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Me too. I prefer to pick out items in person too. I wish that you could shop like normal. Won’t be for awhile now. I suppose you have to do Etsy or maybe Amazon.

Whole foods might be an idea. Do they do gift cards? I shop Whole Foods but have not noticed if they do gift cards. Walmart does gift cards. They can always buy diapers with a Walmart gift card!

NHWM, good thought about Etsy. I know of it. I just tend to be more of a direct hands on or gloved hands on shopper these days. Nothing open other than possibly Whole Foods to find a gift. I also am never sure about my PayPal account but I will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion

CWillie, of course, you're right.  It was inevitable.    And inexcusable.

Wasn't this or something like it inevitable? Look at how many new viruses have emerged in the last few decades, and don't forget about increasing antibiotic resistance giving rise to superbugs. Then of course there is the whole problem with the declining health of the planet. I have not been ignorant of the realities but chose to deliberately close my eyes to all of it because to look at it straight on is much too terrifying.


Yes, agree about the robots. I was merely being sarcastic. You know, it feels like we are becoming so detached in a ‘human’ way. I had made a comment earlier that Dr. Fauci said maybe we shouldn’t shake hands in the future.

I do follow the AI stuff. It’s fascinating.

This situation is a mystery in certain ways. Who knows what could have been prevented?

NeedHelpWithMom, robots have been taking over for years, or rather the companies that own them have.  And AI is advancing much faster than many of us probably realize.

I've posted this before although I think on a different forum.    There are 2 PBS specials, one specifically on AI (I'll look for a citation later) and another on networks, throughout history and now, and how the network leaders are advancing their own interests through use of AI and all the information people VOLUNTEER through social media.    

As to the CV pandemic, from what I've read, there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed, on both macro and micro levels, but 2 that are critical:   the "wet market" practices in China, and more research on pandemics, BEFORE the crisis occurs.

In 2007 3 Asian authors addressed exactly what we're seeing now.    Whether or not this could have been prevented is speculative, but research could and should have been done, and preparation could have been much better, especially here in the US.

I'm not even going to get into the political aspect though.


It does seem extreme. I don’t know what to think at this point. Yes, we need to flatten the curve. Yes, no contact means doing that but I agree with you, how do we maintain living this way forever, let a robot take over? It’s disturbing to be sure.

If we should never go back to shaking hands then I guess hugs and kisses are definitely out too, maybe we should all just live in individual plastic bubbles and create robots to run the world. I think that kind of talk is unrealistic and in a way dangerous - when you make things too impossible then people are more apt to just say screw it all and not bother with anything.


Dr. Fauci just said on the Today Show that maybe we should never go back to shaking hands. Interesting, huh?

Never in my life would I have thought that I would have been sewing masks to give away for Easter gifts this year.

Not my usual Easter gifts. I usually give bouquets of beautiful spring blossoms. I always had a bouquet of flowers on my kitchen table with spring blooms. Not this year.

I can’t get out to buy pretty bouquets. I don’t dare do any big gardening right now with pollen and trigger an allergy attack. The last place I want to be is at an ER clinic or the hospital for allergies or my asthma flaring up.

Hugging my friends and patients.

Tryingmybest, I second what NHWM said!!

Trying, what NHWM said! sorry double post ^

Grandma1954, could you please  check your PMs?  Thanks!

I have been content staying home. We had so many appointments running here and there. It feels good to just relax, cook, bake and just plain old relax. Thought our house was clean before the virus struck, Now it is spic and span, actually sparkles. No dirty germs getting in this house. Doing some Spring cleaning, hope to finish in a few weeks. Took a ride with my family the other day, and notice a family sitting in a parking lot having a picnic in their lounge chairs and cooler. All of us are in our pajamas today and it feels so good and comfy. Actually I have been in my pajamas for two weeks except to dress when out grocery shopping. I do go out occasionally for a coffee at Duncan's and of course need to have a donut. I feel we all are doing very well staying home, and grateful we do not have that awful virus and are in good health.

Pam and grandma,

Your answers made me smile. 😊. Thanks for sharing. Very special and sweet.


I love your answer! You sound so grounded 💗.

I miss "treasure hunting" at the thrift store. Other than that, I confess, I am content to have more time at home and be less hectic. That might change but for now I feel ok with this slower pace.

I am fortunate because I still have my part time job doing grounds work on an estate, so that gets me outdoors and active (no human contact so it's safe). School is closed and my full time job is working with special ed students, we are now working online with them. It's kind of scary but also fun to be working in a totally new way.

My Mom is doing very well at AL and although I miss seeing her we talk on the phone and I know she is safe.

I know there are many people suffering right now. I know how very lucky I am and that my situation could change at any time. So, the simple things are meaning a lot to me now, I count my blessings many times a day, and I try to live in gratitude as best I can.

Be well and stay safe all of you.

I Volunteer a lot make that a LOT!
My hours at Hospice have been drastically cut back. So I miss my "regualr" days and "jobs". Most people are working from home but I have been going in 1 or 2 times a week to make PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) bags for staff as well as bags with disposable medical equipment like BP cuffs, stethoscopes, thermometers and the like. I have also baked at the Hospice for patients and families as well as staff. Not doing that now but I am baking and bringing in things for staff.
And I volunteer at a Veterans Food Pantry 1 day a month and that is being run a bit differently. But at least the Veterans are getting much needed items.
I am in contact with daughter, son in law and grand kids so I am blessed in that respect.
And busy doing yard work and working on tossing out stuff and doing some deeper cleaning.
I miss being able to go out to dinner, sit down have someone take my order and just "wait" on me. and not having to clean up after a meal.

I miss hanging out with my DD and my friends from outside of work. Today my BFF came by with face masks for my family,, she has made over 250 of them ( I am doing a drive by tomorrow to get 3 more for coworkers,, ) we stayed 6 feet away from each other,,but it was hard.. we are touchy people! Then we did a "drive by porch pickup" to my DD to drop off some things that came for her, and the masks for her and her roommate. She came out with her puppy and stood well away from the car,, but at least we got to see them! My unit at the hospital went COVID today,, so I will be really nervous about even that in the next few weeks


I haven’t driven my car! My husband has taken it to the store but I haven’t left my house. I sort of feel like I will forget how to drive! Hahaha, just kidding, of course but you get my drift.

I feel so disconnected in some ways and connected in other ways. I am sewing lots of masks to give away.

I am also trying a few new recipes. I find I have to force myself to eat at times. I am freezing a lot. It’s too much food for just the two of us. Neither of us are big eaters. We like food but eat to live, not live to eat.


Are you working at home? My hubby is. Lots of conference calls! Zoom and all that Jazz.


I am with you. I miss the same as you. I love going out for my coffee.


What about Etsy for the baby gift? Try that and have it shipped directly to them.

Community, as in going about in it, seeing people and doing activities

I miss going to work, it gave me a reason to get dressed in the morning :P

People. I live alone. Pathetic as it may sound often my only social interaction during the week may be sitting in the coffee shop or making the rounds of local shops and perhaps church on Sunday, all of which is now not possible.

Not being able to buy a baby gift for a cousin's new grandson who just lost his great grandfather. I wonder when shops will reopen.

I miss all sorts of things for myself but I also miss not being able to do simple things for others.

What MysteryShopper said, just being able to pop back in the store and get an item forgotten.
I don't miss the traffic. I had to go somewhere yesterday around 5:30-6ish and the traffic seemed to still be 'bad' and people speeding. That's a non important thing in the long run, I guess.
I miss seeing someone I know out in public and getting a hug. The last time I did that was probably around the end of February when I saw an ex coworker at Walmart-we did a hesitant thing-then hugged anyway. ha.
Its funny the little things I miss. Some are hard to put into words.
I am thankful for you all. HUGS!

I miss restaurants, going out to eat. Yes we can (and do) do takeout. Not the same.

I know, first world problems.

I miss being able to be oblivious to the economic hardship this is all causing for so many. Heartbreaking.

I know. Many people are going to suffer financially. It breaks my heart.

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