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Paul, once evry two weeks sounds great!

Brother lives closer and can be more available; don't you consider it a GOOD thing that SIL is available and can help?

Why do you sound resentful? Some people LIKE being helpful to elders, especially the ones who haven't been awful to them.

In my view, family help doesnt have to be equal; it needs to be based on distance and other responsibilities as well.

You live at a distance, have an ill wife, a special needs child and another who is very young.

Just because your DAD is not thoughtful or insightful enough to realize that is no cause for you to feel that you haven't done your share. Look at all the in-home modifications you facilitated for dad!

Stepping back a bit is a good thing. Enjoy your weekends that you are "off".


I am glad that your brother and his wife are pitching in to help your dad.

How does your daughter do in ice skating? Oh gosh, years ago I tried ice skating with my daughter on vacation. I nearly killed myself! LOL. I was horrible at it! My child caught on quickly.

Yep! We are not far from Florida. My daddy grew up in Florida, near Panama City Beach. He met my mom when he was stationed in New Orleans during his military days.

I love Florida too! I went to Florida every summer growing up.

Well our NFL team (New Orleans Saints) lost the big game to Minnesota Vikings. Boo hoo 😢. Win some, lose some.

Louisiana really wants to win the game against South Carolina. They both have Tiger mascots. So it’s Tigers against Tigers! May the best Tigers won!

My daughter isn’t going to the game. Even student tickets cost $400. Other tickets are going for several thousand! We will be watching it on television.

Every two weeks - BRILLIANT. You will start to breathe again :)


He will adjust to two weeks.

Barb - thats the thing. Good that my brother and his wife have time to visit. BUT there are a few problems.

1. They let him down ALL the time. This doesn't work with Dad. He just gets used to things.

2. They mollycoddle him. He can do things but hes lazy. Of course, SIL does things for him then he expects others (ME!) to do the same.

3. Do you remember the Benefits incident? They told Dad they were going to claim Carers Allowance and she was going to be his carer. Dad was all over that one! So was she until she found out it was £72 a week and she was obliged to do 35 hours a week. Dropped that one and upset Dad. Never forget that one.

4. Brother expects things to be equal. His wife visits Dad in the week so my wife should to. And he gets nasty with it.

NeedHelp - Yes shes been doing a few years now. Shes 6 now. Pretty good she is. Not like me.

Wow $400 a ticket! Thats not cheap lol.

Rugby is the national sport in Wales. 6 Nations championship every February. As long as we beat England....... ;-)

p.s. Florida in August again for us. Orlando/WDW again! Daughter who'll be 7 - it'll be here 7th visit......

Do I dare suggest boundaries with brother too?

Paul, your points;
1. Not your prob
2. Let Mr & Mrs Mollycoddle do their way. You do your way. End of. Their upset is their problem.
3. See no 1
4. See no 2

Explain to your brother & wife that as you are different people, you all have different work & family commitments so of course the assistance you offer will differ too.

If we were all the same, we'd all order the fried fish. (Our family orders one burger, one grilled flake, one fried whiting & one veggie burger). Your brother getting nasty is like if I got angry that my daughter won't eat the fish I want her to eat when she is now vegetarian. (You can tell I'm hungry he he). He is angry because you won't do what he wants. Too bad. You get a choice too!

Beatty - oh yes know what you mean. I'm doing that now - ignoring what brother does. He does what he wants and I do what I want.

In fact, after a few incidents where I got abusive messages I've now blocked him on facebook and blocked his mobile.

I asked Dad NOT to involve him in things but he ignored that (probably because he thinks it works) I asked brother NOT to involve my wife and brother ignored that too. (As I said for some reason he seems to think our Dad is my wifes responsibilty too)

It was awful last 6 months. If Dad had a problem he'd automatically go to brother telling tales. Brother would contact me I'd ignore him. Then he'd get abusive. If this didn't work he then messages my wife and was abusive to her too.

Brother seems to have inherited quite a lot from Dad. Power trips, losing wives, nasty nagging etc. Let’s hope that they appreciate each other.


I have brothers like yours. They are ‘know it alls’ who actually don’t have a clue! My mom always thought they were wonderful. My mom and brothers constantly talked about me and told me that I was wrong about this and that. My mom’s nurses and doctors told me what I great job that I was doing. Mom got upset because she couldn’t get her way all of the time after I started setting boundaries.

I heard constant criticism while I was the one doing the most because mom lived in my home. Even before she moved in I was always the child most involved with my parents. Mom moved in with me a few years after daddy died. Hurricane Katrina destroyed her home.

My point though is, my mom and brothers pushed me too far. I ended up telling them if they were dissatisfied with my care then my brother could take over and after 15 years of her living in my home, I asked her to leave.

It was emotionally exhausting for me. I love and miss my mom but I simply could not endure the nightmare anymore. My brothers, well, let’s just say we were never close. We are very different people. In my case, the kindest thing they can do for me now is to leave me alone and allow me to live in peace. I have my brothers phone numbers blocked. So, now my brother and SIL are dealing with all of it. My brother is on wife number four! All of his other wives left him.

I totally get that you have to back off from your family to have peace in your life, Paul. Take care.

I am very sorry that your brother thinks it OK to be nasty & abusive. I get wanting to share the burden - but being nasty is still a choice.

It would be great if you could have a chat & see each other's point of view. Basically, Bro doesn't seem to 'see' Dad's life is his own responsibility. So when too much is pushed onto him, he pushes it over to you. Is he of the opinion wives must do the care stuff (being female & all) too?

I think what IS great though is you NOT pushing this onto your wife - being a good team there.

I felt a bit of resentment that my Sister didn't help more. Completly no hands on stuff, selectively deaf to requests & predictive text replies when asked for opinions: *interesting* being top favorite. Ghosts & grey rocks me but not nasty or abusive. So when the time comes for real action - family members left uncollected in hospital, dept of health involved, Guardianship applications etc - she will not be consulted. It's a shame. It could have brought us closer... will probably go even lower contact than now. Same for your brother. Shame.

Not sure if I've mentioned before.

- I live 20+ miles away - he lives a mile away from Dad.
- I've got kids (a 6 year old and a 16 year old ASD teen) - hes got no kids (that live with him or he sees)
- My wife has Fibromyalgia and, with everything, struggles to work part time. His wife does not work.

So, with the best will in the world, its going to be different.

I've tried to have a chat with him. Explain the things I've got going on. His attitude is "his wife finds time to visit our dad" so my wife needs to find time to visit on her days off. And "his wifes got her own Dad to look after too" and it gets into a contest. He does not get that each of us is free to contrib what we want and can.

Many times I've had texts/calls (until I blocked him!) saying he wasnt visiting Dad on saturday and, between us, my wife and I would have to take over. Many times I've asked him not to contact or involve my wife but the comments and abuse continued.

If I put something on facebook, like a family day out, he'd add a comment like "not got time to visit our dad then have you?" Like I said hes now blocked it got a bit silly.

I dont care. He can do one (as they say in the uk). The less I hear from him the better to be honest.

Margaret - exactly. hes like Dad....

Hes got three kids. Two from one relationship - never sees them, can't be bothered.

Another kid from his last relationship. Again, doesn't bother. This is also the one where Social services contacted him 6 months and wanted him to take temporary care (mother has problems) and he said "no put her in a children's home I'm too busy".

You can imagine how mad my wife gets when she gets messages from him telling her shes "selfish" and "horrible" because she refuses to help out with Dad when HE wants her to!!

Its crazy isnt it?


You have the right attitude about your brother and his wife. I feel the same way about mine. They are the ones that wrecked the relationship, right? It amazes me that family members think they can treat us badly and think we should succumb to their bullying. Nope! Not happening. If they don’t want backlash then they shouldn’t dish out their crap!

Why hasnt wife blocked dad/brother? After those remarks, they should be permanently blocked. Geesh


Like I said, your brother is similar to mine. My brother is on wife number four! The other three left him because he’s an old fashioned, controlling jerk.

My brother’s sons are nothing like their dad. If they needed to speak to a parent about anything they went to their mom.

My brother was too busy chasing women to be bothered with his kids.

When my daddy was dying in the hospital my a**hole brother was flirting with the nurse in front of his wife!

So to me it looks like your brother thinks he is the Boss.

When HE wants time off Dad-duty he directs his casual backups to step to it (you & your Mrs).

Crazy? Yep. Bully-Boss-Bro seems to think he has the power to direct your time, priorities & family too.

I saw a 5 year old in my son's class say this to his Teacher "I know you told me to clean up my desk, and you like it neat, but I am a separate person to you & I like my desk this way". Teacher (frustrated!) but accepted this little kid's right to organise his own life.

What's mine. What's yours. That kid got it but many many adults haven't!


The kid is an independent thinker! Good for him. Smart teacher too.

My youngest daughter was that way. Extremely independent. Used to drive me crazy until I realized that those qualities would serve her well one day. As a young woman she is still fiercely independent.

I decided that I would not break my child’s spirit. She was a nonconformist! So glad that I recognized that she marched to her own beat and it has served her well. She’s a leader, not a follower and I am very proud of her.

Jasmina - yes brother is blocked by both of us now. First time she wrote it off as a one off. 2nd and 3rd time she then blocked him.

NeedHelp - Yep thats my brother. Hes only been married once (and divorced) but he seems to go through partners like nobodies business.

He'll be with them for a few years, have kids. Then he moves on and leaves his old life behind.

Beatty - Yes he does. He thinks he is the boss...
Thing is I KNOW he lies to Dad a LOT. Up to him I don't care but hes a hypocrite.

I KNOW he was home xmas day and lied to Dad, made up some story about visiting a friend in north wales. I know Dads a nightmare and I didnt have him Xmas day either but it annoys me he preaches to me then does this.

paul: That has to be expensive for your brother having kids and then moves on. He'd do himself a favor to get snipped. LOL.

Paul, I am puzzled by your brother's actions. He doesn't give a rat's ass about his own kids, but he spends time visiting his/your dad. Why? He could easily just turns a blind eye to his dad as he does to his own kids, but he doesn't. Why? What's his reason?

I understand your reason. You're a decent and good man. You do right by dad within your ability. Your brother is a far cry from decency and good. So, I don't understand his motivation. Do you?

polarbear - does bro REALLY spend a lot of time with dad? from all the postings I recall, it is more him directing OTHERS to spend the time, not he himself! He sends his wife, then tells Paul that his wife should go too. He tells Paul what he should be doing, but doesn't do much of anything himself?

Paul will need to confirm this sense that I am getting about bro. I don't think he gives a rats patootie about dad either, he is a chip off the old block and demanding everyone else do this that and the other for dad because dad says he needs it!

disgustedtoo -I also don't get the impression that brother spends a lot of time with dad. The difference I see is that he does spend time with dad and wants others to mind his dad, but when it comes to his kids, they don't even exist.

Heh paul a suggestion for next Christmas. Go on holiday somewhere lol. Oops sorry wont be home till way after Xmas. See you in the new year. You and the fam get to enjoy a fun quiet holiday. Maybe go to your favorite place Florida lol

llama - ha ha yes. Trouble is only one of his partners has chased him for child support. Most indignant that she had the nerve to ask him for money he was. Even Dads opinion was "well hows he supposed to afford that".

Different world those pair live in....

Polar/Disgusted - Its weird - like you say he does not give a monkeys about his kids.

You're both right - most of it is done by his wife. He does pop up on the odd Saturday am but its easy enough, 5 mins drive.

Of course, its easy for him to get others to do it. I get the impression his wife is pushing back a little (her father is ill I believe) so brother has got the attitude well why doesnt your wife do what mine does? Its bizarre.

Brother is a very good liar too. He does not go out of his way for Dad. He lies and tells him hes working. Dad relates to manual work so hes like "oh hes working so hard". Me - its like "blah you're sitting in an office".

This weekend Dad tells me hes working 12 hour shifts all weekend - not according to what hes put on facebook lol. But Dad refuses to believe it.
Remember boxing day when he was supposed to be 200 miles away and I saw him in his flat? Never believed it - must have been someone else I saw.

One theory - Dad has got money. Brother know this too. Brother lives in flat he rents - Dad has got a nice (well before dad wrecked it). Hes got his eye on it.

Theres going to be trouble when Dad goes. Brother assumes he gets the flat to live in for free.

polar - thanks for the kind comments too. Sometimes I do feel Im being too harsh on Dad but....

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