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Grandma1954, good insights and observations.

I'm thinking there will be some supply & demand concerns right off the bat with this - including the storage issues which others mentioned. In terms of certain people being mandated to take the vaccine whether they want it or not, I think there will be enough of a job to do if we first focus on those who know they want it. Makes sense that some are concerned that the vaccine was rushed to market and they don't want it or they would rather have the vaccine out in the community before they get it. Others are certain they want it and I think it will be hard enough at first to keep up with those numbers - both in terms of producing the vaccine and distributing it. Vaccines are a sensitive issue for many people and there are passionate arguments on both sides pro and con. I think there isn't time to argue with those who don't want it when there are people out there who definitely want it and would be glad to get it.

Vaccines out at warp speed? When one thinks back, it took Jonas Salk 2.5 years to develop the polio vaccine. The measles vaccine took two years to develop.

I am the type of person that if I need some medicine for whatever, give me the old tried and true meds that have been around for decades. Example, Dramamine has been on the market since 1949. This one kid, me, took it whenever my parents went on a road trip, which was quite often. There was always a museum somewhere in the U.S. that they hadn't seen :P

At this point in time, I will see what the scientists say after they have their covid vaccine shots, and see what my primary doctor recommends.

Yes, I'll get any available vaccine. I've been blessed by not getting any disease I was vaccinated for and never had any reaction other than a sore arm. Pneumo, shigles, flu and others and some concoctions I had to get before going overseas. Of course I rec'd the MMR vaccine as a child.(Although I recall as a child I stayed home from school one day w/o my mom's OK to watch the world series and when I returned I told the school nurse I had the mumps. I also provided a very convincing, I thought, hand written forged note from mom. Didn't work! )


Remember the sugar cubes? What was that one? Polio, maybe?

Where’s Alva. our nurse? Or any other nurses other that remembers the sugar cubes? Now I am curious.

I had mumps, measles and chicken pox as a kid. I remember mom making us eat and drink behind each other so we would all get it.

Plus the neighborhood moms would send their kid over to whosever house had a kid with mumps, measles or chicken pox so their kids would get it because childhood diseases are dangerous for some adults like pregnant women and so on.

When my daughter got her vaccinations before kindergarten my MIL couldn’t be around her because her oncologist said it was not good for her to be exposed to it having treatments for her non Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Medicine is fascinating!


I heard an article on NPR saying that doctors prefer the tried and true antibiotics, plus the cost is outrageous for new drugs to be developed.

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Some are just thinking that the general public will be very surprised when they cannot fly, travel on public transportation, buy at stores, enter a government building, get a driver's license, deliver their baby, receive treatment in a hospital etc.
if they do not have proof of the vaccination.

It could get so insane that the authorities may try detaining people in a FEMA quarantine facility if they refuse to have the vaccine.

On the other side of the spectrum, the FDA is so used to being in control, profiting from 10 year delays to approve pharmaceuticals and vaccines, that a government delay of approval for vaccines will be experienced in 2021.

Of course, I do not believe these conspiracy theories, at all. Not one bit.
I am not a conspiracy theorist.

But I read what some people are thinking.

Not everyone will react the same, or in a civilized manner. imo.


Good points. I am not a conspiracy theorist either.

I understand that our minds wonder in these stressful times. It feels like we are living in a sci-fi movie or novel.

Our generation hasn’t lived through a pandemic before so we are feeling new emotions.

I think the one thing we can all agree on is wanting it to be over.

I am completely shocked that some people don’t even believe COVID-19 is real. It boggles my mind that some assume it is a hoax.

I would take the Pfizer vaccine. I have a close friend who used to work there and due to our discussions, I would trust that. He works for a competitor now and if he has faith in that one over his current company's potential offering, I will go with that.


That’s good news to hear.

Can you share a bit more details about the vaccine?

If you don’t feel it’s appropriate to share what your friend said, I understand.

He pretty much just told me the facts. Germany pretty much funded the vaccine, they had been working on it since last year. Testing started in April. The older you are, the less side effects to the vaccine. Lastly, other countries have stricter protocols on testing, development and distribution than the US does so he is comfortable taking it and giving it to his family.

I had a few aches after getting my recent shingles vaccine. It’s a two part vaccine. I’m scheduled for the second one in December.

I think many people are excited about the COVID-19 vaccine and just as many are concerned about it being produced so quickly among other things.

I am thinking of the Hepatitis C drug that cured my DH---AFTER he had had a liver transplant and done 84 weeks of a brutal chemotherapy. 12 weeks on Harvoni and then wait 12 weeks and he was cured. No symptoms on Harvoni, just, cured. Chemo almost killed him!

We KNEW when he was doing the first chemo, that it was just buying him time. To be on on the 'ground floor' of an amazing CURE rate of upwards of 90% was incredible with Harvoni.

I am a cancer survivor, DH is a diabetic transplant patient who had 2 heart attacks. Both of us are 1st line patients. Both of us will get the COVID vaccine as soon as it's available.

Our SIL is an MD/PhD with his PhD being in the field of vaccines. He HAD covid, so I asked him if I could get 'his' dose of Covid vaccine. He laughed and said "Won't work that way, but if I can pull ANY strings, you guys will be front of the pack".

And 40% of the population will NOT get vaccinated. That's just the way it rolls.

I hope 2021 brings about calm, peace and more love for everyone for their fellow man--and a cure for Covid. But worse than Covid, to me, is the unkindness and anger I see in our world. That, to me, is more heartbreaking than any virus.

202 for me was a sad, lost year. I had just clearead cancer and came down with shingles. 2 months of yuck--wasn't too bad, but sure wasn't fun...then COVID. I've been in isolation of some kind for almost 20 months. Can't take a lot more!


You have had more than your share of heartache! I certainly hope 2021 is better for all of us.

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