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You inspired me to try Golden. I didn't realize I could sign in with the google account I had already created to get PC apps, that makes everything simpler! Yay 🥰

That's great. cw. Open YouTube, find a video you like, click on the three dots bottom right, click on save and create a playlist. Voila!!!

I'm having so much fun "dancing" along with my new music playlist that I'm reluctant to stop when the exercise video does. This is one of those times when you look back and wonder why the heck you didn't do this sooner - win win win!!

How do you stay hydrated? I don’t drink enough water, maybe 3 to 4 glasses. I am tired of plain lemon water. I have tried cucumbers in water. What do you put in your water to keep it interesting?

I eat cucumbers too. They are hydrating.

Is diluted tea as hydrating as water? I love coffee and I know that it is a diuretic and dehydrating.

I mainly cycle on my exercise bike and walk. Thinking about adding some weight training. I don’t need to lose weight, mainly want to build muscle strength. My bone density test was okay. I have had severe breaks in the past. I have steel rods in my arm after an accident from years ago.

My doctor told me that I have stage three kidney disease and to stay hydrated.

Pet peeve rant!

Although coffee and tea can act as diuretics studies have shown that for most people there is a net benefit, especially for those who are regular users - no need to avoid either one.

Studies have also mostly debunked the whole drink X litres of water a day advice


My doctor told me to aim for 64 oz a day and I am struggling to drink that much water.

They are going to keep an eye on my labs.

I struggle to drink enough. I definitely don't meet any requirements whether they are drastic or not. In fact I probably fall into the dehydrated category. My bad.....:O

So drink your diluted tea if you like it, and you can water down juice too. Herbal teas can make interesting iced tea too.🥤🥛☕🫖
I found chugging a big glass of water before my morning coffee and breakfast is a good way to get in some extra fluids (but I usually don't bother🤷🏻‍♀️).


Maybe, that is what I have to do. Drink some water ‘before’ my coffee like you do. I tend to head straight for the coffee pot.

I wasn’t as concerned about it until my doctor discussed my labs with me and said that so many people are dehydrated and don’t even realize it.

I do drink herbal tea and love it so I thought I might try some of those icee instead of hot. I would get more water that way since the ice is melting in the glass.

I tend to sip drinks and like Gershun said, I don’t meet the daily requirements.


"Twinkle twinkle
hit the gym
lift the bar."

I have started going to a weekly yoga class in person again. So far there's been 3 classes, with the same wonderful teacher I have known for many years. It's through my city's Park and Rec Dept, and while a bit pricey, I am feeling it is worth it to just get out of the house and among other people more now that my caregiving time is over (my father passed away at the end of the year). Masks are required, which is a bit awkward for yoga, but no big deal. This teacher was doing Zoom classes after Covid hit (and is figuring out how to offer it still for some folks who are preferring to avoid in-person classes for health reasons), and I dialed into a few here and there, but now it is great just to be in a real-life class, among an interesting variety of people, in the real world.

Snoopy and all, if you have a Medicare Advantage of Supplement that will pay for a gym membership that, in my case, covers all the classes that they offer. The gym I plan I use when my hip stops giving me so much trouble has yoga, pilates, some dance classes and it course Silver Sneakers and Renew Active. The gym receives an amount to keep data to aid in determining the effects of exercise on all things related to health of us olders.

I am doing a program called Mighty Health that is through Renew Active, doesn't cost me a dime. The same sort of deal, I am sure they just be keeping data for some study. Mighty Health is completely online. They have a YouTube channel with their exercise videos. Of course the channel is called Mighty Health.

Yes Glad, through Silver Sneakers, instructor led exercises. My dH is on day 4, doing so well online! Free.

new version of the movie "Taken":

"I will look for you.
I will find you.
And we will train legs."

Has anyone drank lemon water regularly/daily? Did you notice any changes/benefits? I just read an article in medicalnews that has me thinking I should give this a try.

Maybe I should add black strap molasses to the lemon water?I

My 75 y.o. aunt uses whole organic lemons, blends them, skin and all, adds honey and water, and drinks a cup of this daily. She is very healthy, takes no medicines, and looks way younger than her age. I can't say it's all due to the lemons. She eats healthy and in small portions, and keeps her weight low.

❤️🙂 i want to be like your aunt, polarbear.

the reality? i'm munching my chocolate easter eggs 3 days before i'm allowed to! and drinking hot chocolate. and about to put whipped cream, again. straight into my mouth.

The weather is nice (at least here in CA) and I am trying to walk faster on my walks, especially up hills, at least for short spurts. Also went out and bought a slightly heavier kettlebell as the one I have was becoming a bit too easy.

Anyone else getting back into their exercise routines as Spring has sprung? Anything new that you’re trying? 👟 🎾 🥾

Now that the snow has melted and it’s not as muddy, I’m walking and hiking more. I’m hopeful that a knee tweak in May will mean I can trade my hiking boots for hockey skates. My last game was March 2020.

I have been doing barre and pilates for a number of years. Recently I tried out a new pilates studio and had an incredibly challenging class. I could only do this place once a week as I feel the effects for days afterwards. The other days I do barre or other pilates classes at other places. I am approaching 68. I wish I had found this place years ago.

Continuing with 15 minute exercise routine video 3x a week plus a few kettlebell swings 2x a week and brisk walk every day if possible. Definitely have more muscle tone than this time last year!

I also am trying to eat adequate protein at each meal every day to maintain muscle mass.

I am back out with daily walking on non treatment days and still doing therapy for my shoulder break. Two years ago my husband talked me into hormone pellet therapy, that turned out to be a good thing. Years ago I used to muscle up quite well and had noticed I just wasn't getting the same results from my pilates. The physical therapy people have commented on my muscle growth - I am too embarrassed to tell them it's a result of the pellet therapy.

Thought this might be of interest here.

It was posted by ConnieCaretaker under "Never underestimate a woman."

What I can see is that the lady has great core and leg strength but needs work on her upper back and neck,

I noticed that as I am 86 and working on my upper back and neck. I'm not as bent as she is but it is an area that needs work in many of us due to our smart phone and other tech habits.

This video has exercises that are easy to follow and are effective,

My muscles in that area are talking to me. Remember you need a few days rest between sessions. My new heating pad is being useful this morning!!!😊

My exercise regime, which is sporadic according to how I am feeling, now makes up for the lack of lifting groceries due to delivery during covid . I have put a heavy pipe wrench in a grocery bag and carry that with me when I walk -switching arms. I can throw in more tools as I want heavier weights. Cans would work too but I may use them for cooking. 😋

And Hazel McCallion was ice skating into her 90's.

I've got a terribly rounded back and forward head posture and I do worry that it will cause problems for me, my rounded spine is a lifelong thing though, as a child I was always being told to "stand up straight". At this point lying flat on the floor and trying exercises to straighten my spine is not just difficult it can cause pain, and I'm not sure there is any point to it.

cw - check out that video. The neck and upper back exercises are done standing up. Gently does it. I am surprised how much my muscles are talking to me this morning. It's good as it shows the exercises are working

Hazel was a force!!!!

Golden - I'm pretty sure I've seen (and used) that video before, and a lot of similar ones. The advice all sounds as though it would be helpful for the younger folks who are suffering with poor posture due to sitting at a desk all day (and I do admit that at this point in my life I do too much of that), but I'm unconvinced there is any hope for lasting benefit for someone past a certain age who perhaps has more structural issues. Dowager's hump runs in my family, it seems inevitable.

cw - have you seen a physiotherapist about it? They could better assess what changes you could make. My aunt had a hump but she had osteoporosis. I don't think age is necessarily an obstacle to physical change, ( seniors recover from hip and knee ops.), though it may be in some cases. Muscle can be strengthened at almost any age. Certainly ligaments and tendons become less flexible as you get older. Don't I know it! 🤔 On the other hand, you may be right if you have a kyphosis other than postural.

Unfortunately accessing physio isn't exactly a straightforward process, the most I've done is think about it and search the web for DIY solutions. But I guess it's like anything else with my healthcare, I tend to gravitate toward an eat, drink and be merry philosophy. LOL

Having trouble fitting exercise into your days? It's amazing how much you can get done if you are mindful while you are waiting for your coffee to brew or the microwave to reheat your lunch. In just 2 minutes I can easily get 200 steps by marching in place, dancing to a song or pacing - or maybe you'd rather try a few squats or other exercises!

I do that too, cw. Same thing with waiting in a long line at the coffee shop. LOL 😆 Who cares if people think it’s funny or weird. I will do calf strengthening exercises. You know, standing up on our tippy toes.

I see people tapping their feet while waiting in line.

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