I am just reading about filial laws. Where you have to pay the nursing home if your parent can’t pay? What the h*ll? Thank god there is no filial law in New York where we live. If my Mother ever does get into a nursing home, there is no way in h*ll I would pay for her care if she couldn’t pay. I would die first before paying HER bills from MY RETIREMENT ACCOUNT!!! She Gambled ALL of her HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS Of dollars away years ago. That wouldn’t sit well with me if I had to pay her nursing home out of MY SAVINGS ACCOUNT!!! New York did away with it in 1966. THANK GOODNESS!!! That is just wrong for the adult child to have to pay. She’s a hoarder. Every transaction and every check and every credit card that she used to gamble has a paper trail that is still in her house. She even keeps ALL the scratch off tickets that are no good and are losing tickets. I would die before I would give a nursing home a buck for my mothers care. I can’t believe it is a law in 30 states!!!!! Outrageous!!!