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I thank the admins for removing the two posts I requested removed.
Need help, RealyReal isn't after you, but rather after me. Because Admins removed some of her posts at my request, in which she suggested (and now has REPEATED) that I am a "practicing witch" and have told "other posters" that I am, it looks as though she is commenting on your contributions. So give it not another thought. You aren't a Voodoo Priestess and I am not a Wiccan. Alas. I think most on Forum understand that about us?

I accept your apology RealyReal, but I am afraid you have put forth in it yet another falsehood. I have not told any other poster that I am a practicing witch. Had I done so I would have known to use the correct term, which is "Wiccan" just as I know to say "Christian." I am a non-believer. We don't believe in Witches. Or voodoo. Or hoodoo or any other nonsense. Our belief is, if you will, non-belief. It doesn't rub off. It cannot hurt believers.
You might want to go back to this poster who told you that I am a "practicing witch", and let them know that they may also have misunderstood. Then THEY are invited to write me for clarification, as well. I am always happy to clarify. I never hold grudges.
As to hijacking posts, I invited Hailey to tell me if she would like me not to respond on this or any of her posts. She has not done so. When she does, unless I am having to respond to another poster calling me names, I will not post again on any post of hers, and that gladly and without acrimony or grudge.
In the interests of not hijacking this thread still further by either of us, again I invite you to hash out who I am and what I believe in private messaging any time you like. That is, quite honestly where this sort of thing belongs, so as not to disturb others.


Oh, okay. Thanks for update.

Hopefully, no one is upset and the issue is settled.

"If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sins and heal their land."

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭6:16-21‬ ‭

Hailey, God bless you and keep you. If God be for you who can be against you. They know not what they battle against.

Take care of you and don't cast your pearls before swine.

NHWM, I am not after anyone, regardless of what anyone thinks. I wasn't aware that the social media marshal was getting my posts deleted. So it seems like she is again, using her opinion as fact. Hopefully she just leaves me alone.


Let’s hope that no one is against you as an individual who is entitled to their own opinion just as we all are.

We can respectfully agree to disagree on this forum and in life in general.

Please don’t take different views personally. I respect your beliefs. It doesn’t matter if we don’t agree on everything.

Wishing you and everyone on the forum all the best!

Absolutely, Hailey,
Our country is FOUNDED on the right to religious freedom for every man or woman, to believe in and to practice his faith in his or her own way.
I cannot believe there is a single soul on Forum who would ever wish to deny you the comfort of your faith.
I find the words of the bible to be poetically lovely. As are its parables.
So, may you continue long to post, and may your God hold you in his hands, and may all be right in your world.


I feel that we all have a voice on the forum. We can all live in harmony and even learn from each other.

I hope that one day everyone will be open to learning something from each other’s views even if we disagree.

Feeling frustrated can be normal but I feel that we can have a discussion without anger, or God forbid dislike for each other.

I happen to love fire and passion in a person as long as it isn’t harmful to others.

I also like quiet calm individuals like my sweet husband who speaks volumes very quietly.

There’s room for all of us. We can all bring something to the table. We can achieve a healthy balance with each other. I have faith that we can. We’re adults.

Hopefully our parents taught us to be independent thinkers, as I taught my children and we maintain our individuality.

I am not sure what is going on here but my horoscope says my ideal pet is a pig, as in quirky or unusual. I love pigs, my solar lights are pigs, they are so cute.

As for the Hailey and ITRR drama, there have been a few threads that concern me. The "christian bully" comments kinda blow my mind.

The word bully is also a verb meaning to coerce which is kinda being done from an outsider perspective. I am not allowed to comment or respond to certain people or statements so I will refrain from that as they cannot comment in return.

I think between this and another thread, things have been blown way out of proportion. Just because you do not agree with another poster, it does not mean you can bully (verb tense).

For those who have never been an outsider here, just try to look at things from a different perspective. Not every opinion needs to be commented on.



I like pigs too. I saw a woman at my farmers market that was walking a tiny cute little pig. I’ve never seen one like that before. I don’t know if it was a baby or a certain type of breed. I don’t know a lot about the different breeds but this little piggy was adorable!

You are right about not having to respond to everything. I have been guilty of responding when I probably didn’t need to.

Great point!

Your post is confusing to me, here on Hailey's tread; if someone is harassing you on the Forum I think you should perhaps approach that person by private message.. I would bet you could work with that person in private, rather than on Hailey's thread.
I doubt very much that people are able to remove one another's posts on Forum unless something inappropriate gets said.
I also am told by others, though I have no idea how to do it, that there is a Contact Us for the admins. I am certain they would be helpful.
I myself often use the "report button" if there's a duplicate posting, or if someone seems to be advertising, just so they will check with the admins before doing it. Other than that I have only had to report ONE person ONE time for calling me a name, I requested the admins remove the post; they did. I know the admins will make decisions they feel are right if anyone ever has to report wrong doing.
People are on Forum, for the most part, with good heart and straight heads to try to help others. We are all races, creeds, colors, ages, sexual persuasions, and I think we all get along remarkably well.

Stacy, did I miss a comment? I didn't see the comment you mentioned. Likely got reported. And that's what I mean. The admins are good at this. And will take care of things.
Like you I love pigs. I grew up on an Illinois farm in the winters, and sometimes the sows would give birth a bit unseasonably, with freezing temps a danger to the babes. We used to bring piglets in the house, open over door on warm, have them swaddled in towels till they were strong enough to survive. Honestly there's nothing quite so cute. Hate to hijack Hailey thread over them, but a fun memory.
I was told once before "You don't have to comment on EVERYTHING". But, hee hee, sometimes I think I do. Have to, that is. In any case, up to us what we comment on, until we are told it isn't. Up to us, that is.

Nothing is impossible with GOD.

He sits high on the throne looking low.



If God be for you who can be against you. : )

You be blessed.


I miss seeing you on here. Hope you are doing well.


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