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Announcement next Friday here in Wales to see if lockdown restrictions are lifted further. The 5 mile rule has been very unpopular. New is it will be lifted which means I will legally be allowed to meet Dad outside.

Can't wait. Apologies in advance. I reckon 5 minutes before he winds me up!

Hey Paul, wouldn't it be awful if you spiked a temp, or got a little dry cough... You would have to stay away in self-quanteen for another 2 weeks 😉

Beatty - ha ha you and my wife are very similar! She said the same thing.

Its fathers day soon - end of june. If rules chance, I'd better go and visit him that day.

Wish me luck!

"I'd better go and visit him that day."

Visit from a distance still and while wishing him a Happy Father's Day, sprinkle it with coughing into your sleeve...

Hi Dad, <cough>, how's it <cough cough> going? Hap <cough> Happy Father's <cough cough cough> Day! Sorry <cough>, must've been exposed to <cough> someone who is <cough cough> ill. Nice to see you <cough>, I'd better <cough cough> run before I <cough> infect you!!! ;-)

Although numbers are down in many places, they are rising in others. The virus isn't going away - the whole point to maintaining distance was to reduce the effect on medical services, ensuring they weren't overwhelming like in NYC and other places, so that people who did become ill could likely get treatment!

Watching data on a website, one can see it is getting worse in some less densely populated places. Until it spreads everywhere and we either develop immunity or have a vaccine, it will continue to spread, just as most viruses do!

You dad won't understand that. All he will register is that the restrictions are being removed or are gone.

For Mother's Day we visited by standing & talking in the driveway. She stayed at the front door.

This went two ways. To protect her from us + to protect us! We have kids at school jobs, shopping - they have aides visiting the house, out & about at appointments/shops etc.

I do not visit another relative at all as she has mobility/hygiene problems & has still been going out. I do not feel safe to do so.

Do what YOU feel comfortable doing. If you go inside his flat, make a big point of washing YOUR hands straight away. Can bet he's not doing this.

Bit of a falling out with Dad on the phone last night. I've had enough of his overbearing "I think this so you must do it because I know best".

Holiday to Florida again. As I've said, its booked end August. If flights don't go, we're not allowed in to the USA, or whatever it gets cancelled I get a refund and its out of my hands. BUT I'm keen to go if we can.

Dad got really nasty on the phone last night telling me I'm stupid and irresponsible because Covid is "getting worse". Yeh see hes not even got that right!

He even tried "yes but if you go you'll make me worry and thats not fair for you to that!". Well unimpressed with that one. I'll control your life by pulling out the guilt trip card.

In the end, I told him to drop it. Its not his decision its mine and my wifes and I'm a grown adult and able to decide for ourselves and his nasty intervention is not needed.

Past experience shows me he won't drop it. He'll mention it every single time now "so has the airline cancelled?" "have you changed your mind?"

I dont think he realises thought that the guilt trip no longer works on me. I'm not changing my wife or expecting my family to do the same because "hes worried". Its just not on. I've told him many times he may need to speak to someone about how he excessively worries about things and hes never bothered. Its his problem not mine now.

beatty - new thing yesterday (england only at the moment which is crazy) is that people that live on their own like elderly grandparents can now visit ONE family and even stay over etc.

Its a bit weird, if MIL selects us as her "bubble" family and comes over to stay then we're used up and my Dad can't then have us as his "bubble". Oh dear.

Yep, he's pulling out all the tricks for control. You nailed it too - it's driven by his worry. Yes there is risk but it's your risk. It's OK that he worries about you but HIS worry does NOT rule your life. Nor should it!

Actually, he'll have one more trick up his sleeve... Guesses?

Cough, cough. He'll get Covid.

Beatty - yeh ready for that one. Wouldnt put it past him.

I am laughing... Be ready I'm telling you! When the cough cough starts ONE week out from your holiday... SWOOP into action! OMG Dad!!!! Call the Covid hotline for him (or equivalent) get a home visit (coz he's too disabled to go there - so he says) & get that swab test up his nose. After he's had THAT maybe the boy who cries wolf will be quiet for a bit. His stress will be off the chart. (Hope he doesn't have it though). Ask for a rapid test due to his anxiety if you can.

Then fly away.

Paul, the news from Florida is not good. Maybe Canada this year?

Jun 11, 2020
Cough, cough. He'll get Covid.

Beatty - yeh ready for that one. Wouldnt put it past him.

Well then, if he chooses to do fake that, your vaca is all set! He would have to be quarantined for TWO weeks, whether at home or in the hospital. Since you wouldn't be allowed to visit, no point in wasting reservations.... Assuming FL gets their virus under control soon....

Barb- I read that Florida is in phase 2 of reopening except for 3 counties hardest hit which are still in phase 1. Social distancing of 6 feet apart still applies in all places and phases.

For the rest of the state, restaurants can have up to 75% capacity. Bars, pubs, etc. can have up to 50% capacity. State parks and beaches are fully open. Large venues and sport arenas can also have 50% capacity. Theme parks are also allowed to open, however, the capacity % is still being determined. Vacation rentals and personal services are also open.

I think by August, there will be even less restrictions, and more open. I don't know when the travel ban from Europe to US will be lifted, however.

Paul, just check both directions for Florida. Here, you can get out of Australia easily if you can find a flight, but you need to pay for 2 weeks hotel isolation accommodation to get back in!

Although states are "reopening" parts of the economy and lowering restrictions, the US still has restrictions on travel into the country. It isn't clear how often the information is updated, but current status is no entry (many countries listed, including all of the UK, exclusions apply, but mainly for special circumstances, which doesn't include vacation travel):

Stay tuned for news updates and updates to the above website. The number of deaths continues in FL - the website I use doesn't break out the areas well, but most infections and deaths are likely going to be in more densely populated areas, but can occur elsewhere! Several states are seeing increases in both infections and deaths, some have had to temporarily close businesses (bars in particular) after employees tested positive. Oh, and just wait for those big rallies to start up again! Infectomania!

You all are not really in the more susceptible ranges, but you'll have to monitor US travel bans, FL travel restrictions and Disney updates. Then, as Margaret says, you'll need to know what the UK restrictions are at that time. Additional 2 weeks vaca costs on top of FL vaca?

Yes Trumps travel ban could be the biggie I'm afraid :-(

Quarantine incoming to the uk I think will end before too long. Theres already a high court challenge from a few airlines. Also the system is faulty. They make you fill in a form when you come back - idea is they can do spot checks. People have been putting "father xmas, north pole".

But also the situation in florida is worrying....

polar - Its 2m in this country lol.

Several people have moaned on TV that its not fair that the UK is 2m and the US is 6ft. When I heard this I couldn't stop laughing.....

(Anyone remember the Quarter pounder Mcd bit in Pulp Fiction!)

barb - backup plan is Spain (wifes brother owns a place near alicante) and/or Disneyland Paris (if it opens).

Spain is 2 hours or so flight away, Paris is just an hour.

DLP is not the same though. Imagine a Disney where no-one can be bother to queue properly and no smoking signs are ignored....

Dear Paul, I'm so glad that you are taking the infection possibilities more seriously. The idea of going to hot-spot Florida makes me cringe. South Australia has had no new cases since May 26, that was a woman who came in from the UK, and before that it was another 19 days. Now the arguments are about opening borders. Local camping holidays are going well!

News that a mutated C-19 has been discovered. The spiky ball has developed more spikes & they're stronger. Not more deadly 😀 but even more catchy 😔. It's in Florida apparently... I just read the headlines on TV news so may need more scientific info!

margaret - nah I'm a numbers person. Its all about probabilities. Even in florida the chances of getting it are so slim as to be non-existent....

More chance of being eaten by an alligator. I'd go tomorrow with no qualms if I could....

Paul - people don't get that 2 m is about 6 feet? Do they learn about US measurement system in the UK? Kids here are taught both the US and the metric systems, but they of course know the US system better.

polar - ha ha it was our measurement system first lol. Then we let you have it and the europeans took over.

All thats taught in uk is metric. BUT we still use miles not km mostly. Gallons mostly for petrol rather than litres. Stone and lbs for weight (we dont get why usa doesnt use stone i .e someone 200 lbs) Same with height - 6ft.

But the older generation dont get metric at all mostly.

"Cups" in US measurement confuses me. We bought a few packets of stuff last time but had to buy a measuring spoon set because we didn;t understand that part.

Cake mixes etc in the uk are all millilitres for liquid or grams....

Metric measurements have been in Oz for a long time, easily remembered by the jingle “So be prepared when the money starts to mix, on the fourteenth of February 1966”. I was in the UK in the 70s, and remember MIL’s neighbour complaining that she would have to throw out all her cake tins because the new measures wouldn’t work. I remember being shocked when a young daughter asked me how deep I thought the water was at the end of a jetty, I said ‘about 12 feet’, and she said ‘what does that mean?’. I have had to stay multi-measure-literate because all the USA house design books I like are in feet and inches, even if the USA builders work in metric. I am still adjusting to Edison screw bulbs instead of the Bayonet fittings in most of our lights – have to remember which is which for replacement bulbs.

Some things are quite interesting psychologically. Every one of my age gives their weight in kilos but their height in feet and inches. You know when the police are really serious about finding someone, because they give the height in both, instead of just metric. I don’t have any problem with standard cups, but I wish that stones had never been invented - I never learned the 14x tables. I reckon that Globalisation is all designed to make things more complicated for older people!

Dads now decided he does understand the news after all. Ha ha. 5 mile may be taken away this week - Dad is all over that.

He has "plans". Already got time lined up for visit on sunday, what food I need to bring him etc.

Give me strength. Of course, hes not once thought that the same will apply to wife seeing her own mother and between us we've got 2 kids to look after so we'll have to plan a bit.

But no, as usual, he has to take priority....

Paul - You need to have plans of your own. The easiest way to say no to something is to say yes to something else in its place.

So, when dad asks you to come on x day and time, well, you already got something planned that day like work, or some emergency. Or just tell him you have symptoms and have to quarantine yourself until a test can confirm.

I just had to repost Disgustedtoo's post from another thread.. I am still laughing!!

" make UP reasons..."

I always liked and get a chuckle still for one a co-worker used long ago:

I have to wash the cat.

Well they didnt raise the 5 mile rule until July 6th. Very strange....

Apart from certain reasons like visiting elderly family.... arrghhhh

I suppose I better visit him on sunday.

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