
We picked mom up from Aunts yesterday and she was NOT herself.. very weak and slurry. Fell in the bathroom, but not really hurt. Went to bed at 6. I checked on her all night ( so no sleep), and this morning she was no better, and her right side was not working correctly. Called the Dr. then took her to the ER, where they worked her up for a possible stroke or MI. ( I knew we were outside the window for tPA , and she would refuse ambu ride so Dr told us to take her) First CT seemed ok, but they will be doing another (without contrast due to the kidney failure) and an MRI. She was totally dehydrated, they had trouble placing lines. Seems when you stop drinking or eating many of the meds can't be cleared and become toxic, and the symptoms can mimic a stroke. So the Dr said now its wait and see if her kidneys recover ( they say they often do), and she will also be seeing a neurologist tomorrow after the MRI. At least with the neuro I will know what they are talking about.. the kidney thing is not my field. I will go back tomorrow morning, and hope to catch a Dr or two and two of my friends will be coming to stay with me. God bless hubs, he sat with me all day in the triage room, and we took a quick run home to let Chloe out and grab a few things. Daughter came after work too. So I may not be on much, but I can't sleep in the room with her ( its small with only folding chairs) so I will be home at night.

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So sorry, Pam.

I will certainly keep your mom and you in my prayers. Let us know how your mom is when you know something.


Pam, Ian so sorry your Mom is ill.

Sending prayers for both of you. Keep us updated, too, ok? Good luck & hugs

I’m so sorry Pam! Your mom is in my prayers.i hope you’re able to get some rest!

Oh no Pamz, when I checked on this thread I never expected the OP to be you! Hoping your mom recovers quickly🤗.

Praying for your Mom and your family. Please take care. I'm glad you have support with you. That helps. Hugs

Prayers, Pam, So sorry your mum is feeling so ill. Do get some rest and keep us updated. (((((hugs)))))

Pam - prayers and wishes for the best.

Sorry to hear about your Mom not doing so well Pam, I will pray that the increase in fluids will help her to be on the mend very soon! Our elders can get dehydrated so very quickly. I remember that my FIL didn't drink nearly enough, and I had to push him to drink more water every day, as his morning coffee wasn't enough, as he thought it was. They tend to worry that they will be up all night going to the toilet, so they suspend their intake, which is of course a no no. They do not understand that they need sufficient fluids to flush their meds through properly.

I have high hopes that her kidneys will be much improved in a couple of days. Try to take this time to rest as much as possible, for soon she will be back home and you will be back on parent watch, they are more resilient than we think. Take Care Sweetie, and try not to worry too much!

Praying for you and yours.

I felt the same as Willie. I never expected the OP to be you either.

Stay strong Pam. We all know you are but get the old reserves out and remember to take care of you too. I think your mom will be fine.

Good info by the way re. needing fluids to flush out meds. Logical but something I never even considered.

Pam, I too am surprised to read this unfortunate situation has happened to your mother.  I truly hope that the treatment brings relief and improvement soon.     Thanks for taking the time to share, and please continue to update us when you can (after you take some time out for yourself as well).   And what a great husband to spend all that time to support you and your mother.  

Sending best wishes and hugs...

Starting prayers now, Pammzi.
For both you and your mother, and hubs too.


Will be praying for you and your mom.


How is she today, Pam? (((((Hugs))))))

Thinking about you, Pam. How is your mom?

Things are looking a bit better. Talked to 2 nephrologists and one neurologist.. the cts and mri look good, no stroke or MI. She was in MRi when I got there, and PT and OT also came by so she had a busy day. They will be watching her kidneys for the next few days, and are recommending home PT/OT once she comes home. We talked about inpatient rehab, but the only place we like is on quarantine for the flu. I just thought she would work harder there, and she liked the place last time..but we'll do what we must. I did tell the social worker she needs to be able to toilet and shower by herself ( we will check on her but hubs just could not do that). At least we do have the ability and know people who will come in if we need them. One more test, tomorrow an EEG to rule out sz. Her only lingering problem right now is her right hand is still not working well, and her vision in her good eye is worse, but she can still see enough to walk. Thank you for your support, and I tried to thank everyone but sometimes I can't tell if it worked.. Love you all!

I came home at 4,, DD went in tonight to make sure she ate her dinner.. all is good. I had some things to do here, and it is exhausting to "sit" all day.

Stand strong Pammzi.
We support you during this difficult time. 🦋

Pam, thanks for the update and the good news.

Bringing this forward  for Pam's ease if she's able to post an update.

Praying for all!

My mom's friend is in the hospital for kidney failure--Her red blood cell count keeps on dropping. Hugs to you and your family. I read your update, I hope that she is on the road to recovery.



So glad to hear update
It is such a shock isn't it when a crisis occurs - with the dehydration, is she on antibiotics for a UTI now?

I relived my own experience with the Viking while reading your post - the slurred speech, right side weakness, all night in the ER, misery of trying to start an iv, tests, waiting and then discharge when they are not certain what it is but can't find anything on the scans

I'm glad you're taking mom home - she will do better there - and hope after a period of rest and recuperation you can take a drive to the casino and have a little normalcy and fun

Came home at 1 today due to ice storm and roads getting bad, and she didn't sleep well. Had her EEG,, no signs of seizures so it's all down to kidneys. Which the RN told me the numbers are looking good. The dang neuro doc told her she could probably go home today or tomorrow,, then remembered it's up to the kidney Dr, and no way was I bringing her home today. ( in the icy weather) No calls since I got home, and I did talk to her RN. SO Back in tomorrow. Mom was in "trouble" for trying to get up by herself to go to the bathroom,, they did test her for C Diff and UTI.. all clear. And she already back to trying to not eat or drink. Kind of got mad, told her I was not bringing her home if she was going to go back to that crap. I did tell rn that I would like to talk to social work again before we checked out.. hoping to put the fear of God into Mom. She wants to come home. I told her if she kept trying to get up they would say she was "confused".. she was a bit miffed at me... I cleaned her horrible glasses, that helped her see a bit better, and they all think the hand issue is unrelated.. maybe nerve or a hit when she fell so we'll see her regular Dr when she gets home,, all the meds co ordinated ( Lots less gabapentin and oxy). So all in all she back to a slightly tired and diminished version of her feisty self! And maybe home tomorrow. Lets hope hubs and I are ready! At least I have off until next weekend to get apointments made and set up a sitter for a bit if we need it. Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts and support.. it really helps! Oh yeah.. I can bribe her with the casino!!!

Oh and let me add.. health care in America.. the Neurologist tells us everything is normal,, nothing on any scan. Then tells me we can make her an apt with his office once she is discharged. UMMMM Why?? CT, MRI an EEG all clear,, nope, not going to happen... Her regular doctor can take over from here, although I am ok with seeing the nephrologist if needed.. of she can co ordinate the blood test with her GP/Gerontologist

Since 2003 I’ve done the kidney failure, pre-renal azotemia routine 15 or 20 times. Beware nephrologists they try to take control of your life. They love to do kidney CT’s and send you to other doctors. I learned how to read kidney numbers on my bloodwork so I would know when I was getting a BS job. I’ve watched my GFR go down for the last 4 years, ate the kidney diet and restricted liquids. But my numbers finally dropped too low to avoid dialysis. It actually isn’t that bad. Your mom will be back at the casino before you know it hopefully.

There is a pharmacist who writes about diabetes and 'drug muggers', depleting our necessary magnesium, b vitamins, etc. I have been reading, even though her books are older (2013, 2015), she is called America's pharmacist.
Suzy Cohen has a lot to say about diabetes, and healing from same. I get to read a sample online before buying a book on Amazon. I knew someone who said she was healed of diabetes following the author's book.

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