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Oh they do contribute in their own way. I might have one . if they're coming .. pick up some jugs of tea to be served and ice .. maybe another one pick up some store bought pies ... they do contribute, each in their own way. DD does make a wonderful pound cake .. (as much as she doesn't like to cook, she can do it, she just prefers not to), and she usually does that for xmas dinner, for dessert, if asked.

It's like lizzywho61 said though . you do get too pooped for all the pre-cleaning .. the going to the store to buy it all, then the prep and storing it all, then drag out all the fine china/crystal (my preference . at least for special holiday meals) . the cloth napkins, .. tablecloth (iron those, . I do assign that out to whatever daughter is handy .. if I can), ... then when the meal is finished . digging out containers to store it all, dishing out some take homes for those that wish to partake .. and the clean up (assign that out also where I can). Ya just get too pooped for it all.

Last year .. DH was hunting at T-giving .. the whole time .. not even here for the meal, at all. Daughters all either working or otherwise spoken for .. and so MIL and SIL and myself went out to a restaurant. That was nice .. but I did miss having leftovers. My mom, last year, did t-giving with her b'friend/fiance's family .. and this year .. I guess, with her moving .. she'll do both t-giving and xmas with his family.

She won't take possession of her home in SC til in December, but is going on up that way to stay with the son of the fiance'. So will not be in town for t-giving .. and no .. I don't wanna go there for xmas .. I want to be here to enjoy the g'children .. at least the one who is old enough to "enjoy" xmas.

Holidays .. to me, are a big thing .. or I'd like them to be anyway.

Dorker have you realized yet that you can't change anyone only yourself.
Of course celebrations are a big thing to most people but have you thought about bringing joy to others who have none in their lives.
Next time a big holiday comes up think about volunteering. Serving food to the homeless or delivering dinner to the shut ins.
Make yourself unavailable but do it by doing something that may bring joy to others and yourself.
Too bad if hubby is not hunting this year you have something else to do so he can microwave a frozen dinner.
You have come a long way by refusing to be MIL's step and fetch girl so apply that to the rest of the family. Can one of the daughters do the big dinner? Can you manage without getting out all the good china ? How about (whisper) serving it on paper plates and disposeable flatware. You can buy pretty ones with holiday themes
You seem to be focussing on MIL when it is others in your family that are causing you even more grief. Hubby behaves like a self centered brat so it's time to give him some of his own medicine. He won't like it but tough sh** it may make him think. Just don't sit at home feeling hard done by get up and fight for yourself girl.

Your husband is not my husband, and I'm not saying they have the same issues. But I see some similarities so I thought I would share.

My husband has Asperger's and in addition grew up in a dysfunctional family. Through some very hard work with a therapist he learned a lot about himself and I learned a lot about him. He finds emotional connections EXTREMELY stressful. Especially if there is any uncertainty involved, or if there are crowds involved. His best method of dealing with this is escape. Either into sleep (he used to spend most of every holiday snoring on the couch) or into his room or for him best of all, into his special interest, which for him is programming.

Being surrounded by disfunction, especially at a young age, can actually change the wiring in the brain. So it isn't a character defect, it is a difference in the way the brain works.

This is not weakness on his part, or not caring on his part. In fact he cares very deeply. But his body literally cannot handle being in uncertain, or emotional situations. And that includes good emotions or happy times like holidays.

My husband tried for years to participate, and as a result would usually get sick every holiday. The stress on his body beat down his immune system and he would get bronchitis. And digestive problems on top of that. Now that we have realized that he cannot handle it he usually hides for most of the holidays. He will show up, if he feels able, for a brief time. But then retreats. We all know he cares, and loves us, but that his brain and body need the escape. And it has been a relief for me not to have expectations surrounding his participation. I do my thing and what I can handle.

Your husband, via hunting, might be protecting himself from things he cannot handle. I expect he cares very deeply about his mother, but his brain isn't wired to deal with the emotions and uncertainties involved with spending time with her, so he escapes. The same might go for holidays. It also might be why he works hard at the church - it is a safe place where he feels productive and doesn't need to deal with the chaos that is his mother.

No matter what the reason, I will agree with previous posters. You cannot change how other people are and how they react. And I will also add that you really cannot understand what is going on in their brains that makes them act that way, because their brains aren't yours. I know some people might judge my husband, but they haven't walked in his shoes.


As things turned out, he did communicate with his mom today on going out tonight .. and that's what we did. Complete with DD and company .. and YD and her b'friend.

MIL thoroughly enjoyed her bday celebratory dinner out.

I don't know if he did what he did do finally .. because he knew I was displeased .. or if he'd of done so anyway ..

I am pleased that he took the initiative to see to it.

Even though MIL and her recognition of my bday a mere week ago . was less than what has been the case for years and years and years ... still .. the thought that she'd not have any family that lives here in town .. spend any time at all to recognize her bday .. was hurtful to me.

I know .. I know .. I know ....

If her kids don't care, then find that switch and turn off the "care" ..

Easier said than done .. in my case, I suppose.

It was a real struggle for her .. as she said . .she can "barely" go anymore (and that was true). But she did seem to so enjoy being surrounded by the babies and the 4 yo .. as well as our daughters.

Who knows if she'll see another bday .. but at least this one . though it was late .. was marked. And for that I'm glad. Even though the whole situation confounds me .. and I'm not stepping in it all again .. ever.

I suppose had this day come and gone, with no steps taken to address any of it, I'd of been sitting here wrapping my brain and (heart) around it .. as best I could.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case.

Yay, glad to hear this! Nice.

Hugs, Dorker.

I wonder if feeling so stressed about what's going on with MIL is simply an after-effect of not being in the thick of it? It'll get better, you know. And I'm glad she did have a nice birthday after all.

By the way, that thing about her sending you the equivalent of a 'with compliments' slip for your birthday. Another way to look at it is that at this stage in her chronic disease it's quite impressive that she managed anything at all. Make allowances for how worn out her brain is, and the extra effort she has to put in to get even close to normal.

Dorker that was one good memory to hang on to. As CM says MIL is worn out and eveeryone needs to remember that, it takes so much effort to take care of things they just don't get done.

Dorker, it's good that you were all able to gather with MIL for a nice evening. We found that we needed to flex celebration days as our kids got older. We didn't have the celebration until the whole family was free, sometimes a week or two later. One thing I find helpful has been to switch from family dinners to brunch - it's easier on our elderly parents to be out and about earlier in the day. And they're more rested so they enjoy it more.

HI Dorker - it seems important to you to spend THE actual birthday with MIL or DD etc. My son is the only one who celebrates on his actual birthday. With me, DH, my parents etc. we celebrate as near to the day as possible when all are free - usually weekend brunch. Cards and calls on the day itself. It seems like this might be OK for your MIL. Anyway - i'm glad you all had a nice time!

Dorker, I understand your being anxious about MIL'S birthday, and I'm glad it all worked out!

Why are you giving MIL a choice? SHe goes to her daughter's house period. NO discussion! If she is able to take care of herself for several months then she can take care of herself all the time.
IT sucks but you get old and you have to do what you have to do!
Why should you be so distraught over MIL??? What about you!!!
Your daughter!! Your grandchildren!!! Don't miss your life taking care of someone who has already lived theirs!!!

Vickie5297: Almost 2000 posts here .. (ridiculous) .. that my hard head couldn't get it .. and wrap my brain around how to "back up" and let the chips fall where they may.

But that's just what I've done. Precisely what I've done. Back up and out of it, with regard to her social outlet (has none otherwise) and her errand runner (has none, otherwise) her transport and advocate for doc visits/procedures .. etc etc.

I have backed out of it. It had been my hope that her kids (my husband is her adult son) .. and his sister would step up in a larger way and perhaps persuade her that she needs a more secure setting. Her needs increasingly growing. That hasn't occurred. Doesn't look as though it will either.

She remains .. living alone, frail and vulnerable .. and lonely. But by her own choice .. she does NOT .. did I say DOES NOT .. she DOES NOT want to leave her home. And she is of supposed sound mind, thus no one can force otherwise (not that her grown kids have tried real hard anyway).

Been a painful and sometimes eye-opening journey for me. I was on the front for a very long time, in her care (she never lived with me, but running the roads constantly).

I do care about her, thus the almost 2000 posts .. trying to get it through my thick skull .. the only person I can change in any of this, is me. And that I've done .. it's a work in progress for certain.

Dear Dorker
I am much encouraged by your post to Vickie. Thank you for writing it. You may not like the way MIL chooses to live, you may not like the method her children choose to relate to their mother but you do now understand that it is not for you to decide but for them to decide. AND THAT your approval or dissaproval is beside the point. I truly believe that when you totally let go you will find an acceptance and a peace with the whole situation. You have been holding your breath. Let it out. Trust them. Breath in acceptance and understanding. Breath out judgment and condemnation. Breath in love and breath out fear. That's all there is you know. Love and fear. Understand that ALL of you are having this great opportunity to grow. This is not just happening to you. You made it happen but it is a gift for the entire family. An opportunity to grow and most growth is painful until it isn't.
You know DH and SIL are not so different from you. They know what they can and can't do. Even MIL fits that mold. It's kind of like hearding cats with all of you but each has a clear cut position and somehow they all must be honored AND not at your expense! But not at theirs either.
You fought for the right to step away and they have resisted being pushed forward. All legitimate. Let go. Breath. Trust.
At some point when there seems to be more balance in the situation it might feel safe to do more hands on but for now let go and breath.
I'm very happy for you.

All is quiet on the Western front.....

Yes, i've been watching to see if there is more drama from MIL or SIL - especially with the holidays approaching. My elders always dial up the drama this time of year - it seems from Nov 1 through Jan 1 i go bananas.

Dorker - how are you doing?

Was going to hop on here earlier, and update. But got distracted. Been working a lot lately, wellness clinics.

The only "latest" drama .. if you want to call it that .. and I do.

Picture this. We did take MIL for her bday dinner. On the ride there, I mentioned to her that I'd be cooking t-giving at my house .. if she'd like us to come get her, or bring her a plate. Her response, (so she did hear me, she interacted) was along the lines, that she never knows from one day to the next whether she will be up to it .. but we'll see. Fine .. offer made.

Fast forward to about a week ago (past the point we'd taken MIL for her bday dinner) . .. I get what is a group text, to me and to DH. She is, in this text, informing us of her flight #, and dates, times, etc .. and the return and such .. and that she will likely come again in March .. but hasn't gotten that far.

I never answered that text.

It was sent to her brother and to me. He can respond .. or not. Up to him. I didn't respond.

Fast forward several days later, another text (she never got a response from either of us on the above) .. another text sent, this one only to me. "Did you get my text the other night about my flight for xmas". I responded, .. "I did, I had hoped you'd spoken to your brother". Response from her: "No, I never heard from him". Me: "Sorry about that, I was working when you sent the text the other day and so I didn't respond".

Next missive from her: "What are you guys doing for t-giving".

(my translation of above .. intended or not, who knows) .. *will you see about my mother please*. I don't know if that was her intent .. but that's how I took it.

I responded, "I'm cooking here".

Next text from her: "Oh okay .. I'll tell mom, she was asking if I knew what the plans were on your end".

***See, even more why I translate the above to .. *will you look after my mother on t-giving* .. the underlying theme in it, my assertion anyway .. intended that way, who knows.

I responded: "Odd, . .don't know why she'd be asking that of you, we're here .. she can ask us .. but I told her our plans when we took her to dinner".

SIL: "That's odd, .. she was asking me, . .the last few times I've talked to her".

Me: "Yes, .. strange .. I told her I'd be cooking and we'd either come get her, or bring her a plate, she answered that she never knows from one day to the next whether she will feel up to it, so she did hear me".

SIL: "Weird".

Me: "Yep. I gotta head to bed, gotta work tomorrow".

That was that.

Since that time, .. DH informs me today .. that he spoke with MIL today and that she doesn't want to be picked up for t-giving .. that she's been in touch with MIL and a local catholic hospital is preparing their meals for t-giving and so she will just receive her t-giving meal from the and stay home. I asked of DH, "she doesn't want us to bring her a plate even?". DH: No, said she will be just fine there with her MOW t-giving dinner, just she and her dog".

Me: "Hmm.. okay ..???...."

That was that, ... end of discussion.

Her choice, my dear.

Hold your guns girl! She is playing the poor me card! It has been my experience that somehow they want us to feel guilty for their
happiness while not really doing anything to make our lives easier.
She contacted her daughter to lay the groundwork for you to rush to call her and make sure she was being catered to for Tgiving. They didn’ get to be this old being stupid!!!lol DH is perfectly willing for you to handle all this messy stuff. Good for you! You are responsible for your own happiness and I’m glad to see you’re
Taking a stand. Wait and see how long it takes DH and SIL to decide she needs more care than they want to provide!! Have a Great Thanksgiving and enjoy your daughter and grandkids! My
son and DIL have a 5 yr old girl and 9mos old twin boys!!! She will definitely need you!

Your MIL is playing you for a fool. Does she think that everyone believes everything she says? I cannot imagine why. Too bad SIL still doesn't "get it". You aren't ABANDONING MIL, you are simply re-defining boundaries. It's that simple!

OMGosh---having the church bring this poor lonely old soul some food on t-giving b/c she has no one to fuss her (please!) that's just pathetic.

Glad you are stepping back and staying back. I'd like to think that SIL's upcoming visit will elicit some changes, but we all know it won't. Oh well, at least you're out of it.

Don't forget, though, that she has a pretty regular routine of falling to pieces when you have a family gathering....expect that to happen. A fall, a sick dog, whatever. I sincerely hope not, but be aware she's certainly done that before. And then DH is having to run over there and pat her hand.

Good Luck!

So MIL didn't recall the conversation she'd had with you about Thanksgiving when she was on the phone to SIL several days later. Given her general condition that's not such a surprise, is it?

And it doesn't matter. Even at the time you extended the invitation she was ambivalent about accepting it because she wasn't sure she'd be up to it. She's now decided she isn't up to it, and other good arrangements have been made. It's all fine.

And SIL sent the text to DH and to you, as a courtesy, and you were quite right to leave him to respond, and it isn't your fault he didn't, and you cleared that minor point up perfectly courteously with SIL, and all is fine there too. And by the way SIL was right to copy you in: you don't want it to be left to DH to keep you in the loop about logistics - and that's not a question, you really *don't*. Can you imagine the mayhem over Christmas if he was the Informed One?

After many months of real heartache over it all, I do feel that I am turning a corner. Not one that has me "not caring". I do care, thus the offer when I was with her, to either bring her a plate, or we'd go pick her up for t-giving. I did offer. And it was from a space of not wanting a frail old lonely woman to be alone. Not because of shear obligation.

Turning a corner in that, it's her choice. The offer has been made. If she'd rather the MOW folks bring her a meal .. and who knows fawn over the poor plight that this lonely old woman sits alone . so be it. Her choice. It's not like she has to sit there, all alone.

And as for the possibility of some huge calamity .. something that upends things on our part. DH already has on his radar .. he's to leave town after the day's festivities .. and go hunting for the weekend. So, if anybody's plans get upended, it won't be mine.

Yes redefining boundaries indeed. And it finally feels like just that. Not a place of being mean .. not a place of abandoning anyone .. but just simple boundaries .. definition of same.

I don't think for a minute that MIL was all up in arms over "what are H's plans and Dorker, .. I don't know of any plans on their end, oh my". Wringing her hands. I don't think that was the case at all.

I think more what was at play there .. SIL .. not here to attend to her mother on an important holiday .. worried her mother would be abandoned as to any attention and fanfare for the day. I would bet money .. MIL hadn't likely expressed any concern whatsoever on the topic. It was SIL .. guilt .. her so far away .. and an important date .. not wanting that her mother be completely abandoned.

Attempts at micro-managing from afar .. continue. Only they don't come, not any longer, with the emotional baggage they once did on my end. I had already covered that ground with MIL in our trip to go out for her bday .. and was comfortable with the dialogue that transpired at the time.

Am comfortable with her decision (via what I hear from DH), to stay home, just she and her dog . .and their MOW delivery for the day.

I will call her, perhaps the day before, to touch base and check in, and see if she has changed her mind, just to be courteous . .in case she indeed has changed her mind and would like a different set up for the day. If not, so be it. Her choice. 

Also .. just as a side note, .. YD has taken her to a couple of doc appointments in the last couple of weeks but I've not heard any complaint from YD on the whole thing and if she does complain .. that's on her .. she can say no .. to requests for above.     If not .. then don't complain.   

“I’ll just eat the Meals on Wheels Thanksgiving plate instead of the Thanksgiving plate of home cooked favorites brought to me by a member of my family” is just another way of saying -
“I’m done with all these doctor appointments- not gonna do any of it any longer - and btw - I’m ready for AL...”.

Statements of which, neither having the slightest meaning of what they sound like they should mean...

Dorker, going through your post paragraph by paragraph: yes, yes, quite agree, well done, good, good, quite right, good, yes, and absolutely.

I think you're there! Well done hugs.

If DH really cared about his mother, he wouldn't take off hunting the day after Thanksgiving. So don't care more than he does. And remember -- hospitals are open and ambulances transport 24/7, so if Narcissa has a medical crisis while he's gone hunting, all you have to do is call 911.

Sigh. Dorker, your boundaries will always be tested by narcissists. Just in case it changed, ya know. I personally think that MIL is angling for you to have Thanksgiving at her house, which would require you to come clean her house, lots of food and attention there, and have 24/7 attention for holiday. I do think it's possible MIL stirred the pot with SIL to get her involved. You, Dorker, have been fabulous. Doing the polite, ethical thing to offer help to a frail elder. My MIL would love to be the matriarch having a big meal at her home with her family in attendance. Ain't happening. So be it. Let MIL stay at home and pout. It's interesting that DH's church is not the one organizing her shut in meal, it's a Catholic hospital. Again, so be it.

Our little small church (probably attendance rolls around 75 to 90 on any given Sunday), they are having a Thanksgiving gathering for those who wish to attend. I'm not doing so only because there are some in my family who would opt out if we were going to do so .. and I'd rather have their company than I would, to attend our church's Thanksgiving.

Even if we'd of gone to the church function, we'd of taken MIL a plate if she wishes, and she is more than welcome to attend, if we'd of gone in that direction or not .. she can attend on her own, if she so desires.

I do think, it's possible, that MIL angled to maybe get more attention paid to the matter, .. in the hope that maybe Dorker would do as Dorker has done so many times before, move the circus to her house, complete with cleaning the house, .. ironing the tablecloth and dinner napkins ahead of time, and dragging out the fine china and so forth and so on, and prepare the meal, host it, clean it up, .. go get it all at the store, etc etc.

That isn't an option. MIL would very much enjoy having everyone at her house. But I'm not doing that any longer. She's welcome to come to our house, we'll even go get her, or send someone to go get her and take her back home, and she doesn't have to lift a finger when here. But if she opts to stay home, the martyr .. and play the *poor poor pitiful me* greeting the MOW driver at the door, explaining she'll be all alone .. that's certainly her choice.

I do know, just from being with her, for her bday .. it's getting harder and harder for her to get around (as if it wasn't already nearly impossible). It seems it's getting even worse.

But back to my original point in all of this, to begin with .. she needs more help ... she needs a more structured setting. She has every right to refuse that .. and her kids have every right to refuse to try to persuade otherwise. But I also have the right .. to not have to put myself out .. anymore than her grown kids are willing/able to do .. for the first time in umpteen years .. and it's fine with me, to not do so any longer.

I'm not mad .. not angry .. it's just .. the way things are now. Boundaries. I'm respecting their boundaries as to allowing their mother the latitude to continue to live alone and in fact, MIL herself .. and her boundaries on that decision. All I ask is that mine also be respected. I'm no longer jumping to he beat of that drum. It's that simple.

It feels better to have reached a healthier distance from it all. It truly does.

I still get angry .. such as when SIL sent that nonsense that her mom was asking (why is she asking her .. 1K miles away .. we live here in the same city, 20 mins from her .. she can pick up the phone and ask one of us). That kinda buffoonery ... (manipulation) still strikes a chord with me, .. and fast. Pick up the phone and call one of us and ask .. if there's no ulterior motive there .. then pick up the phone and ask what our plans are. I had already discussed those plans with her, she interacted as part of that dialogue .. so I know she heard me. So the above .. that can still strike a spark in me, pretty fast. Maybe some day, that too, .. will be no emotional baggage with it, and just a non-event. One can hope.

When my mom became more frail and unable to host big family dinners, we brought the party to her. But there was of course and understanding that everyone brought something, there was no idea EVER that this would be a sit-down meal with fine china and cloth napkins. We served buffet style, people plopped themselves into little conversational groups, ate in the Living Room, the small dining room, the basement, wherever. It was not a command performance, it was a family get together and no one person ended up stressed.

Something to think about in the future, Dorker. We also tended to have "Second Thanksgiving" and "Second Christmas" each year, so that we could be with our own families on the "actual" day and have another celebration, usually the weekend before or following.

Of course, this is dependent upon having a family that isn't all about "show", so with MIL, you may be out of luck in pitching something like this.

Happy Thanksgiving, Dorker!

Dorker you are on the right path.
As someone said above succinctly, don’t care more than DH OR his sister. I agree that SIL is assuaging HER guilt by guilting you.

You made the offer, MIL refused, end of story.

It is what is is. My MIL too played the martyr card in situations as yours when she still lived in her home before she had to be sent to AL. But it wasn’t my mother, it was easy for me to just let it be. My relationship with my mom was perfectly fine during this; if my in-laws were ok with playing MIL’s mind games (which may be not even mind games) fine with me. Been in that family long enough to know to step out & let it be. 

Let it go. You are doing fine.
What must hurt more is witnessing the abject disregard/non caring attitude of your husband & sister. They have clearly made their plans/decisions/etc and none of their plans include their mother.

Too bad, so sad, but not your problem.

MIL is stubborn and due to that she will be alone. Her choice.
Moving the dinner to her home? No way. If MIL was not so self centered, she would perhaps relish the opportunity for someone to come get her for dinner to be involved in the family’s warmth of a Thanksgiving dinner. Not much you can do as you offered & she declined.

Yes, call her the day before to see if she changes her mind, and re-extend the offer only for your own comfort, so you can rest assured she is aware she is welcome to come over even though you discussed it on her B-day; you will feel better for asking just in case her short term memory did indeed fail. Personally I am confident the martyr complex is at work here...OR MIL either IS truly comfortable to stay home alone but me thinks she is playing the “M” card. Whichever, she is an adult. Cutting off her nose to spite her face? Maybe. You are over it and can’t/won’t ever know what her reasoning is.  Whichever, but it’s HER  decision.

So SIL is coming for Christmas, I assume from your post? Oh boy, keep the cyclone over there...that’s a relief for you, at least. 

Will she take her mother home until March? Not likely, I’ll bet, as no one of her children has any sort of plan to assure THEIR mother is safe. Their choice - DH & SIL.

You’ve reached a comfort level with all of this, I can see. Carry on!

I am happy for it, because it’s evident her children don’t give a hoot enough to make any effort to change it. You’ve done your part for’s their turn. They chose to ignore her & are waiting for some sort of disaster to act. Easy to see why you are so done with it. 

Will SIL be bringing BIL when she comes for Christmas? I have to say, how unfair for him to have to travel to see Narcissa, when she's been so ugly to him. Or perhaps SIL will not actually be with MIL on Christmas?

It's amazing that MIL hasn't had a medical crisis in the past few weeks. I think many of us thought a medical crisis would have occurred by now.

You are doing such a good job in staying out of it all and maintaining your new boundaries!

SIL is bringing her husband when she comes at Christmas. Her husband (in spite of how MIL feels about him and she is alone in that sentiment) is the kindest/most gentle, never an ill thought spoken out loud, most unassuming person I've ever met.

He happens to have some pretty bad tremors .. as a result of the strong drugs he has to take, .. he also is prone to, at times, go manic .. and when he is manic, he talks incessantly (quite the opposite of his normal demeanor). Things MIL finds grating and hard to tolerate. The tremors make it such that SIL has to do things for him, like pour his coffee and set it in front of him .. cut his meat on his plate, .. peel an orange for him, things like that. MIL would have it that her poor daughter's plight is one of having to look after this shell of a human being that is her husband.

An assessment that is, by all involved, thought to be incorrect on MIL's part. SIL is married to this guy .. he is bipolar, he is diabetic .. and so eats all the wrong things when manic, and has to be policed not to do so (as you would a child). But he isn't "always" manic, in fact, he "is not" manic, far more than he is manic. If you were to ask MIL she'd tell you that her poor poor daughter's life has been relegated to the care of this shell of a human in her husband. That isn't the same assessment that anyone else in the whole thing would assign to what is seen.

SIL is first and foremost a wart, and caretaker through and through. If she didn't have her husband to police and monitor so vigilantly .. she'd probably have a whole bunch of cats or dogs to look after and their varying maladies being policed and monitored. SIL is not unhappy, in the slightest with her life. Not one iota. SIL and her husband still enjoy life, they travel, they go out to dinner, they gather with friends, they go to the gym, they go to their church, they go to museums and art exhibits/concerts .. all .. things normal people do. She is happy.

I've tried to talk to MIL at length to get her to see the above, and she doesn't see things through the same prism I do .. the same prism everyone else sees.

Don't know why. The man has been this way almost since they married, nearly 40 years ago ... and MIL used to, .. in the years their kids were being raised .. g'kids to MIL .. she'd travel there and spend a couple of weeks on the premises there .. and it didn't seem so bothersome to her, or maybe it was, but she was better able to filter her words in those years. I don't really know.

SIL suspects that it's jealousy on her mom's part. That her mom resents the husband and his many needs .. which then take away from SIL who would spend every waking moment in worry and gnashing of teeth over her mother's plight. I don't think so .. I think MIL .. for the most part, finds SIL annoying with all her wringing of her hands, and gnashing of her teeth and worriation.

I've long since given up on even any dialogue on the topic. I can't figure it out, and it's not mine to do so with it.

I rarely even entertain the topic when it comes up any more.

But yes, SIL is bringing husband for the xmas visit. And SIL's words as to bringing her mother back to her home .. "I'm going to work on mom, to see about maybe coming back in the spring to get her .. certainly after winter is over".

I didn't even engage when those words were said to me, just changed the subject.

The above premise still has the propensity .. even after all these months .. to cause in me, anguish and anger. Their mother has needed help .. for a long time .. not in the spring of 2018. The whole premise that they will approach it in the spring of 2018 .. (if they even do) .. it just is nonsensical to me. I can't even go there, and discuss it, and I don't. Whatever they do, they do.

What I do, is what I do .. which is to disengage from it all. That, . .has been a hard enough feat to accomplish but I'm well on my way.

Yes, that is a hard part for me, .. watching the two of them, DH and his sister both .. so ... oh I don't know, don't even know how to articulate it, other than SIL .. you would think she is the most attentive .. and *get it done* sort that ever walked the face of the earth .. calling and ck'ing in on her mom 3 and 4 x's daily and if there is an issue du jour, she's on it like stink on a monkey .. solving it ... (used to be putting some of it in my ear to help with, that no longer occurs, thankfully). Yet, the last time she was here, .. her flight left the beginning of August. I don't happen to agree with the fact that her mother . in her state of being .. is "fine" to be left to manage on her own .. for all these months .. til she gets back here now, at what will be xmas.

But that's the very thing that used to cause me to get so overwrought in it all. I can't change any of it, that's been made abundantly apparent .. so what I can change, I do. Disengage.

So I don't know .. it would appear that her daughter is very much "engaged" and working that front .. but I think it's piss poor that she gets here so seldom .. and when she does . it's for a period of a couple of weeks, and usually with some fools errands involved (superficial vein ablation or whatever that was). She runs on that hamster wheel, when here, at full tilt .. and doesn't stop .. never actually stopping to address what needs addressing. That her mother needs more full time support.

Her son .. my husband .. very much on the periphery of it all, and quite comfortable there and budging him to do otherwise, .. resulted in far too many disagreements when I was front and center and trying to do the above. I no longer do that either.

MIL's birthday .. I did apply pressure there ..

Maybe some of that, . maybe it's on me. Holidays and special occasions .. they are important to me, it's how I'm made. I try to mark everyone's birthday . those in my orbit .. with some note. It would break my heart .. if no one cared when my birthday rolls around, .. or a holiday rolls around and I sat here alone. That doesn't sit well with me, .. so maybe it's on me . .that I feel the way I do, and maybe MIL could care less ..

After all these years .. I truly don't know whether she is just ambivalent about special occasions such as birthdays and/or holidays .. or whether she is .. as she is doing this time, playing the Martyr card to a "t". I truly don't know.

That, I can't control either. I can only control "me". I've done what I can .. to at least satisfy my own emotional baggage as to what should occur as to holidays and celebrations. I'm not going to beg .. the offer is there .. if she'd prefer to stay home alone, just she and her dog .. maybe that does, in her, come from a place of that suits her just dandy .. I truly don't know. Maybe it is from a space of wanting to play that Martyr card. I can't honestly answer what the basis of it all might be. But I can do what sits right with my own conscious .. and then let it go .. which is what I've done.

This is all my favorite time of year. The Fall of the year when the weather turns a little crisp outside and .. at least north of here, the change of scenery .. and then the festive holidays .. Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's all .. a favorite time of year for me, more so than spring and definitely more so than the dread of long hot humid summers.

I've been busy planning my Thanksgiving menu .. and buying the g'babies .. their xmas outfits .. and clothing for the upcoming cooler weather. It's what I do, it brings me joy.

Going to be making a caramel apple sangria to go with Thanksgiving .. that excites me, and a new recipe for a cranberry relish. There's not a whole lot that I'm good at, but cooking, I'm good at. And I enjoy it.

So this time of year, is a real joy for me.

The one drawback . but oh well, .. it is what it is. It will likely only be OD (oldest daughter) and her s/o for thanksgiving .. as well as DH. YD has to work.

DD (mother of twins and 4 yo) .. that's a whole sad situation that I wish I could change, but I can't. Her family lives here . of course. So does her husband's family. He is an only child.

They have been married now .. oh I don't know, like 8 years.

Most couples .. specifically .. if they don't stay home and do their own thing sans any extended family involvement at all, . they swap out holidays . perhaps do xmas at her mom's and thanksgiving at his, or vice versa.... and more to the point, when all involved live within 10 mins of each other. Not DD .. nope.

It's what I've done all through the years .. having DH's parents here locally .. as well as my own. Either we stayed home and did our own thing .. or we swapped out which set of parents got us on what holiday. Doesn't seem that's possible in DD's case .. and it saddens me.

Specifically when you know that on the other end, (her husband's folks . that live here, .. a bio mom and stepdad) .. there is real beef on the part of DD and her husband that the twins, get zero attention .. from those parents. They seem to be very intimidated .. not sure what the problem is, because they have been nothing but over the moon through the years .. over the now 4 yo g'daughter and very much attentive to her. But the twins have come along .. and there seems to be some real beef with the fact they pay zero attention to them .. walk into the room where a twin is being held by one of them and walk right past, never coo'ing or paying any attention at all. Contrary to what DD has in me, .. steps up .. on my own (as DD says .. there are 3 people on the face of the planet I can leave the twins with .. that will solely care for them .. that is me .. her mom .. and her husband's g'ma .. in TN .. not local and herself, .. that comprises the 3 people on the face of the planet that will brave being left alone with two babies to care for them solely . with no help). Her husband's parents .. so they say .. are very checked out with regard to any attention given to the twins.

So with that in mind, it does make it sting a little that the status quo as to holidays will continue going forward, as it's been for all of their married lives. Xmas/Easter/Thanksgiving .. you name it. They have their get together . her husband's mom . and step dad .. (there are no other kids, her husband is an only child).

It does sting a little when this happens continually, but I guess .. I just have to lump it, not much I can do about it.

Here's what happens:

I don't know whether there is DEMAND they don't wish to buck .. it's been said .. "we all live 10 mins from each other, . it's not that hard to do". So .. that mother plans her festivities .. oh usually pretty early (as in this year, it will be a noon serving of Thanksgiving) .. problem is, the woman will be late for her own funeral .. she can never be on time .. and that includes when plans are on the radar to pick up the 4 yo for whatever .. she is notoriously late, for everything she ever does ... really really late. So .. they will go in that direction to join in festivities there .. at what is supposed to be noon. I will get a text from DD .. oh about 1:30 or 2:00 .. "I am so frustrated .. we got here at 11 .. and they hadn't even put the turkey in yet .. they weren't ready .. here it is about 2 and I'm supposed to be at your house .. but the turkey isn't even out of the oven, they aren't even ready .. I'm so frustrated, I hate holidays . they are so stress filled".

This .. the above .. happens time and time and time and time again.


Now there are two schools of thought. One being ... oh well it's just another day really, in the end, they live right there, you see them at will .. whenever you want .. what does it matter in the end. Or the other school of thought, which is kinda where my heart falls .. and I have to fight to ascribe to the former .. Holidays are important to me, to have family around, .. if they are able .. and not out of town or working .. and wish to be a part of the scene here, it matters to me.

I've been left without DD and her family at holiday celebrations more times than I can count, and it hurts. For the above reasons.

I've even tried to combine holidays and hosted them (never reciprocated by them) .. but that notoriously late thing ... they were invited to an xmas dinner, .. and showed up 2 1/2 hours late .. and then went and sat . by themselves in the den .. just she and her husband (the mother of DD's husband). Not being social. She forgets to bring the things assigned to her and/or brings the wrong thing .. I've tried .. more than once. Finally threw in the towel on trying to do any combined holiday celebration for the above reasons.

It's hurtful .. all holidays that roll around, get the above .. If I see them at all on a holiday dinner, be that Easter or Xmas or whatever .. if I get to see them at all, it is CERTAINLY never at the table while we are all gathered .. they are usually held up at his mom's house at that hour . .and then when they do get here .. if they even do .. they are taxed and stressed from having been over there the whole time .. and they are full, they've already eaten .. and so that's that.

And yes, I've approached it with DD and told her that it's hurtful to me, that holidays .. as she knows .. she knows me, they matter to me ..

Her answer .. (not combative .. not argumentative) "Mom what would you have me to do .. I mean .. they are of the notion . .we all live 10 mins from each other, it's not that hard to do .. just do it .. that's their notion .. and it's not worth fighting with them .. and causing problems .. he is their only child .. and .. so if we aren't there .. how sad is that for them .. that it's just the two of them and her mom .. that's it ... I hate holidays .. I know you love them, but I HATE THEM .. I'd rather work .. it's too stressful to have to be everywhere and everything to everyone in one day .. I want to be with my family, he wants to be with his .. what would you have me to do ... "

I have answered that, "do what millions of other couples do .. they divide up holidays ..???....". Her answer to that: "It's just not that easy .. not when we all live 10 minutes from each other ... I mean I can call her . and tell her .. *now you have to be on time .. now darnit .. my mom always gets the short end of the stick, because you guys can't ever get anything done on time* .. and she will assure .. oh yes .. oh definitely .. yes .. by all means, yes .. we will be ON TIME .. for sure. But then she won't .. and then what, show my ass .. and tell her, well sorry yours isn't ready .. we're leaving, told mom we'd be there at 2 .. so we're outta here".

I answered that, "No, of course not, I wouldn't have you be a horse's ass to anyone .. but for whatever it's worth .. just know . it does make me sad that every holiday .. we get the short end of the stick ... it does matter to me".

That ended the dialogue mostly. So I just have to lump it. It does .. cast a bit of a sadness over the occasion, .. each one that rolls around, as the above is the norm as to what happens. I fight it, .. and just tell myself .. oh well, they live here, it's not like they live out of town and I never see them, I can see them at will .. really .. truly .. and so .. it's just another day .. I'll see em another day". I do have to fight it and tell myself that. It's all I can do.

I don't know, . on some level .. I guess .. I wish that they were the ones that had to do without .. especially since they show zero interest in the babies, .. quite the opposite of what happens in her mother. But that's not what occurs.

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