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Ha ha - I made myself lie on the floor to do some very neglected core exercises and attempt to straighten my round shoulders and pelvic tilt. All those people giving advice on youtube haven't seemed to take into consideration that a da**ed near 60 year old spine is never going to straighten up no matter how many exercises or maneuvers you perform. Ouch.
I did stroll to Timmie's and back though, and CM you inspired me to pull out my mower and tackle the bits of lawn that had gotten long.
(I'm amused that often the same people who profess to want to die before the become decrepit work so hard to improve their health)

Book, my Dad used to remark sadly that one of the signs of aging was "the ever finer line between being warmed up and shagged* out."

* = tired, in this context.

I was following a YouTube video on warm up exercises. And pulled an inner upper muscle. And that was just the warm-up exercise. I'm joining the inactivity crowd below...

I really can't talk, CW. I'm supposed to be mowing the lawn.

I need someone tell me to get out of this chair NOW. Anybody?

Don't beat yourself up PB, it happens. I gave in to 4 rolos today. Otherwise been eating good, and continuing my workout regimen.
scale continues to go down. I even put new batteries in it because I thought it can't be right. I am so grateful I believe the ashwagandha and turmeric have been beneficial in ridding my stress, which rids cortisol, which rids fat. And has boosted my thyroid which I believe could have been a problem with me for some time. I am feeling so much better and have so much more energy, so I assume it is these things. the only other thing I added was the vibe machine. So maybe a combination of the 3 whatever it is, I will continue what I am doing.It is working.

Keep up the good work!!!

I need to fast today or at least semi fast. After a few days being good, eating low carb meals, yesterday I indulged with too much carb food. Feel heavy and don't want to get on the scale for fear of the truth. Haha. So semi-fasting today for me.

Hope everyone is exercising...

Congrats Send! It's hard work losing weight. Swimming is a great idea Send. Do it when you can. I look forward to swimming this summer, just not the scorching hot weather.

Today, I had very little carbs from grains and starch. A no carb breakfast, a very low carb lunch, and no carb dinner, except for dessert which was fresh strawberries dipped in sugar. Will try to keep carbs low tomorrow, one day at a time.

Good work Smeshque!

I am a loser. Lost 0.4 lb.
A little slow on restarting my activity, walking.
Maybe swimming is a good idea for me.

Thanks PB- I was pretty excited.

Did my push ups added some crunches, vibe machine and cycling.

Woohoo! smeshque, way to go! Your hard work paid off.

Hey buddies, I am so excited. The scale finally moved. I have noticed my clothes loser, but scaled never budged.
Bur, finally, FINALLY, it's down 3 lbs.
Oh I am so celebrating, with some cheesecake.
😀I kid.
But I am excited, to crack to code. And looking forward to more of it
Didn't know who else to tell. Thank you for being here.

Keep up the good work, buddies. It will pay off.

I had to look up squat thrusts, I'm impressed. I used to do be able to do burpees but I haven't even tried in the last year and I never would have got close to 20 on my best day.

It is good to see all of you back in the action. Keep it up everyone. Yay! team AC
I added push ups to my daily routine. I wasnt feeling well today, head cold and all, but forced myself to do push ups, vibe, biking.

15 pushups! Inspired by PolarBear and NYDaughterinlaw.

Thanks, everyone, for keeping this discussion going. I hit a rough patch- definitely the depression part of grieving- after my hubby was in the hospital. Things are getting better slowly, and we are learning what the new normal is. Spring is here, so that makes it more enticing to go out and exercise... I hope!

20 squat thrusts.

20 pushups. Yay! Go Snoopy go!

Just saw this post and dropped and did about 20 girl pushups -- yay! Still doing my walks but got out of doing the strength exercises I want to do due to a sinus infection which is hopefully clearing up. Also taxes, paperwork, bill paying, and weeds that were taking over yard, etc. etc. As we all know, there are always so many reasons NOT to exercise.

But I'm getting back on track NOW!

Will return to walking very the next 3 days.

Thanks for missing me.

Keep going everyone, keep trying, even when your heart is not in it.
No one has to be perfect.

smeshque- Impressive. You were in great shape, and still are.

I did not fast but ate way less today. Yay! feeling better already.
So I am going to add back into my days push ups. I know there are only 2 more days of this week, but It will be a headstart on next week. When I was going to go into the army before I got married I was in the best shape of my life. I could run miles, do a hundred pushups at once, and I did sit ups on an incline holding a 25 lb weight. I do not think I have that kind of energy anymore but I dream.......
I am really going to see what I can do. One of these days......:)
I think something happens when you hot 40 that makes you have to work harder at these things to get the same results. :(

Keep up the good work ya'll

PB- Thank you for your condolences. Yes I believe all the activity/stress surrounding DH loss of his Mom caused mt eating tooo much. The family eats always when they are together and we were together a lot this last week,and get offended if you don't so I did not want to offend anyone. So I ate. Plus being stressed didn't help, And I am sooooo full. It was food that my body is not use to and I feel so blah. I feel like fasting for a couple of days.

The vibe machine has been great. I often have back pains and such and I get on there for 10 minutes and it relaxes me and loosens up any tight spots in my back. I use it daily. A couple of times I felt so much stress and went and used it and it helped relieve some stress. It is a neat thing.

What happened to all our fellow exercise buddies?

And JARLATHK, too. Sorry. Didn't mean to leave you out.

Send, JuliaRose, Snoopy?

We miss you...

cwillie - walking is good, too. Don't stop.

smeshque - I read in another thread that you had a funeral (your husband's estranged mother?) to attend to and that kept you busy. Is that what is giving you stress? I am sorry for his loss. Hope all will be back to normal for you.

How's the vibe machine? How does it help you?

Just yard work, bike riding and my vibe machine.
Last few days didn't eat so well, lots of carbs. Stress maybe. Will do better this week, I hope.
Good job polarbear keep at it
Cw- walking counts

Sorry, not too much exercising going on here other than walking - I just can't seem to give a d-----.

Anyone still exercising?

I am. Try to do it at least once a day for 5-10 minutes.

I've been mindful about the amount of calories and carbs intake but weight hasn't changed. Maybe I gained muscles. Haha. I can tell my push ups are becoming a bit easier. My left shoulder joint hurts a less and I can rotate my left arm more. Still hurts when I raise it above my head to pull off Tshirts or sweaters, so more work is needed.

FIL's Bday is this weekend and we're taking him out to a restaurant of his choice. Hopefully it's not a buffet. Too much good food and so hard to resist... :D

This week, I'm going to be mindful of the calorie intake. So far, I had a good breakfast, a big lunch, so I'm going to try to keep my portion smaller for dinner.

Did my Zumba exercise this morning. Also did some stretching and hand weights. Hopped on the scale this morning, and it showed 0.2 lb. less. Woohoo!!!

Hope everyone is exercising...

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