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Of course we can be sisters in spirit! I had one older brother, but my parents help raised 3 other boys all older than me, which one of them I was very close to and like you I wanted a sister!

Yes, we are lucky to have someone like Barb who not only understands, but can put into words for us that we can't furthermore, help us to understand ourselves. Everyone's voice is important on here!

Emma........."She must really have a load of money to bequeath, for you to abase yourself so routinely. If she doesn’t, you’re doing all this for nothing. Unfathomable."
Your remark is what is unfathomable! What a terrible thing to say to a woman who's been through so much. Some people take care of parents, even when they're mean and miserable, with NO promise of a monetary inheritance. News flash.
Your entire comment is one of the ugliest I've ever had the displeasure to read on this site.

NHWM: Welcome back!! So glad to 'see' you!!! Suggestion for a new screen name: MY NEW LIFE!!!! Yessssssssss mam!!!

Hi NeedhelpwithMom - I understand what you're saying  and empathise with you  there is so much going on around you. Please remember all you ve done and how much you ve helped and  take some guilt free time for yourself, an hour here or there to release and connect to yourself ,  Families are so, so difficult and there is no answer, no solution to the puzzle why people behave one way or another. We will exhaust ourselves trying to figure it out. In the end it comes back to  ourselves every time.   We forget we grow up and are separate people with separate lives and come together in the strange world of caregiving. Some people are not interested at all in this and it is black and white like a business deal and other give too endlessly and we have to do live in the twilight zone d ( or family). Do the bit you are happy with and try to give to yourself, you deserve so much but family won't be who gives this to you. It's hard, I have a sister but felt so manipulated thoroughout the caregiving years by her, my brothers were more detached and I had to work so hard letting go of  my anger during and afterwards and am getting there but I understand . Be kind to yourself, it is all part of this difficult road and look outside of the family for the kindness and support you need and deserve. Sending you warm hugs

Hi NeedhelpwithMom - I understand what you're saying  and empathise with you  there is so much going on around you. Please remember all you ve done and how much you ve helped and  take some guilt free time for yourself, an hour here or there to release and connect to yourself ,  Families are so, so difficult and there is no answer, no solution to the puzzle why people behave one way or another. We will exhaust ourselves trying to figure it out. In the end it comes back to  ourselves every time.   We forget we grow up and are separate people with separate lives and come together in the strange world of caregiving. Some people are not interested at all in this and it is black and white like a business deal and other give too endlessly and we have to do live in the twilight zone of family dynamics. Do the bit you are happy with and try to give to yourself, you deserve so much but family won't be who gives this to you. It's hard, I have a sister but felt so manipulated thoroughout the caregiving years by her, my brothers were more detached and I had to work so hard letting go of  my anger during and afterwards and am getting there but I understand . Be kind to yourself, it is all part of this difficult road and look outside of the family for the kindness and support you need and deserve. Sending you warm hugs


Thanks, I like it! I do kind of feel like it’s a ‘new’ life. I guess I am a very sad ‘late’ bloomer, huh? Oh well, better late than never, right?


Yes, I agree with all that you said. We don’t get to choose our family. I used to think distance was a horrible thing. You know, that families were meant to be close. Nice if that works out. But I am letting go of the ‘fairytale’ ending.

My husband keeps telling me that I did more than my share. He is right. I am so grateful to him for his compassion and support. I am grateful to my lovely daughters. I am grateful to my friends. I am grateful to all on this forum. You have lifted me up in one of my darkest hours and I sincerely thank everyone.

Barb- Thanks for sending me the link to this thread.
NHWM - I'm sorry you're so stressed about your brothers' threat to file charges against you. Take a deep breath.

Your brothers have NO proofs of any elder abuse except the lies from your mother. And they did not witness any abuse because there was none. You have written on this forum for many months, hundreds of posts. Everything you have written here is proof of your care. Your posts document your situation, what you did for mom, what she did to you, the stress you went through, what your absent brothers didn't do and did do when they finally showed up. All of that supports YOU, your side of the story and shows that you did everything to care for your mom and there was no abuse. What do your ingrate brothers have? Nothing except lies from mom. But you, you have a diary of everything you did.

About your screen name, don't change it just yet. The name in itself shows how stressful, and difficult it was to care for your mom. It supports your side of the caregiving journey. Don't change it yet.

If I were you, I would write your brothers a letter, and send it certified with return receipt requested to each of them, and send a copy of the same letter to yourself in the same manner, and keep it unopened,, for your records in case you need it to protect yourself.

In the letter, I would write to tell them about all the things your did for mom in the last 15 years, and how mom lied to them, and them not listening to you, and them not doing a damn thing for mom in all those years except believing her lies and criticizing you.

In addition, you should tell them that they and mom decided to move mom out of your house freely and willingly to your brother's house. You should also tell them that your mom's care is now THEIR responsibility, and no longer yours. You are no longer responsible for her care from the day she left to go live with them. And you will not be taking mom back to your place to care for her. She's theirs from now on, and for good.

Also, you should mention about the necessary things that mom needs which they failed to pick up. Give them a deadline to come and pick up those things. If they don't, it will show that they didn't want those things, and not that you didn't hand them over.

Please write the letter soon. It will come in handy if ever your brothers want to press charges.

Take a deep breath. This is a blessing in disguise. Your brothers will soon see the truth for themselves with regards to mom's care. Just don't leave your door unlocked in case they want to drop mom off and ditch.


Thanks so much for your kindness and support. Great viewpoint on all of this. I like the idea of having documentation. I can easily print out everything and a new name would help me to move forward. I don’t have to do that immediately though. I am planning on doing so at some point.

I have chosen to close the door to any communication with them.

They have all of mom’s belongings now. They did not take important things when she left with them. They took their time collecting them.

They will find out how difficult it is caring for a parent. Isn’t it odd how those who criticize the most do the least?

My brother’s sons are nothing like him. They are compassionate men with children of their own now. The older one is my godson. We love our nephews dearly. They are close to my daughters too.

My godson has reached out to my husband and me with love and support. He recently told my daughter that my brother is already complaining that my mom is keeping him up at night.

My nephew told his dad not to complain because I had done it for well over a decade in my home and years before that too for both my mom and dad.

I am truly hoping that he has reconsidered his actions. He has always been a bully. Younger brother is the same way. Both hurt their children endlessly. Neither have close relationships with their kids. He even told his son’s wife to stop emailing photos of their children and cluttering his email. That’s his grandchildren! He never sees his grandkids. I see them. My great nieces and nephews are adorable children.

Of course all parents make mistakes but I am taking about their core personalities. When situations become chronic it’s too hard to stomach. My brother is the type that if people aren’t like him then they are trash to him. Very sad.


What great advice to NHWM!☺


I forgot to tell you that my husband changed the locks on all doors. He was horribly upset by all of this. He was more of a son to my mom than my brothers ever were.

NHWM, I just spit coffee out all over my desk when I read your comment about your brother already getting annoyed about your mom keeping him up at night! Oh tsk-tsk-tsk! Ain't that too bad? I can hardly wait for him to see and FEEL what it's like to experience the 'situation' 24/7!!!!!!! Rubbing my hands together in a very evil way over here..........:)


I know. It’s sad. ‘Mr. Know It All’ can’t handle it. Poor thing, right?

lealonnie1 - Oh you evil nasty woman you!!! Oh, wait, is that me I see in the mirror? ;-D :-D :-D Gotta love those who think they know it all, especially when they get their comeuppance.

My OB one time told the EC attorney that mom and I fought like cats and dogs... I gave him a look and said no we didn't/don't, I don't like fighting and if she started something, I would just leave. I don't even know why he said that - he moved away after college and only visited here and there, so he wouldn't even be here to witness anything! We never lived together as adults, thankfully. I probably wouldn't be here now if I'd had to live with her!!! HE is the one who has the chip on his shoulder (never really used it on mom, except during some visits after dementia kicked in, trying to get her to do something she didn't want to do) and has no patience for anything! He is also abusive, physically, verbally and emotionally, so it would be a BAD idea for him to take mom. I was glad I wasn't eating yet after our first look at an AL place, as both brothers got sticker shock and said Gee for that price I'll take her in! Sure you will. The last time OB was here (over 1.5 years now!) he couldn't even make a second short visit alone with mom, because he 'didn't know what to do with her.' Annnnd, you were going to take her in, 24/7, two days drive away from us so you are on your owwwwnnnnn?????

Yeah, they deserve everything they get. Wait until (should be soon!) they decide she needs to move to a facility and they figure out she doesn't have enough income to pay for it!!!!! Oh, to be that fly on the wall....

NeedHelpWithMom, soon to be... FreeBird!

Poor thing my ass... No sympathy for people like that. Disgust maybe, but not sympathy. Personally I don't EVER want anyone to feel sympathy for me! Hopefully not disgust either...
This is one time we need Riley to pop in and say he made his bed, let him lie in his sh*t!!! AHAHAHHAHA
Report Riley a MAN? Okay, now the comments are starting to make sense. Finally. UGH

Sorry lealonnie1, I suppose not everyone knows Riley (2166 is the rest of the screen name I think.) I believe that is a woman, but the comments from that one are really awful! I was loosely quoting one or more of her comments there... the 'he/him' I referred to was OP's brother... He's so smart he can now deal with it all... Hindsight and all that...

NHWM - maybe you can consider you've already "done your time" and the governor has commuted your sentence... you are now free to move about the cabin, and even step outside of it!

Disgusted too,

Please allow me to tell you that you said a mouthful. Really! I could not have said it better myself. My brother would pop in my house a few times a year for holiday meals that I cooked for my family because it made mom happy. The dinners were always miserable for me.

Any other time he or other brother came to see mom it was maybe for 15 minutes tops, usually to get money from her. I had to hear from her about all of their freakin BS sob stories.

Another thing that you said rings so very true is that I certainly did do my time. If I were standing next to you I would hug you! Seriously, it means so much to me to have everyone’s support. Thanks so much.

So I totally get your stories of your brother. Kind of makes you think it might have been nice to have been nice if we had been born an ‘only’ child, right?

I thought Riley 2166 was an 86 year old man. I know he said he was 86 years old and I thought he referred himself as he. (Man).

It hasn't been clear and there is never a response to anything directed to Riley, so who knows? I have tried to keep it neutral, not knowing, but everything posted about this person (jobs, animals, caring for (at least being POA) for people) leads me to think female. Then again, perhaps the rude uncaring recommendations ARE more like a male might give? Who knows? Not like I haven't been wrong before!!!

Whatever gender Riley is, most of the posts made by him/her are just soooo wrong.

Oh wait... I'm right, I'm right, I'm always right... Thought I was wrong once, but I was right!!! :-D

"Kind of makes you think it might have been nice to have been nice if we had been born an ‘only’ child, right?"

Sometimes I feel like one... My luck was to be OB's first birthday present... Still trying to trade me in for something else... :-D

For the most part, I am done with him. That last visit is when he showed his true colors (reverting back to his abusive self from childhood - I missed the warning signs from the previous trips to help cleaning out mom's condo. That last visit, I had to tell him to get the F out of my house. Funny thing about these types, after it's over, they get 'over' it, like it never happened. This time for me? No way. I will NOT allow him anywhere near me in the future.) I had to respond a few times (email/text) regarding the handling of the proceeds from the condo sale, but after that I was done. Funny he hasn't made contact, not even to ask how she is doing. Thankfully he does live 2 days away and isn't likely to visit mom since he 'doesn't know what to do with her'! Not likely to fly up or drive 2 days each way for that.

Hopefully he will be a no show when it's time for burial too. Didn't show for dad's and THAT was delayed due to weather/schedule of Marine burials - he was cremated, so it could wait. That gave OB plenty of time to make arrangements to be here for his mother. Like you and others have said, there's always a 'golden child'. HE is it. Oh, he calls me EVERY Sunday... BFD. 10 minute call once/week and sends flowers on B'day and Mother's day vs we two who have long drive to help her, and I also made calls multiple times a week, when she was still living on her own. Sucks, but it is what it is. I really don't care about all that, just do what I can to be sure she has what she needs, gets some visits, and is taken care of. It does irk me that those like him are SO lovey dovey but do nothing.

(BTW, after the incident, I did poke around asking questions and found out that he has been like this with others, including mom when she wouldn't cooperate. We can be thankful that neither brother followed through with taking her in!)

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