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Llama - Dad is strictly a left wing socialist. Its all about us and them. Power to the people and the manual hard working man.

Of course, I dont fit into that - office workers are pen pushing managers who oppress the workers. And they are the upper class who put the working class.

Of course, he forgets my background is the same. Single parent family, social housing etc. Lets just say I dont fit into his standard plan of being oppressed - I actually think Dad doesnt like the fact I've done well.

Brother, apparently, does work when he does work. Its just the chip on shoulder about other things. Normal people know they have to pay tax and pay for their kids. Not those two.

paul: Wow. That's rich. I don't understand that type of thinking of your dad thinking it was terrible for the Government to hassle a "hard working man" (not). It what decade was that ever true that brother was "hard working?" Sorry if that is offensive. Paid my own way for 53 years.

Golden child/Teflon Adult sometimes has to return to parent for housing if broke & solo.

If they time it right... They move in with "I'll care you dear old Elder. By the way, just need you to sign this..".

Like magic. Golden Teflon gets a house.

Yep. Bro lives in Teflon Land. No responsibility is going to stick to him!

Karma came around about 5 years ago. Brother got in trouble with HMRC (IRS in the USA?). He hadn't been paying his tax. His fault but he claimed he didnt know. yeh right. Came to a head, he owed £25K or so - a lot. They actually raided his house at 6am one day too.

It was serious. They threatened prison for tax evasion etc. Dad asked me to help - guess what I did? Yep I refused. In fact, I was hoping he'd go to prison.

Of course, Dad took his side. It was "so awful" that the government were hassling a hard working man. (Basically, the rest of us were paying our taxes but he was "peeing it up the wall" as the saying goes).

He had to pay an accountant to sort out the mess. Again Dad was "these people taking advantage of peoples misery and charging money for this". No Dad the rest of us pay for an accountant anyway (I used to pay £1200 a year) so we pay our taxes and don't risk ending up in prison.

I was a bit gutted in the end. HMRC let him off ALL the fines - about £10K of it. And they let him pay off what he owed over about 5 years.

Dad was well off "They're always hitting the working man, you work hard and this is how the government treat you". I just didn't get how he didn't see that brother had been living the life of riley, down the pub every night while the rest of us spend that money on our taxes.

Oh and best of all. He really thought it would be OK for brother to not pay child support during this time he was paying off his tax. "Those b@@@@ should realise he works hard and he cant pay for kids too - they need to leave him alone!".

Yes unbelievable indeed. We live in different worlds.


Yes Dad doesnt like my wife much. In a nice way, shes not forgiving. Im soft a bit and I guess Dad know it. When my dear wife gets involved he gets zero slack.

Yes brother is not like Dad with money. Thats strange. Hes now 51 years old, rents an apartment in a caravan sales place off a "mate". Got 3 kids from 2 previous partners, been divorced got no kids with her, and just got married again.

I dont you if guys have the same saying, "I wouldnt pee on him if he was on fire" lol.

Many years ago got burned when he got into financial trouble. Dad asked me to help. He was going to lose his house, car the lot. So I went along to court and to finance people. All his fault of course.

Anyway, finance company wanted £200 up front NOW or the car was gone. This was 25 years ago. I was not flush with money at all. That was like a weeks pay or more. Stupidly I paid and he said he'd pay me back.

Guess what happened. Never got the money. Ever. I'd see him in the pub drinking. All I ever got was "next week".

Dad knew about this. But hes the golden child. Dad offered to pay his debt for him but I told him to stuff it.

Beatty - yes I remember some of these. The pets/holiday dates one is a classic though. Seriously? Find your own damn pet sitter!

Very similar with the YOU SHOULD I see. Brother deffo sees is as duty to be done.

I wonder if there is a name or physchologist term for people who roster other people's time.

"I've volunteered to do everything X needs after an op. But I think YOU should help out too & should come & do *insert jobs* on *insert days*"

"You didn't tell me you'd be away! Can you change your holiday dates? I'll be away then too & I need you to mind my pets".

"I want you to go to Y's every Sunday to hang out Y's washing".

"Z will need help at the Doctor's to collect a specimen. The appointment has been made for *insert time*".

I kid you not - these are attempts made to roster mine & DH's time from 4 different relatives. That boundaries book saved my sanity.

Paul, your brother is not the only one!

I AM happy to help sometimes but not to be penciled in. Help should be offered, not taken for granted.

"...your brother seems to have the larger chip"

Chip off the old block, eh? BIG chip off that block! Sure, he can demand you do this, but his own flesh and blood (kids?) wow, what a super-d... Plus no savings himself (guess he didn't get ALL of dad's genes), no house, what's he going to have to live on when he can no longer support himself? Certainly NOT his brother....

paul: Actually I was referring to your dad, but your brother seems to have the larger chip.💞💞

Yes I DO remember the brother & his attitude.

You know, hearing the recap of his bully tactics now I must say, what awfully good boundaries you have! The F.O.G. all lifted. No trace of guilt for not obeying his requests.

Llama - my brother? Oh yes. Just a little...

That was the straw that broke the camels back and why I'm no contact with him now.

His idea was that his wife went to see my Dad to help him, (remember 1 mile away, no kids, no job) so my wife had to "step up and do her bit" at the weekends. We discussed and I basically said we're both in completely different situations, so you do what you can do and I'll do likewise.

I also said Dad doesn't need help every day like this - hes fine but he disagreed. (I've always said if you ask Dad if he wants you to wipe his butt he'll let you do it then expect it every time thereafter because you've done it once. He tried it with me when we went away once in a hotel - wanted me to come in the shower and wash him - Ewwww! Bearing in mind he copes fine at home the rest of the year)

Anyway, brother didn't like this. Gave me full story about the problems his wife had with her own father. Not relevant. He was surprised when I said "thats not really my business, you don't need to justify to me". He didn't accept that.

So he didn't listen and in the end, sent me a "rota" believe it or not for when she had to visit him. Crazy or what. It was like - me 1st saturday, my wife 2nd saturday, his wife 1st thursday.

Totally ignoring the fact that she works weekends a lot and you all know the other stuff we've got going on. BUT, he couldn't comprehend that, at the end of the day, hes not HER Dad and has no responsibility for him

His wife did it so my wife had to. When I said no, thats when he decided to contact her directly and tell her how selfish she was. She hadn't even been the one to say no - I had!

So not heard from him for about 6 months now. Its great. Dad has sort of worked out we're not speaking and is not happy. Hard luck.

Brother sound a bit like Dad to you? Yeah. I've decided and this is happening.

paul: He has a very huge chip on his shoulder, right? He thinks poorly of your wife and family - that's rich.

disgusted - yep when Dads gone I won't even be forced to even be polite to him.....
Same upbringing - hes had jobs, partners, kids left right and center. No home of his own, awful financial record. Me on the other hand, college educated, doing well at work, nice house, 2 nice kids, married almost 25 years so far.

We just live in different worlds....

Beatty - you may remember the brother thing. He lives a mile away, no kids (hes thrown them aside), wife who doesn't work. I live 20+ miles away, wife works, 15 year aspergers teen, 6 yr old. Yet he thinks I should "do my bit" and in the past has even said my wife needs to "stop being selfish she has to help him too".

After a few nasty exchanges where I basically said no way can I commit to what either Dad or he wants, and he got very abusive, I've had no contact with him for about 9 months now.

And long may it last!

"Been there, done that. Ripped up that play book."

Rip that up and BURN it!

I know I have posted elsewhere, not sure if I have in this thread, but all too often siblings (or other family members) just work against you, if they participate at all. I am thankful my OB lives 2 days drive from here. His last trip up to help clear out mom's condo so we could sell it brought back (clearly it never went away, it was just "sleeping") his former abusive self. I am done with him. I don't need that kind of crap from a 65+ yo 'man'. YB isn't far behind, although he was never physically abusive. Sometimes he doesn't respond to important issues, sometimes he forgets and doesn't show or arrives too late, and most recently was very snarky, bordering on verbal abuse. I can arrange transport for local medical/dental needs, but her Macular Degeneration treatments are outside that range and I can't support her weight (she won't stand/walk on her own now), so I need him to take her to these. It is only 4x/year and he makes it sound like he's giving up his existence to do this! I have given up over a year and a half dealing with the condo, and more like 5 years ensuring she had what she needed while still in the condo and then managing her finances and medical appointments (including those distance appts until she stopped walking), and advocating for/visiting her for 5 years!

Once mom has passed, I will consider myself an only child! All I wanted from them was to work with me to ensure mom was cared for and help clear/clean/fix the condo so we could sell it. Most of the work, including staying in touch with mom at her MC, falls on me. I am okay with that (got over being angry with their lack of interest and commitment as I realized that anger only hurts me!), but I am not okay with physical and verbal abuse.

Just because we share parents doesn't necessarily make us "compatible." It is baffling that multiple people can be raised in the same environment but end up so different. I do realize everyone has their own mind, but still, one would think there would be some shared values. Not always the case, so for anyone else out there finding themselves baffled, it is all too common, and it likely isn't anything you did or did not do!

"So no team effort. He does what he wants I do what I want".

Yes. Otherwise you would be at beck & call for Dad AND Brother. Yikes!

Been there, done that. Ripped up that play book.

Kimmotion - yeh he gets. Always threatening to cancel because its "expensive".

Of course, gets him 2 things then. Save money and I have to visit more to get him food. Not happening.

Unfortunately, brother and I dont speak - long story. So no team effort. He does what he wants I do what I want.

Kimmotion - since there are SO many posts now in this thread, you probably missed it, so this is just an FYI:

May 26, 2020
disgusted - yeh ignoring him on full tilt now.

He gets "meals on wheels". When this started the said no more cash payments, we'll sort out a bill in time....''''

One of this dad's latest "rants" was that he wasn't getting a bill and demanded that paul call them and pay it. Though he has some physical issues (not a lot) he could call them himself. His dad has plenty of food in addition to the meals on wheels, and would be quite capable of making the phone call and/or paying the bill, it is just his way of trying to control/take over paul's existence!

Paul, have you considered Meals on Wheels? That might solve that problem. Fresh meals delivered every day for a fraction of the cost. No cooking, no prep work, just open it up and voila, food ready to eat.

As for the emotional guilt trip and "end of the world" drama, my grandmother does it to me, too. I know it's hard but stand your ground. You need time to yourself because it's crucial to take care of yourself. Us caregivers, we are just one person. We can't be there 24/7, doing everything. It's impossible. We need to have time for ourselves to shower, do things around the house, go to jobs, and yes, even have some fun so we can mentally decompress and not go psychotic from all the stress.

Caregiving is a team effort, not a solo project.

disgused - yeh told him this now.
Todays "its the end of the world" drama is a slight leak from his bathroom. Yes its got to be sorted and I am happy to report it to the housing association people who I guess have maintenance people for emergencies.

Telling Dad to be patient is no chance. Today he told me "I can't sleep, I've seen this leak, what am I going to do!!!!!!". Its WAY OTT. Reminded him it could be worse he could be dying in hospital of Covid. Lets get some perspective here Dad - its an annoyance but not the end of the world and it will be sorted.

Never has there been someone more appropriate for not living on his own to be honest.

And further news, find out my stupid brother has taken out in the car yesterday. Jeez. From monday, the rules in wales are you can drive 5 miles and meet someone outdoors. NOT pick them up in your car!

Dads answer - well we didnt go near anyone. I don't know whos the dullest. You're literally a foot away from your son in the car - what if hes got it! OMG they're both so thick.

Its silly this 5 mile but it works out well for me. I'm 20+ miles away.

margaret - for some reason, in his head, child support money is different. His attitude is "well thats the mothers job to look after the kids now, how can the father be expected to pay when they've split up". Yeh I know!

If he asks you to pay a bill with his money and "If it takes me 2-3 days to pay his bill..." just tell him it's done/I will pay it and leave it at that.

You KNOW you're going to do it, he doesn't need to know it might be in a day or 2, or a week, so long as it is paid before the due date or in sufficient time that another bill isn't generated. He asks, you say "All set dad!"...and move on.

This is especially easy if he doesn't use online banking, won't call the place himself and only sees what goes in/out of his account when the monthly bank statement arrives. No clue otherwise!

So how come he doesn't worry about brother 'owing' his child support money? Paul, there isn't any good reason for his behaviour, including being old fashioned. Don't imagine him an excuse. It's just another thing to pester you about.

Beatty - yeh tried the POA thing. No need. And it costs money to set up so hes never going to agree.

Thing is I've got bills to pay, work to do, family to look after etc. If it takes me 2-3 days to pay his bill he ain't gonna suddently get a court summons BUT he doesnt see it this way.

I guess its an old fashioned thing - not liking "owing" money to anyone,

Very few places here are accepting cash because of Covid - contactless tap debit cards preferred. The Charlie Cashes of our town must be really struggling.

He's a worry wart isn't he? I'd maybe transfer the funds out of his bank straight away, but pay his bills via internet banking at my leisure.

My Aunt would help a little with her Mother's bills & cheques. When it became a lot, she said get a Financial POA. Either I'm it or not - but it should be done right. G'ma was happy to sign & trusted her family to pay bills after that. But she had a reasonable, common sense, trusting nature.

With the more *independant* types in my lot (ie control freaks!) I put my foot down early. If I don't have the title of Financial POA, then I don't do your finances. End of.

How about you say "Perhaps it's not paid, but they just think it is. You've got away with it!" It should appeal!

Beatty - thats just it I'll pay it and sort it all out. I've got access to his account online so can transfer to me as well.

He just refuses to believe me that, honestly, its a valid way to pay. He wont listen to anyone and thinks he knows it all.

He doesnt even use cheques. I call him charlie cash. He thinks all cards should be banned and no-one allowed to use them because "I dont see the point thats what cash is for".

Many older folk won't use online banking or pay online - they don't understand it so don't trust it. I get it - I am not into ring or watch pay just yet!

He could transfer the funds to you & you pay anyway it suits you? Or does he only use cheques by snail mail?

He wants to keep all the control - his usual you have to do it *my way*.

Can you sing? If you want my help, I'll do it MYYYY WAAYYY.

Well Ive been saved. He had a bill. Only for march-april which hes not happy about. Not surprise there.

And its internet payment. Hes not happy. I have ZERO problem doing this for him its easy obviously. He wants to me to phone them and pay - NO WAY - because he "doesnt trust the internet". Tough luck.

Asked me 5 times to make sure I pay it TODAY because hes had the bill for 2 days now - Jeez.....

Main topic last night though. Hes called the doctor out again! Slight pain in his side. You wouldnt think there was a pandemic and doctors were quite busy yeh Dad is back with his madeupitis again.

It just doesn't sit right with me how is with this. Sometimes I just wish there was a charge for a doctor callout because he'd never call them! He still seems to think the world revolves around him.

He'll get banned by the GP again soon like before. Trying to talk to myself and say "stay out of it, if the GP is dull enough to run back and fore to him thats their issues. If they ban him its his fault".

Sometimes he just makes me so ashamed of the way he treats people.

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