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Hey Wubba, once you are calm can you talk with him about what he said? A lot if times people aren't thinking when they open their mouth. What has worked for me has been using "I" statements with the offender. e.g. I feel that my efforts to balance everything are not being recognized. Leaving statements with you by the wayside as you statements tend to be accusatory. It does require thoughtful conversation which is hard to do. It has worked for me though. Another way is to use questions such as how would you feel if (fill in the blank). In my opinion he spoke out of turn and should apologize. May I ask why your husband and your daughter's father couldn't register her for camp? Why can't he handle some of the other responsibilities for your daughter?

Wubba has NOT responded to anyone.

He is acting like the spoiled child! Jealous of the time you are spending with and doing for mom. He sure has not helped with anything for your daughter or your mother. Is his mother still living ? Wonder if he plans to not be involved there either. So sorry you are not getting the understanding and backup you need and deserve. Me, I am a bitch and would have to tell him all the things you told us and ask what he's done. Hugs and you are being both an excellent daughter and mother.

Wubba has NOT responded to anyone.

Bless you... you are the one who has to look in the mirror and like who's looking back. You are the one who has to lay your head on your pillow every night and know in your heart you did the right thing. Your daughter will learn how to care for you by watching you care for your mother. Never has the saying "what comes around goes around been more true". Your daughter will be fine especially if your husband is so concerned about her being neglected. Let him be Super Dad for a while!
Many Prayers!

Wubba isn’t new to the boards and has been dealing with her mother’s care for a long time. Those of you who who are making assumptions about her husband and making him out to be the bad guy really need to read her other posts. His comment didn’t come out of nowhere. Her mother was LIVING with them. She has been caring for her mom for a long time and clearly it took its toll on her and the family. Her husband is not the bad Guy you all want him to be. There is history here and while I don’t condone how he’s handling this, he didn’t make the comment because he’s an arse who is jealous, spoiled and not sexually satisfied.

WorriedinCali is spot on about Wubba not being new to the forum. My gosh - the strain of caregiving is going to cast the occasional not-meant-to-be verbalized word or two.

Hugs. This is going to be a real test of your strength because it’s not going away any time soon. I am really sorry this is happening all at once. I used to be a sweet little doormat until I went through this as an only child. This takes everyone pulling. Bless you.

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