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I would have assured my mother was admitted. I would have done or said everything I could have to get her admitted especially if the woman had to get an ambulance to take her home (which is not paid for by Medicare, I don’t think). That’s borderline malpractice on their part. I still truly feel your SIL talked them out of it, but that’s just me.

Dorker I don’t even know why you give suggestions anymore. No one listens. They are going to say that if you know so much, why don’t you take over?
Which is of course is what they are yearning for you to do.

Home care can order a hospital bed but need to get the order from her PCP, who should be called and kept in the loop. He may even want to admit her.

Maybe one of the sibs can call over there & get that order sent to a DME provider, but make sure the company is on the Medicare provider list.

They are being truly obtuse now - both of them (DH & SIL).

While nothing appears to be broken, she could have sprained a hip bursa which is darned painful. Or moved a certain way to sprain a muscle in her back.

What an opportunity missed. 2.5 days on “observation “ with no admission.

Encourage SIL to show MIL how to use incentive spirometer. Someone can go to the pharmacy and get an o2 meter. And some one needs to call mils doc.

Can she sleep on the couch?

Shane; obtuse? Willfully ignorant or just plain dumb. It's so sad.

D, keep this in mind. Your SIL and DH's inability to plan for the bleedin'obvious does not translate into your having to manage this show.

MIL's bed needs to go. Or she needs to use a different one in another room.

So now SIL is moving MIL and lifting her and she (SIL) has BACK PROBLEMS???

H has a church board meeting, and he is prioritizing that over his own mother.

I am just shaking my head over this bunch. Dorker, I am so glad you set your boundaries firmly and have stuck to them.

If anyone had any doubts thru all this as to why I felt the need to set some boundaries, .. it should be painfully glaringly obvious at this point.

I too am beginning to wonder if SIL didn't orchestrate that a discharge to home be the order of the day. I don't know why she'd do that, .. since she is going to be the one now with hands on care in it all. Unless it's to keep "less eyes" on this situation. The more "eyes" that have a hand/say in any of it all, the more it might get spoken by someone that actually matters, .. this isn't good .. she can no longer live alone. That's the only reason I could think of why she'd do something to direct things in this way. She is sure paying the price for it though, mightily.

The Home Health Nurse has contacted them, .. and I'm sure will be now coming by.

I guess I'm hanging it all on the fact that if it's all as tenuous as it seems to me, that will be picked up on by the Home Health Nurse .. and I guess .. if this needs further directing .. that communication can transpire between Home Health Nurse and SIL. As it should be.

I haven't asked how things are going today. Doesn't matter, because I'm not in the thick of it all, so .. why bother asking.

I know when I was last there, which was yesterday evening, all that I described was at play .. her unable to do anything to help herself, .. other than sit on the side of the bed to eat a bite .. after having been helped to an upright position to do so.

So very sad that no medical professional went over the protocol for the incentive spirometer. Certainly happened when DH was dischadischarged.

They may have covered that ground with MIL, and SIL there also. MIL didn't know what to do, obviously .. addled ailing 88 yo woman. I was the only one in her bedroom with her, visiting with her. She mentioned being concerned she would get pneumonia .. and I lifted that and handed it to her. She began "blowing" into that tube.

I didn't correct her because I didn't know. She maybe should know, but you can't depend on her to know much these days.

If SIL was in the room, maybe she knew better and would've corrected that.

It was Christmas Eve, BB. SIL probably wanted to get MIL the heck out of there. The home care staff will instruct her on the IS.  

You may be correct Dorker. The more eyes on the situation the less SIL  could control. But we’ll never know.

Thinking back on what DH said that his sister can’t do it all....who’s been doing the other half? Not him, thank you very much.

I’d proceed with your Holiday business and let them all hash it out. If they want your help they will ask for it.  To be polite, drop over if you want. 

I am thinking that maybe brother & sister have been discussing MIL’s care and making you the bad guy as you “refuse” to allow MIL in the yellow room. That’s what I got from you & DH’s conversation the other night. They are figuring they can wear you down. 

Oh family dynamics! Such a joy.

If SIL hurts or throws out her back or tweaks the site of her surgery (if I recall correctly)...

My guess for why MIL went home was that she was telling SIL that she, MIL, wanted to go home so badly, couldn't possibly spend Christmas in the hospital, etc etc etc. So then SIL was ready to move heaven and earth so her poor mother didn't have to be in the hospital on Christmas.

I feel for all of you. I'm so frustrated just reading about how your H and SIL are handling it.

Dorker, do remember that fractures are sometimes not seen on the original xray, they are often picked up in a follow up xray 7-10 days later, when the fracture begins to heal!!! Do mention this to hubby and SIL, so that's they can inquire. I'm Betting that MIL ends back up in hospital for unrelenting pain, if not pneumonia, or even a possible Pulmonary Embolism (PE) as that too could be what is causing her severe SOB, as she could have hit her side hard enough to injure (bruise) her lung, causing a clot, which is a Very Serious thing!!! . I would definitely inquire about these at her next follow up, or with the visiting Nurse if not before. So sorry this is turning into a bad situation!! I sure hope they figure it all out!!!! Grrrrr!

The situation must not be as bad as it appears maybe. The visiting nurse came yesterday and is encouraging that MIL get up out of bed and move more than she is.

I would've thought something else is wrong here, .. maybe not a broken rib .. or maybe it just hasn't shown up on xray yet ... but something is wrong, .. she's in too much pain to be able to even function.

But the visiting nurse, .. I don't know how she makes that determination, other than access to the medical records maybe, and a check of vitals .. and so forth .. but she is encouraging MIL to get up out of bed .. more than she is seemingly able to do.

I know that's a good thing .. one can't just lay in the bed, particularly at her age .. she will atrophy fast doing that. Obviously if she can do it, if she will do it, it will be to her advantage to do so. But it sounded to me (I haven't been there) like it's too painful for her.

I don't know why they didn't do an MRI or CT or anything there, to make sure there is no other damage .. but what do I know.

SIL reports the dermo doc called, and I guess some area they ck'd on her leg, .. it has turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma .. and so .. she'd already been there, and I guess, .. they do whatever they do, and remove it .. but now it looks like it will need the MOHS procedure on that spot. Familiar with that, .. had that done myself on a Melanoma on my arm, a few years back. But they said she can wait, since she is convalescing at this point, from a fall.

But .. what they hey? I'd of thought something else is wrong here, they just didn't find it ... not yet. But I guess, I'm wrong .. and they are encouraging that she fight thru it and get up and move more.

The nurse is simply following procedure based on her diagnosis, don't count on her to do or see anything more than that. The patient should get up and try to keep active to prevent muscle atrophy and pneumonia, if the patient is in too much distress that isn't within her purview.

I’m not saying MILs pain isn’t real - as others have said, a fall at that age can cause pain beyond what would be expected in someone younger.

However - could fear of another fall be exasperating the situation?

This is quite reminiscent of the last days my FIL lived--he was actively dying from Leukemia--and he was dxed with a skin cancer on his forehead. He wanted it treated "aggressively" and did so. He didn't ever heal from it, as he had no immune system left to aid in the healing. To the very end, he was up for trying one more thing to cure him. As it was, he outlived his dx by a good 15 years!

A visiting nurse is NOT qualified to really do more than take vitals, encourage moving, and well, basically, assess the pt and walk away. She/he isn't going to suggest further testing or anything. She can't prescribe. She also probably sees 8 patients a day and they all kind of blur together. Sadly elderly patients are notoriously non-compliant.

Bottom line, one way or the other, this is the end of MIL's domineering ways. If she can't open a blind w/o falling...what hope is there of "managing" on her own? Zip. SIL and DH are either going to step up and man the front or not. Dorker can't/shouldn't/better not be doing it.

I kind of wonder at the hospital she goes sounds....sketchy. For lack of a better word. Maybe the next fall, try a new hospital. Is that crazy?? I know my hubby was in a horrific motorcycle accident (should have died, but didn't) went by ambulance to the hospital nearest us (he was in and out of consciousness and didn't even know what was going on) they took him there...and "checked him out" within 2 hours. He came home and was ambulanced IMMEDIATELY to another hospital--with a severe concussion, internal bleeding, torn ligaments in his hip---he very nearly died from the first hospital's lack of care----so, although these were "sister hospitals" the first one didn't even X-Ray his HEAD!!! Just saying--the level of care MIL is getting may not be the best for her?? And she's going to wind up there again, we all know that.

The ONLY way you're getting her into a SNF is through a hospital stay of 3+ days. THE. ONLY. WAY.

All the best---what a way to celebrate the holidays :(

How is MIL doing today? Is she getting out of bed more?

Did H go to his church board meeting last night? Has he spent time at MIL's house?

Agree that fractures often don't show up at the first X-ray. Two weeks after a hip replacement I fell on the second hip and nothing showed up, but I was in too much pain to weight bear and the surgeon said i had too much pain for a bruise. Well at a six week follow up the x-ray showed some bone remodeling at the site so there had been a fracture after all.

As far as the visiting nurse is concerned a RN can do more than take vitals. she is supposed to look at the patient as a whole and although not allowed to make an actually diagnosis she should notify the Dr of what she has seen and make suggestions if he is not too swift on the uptake, if she listens to the lungs and hears funny noises she can report "crackles in right bas" but is not allowed to describe it as pneumonia.
One of the reasons for getting MIL out of bed is to prevent blood clots in her legs which can travel to the lungs and may kill her instantly. but before doing that the scource of the pain needs to be identified.

I think it's going to be a long haul, but maybe she will get back to what she was before. Pretty compromised to begin with. Was over there this evening, with DH for a while.

She can at least get up now, with assistance, .. (can't do it alone) .. without tears.

Had an interesting conversation with the daughter this afternoon. I'm the one that took her to the airport, to return home, SIL's daughter. SIL's daughter had come in town for xmas .. and ended up caregiving duty here. Something foreign to her, .. and she's never been known to be much of a nurturer.

She was actually probably pretty good for the situation in that, she's really no nonsense at her core, .. and not all that sympathetic. As such, .. MIL told she needs to get up more, .. she was trying to encourage, and be a part of making that happen. Getting her to sit up in the bedroom chair today .. for a little bit.

On the way to the airport, .. her telling me the hospitalist had said to MIL that she needs to realize she dodged a big bullet this time, and may not the next time, that she needs to realize what she's been doing as living arrangement, .. is no longer sustainable, and she needs to begin to look at options for ALF. Said MIL wasn't opposed, and listened.

The niece then asking me, "what are we going to do with granny?". I said, "it's not up to me, .. I've had a lot to say about it, but my voice doesn't get a vote in any of this".

Her words, "I don't really think it's going to be a good option that she come and live with my mom and dad. My mom will work herself (she's right) til she's falling down and granny has a propensity to be mean to my dad and that's not fair to my dad, I think she really does need to be looking at ALF's".

I told her I agree with that sentiment and have said so . numerous times .. the holdback has been MIL and her absolute staunch refusal to entertain that notion .. that she's fine, she will manage. Niece repeating the same things I've said, .. "but she really can't, not anymore .. we've kinda rode that horse til it can ride anymore .. she really can't manage .. and yea it's sad .. but we're not the only ones that have faced this decision and I'm sure it's never easy for anyone, .. but .. you have to realize that her safety is what is paramount here, .. and then of course, my mom .. and her ability to do this .. she can't keep doing this .. and them having to pause their lives .. and fly down here every few months for all the pitfalls in it all . .and I know you guys .. you do what you can .. when she isn't here .. but it's not fair to you guys either .. and granny has to realize that when her life becomes so impactful to others and their existence, they get a vote at that point .. in what happens as to her situation.

I told her, "M you are preaching to the choir here, these are all things I've said and said and said, .. the holdout has been MIL and her refusal to even entertain any notion of that sort".

M then repeating, .. she didn't seem to rule it out when the hospitalist mentioned it, so maybe .. I think this fall, .. it got her attention .. she has said this fall .. it's not like anything she's ever experienced.

DH's sister is past going, she is worn out. I told DH that he needs to take a shift this weekend. SIL was up 4 x's last night, between the dog that needed out 2 x's .. and the MIL needing to go to the bathroom 2 x's and needing assistance. She is worn out .. absolutely about to cause her own health some issues.

MIL does not need to be home, she needs to be in the hospital. Told SIL that and she said . they won't keep her, .. her condition at this point is just sore from a fall, . that isn't worthy of a hospital stay . the coding of same .. I guess .. and that "chronic" conditions don't qualify .. the fact that she is someone already compromised by stroke/balance/mobility issues, not a qualifier for a hospital stay, or "inpatient status".

SIL said she discussed all that line of thought with the OT that came today. The OT said that it's a huge problem .. the fact that hospitals no longer admit and keep people, unless they fit these tight criteria. They put them "outpatient" and that precludes any further stay and they are pushed trying to help put people back together, people that shouldn't even be at home. The OT said she has a case .. someone with a broken pelvis that didn't qualify for a further stay.

What the hell?

I don't know what to believe anymore. I wasn't there on the scene, to see if indeed it was SIL persuading that they let her go .. or if it truly is as SIL describes, impossible to get an "inpatient" admit anymore these days.

As to the hospitals we have here. We have several. One of them is the indigent hospital .. but oddly enough has the Trauma center for the whole region .. one of the best Trauma units anywhere in the region. But you wouldn't go there for anything else.

We have a few other major hospitals here. One of which, MIL wouldn't go to with a broken finger. It's where her husband met his demise .. his last days. And so I guess in her warped mind, .. they were at least in part, .. to blame ..???...she wouldn't go there with a stubbed toe. Another of the major hospitals . .geographically not desirable, but a major hospital.

Another major hospital . the one where MIl was confined the last time .. she wants nothing to do with them. This because she was confined there the last hospitalization and they had her on a bed alarm (fall risk). Had a bedside commode for her use .. and she was to call for help before exiting the bed, which she did do. They told her they'd step outside, but to call before getting off the bedside commode. She didn't do so, .. she got up off the commode, was caught doing so, and the personnel their freaked out (understandably so, they don't want her falling on their watch). To hear MIL tell it, they treated her very demeaning like .. and fussed at her (of course they did, she'd been instructed not to do that). To hear her tell it, .. she was treated like cattle .. and she's not just a number, she's a human .. and they didn't handle that very well, fussing at her.

Thus, she wants nothing to do with that hospital again.

That rules out two of the major hospitals here (the other geographically an issue).

This latest stay was at the Mayo Hospital located here. She was better pleased with the setting there, and service, etc. No opposition.

I don't think it's that we have hospitals that are somehow less than what they need to be. I do question whether all hospitals all across the country are grappling with this, that they can't admit and keep patients because of the Medicare rules. If that's the case, Medicare has found a nice loop right on out of the Rehab stay path. Which is where MIL needs to be.

Had a talk with DH when he came in, relating to him what his niece had to say, and that he needs to offer to take a shift for his sister who is worn to a nub.

We went out there for a while tonight and visited and DH took over, and SIL was able to go take a shower, and watch something with her husband, on the TV .. and have just a little small break. He did offer to come this weekend, and I don't know what she said.

He also pressed her on what direction this is going to take, that she can't be left alone any longer, but that he isn't wishing for the direction of her home, . .she can't keep doing this, she's going to be the next one down for the count. That he wants to explore ALF's and how can he help to make that happen .. at least begin looking in that direction.

SIL himmed and hawed, .. "well she's injured right now, and so I'm just in survival mode at this point, .. I'd brought my paperwork that I've gathered.. and my intention had been to get past the initial doc appts., then xmas .. and then get that paperwork out and begin to explore some of that whole option .. but of course, we've now been sidelined by this .. and so I'm just in survival mode right now".

She went on to say how she got here, .. and found that MIL does okay .. she goes in, in the morning, while they are still sleeping (this is prior to the injury) and makes herself a bowl of cereal, lets the dog out, gets the dogs food and meds sorted out .. it's just that when she gets sick or injured .. she just can't manage alone".

Almost as if she was trying to continue justifying letting her continue status quo .. as she went on to say, "I mean the last several times I've been here there has been a crises of some sort, and I've gotten her back stable again .. ".

I then interjected, .. "yea but she falls all the time, .. she just hasn't been seriously hurt, yet .. but that's coming, as the hospitalist said".

She then interjected, "well what are they going to do at an ALF to keep her from falling, they don't follow them around 24/7, she could fall there, .. she could fall at my house".

I didn't say it, because i didn't want to say too much, but my thought was, "yea but the difference there is that there is a level of care, that doesn't then deploy you in that role".

DH pressing her, "she can't live alone anymore, she just can't .. I will help .. I will do whatever I can to help look at exploring that, .. but I have to work .. I'm not retired .. I can't be here for the hands on care like you have to be, and it's not fair to you .. and it's going to be your downfall and I can't have my sister and my mom both down .. what happens if you go down?, I'll do what I can .. if you want that we go and talk to some of these homes and begin to get some doors open as to what direction to take, I will do it .. but we need to be looking at that angle".

She said this: "Well I had hoped to maybe get her up to my house .. and get my house situated to house her .. and then from there, work to get her into an ALF .. it's kinda important that she not be far away from me, so I can keep a finger on the pulse of what's going on, my good friend Louise has had to move her mom 3 x's .. I can't bethat far away that I can't be involved .. so that had been my hope .. but I"m questioning at this point, whether she will even be fit to travel .. I just don't know".

It was kinda left that DH was pressing her that's the direction it has to take .. and that he will do whatever she can think of to begin to peek into some of those doors as to what needs to transpire.

Oh and BTW, .. as I sat earlier, before telling him about it all, before we went out there, he asked me again, "can't she come here, .. can't we help her?".

Again I answered, "I love you .. you know that .. but I cannot do that for you .. that's a deal breaker .. I will not stay here and become her f/t cartaker .. she is incontinent at times, she is certainly angry and combative and mean at times, .. she is a fall risk .. I'm not a trained medical person .. and that's what she needs, no .. I won't do that".

He hung his head low, at the sadness. I think for him, . that ole .. I guess .. the mother somewhere having said to the both of them .. "don't you guys throw me in one of those places", .. rearing it's ugly head as a necessity at this point .. and his inability to get me to budge.

So .. I don't know, I don't hold out any hope even still.

I think SIL .. will do as she always does .. work herself beyond the point of going .. and get her mom (semi) stable and be gone again .. with the promise to return to bring her to her home, 1K miles away in the spring .. only for more calamities to befall the whole thing ..

I could have sworn that sometime in the last 2000 posts, MIL said something about it was time for her to move to assisted living, and everyone discounted that she said what she meant. It seems to me that she was going to move AFTER hurricane season, sometime in the spring, up to somewhere near SIL. And then DH and Dorker decided she did not really mean that.

I think she knows it's time. I think she knows it would be safer. I think the brother and sister and all the witnesses stand about hand wringing and are focusing on what mthr said over and over **BEFORE** she said it was time to move, before she came to terms with her own frailty.

What if - daring now - someone had the gumption to ask MIL **IN FRONT OF DH and SIL**, "When do you want to move into the nursing home until you get better? Your children can't keep going like this." Would all hell break loose?

It seems to me there is all this pussyfooting around avoiding the elephant in the room so we don't risk upsetting the applecart. Why won't someone be an adult? Dorker, the granddaughters, anyone - who can speak the verboten words without the earth swallowing her up? Who's not afraid of a little anger?

I still can't believe that this thread is still going? One whole thread for one person's problem (s). Yes............I know it's not any of my business and I don't have to read it and usually I don't but seriously?

Okay, I'll walk away now and check in again after the 1 millionth post, see if anything has been resolved. Toodle loo!!

I think its a Great Thread! Here you have a DIL, who has been pushed into care giving beyond her stamina, and her qualifications, and she has the understanding that the situation is beyond time to get MIL into appropriate care, and has stuck to her guns in order to get MIL's own 2 children to see the full spectrum of the problems.

It a thread that So many of us can relate to, and in following it, we all learn from it as well, and it is so nice to see that the OP has had much support, feedback and suggestions to help her through this intolerable situation. This poor lady was at her Wits End, and she's needed our support!!!

If the content of the thread is of no interest to you, then No, you don't need to follow it, but don't throw barbs, its unnecessary. Let our friend Dorker see this problem through with the support of her peer's here, and let's all hope that eventually there is a positive outcome for All!

I know that I was in a similar situation with my own FIL, so incredibly exhausted by having my life hijacked with many many years of dealing his Narcissistic personality (heck, I didn't even know what Narcissism was until I came on here and learned about it!), his deteriorating health, no help from other family members, my own declining health, and Severe Caregivers Burnout, and the support I received here was invaluable to me!

So I don't look at this thread as Only One Persons Take on what to do when faced with the untenable situation of elderly parents, as many of us here have become faced with these exact same problems, can totally relate and feel so desperately alone when they aren't getting the family support, and they don't know Where to turn.

So Seriously, it Is a Serious Problem, that So Many of Us Can Relate To, and I'm looking forward to seeing Dorker's situation come to a Positive Outcome for her MIL, and the Entire Family!!! Hang in there Love!!! I'll Stay Tuned!!!

Glad you got that off your chest, G?

This thread is exactly what happened with my
family, and then my husband’s family a few years later.

If we can help Dorker get through this absolute roller coaster of a ride, then we’re here to do so.

I know that I am invested in this thread & here to offer an ear if nothing else. I’ve been there.

I can also seriously relate because after my mother’s fall and her subsequent demise 2 yrs later, my own mother in law’s  saga began. Found wandering down her street in the middle of the night in her pajamas, neighbors went out & brought her back home and called her son.

Not having much to give emotionally after going through the very recent three years of sadness, helplessness and then the passing of my mother (who was my best friend in a way), I saw it begin again with DH’s mother.

I couldn’t do it for MIL. Wasn’t my place as she is not my mother, and did not feel guilty about it either. After finally being placed in a assisted living facility my husband asks me why I won’t accompany him to see his mother (who has dementia so badly now that she forgets her son just visited). I just can’t do it again. I truly feel detached from her & her situation. Now I see the anguish in my DH’s eyes and voice when he discusses his mother and you know what? While it’s sad for him, he never quite understood what my brother & I went through those last years of my mom’s life. He too is self employed and thus put himself in the position of never being able to take time off while I had to hightail it up to NJ at least every three months or so, alone. 

This woman (MIL) with her acid tongue over the years who enjoyed her self designated “martyr” status to be able to use her words to purposely hurt people. The opposite of my own mother but both “depression babies”. I couldn’t relate to her much.  

I’m talking too much now & will get to the point. My husband didn’t really understand what it is like to take care of an ailing parent until now that he has his own. And it was & is a shock to him & his siblings, but theirs to figure out. 

I can relate so much to Dorker with MIL’s kids being in denial, that now has to deal with the inevitable fact that their mother can’t live alone and it’s up to them to figure out the next move, and their mother probably won’t like the end result. Similar to my MIL, her kids didn’t want to take her in their homes but didn’t want to take away her independence ( her home) either.

Well, the house was sold and MIL sits in a ALF in the memory unit on Long Island, quickly eating up MIL’s resources.

My last contribution? Asking DH if his siblings have pre-paid MIL’s funeral, as this really needs to be done. Answer: no. I asked him to speak about this to MIL’s POA (eldest son) but DH will not. Believe me, when the Good Lord takes her is not the time for 3 siblings that always disagree about something to get MIL out of AL to the funeral home. To date nothing has been put in place & MIL will be 94 in May.

So, this thread interests me.

Also opened my eyes to the state of hospitals & Medicare rules. I did not understand this “observation only” issue. Which as Dorker said, facilitates the patient going back home to an unsafe environment vs go to rehab for strengthening. That is an eye opener.

I will follow this thread until the end and root for our home team girl Dorker while her “journey” plays out.

Yes, I hear that Stacey..... I just never heard of someone having their own personal thread on a public forum where the main topic of conversation is them. But, you are right I guess. I'll stay out of it.

OP, maybe take some of the advice you are given. What Surprise had to say seemed pretty accurate.

Well for the love of Pete, I feel like every time I post on here something happens! Sorry MIL had a fall. I follow this thread of Dorkers because like so many here, I have lived through this once with MIL and now I'm waiting "for the fall" with my mother.'s a super long thread. We have watched Dorker move through the soap opera's. It started out with the Young and the Restless, had a long spell of "As the World Churns"(Dorker's Words), We had episodes of "General Hospital". We have had installments of "Ryan's Hope", and we are looking forward to see if there really is going to be a "Guiding Light." I learn things here on ageing care. There is lots of value in reading new and old threads. I also believe we all need a little laugh every now and then. Because these are the "Days of our Lives!"

Just as a matter of history, there have several even longer thread devoted to one family's issue. There was one connected to an eviction of a mentally ill mother and another about a mother with NPD.

Dorker, from your most recent post:

"... hospitalist had said to MIL that she needs to realize she dodged a big bullet this time, and may not the next time, that she needs to realize what she's been doing as living arrangement, .. is no longer sustainable, and she needs to begin to look at options for ALF. Said MIL wasn't opposed, and listened."

So SIL must have been the one who got MIL released to what is soon to be an unsafe living environment.

"SIL was up 4 x's last night, between the dog that needed out 2 x's .. and the MIL needing to go to the bathroom 2 x's and needing assistance." 

So the caregiver also has to get up at night with the dog? Is this the dog's usual routine -- to have to be taken out twice during the night?

"It was kinda left that DH was pressing her that's the direction it has to take .. and that he will do whatever she can think of to begin to peek into some of those doors as to what needs to transpire."

Why does H have to wait for SIL to give him direction on this to begin to "peek into some of those doors"? H can look into ALFs and the Medicaid qualification in Florida on his own (perhaps with your help, as you've said before that you would be willing to help some in this regard). It's quite obvious that this isn't really in SIL's plan for the immediate future. She's still thinking MIL will live with her, and from there possibly an ALF near SIL.

"... he asked me again, 'can't she come here, .. can't we help her?'." 

Oboy. He just doesn't give up, does he? Can't "we" help her? He means can't "YOU" help her? He'll be off, working and then churching, and YOU will be left to do all the hands-on care (which of course you know and have stated here). Is he really going to get up multiple times/night with her and her dog? Honestly, he has some nerve.

Get your DH a copy of Atul Gawande's On Being Mortal.

No, AL won't prevent MIL from falling. But she WILL be in an environment where falls are prevented by grab rails, proper flooring, alert necklaces/wristbands and assistance in the shower. Also, her medication compliance will be monitored.

MIL is ready to go, it sounds like. Ask her the next time you see her what she'd like the plan to be, and if she's ready to communicate it to her children.

I ordered that book on my Kindle but just before xmas and haven't had time to read it, but the few pages I scanned thru briefly, it looks to be interesting. I just went online this morning and ordered a paperback version for DH.

I think that's a profound question that can be asked of MIL "so what is you want?". I don't know that I'm prepared for the him haw of it all, as to any answer she might give. I'm willing to bet her answer would fall along the lines of a bunch of, "well I know that I must work to get stronger here ... ", all a circuitous way of saying she's not going anywhere. Don't know that I'm prepared for that dialogue, nor should it be in my lap to have that conversation.

I think the question remains at this point, after listening to DH and his sister bandy this about last night, .. it remains unanswered at this point, .. both seem to agree an ALF will be the end result .. whether that's where she lives, or here, remains unanswered. SIL seems to think it important that her mother's placement be where she can be more hands on as to the setting and so forth. That means a move to where she lives. SIL herself said it though, "I'm not sure she can even travel .. I can't even imagine her being able to travel". SIL also throwing in, "I don't know .. I ponder the change in climate there, .. I mean there's her dog .. that's going to be a problem no matter where she lands .. first off finding a facility that will allow she bring her dog .. she won't depart from that dog, that dog is her life .. but .. even if we could find one that will allow her to bring her dog, she has to be able to go outside and walk the dog, and clean up the dog's excrement .. she can't do that .. here .. she can let the dog into the b'yard .. she never go out there, she can't get out there .. if she was in an ALF somewhere she'd have to be able to go out and take the dog out and clean up it's mess .. and dispose of it .. but not only that, the climate change, the culture .. people are different in the midwest than in the south .. leaving her environment .. I just don't know .. I don't know which is the direction to take ...

So there seems to be this hanging in the balance, unanswered question of whether to strive for a move .. 1K miles away to SIL's home, where then SIL will house her, and ultimately placement there.

I posed the question, "does anyone even know if she'd be required to prove residency in your state to qualify for a Medicaid bed?, have you looked into that?". SIL's answer, "ya know, I don't know the answer to that, .. I mean what happens if you just were kind enough to bring your mother in to live with you, and then found it's not suitable, .. are they really going to make you prove her as a resident of the state, before they will find a bed for her?". I said, "well I guess if you can stroke a check to pay for it all, no .. maybe not .. but if you expect the gov't to pick up the tab, which is what this will ultimately be .. then yes .... I might would think that's a question that at least, needs an answer, before pondering whether she can even move to your home to live".

SIL talked of having found somewhere along the line . that her mother, because her dad was a Vet .. she qualifies for $1k a month in aid of some sort, but that she has to chase down that lead .. and get that in place.

I hesitate to get to vested in it all, when it's not known at this point, whether they would position her where SIL lives, or here ... and further, my getting vested in it all, just to see that SIL does what she always does, nurse her back to what she would call stable (I would not, I would call her situation, always .. thru and thru .. not sustainable) ... but just to watch SIL get her to what she would term as stable, and then march off to her home yet again.

I feel so bad for DH .. apparently somewhere along the line .. I don't know when, I don't have it marked on a calendar .. but the mother had said to both of them .. the words, "now don't you guys stick me in one of those places".

I can't imagine that DH would've been stupid enough to agree to that, "yes oh yes, poor dear mother, that will never be your fate" .... I can't imagine anyone being stupid enough to utter those words. What if his mother is wheelchair bound and immobile and has to be lifted for bathing and toileting .. and spoon fed, ... one can never promise "oh absolutely dear parent, you will never have to worry of that as your fate, I will wipe your behind day and night .. and spoon fed you, and pick you up .. and put you on the commode and into the bathtub .. no no .. no absolutely banish that worry". How can anyone ever make that as a promise. Surely he didn't. I haven't asked him.

But listening to he and his sister talk last night, as he sat with his head slung low .. sadness .. and said the words, "I just think of mother thru the years .. asking that we never put her in *one of those places* ...". Fortunately sister countered that with, "well circumstances sometimes dictate that you have to do what you don't want to do".

I don't know, truly, ... I can be of help in this, I absolutely can .. I can begin to search some things out, I can begin to make some phone calls, set apps to go look at and talk to those in the know on this topic .. and I will .. but I need clarity before doing so. Are you guys posing she move 1K miles away to your home first ... are you guys wanting placement here .. let's at least get a ball rolling somewhere in all of this, rather than all wringing our hands.

Asking MIL herself .. I'm betting you'd just get a bunch of him haw .. as I said .. all indicative she intends to work to get stronger, "Okay mother, that sounds wonderful .. and yes you must do that .. but I'm talking longer term .. your doctor that attended to your case in the hospital indicated to you the time is now to start looking at ALF .. where would you like that to be, nearer your daughter .. or here locally .. do you think you are up for travel or can be ... ".

Response to that (I know her well) would still be a lot of hooha .. about "I have to get stronger here, I have to work to get stronger, I know what I must do". Me then countering, "yes .. as I said, that's great, but let's talk about what I asked .. can you talk to me some on that topic". It would still be more of the same hooha .. "well I just must get stronger here, and work so that I can get around". No answer, around in circles.

And yes as to the dog, .. the dog was getting MIL up 2 and 3 x's nightly .. routinely, even before any of this. The dog is like, I think, 10 years old, small dog .. small bladder I presume .. and so MIL was getting up 2 and 3 x's nightly .. go turn off the house alarm (her ambling along on her walker, thru the house in the middle of the night) then over to the b'door to let the dog out, wait for the dog to go do it's biz .. then get the dog back in, go re-arm the house security, back to the bed .. ambling along ever so slowly .. and then back in the bed, and then up again .. this goes on nightly.

It's just now, MIL is not ambulatory and SIL is here to do it .. not only that ... SIL helping MIL now to ambulate out of the bed when she herself needs to get to the potty at night.

And no, I don't think for a minute .. MIL in the yellow bedroom that her dutiful son will be the one to get up in the middle of the night 2 and 3 and more times to help with the dog and with the mother .. not a chance in hades will that happen. It would be me doing so.

Personally, I would do whatever I had to do at this point, to convince mother that the dog needs to go to a good home, where he can be well cared for .. and make sure the dog is no longer part of what puts a ball and chain on all this. But .. their mother, that dog is her world .. I mean .. to the point of absolute ridiculousness. I can't imagine they could sell that ever, "we're going to take your dog". Might as well open her up without anesthesia and rip her heart out.

My MIL (91 years old and lives alone) Also won't wear her alert button or carry her cell phone when she drives. My husband, BIL, and SIL don't seem to be worried about this. It was just recently that I insisted my husband set it up that she has someone to call if something does happen and he can't get there. When I did ask my husband if he was okay if she falls or has a stroke, lying on her floor or worse in her driveway until someone finds her? He just shrugs his shoulders and says there is nothing he can do about it. She won't wear it and he can't make her. It's her decision. He's the one who can't set boundaries with her and it's affecting our marriage. I'm just wondering how it's affecting yours and your relationship with your daughter. It sounds like you're a kind and caring person who truly cares about your MIL. But what about you and your life? I recognize a lot of you in me when I was trying to take care of my family. I finally came to the understanding that I was co-dependent and that they were perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. I was worried about them, but they are adults and capable of making their own decisions. That was two and half years ago and they seem to be doing fine. I agree with those who tell her what you're willing to do for her and leave it at that. Let your husband and SIL figure it out. As it was recommended to me, I recommend that you seek out counseling to help you with your co-dependent issues. It did me a world of good. Best of luck to you and congratulations on being a grandma!

My Co-dependent issues. I think it would be easier somehow if this weren't right under my nose constantly and the underlying theme that somehow it's going to land in my lap.

I have said no to the yellow bedroom and I mean it. And I will up-end my marriage and leave if it comes to that. So what would be accomplished by having an ambulance pull up here to offload the care of MIL to me. I wouldn't be here, and I've said it and meant it.

But still, the problem keeps reoccuring when I'm asked, "can't *we* bring her here and let her stay here". What part of "no" the other 10 x's you've asked this, did you not think I meant.

Yes, it's hard to let go and let others make their own decisions but when there are no decisions being made, it's even harder. It's as plain as the nose on my face, there needs to be some proactive work going on here, as to placement. And yet it doesn't.

It's about like, to me .. it feels about like, .. back when I had kids .. and that kid .. staying out late, .. not doing their homework, .. not staying up with their assignments, ..and the report card comes and the failing grades that are the result. Only in that instance, I had the power to say "that's it, you're grounded, and I will be in daily contact with your teachers .. until we can figure out how you can manage this on your own and not have me in your business". And the course was righted.

Feels like in this instance, .. the train is barreling forward 100 mph .. coming right at us, .. and yet anyone who has any say so to stop it .. won't ..

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