted DH that she is still trying to get some answers from that church as to further clean up in mother's yard.

I asked DH .. "what further clean up, that way back area?". His answer, an exasperated "YES!". He went on to say ... "she's gonna keep on til those church people tell her *look lady we mobilized crews for hurricane clean up .. that ship has sailed .. and you need to also*.

I said, "what is it they're wanting .. and .. your sister ..???...she's not even here, this has to be coming from your mom".

He said (again, exasperated) .. "she said it, mom did ... I sit here at this kitchen table day after day (bank of windows there, ceiling to floor .. looks out upon the b'yard) .. this is my life ... I don't go anywhere or do anything .. and that area out back ... and way in the back .. it's just so bad .. ".

He said he told his mom, "there's your problem mom .. you need the little bus to come get you and take you to a senior center where you can interact with other folks .. you need to engage with others .. rather than sit there at your table staring out at problems in the b'yard".

He said her response was, "now that's just not me".

He said he then responded: "so ..?? IS you then ..??? sit there at the kitchen table all the time, lonely .. and just gazing at the b'yard .. that's you..??.....".

I don't know what her response was.

DH then lamenting that SIL has gotten in touch with the local transportation authority here .. (the municipality that runs out bus system here, city buses). And that there is a van/small bus for the disabled .. and that she'd have to be qualified as disabled and be interviewed .. and doc has to fill out some paperwork, etc.

He was reading that out loud ....

He then says .. about his sister, and in a loud .. completely exasperated tone .. "SHE IS RIDICULOUS .. MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

Oh thank GOD .....

I mean it .. these, these very things .. all of this minutia has been my cross to bear for so so long .. it was me .. I was the one exclaiming, "YOUR SISTER ......... SHE IS RIDICULOUS".

He then goes on to say to me, "mother is not going to get on one of those buses .. she's just not gonna do that .. it's *beneath* her to do such".

(he's right ... I don't know about other locales and city bus systems and so forth .. and metros .. but here .. it's kinda the dregs of the world that utilize bus systems ... don't know why that is .. but it is .. he's not wrong .. ).

That will be problematic .. but .. again .. thank the heavens, not my problem to solve.

I only interjected at that point .. telling him about son in law's g'mother who is now widowed .. and that occasionally she has doc appts., procedures (she is fully able to drive herself, mostly) .. appts she had to be assisted .. a driver. I said to him that I'd been talking with son in law at one point and questioning all that. That his answer regarding his g'mother, "well for the most part, she drives herself .. she's fine to do so .. but if she needs to be driven .. if my mom or stepdad can't do it, and they can't always .. they work .. she has her church-lady friends .. and she doesn't mind asking one of them to do it".

DH listened, acknowledged, .. and said, "not my mom .. nope .. ", said in exasperation.

I will take the small victories where I can get em, thank ya.

I am ready to hop up and down in celebration that it's not me .. it's NOT ME .. that's fielding all this at this point.

It didn't need to be, EVER ...

But I'll take it.

And yes, SIL knock yourself out with trying to get that freebie from that church .. and see if they'll come for more clean up in that area out back that is so problematic no one else has signed on for that duty. Keep on ... maybe you'll succeed in finally getting that rectified. Glad it's not me.

And no, .. I didn't ask, ..but DH didn't say "I guess I'm gonna have to spend a few weekends over there .. clearing all that out".

Wouldn't surprise me if he did say that. I will be dismayed if he does ....... I'd rather him not ... but .. that's his choice.

And where is the hapless boy and his mom in all of this. I don't know .. and I don't care. Yes, I could hop in and see .. "well why aren't we talking to the boy and his mom".

Nope .. saw where that got me ....

Let DH handle it with his sister and all the neurosis.

What a glorious day!

Sending you strength and peace Dorker💜

Thank you Bella and the same to you.

Dorker, small victory? No it's a large one! Congrats on finally having a "day with no contact"! So happy for you! Hugs to you!

Dorker - congratulations! You listened and were sympathetic and emerged with out any to do's for MIL. Your DH, with his feet firmly on the ground - sees this nonsense. At some point - he will likely force a change if a medical emergency does not first. Go Dorker's DH!!! Stay strong Dorker!

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