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Lealonnie, so glad about the results on your test. So sorry hubby back in but relieved your DD took him to the ER and this will not get addressed. I think I did tell you I always test positive for a bit of microscopic occult blood in the urine. Decades really. Hasn't yet killed me.
thinking of you both.

Well, it's worse than they thought; the fluid can't be drained off with a needle so he's been admitted; surgery has to be performed on Friday called VATS which is Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to diagnose and treat problems in your chest. During a VATS procedure, a tiny camera (thoracoscope) and surgical instruments are inserted into your chest through one or more small incisions in your chest wall. The fluid will be drained that way & chest tubes inserted; he'll have to stay in the hospital for 3-4 days afterward. I feel so badly for him, I can't tell you

Both sorry to hear hubby has to go through a surgery and grateful that the issue has been found as well as a path forward to deal with it. Prayers for all...

Aw, Lealonnie, what rotten luck! Poor guy must be miserable being back in the hospital. Please tell him that a whole bunch of internet strangers are rooting for him and send him good wishes and virtual bouquets!

I am glad the problem was found rather quickly. Great his heart surgeon is with him. Happy your tests came back negative. What great news, lealonnie. Your poor DH has been through so much, I feel bad for him. Hopefully everything will settle and he will be on his way to better health. Prayers sent to both you and DH.

So DH made it through the surgery; nearly 1 LITER of fluid was removed from the pleural sac surrounding his left lung! He tolerated the general anesthesia well, and came out of recovery & back into his room. He has a small air leak, however, which must be closely monitored now by xray to make sure it doesn't turn into a pneumothorax (collapsed or partially collapsed lung). We'll have to wait & see how this progresses, or, if it just resolves on its own. DD is there with him now & I spoke to him very briefly on the phone when he returned to his room; he was quite humorously groggy.

I would truly just like this whole nightmare to be OVER with now. It's kind of like a dream where I'm trying to wake up but can't seem to. Keep sending prayers/good thoughts our way, Ladies.

THANKS to all for everything; I appreciate it.

Prayers for healing for hubby, rest for you, and peace for all

Glad to see your DH is doing better. My thoughts and prayers sent to both of you.
Hope everything starts to settle and both of you get some well needed rest. Good night.

Lealonnie, I love your turn of phrase "humorously groggy"! Good wishes to you both. (((((Hugs)))).

Lea I'm glad the fluid has been drained and DH tolerated the procedure well. But I'm so sorry that this stress continues. I will definitely keep sending all good vibes to you and DH!

Keep us posted on the air leak and hopefully it resolves on it's own very soon. I'm glad you have DD to help here being a cardiac nurse.

I'm also glad your DH seems to have had a good attitude this whole time, and continues to have a sense of humor coming right out of the procedure, I'm sure he can't wait to see you.

Remember self care for you too Lea, are YOU holding up okay?

Sending you a big hug!

The staff had DH cough this morning, did some sort of test, and determined the air leak has sealed UP on its own! Yay! He's talking like a magpie, no shortness of breath, and in fabulous spirits I haven't seen since before the open heart surgery on Oct 30th. They are keeping him until at least Monday; the chest tubes are still draining at a good pace and s/b for a while yet.

We had 2 good Duo phone visits last night & this morning, and it's almost as good as being there in real life. Except for the holding hands part and kissing his forehead.

Thanks for all the support, Ladies. You are the best! Piper, I'm doing well.........hanging in there & holding onto my dog Honey for warmth! I feel like we're turning a corner here so even I can breathe easier now. Thanks for asking.

So good to know Lea, I agree about turning a corner, DH will be home soon and you two can rest together!

Heart healthy recipes can be a a new hobby for both of you, share the good ones 👍🏼 😋

Wonderful news, lealonnie. I am so happy your DH is doing so much better. Wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs to you.

How was the heart cath procedure? Any additional medication? Blood thinner?
I hope it went well.
Hugs and prayers.

Caregiving: the heart cath procedure was no big deal; it was the open heart surgery to follow it that WAS! Yes, my DH was put on beta blockers and a blood thinner for 1 year afterward. We are still dealing with complications, but today is a good day, thank you!

DH is home! I picked him up at 2 pm. He spent another 5.5 days in the hospital and had almost 1 liter of fluid surgically removed from his left pleural sac (lung); he had a pleural effusion. He's tired and hurting, coughing some, and looks (truthfully) like he's been to hell & back. I'm just praying that this is the end of the nightmare we've been living since August 6. It's so good to have him home and our dog Honey (my avatar) is over the moon to have her dad back on the couch with her!

Thanks for all the support, everyone!

Lea I'm so glad DH is home with you and Honey!

No wonder he is tired and still hurting, he has been through a lot, you both have, but thankfully he is on the mend and the hardest parts are behind you.

Lots of R&R for you and DH!

Lea, so glad to hear he’s home and back on the recovery path. Happy Thanksgiving to you both, much to be grateful for!

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