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smeshque - I didn't know sweating would burn fat I thought it eliminate toxins in the body.

Last night I did 50 situps in bed. It's easier than doing it on the hard floor. But it used to tire me out after just 20 or 30. Now I can do 50 continuously. So I know I am improving.

Fat leaves your body in 3 ways, Sweat, elimination and carbon dioxide. when you are exhaling.
So keep breathing out, but don't forget to breath in :)
And now you can view he bathroom as your friend.

helpful tip I learned, and this may not help anyone but me. But I weigh everyday. Get a scale with ounces. This helps encourage or discourage my eating for the day, if I have seen it go up a notch.
Now this also eliminates excitement of monthly weigh ins that you can see a good drop. But this helps me.
And remember muscle weighs more than fat. So you will see an increase at times while your body is adjusting.
Ok thats all
Wishing you all the best. Hope everyone is feeling better as well.

Yeah But Polar Bear- I am trying to rid myself of some pounds my stress relieving chocolate did to me. It is so not my friend. I stopped a while back and am just now starting to see results. Sigh! But very slow going. It will come.
The best way to measure weight loss is with a measuring tape,(waist,hips,thighs,chest,arms) It is more concise than a scale or even our clothes. And most gain weight before they lose it, when they begin exercising. But don't be discouraged by any means. It is all about feeling better. Being healthier. Right ?

smeshque - between your hours of exercise and your vegetarian diet, I bet you're in pretty good shape.

My scheduled weigh-in is the end of this month. Don't feel any lighter or clothes any looser. I'd better watch my food consumption.

JuliaRose - I tried the Zumba exercise and discovered that I liked it. Will include Zumba couple times a week into my routine.

Doing my 2 hour bike ride now, going for 3.

Me. I did some light exercise this morning. Plan to do 50 situps in bed tonight.

I did my 20 minute Zumba exercise! Anybody else exercise today?

PolarBear, thanks for the ideas! Having that 1 week challenge with you last week was helpful - knowing that someone was counting on me to keep up my half of the bargain. 7 days was too much, but I think I could exercise 4 or 5 days a week.

I’ve started standing rather than sitting at my desk by setting my laptop on a stool. This isn’t necessarily exercise, but I noticed my posture was better and different muscles were used. I hope I can keep it up.

One hour.....are you up yet?

All right already, I'm getting up. Honest!

Move more, eat less.
Keep walking. Even if it is around the house.


How about each of us try to report back to the group at least once every other day whether we accomplish the exercise goals we set for ourselves?

If someone is absent too long, someone else can send a PM to follow up?

What suggestions do you all have?

Exercising now...with a Fitness Blender video on YouTube..

No equipment needed. That's a nice thing. Maybe I'll add a hand weight later.

"Sweat is Fat crying" :)

That little voice in your head that says,
I'm too tired
It's too late
It's too hard
I can't do it
I don't have time
I don't feel like it
Insert your own here <______________>

That voice is a liar.

Remember a body in motion tends to stay in motion.

Welcome, Leonine!
Tell us what you did for exercise each day or whenever you’re able to fit it in, and know that you’re not alone in the struggle to become more active and healthier. If you have suggestions for a different structure, I’d be happy to hear your ideas!

Hi, I’ve been avoiding this thread because... you guessed it... I haven’t gotten myself up and moving the last few days. That last post about planning to do a short Zumba video? Yeah.... didn’t happen.

Today, I was so frustrated with a long-distance group project I’m part of that I went for a walk to blow off steam (yay! at least it got me moving). I ended up walking to the hospital resource center 10 minutes away and realized after I arrived that there was a caregiver support group meeting going on at that very moment! Talk about perfect timing!

Afterwards, I walked back home 10 minutes on gentle sloping streets. Today felt like a gift.

I just saw your initial post. I haven't read all the replies yet, but I am definitely interested. For myself, I know for this to be helpful to me, I'll need some kind of structure as far as accountability is concerned. And in order for me to feel connected to the group ... Know what I mean? So I'll be looking for that as I read through the replies. I'll probably be back in touch afterwards with some questions. Thanks for the idea!


WOW! I think what you have done beats all of us! Not even my punishment of the elliptical plus the bike, plus weights plus etc, etc., will ever compare! And on top of that, it is all outdoors, wonderful for you!


At what time do your to-dos start in the morning? I’m asking because the time I have before my mom gets up is PRICELESS. I do home shores but after that, I seat in a rocking chair which I place in front of the door to get some cool breeze (I live in Central America, the weather is very hot) and I pray in silence to prepare myself spiritually and emotionally for the day ahead, and then I bring to my mom her first part of her breakfast and normally she is still sleeping, that is at around 8am, and then I go to the gym.

Im sharing this because that allows me to prepare myself mentally, spiritually and physically for the day, and by no means this assures that my days go wonderfully! No caregiver has such luck unfortunately, but it helps me to remain somewhat healthy to face what comes my way.

Please try to allocate some time for you, only you so you can feel somehow fulfilled, and it would be great if part of that time could go to exercising! It is worth it to get up an hour or two earlier to help yourself :) Keep coming back and sharing how you’re doing!


I did! I did my usual routine plus ran errands in house and out of the house all day. My feet hurt.
I ate a couple of things not in my “preferred list” lol as in things I should not have eaten, so I absolutely needed to exercise today.

Lets keep going! Even if it is just to take a walk outside, it brings incredible benefits, more than anything for our minds and hearts (the real one and the emotional one).

You people make me wonder why I bother at all - when this thread pops up it does inspire me to get out of my chair though. Today the only exercise I got was walking to and from the restaurant where I met friends for lunch.

I spent 3 hours each day this week, cutting, spliting, loading and stacking wood. I sure hope that counts as exercise. Was able to do some sit ups the last few days and do my 2 hour bike ride, and will ride tonight.

Anyone exercised today?

I got up late and didn't have time to do my 5-10 minute routine. Had to rush to get the kids to a class. Will try to do extra later.

Hi Dcuman - so glad you can join. The more the merrier.

The hardest part for me is the part where I have to physically get up from sitting or laying down to start moving. But once I start, it's easier to keep going. This thread motivates me each day...

P.S. me again. I do have an excersize bike and the weather here is pretty nice so i think im going to start there. Bike in the morning and walk in the afternoon.

I wish i had the motivation all of you have. But im going to try my hardest. What would all of you suggest to someone who has let herself go taking care of both my parents. Now that i have a little time on my hands i think getting healthy is a great idea. I have started eating better, cutting out the soda and bread that i love so much. But i need the motivation to start an excersize program. Reading this post i want to start moving too. Good luck everyone. Im thinking better health and that will get me moving.

Did one squat and one push-up late last night before crawling into bed when I'd realized I'd forgotten to do it during the day. Have to keep the momentum going!

Did a set of squats and push-ups this morning. I think I might try to get a habit going of doing them early so I can't forget about it in all the hubbub of the day.

Getting ready to do my morning exercise...

Lvnsm1826- that's great. Let us know how you like it.

Barb - so glad you started. Hope you continue. Even just a few minutes...

I joined a healthy nutrition support group starting next week

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