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Shell I am so sorry. I hope your grief is eased by knowing you have been there for your Mom in so far as she was able to allow it. I hope you are comforted by knowing she is at peace.

You did the best you could for your mother. You honored her with your care. Now it's your turn to live a fulfilling life.

Hugs Shell.

One day at a time! Sorry for your loss!

So sorry for your loss


Shell, so sorry for your loss, and sorry I only just picked up this post. I know it has been so difficult for you and you have mixed emotions now. The fact that you'd made some food for your mum and checked on her shows you cared, whatever you're thinking now. Don't beat yourself up about what was, and what could have been. You did your best. Sending love and support.

Today, I went into my mother's room and her Bible was on her bed. I picked up her Bible and there was a note. It simply said, "I am going home." No, I love you...No, I am sorry...No, thank you...No, nothing! I still can smell and sense her from time-to-time. I just wish she would move on! I guess she will when she's ready!

She did move on, Shell............that note was from her human self, who was unable to show love or feel love. She's on the other side now, learning what unconditional love is all about, finally.

Shell it's only been days - DAYS! - since your mom passed, it has taken me years to stop having my mom dominate my thoughts and she didn't die in my home. It's going to take time🤗

Thank you for sharing your story of your last day with your mom.

You are a good daughter.

My sympathies as you walk through this time of grief.

Please accept my condolences. Losing a parent must be so very difficult, even with certain circumstances. Wishing you peace in the days ahead.

Shell, so sorry for your loss

Shell, so sorry for your loss. Praying for peace and comfort for you during these days.

HI Shell, I've been meaning to write you but I need a good block of uninterrupted time to put my thoughts into words.

First, thanks for sharing the details of the events in the days leading up to your mother's passing, and of days after that. You have a special gift as you're able to sense spirits.

I've read a lot of stories about Near Death Experience, and Shared Death Experience (people who are near by or attend to the dying share the death experience of the dying.) From what I read, when we die, we get to review our lives, usually the significant moments (hence the saying: "I see my life pass before my eyes.) Not only we see those moments through our eyes, we also see them through the eyes of those people whose lives we affected, both positively and negatively.

Most importantly, we get to feel how they feel when our actions affect them.

Shell, I believe your mother must have had her life review, too, and she must have felt what you felt all those times when she mistreated you and were cruel to you. She must have. She must know how you felt and how bad she was to you.

Your mother's spirit is still around, perhaps, she isn't ready to leave you. Perhaps, that's her way of showing her attachment to you. I really believe that the message, "I am going home", you found in her bible is from your mother to you. Hopefully, she will leave soon.

I know you are still hoping that she'll send you a message of love, but that maybe too soon to expect. The core of what we are, our personality, doesn't change abruptly just because we leave our physical body behind. But in time, it will. There will be things for us to learn and relearn in the spirit realm, and your mother will have some learning to do. And when she's ready to apologize and tell you she loves you, you will get her message.

For now, it is your chance to live your life free of caregiving. Enjoy it and be happy. You deserve it.

Shell, don't know you but feel as though I do. You've been through a lot of hardship with your mom, and I am sorry for it. You've worked hard to rise above that hardship with the help of your therapist and the help of the Lord. May God bless you and keep you in this difficult time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Shell, my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.

Sending extra hugs to you, Shell 💗.

I shared the events because I felt the need to and hoping that it may help someone.

My mom was with me Friday, Saturday, and Sunday then she went on to the other side. That Saturday night, I went into her room to feed her cat and I could feel & smell her standing next to me. I know most people won't believe me and that has been my lot in this life. It was so weird and wonderful knowing she right next to me. My mom's energy for the last 10+ yrs was so chaotic that it would drive my anxiety into overdrive. Seriously! But that night it was peaceful. Perhaps she stuck around to make sure I was okay! I'll truly never know.

Weeks before her death, I told her how my life was as a child and as a adult. I didn't do it to hurt her nor did I do it for her to take responsibility. I did it for was my truth...a truth that had to be told. She dumped her crap on to me all my life and I decided to give it back to her. Whether she took responsibility or not didn't matter. What did matter is that she stolen most of my life from me and I wasn't going to let her steal the rest of it. Sunday I found a second note in her Bible address to me. She stated how sorry she was for everything she did to me & that she loved me. How she wanted me & my SO to have a good life. I believe that she was truly sorry for what she did; however, I don't believe that she loved me. Not because I am unlovable, but because she didn't know what love is. When you said, "she has a lot to learn" you would be correct! But she gave me a great gift...she gave me closer and I am thankful for that! I don't need any signs from her because I am good. I have forgave her and I am making peace with what she has done to me! I am letting go of the pass and looking into the future. I am to be to be who I to do anything I want...for the first time in my life, I am free to think of myself...I am free!!!

I too believe that we see & feel the effects we have made on other people & their lives, good or bad & I know she will have to see & feel what she has done not only to me, but to my brother & my dad and others she has hurt. But God is perfectly Just and HE is perfectly Merciful as well. She is in His hands now. I pray that she will have peace that she never had in this world.

I hope in telling my story that others will learn from it!

Polarbear, you will never know what your kind loving words has helped me. They gave me hope, a feeling of understanding, a feeling of love...a friend! You are the best bear ever!!

As far as my gift the jury is still out on that one! The last few years, I felt so many negative entities that it made me sick! Seriously!!! The more my mom became negative the more she was attracting negative entities. Of course they feed off her negativity, but they also feed off of people like me. It really sucks! Once the house is cleaned out I will do a cleansing. I haven't felt anything since she passed, but I will still do a cleans!

Thank you Polarbear!🐻‍❄️🐾🐾💜

I just wanted to thank everyone. You words are just to kind. I never could have gotten through all this without all of you. 💚💞💗💖💙 You all are pretty great!!

Shell, it’s good to hear from you again. Forgiving your mother, letting go of the past and looking forward to your new freedoms are all really healthy things to be doing right now, and I wish you all good wishes for the future. You sound in a good place, and I’m really pleased for you. You deserve some peace of mind and happiness.

Hi Shell,

Haven't seen you around the forum for awhile. How are things going? Hope you're doing well.

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