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Wow--that was fast and good for you both!

Yes, the waiting is incredibly hard, and sorry for the spiel the Anes. doc had to give you. My DIL is an anesthesioloist and she says that's the hardest part of the job--talking to the next of kin and the patient. They are required to tell you all the possible 'yucks' and so take it all with a grain of salt, OK?

I hope your DH gets to be extubated quickly, that was the 'worst' thing my hubby said, having a ventilator in and not being able to communicate.

You are in my prayers and thoughts today. Just one note of support from someone who has been in your shoes: take each day at a time, really. Chuck will be grouchy a lot (a LOT of prednisone) and may likely snap at YOU--don't take it personally. When you get home--make sure YOU get out every day for a break. I didn't do that and when DH was back to work--I crashed and burned. You will have a LOT on your hands. Charting, feeding, etc. But you can do this!!


Continued prayers for Lea and Chuck, the medical team overseeing his healing, and for the organ donor and his/her family.

So happy you are finally on the other side of this journey so to speak. Best wishes for as much to go right as all can possibly do and wishing you strength and peace of mind.

Thanks Midkid.....Chuck was extubated at 7 am, and then he was taken off sedation afterward. I've never heard of a person being awake on a vent due to choking/gagging, tbh, your dh is a first in my experience. I will take your advice to heart and be sure to get to the pool daily to relax a bit myself while caring for dh. Hugs to you, dear one.

Sitting here with him now and he's doing well, thank God.

I think we get to meet and or express our gratitude to the donors family at some point later on, too, which would be nice. We certainly are thankful to them.

Thanks for the update, Lea!

When my dh had his aorta and aortic valve replaced, I was in the CCU when he was still incubated (because the surgeon and nurses all said he'd be out for a couple of hours); he woke up, tried to pull the tube out, was restrained and then motioned for something to write with. We gave him paper and pen and he scribbled something unintelligible. At that point, I realized my presence was doing more harm than good.

Love and hugs to you!!

4.30 22.

Saturday morning update: Tommy, DH’s RN, is awesome. He provided me with a medical update. DH is quite a trooper! He was given 6 units of red blood, 4 units of platelets, and a couple units of plasma as he lost 3.5 L of blood. In layman's terms, they replaced about half of his blood supply. This is EXPECTED during a liver transplant!! NG tube will be removed today and his diet will be advanced to clear liquids...BRING ON THE JELLO! All 3 abdominal drains are expected to be removed in the next few days. DH should be leaving the ICU within the next day or so and transferred to a dedicated transplant unit. Stay tuned for more updates!


Saturday 10:30am: DH looks GREAT! He's joking with the nurses and telling them his 🥓 wrapped onion recipe which has no longer been on the menu for ages now. A man can dream, right? His central line is still in his neck but expected to be removed today. 
Physical and Occupational Therapy will be by later to get him up and moving.

Keep that good news coming, guys!!!!


2:30 pm: Surgeon was here and gave DH two thumbs up. Said things can go south in a hurry but he's doing great right now. Still has the central line in his neck which hurts and is bruised with a hematoma due to a couple attempts to install it. It should be coming out soon but his nurse doesn't know when. He has an arm IV too, and needs 2 installation ports open at this point, so who knows. 

DH was a champ walking around! So proud of him. He's been released from ICU so when there is a bed available on the transplant floor, he's off. 
Fun fact: In ICU at Mayo, each nurse has ONE patient to care for!

In my hospital, even two decades ago, 1-2 patients was max in ICU; transplant units one patient only. California has had great staffing laws since Schwartzenegger was Gov; this libby-liberal thanks him for that! So good to hear this news. Many on thinking on and praying on you both!

Walk, Chuck, Walk!!

So happy things are going well, Lea.

6:30 pm Saturday
The big guy is OUT OF ICU and in a room on the transplant floor now! The central line is out of his neck now too, thankfully. 
Everyone is impressed that he's gone from 3 IVs down to one in under 18 hours. What a beast 💪 
And sugar free jello sucks in all flavors. But lukewarm broth tastes like heaven on earth. 
That's all. 
It's been a glorious day!

Lealonni your husband is doing amazing! He's a recovery rock star!

So thankful for your husband's promising recovery Lealonnie! Cheers!

Awesome news!

Such encouraging news. So happy you have all been so deservedly blessed.

This is simply amazing. Great that it is going so well!

May 1, 2022

11:00 am Sunday
DH is in his room on the transplant floor as of last night, doing well... better than expected. The doctor told him he may be released tomorrow and I'm like WOAH NELLIE 😳 I don't think so! So Tuesday at the earliest he'll be released, barring complications. 
His scar is huge but clean as a whistle. The staples come out at day 21. Along with the triple bypass scar, he's now got a peace sign on his chest 😆 
He's very tired and nodding off a lot. 2 out of 3 drains are coming out today too!
His spirits are good partly because he's been put on a regular food diet YESSSSS so now he's ordered that sandwich he asked for when he was extubated.

Cheering you guys on from here!

And, good for you for putting your foot down about the possibly too-early discharge! Your Aging Care buddies are so proud! 😂

My DD is coming in on Weds evening to help me care for Chuck for a week. His sister has a bazillion Marriott reward points so she's getting her a free 1 bedroom suite at our hotel which I can use to sleep in at night (queen bed instead of the SOFA BED in our studio). I'm thankful to DD and my SIL. His drug regimen is huge, clinic is 3x a week, so there's a lot to do for him as CG.

My son bought Chuck a camera and long lens in Dec for photographing birds, to pass the time and to keep him occupied. They went birding in a local park together every day since, walking 3-5 miles a day. Sometimes Chucks son would join them also. His surgeon said that walking has made a huge difference with his recovery rate now! When I told my son he may have literally saved Chucks life, he said he's so happy he's going to upgrade his lens to a better one after he recovers!! Chuck will be ecstatic, he loves photography. Chokes me up big time to retell this story.

Chuck is nodding off in his bed here, 2 drains out, 02 out, catheter out, pain minimum, hanging onto his liver shaped pillow when he coughs. The staff all signs the pillow, same as they did with his heart pillow when he had triple bypass 18 months ago. I'm praying there will be no more organ shaped pillows to add to his collection, and this is it.

As someone with people who have undergone this sort of thing, I would say dh is making an excellent recovery, being even ahead of where most people should be. It’s going to be time to take him home sooner than later, and I bet you can’t wait! Good luck, or even more than that. He will be home soon!

Lealonnie, the evidence of God's hand being with you and your husband is so strong and obvious to all of us who are watching from afar.
What a testimony you will have when it's all said and done. And as the saying goes, you can't have a testimony without a TEST, and so far you and Chuck have passed that test with flying colors.
Myself and many others on here will continue to pray for you both, and look forward to hearing more of how God is working in your lives during this difficult journey.
May God bless and keep you both.

I’ve been following the story and praying so much for you guys. So glad your DD can be there with you. Praying now for continued quick healing and peace in all of your hearts.
Take good care.

Lea - what an amazing story! I wondered where you were as you were not posting with your usual frequency! I'm so happy for you that Chuck is doing so well. I'm sure that all his walking are certainly contributing to his stellar recovery! Keeping my fingers crossed for more and more good news!!!

Lea so good to hear Chuck is doing well. Sending love to you all xxx

May 2, 202212 noon Monday

DH’s being called the Rockstar by the staff, no joke! His recovery is amazing and he's being released tomorrow. 
The nurse is giving us some intense education at 10 am tomorrow about what to do when we get back to the hotel, meds, clinic follow up visits, what not to eat, etc. I feel ready to tackle the care. 
DH’s eating soup and grilled 🧀 for lunch but only a few bites. Still hasn't had his Miralax Moment :( Stomach rumblings are threatening, but still nothing. 
His last drain cane out 30 minutes ago. 🙌

Shaking my head in sheer amazement!
Thank you, God!

The lady who's been waiting 4 months for her new liver (3rd transplant) got "the call today" and is in recovery as I type! 😁 Her 16 y/o DD is and has been her CG each time. Sorting and doling out the daily meds alone is a huge task, as I'm sure Midkid will agree with.

Happy "Leaving the Hospital" day, Lealonnie and Chuck!!

Sorry, I've been offline for a few days holding my mom's estate sale over the weekend. (Oy! 😳)

So happy to hear of your husband's successful transplant. I hope everything goes well with his release and continued recovery. Keep up with your own health, too, because you aren't allowed to keel over -- yet.

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