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I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Because you're a caring daughter this is affecting you even more. As nearly everyone has said, bringing your mother to live with you is not the answer. When you leave her to go to work or socialize she may still be unhappy. Part of her unwillingness to adjust is that she is hoping you will take her to live with you, so you need gently to get her past this false hope. If you can move her nearer to you this would be ideal. Looke at the Jewsih Home for the Aged on the upper west side and Isabella Home at the northern end of Manhattan. These homes are better than most, especially JHA and there may be a waiting list. Do get on it! Leave mom where she is until you can arrange a good place in NYC because it's almost impossible for Medicare/medicaid to approve a move from one home to another in the same location. Best of luck.

You can appeal Medicare's decision to end PT.
Helpful Answer (1)

some reason i didnt see the whole story well so does she have other family members to watch her in ohio ?? could you move maybe .??she would maybe get better if not in the home if she is like my mom was she needs better food at least .i guess you got into this unexpectedly bummer good luck
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why is she in a home ? & really what is her wishes when she wants to go ?? my mom never wanted in a nursing home .she had dementia .she wanted to go at home ..her home !! that she got ..i had to retire & so i stayed with her was sleeping at her end ,& she wanted to go in her sleep she did she may live over 10 yrs more longer than now or do you know other wise ..she is not happy there .. if you can get her out ..if possible you could ask other family members to watch her while you need free time if she needs someone to watch her . i bet she will get better at home & the food does she eat it ??have you seen there food ?? you should look at it !!! would you be happy there ??? put yourself in her place would you want to live like that?? 3 times my mom went in to do rehab work .the 1st was the worst the other one was better but she never ate the food i took malts to her she loved that mom was VERY picky at her food .. so i hope you make a good decision ..good luck !!!!
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Don't take her to live with you! This would be a BIG mistake! She needs 24/7 care, so think about what your life would be like. I had the same issue with my mom. She was 98 and 2 months and living alone when she fell and broke her hip. She had surgery, went to a SNF for rehab and is now a permanent resident at age 100!

After two years, she still talks about going home which is very painful to hear. But, thanks to this forum, I realized that I would never be able to provide the type of care she gets in the SNF.

One suggestion for you would be, could you find a SNF closer to your home? Then you could see her more often at less expense to you. Good luck. It's not easy...
Helpful Answer (6)

I am not so sure that Medicaid would not pay for a 24/7 aide. You should contact the county department on aging where she is to see about long term care in her home for her.
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meridianav Oct 2018
they for my moms' situation they give her so much it was 4 hours a day not for the whole week she can check but no more than 4 hours a day ..
Hello Ashley. If I were in your Moms shoes I would be very depressed too. 69 years of age and in a Nursing Home is redicilously young to find One Self put into full time Care when Your Mom had so many great years left. Could Your Mom come to live with You & Family in New York City ?
I work part time with a Lady Who is 69 years of age and She Cares for Her 103 year old Mother at home in Her own Home. Here in Ireland the statistics are such that two thirds of Residents in full time Care at Nursing Homes could actually be Cared for at Home.
Helpful Answer (1)
minstrel Oct 2018
I also would be depressed to have to live in a nursing home thinking I could be there for 20 or 30 years, but i don't think the answer is to bring the mother to live with them in NYC, where most people live in apartments that are not very large and in this case would need to accommodate not only the mother but probably a home health aide.
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i don’t want to second guess decisions made by PT. However, if someone wants to exercise and they have potential for many good years ahead, I would insist on continued PT to help her regain her mobility and independence. Maybe she can also learn how to exercise in between PT visits in order to more quickly get back on her feet?
Helpful Answer (3)

Ashley: Prices for home care.
You asked for ballpark prices for home care on a previous comment and I have some I got this week from a local agency in upstate NY. I’m getting Mom a companion for a few hours in her NH to try to keep her more calm at night. You could probably hire someone to visit your mom daily for a few hours at the nursing home, just as a companion to cheer her up a little. Maybe her mood would improve without moving her anywhere, while you try to figure out what to do. No idea if these reflect a national average or not but they seem reasonable for around here from what I’ve found.

RN 80 per visit
LPN 55 per visit
Home health aid, 28 per hour, 3 hour min
Personal Care aid 25 per hour, 3 hr min
Companion/ homemaker 22 per hr, 3 hr min

Daily based on 24 hour shifts:
HHA 645/day
PCA 575/ day
companion /homemaker 485/day
Helpful Answer (5)
Teri4077 Oct 2018
wow! very helpful data, rocketjcat! How do people afford it? I've worked full-time my entire life, and I don't have money to pay for that kind of care! I know that many people on this site (which I find very helpful!) say "don't have Mom move in with you!" but I don't see any other options when my mom's long term care money is up. That's this summer. I'm going to have to retire earlier than I would otherwise do, move to where she lives, and have her move in with me. The only other option is medicaid-funded housing, and I have not found anything in her area that is acceptable in my humble opinion. Many people here have talked about how bad NHs are, and they are absolutely right. My mom will not move anywhere else, as that would mean leaving my youngest brother. He is severely disabled. He is in a good group home, but one can't depend on his staff for all of his needs. So, I say again -- how do people afford it????
Mom is determined to be unhappy and nothing can change that, she has to come to terms with what life has handed her and make the best of what she has left. Can she do that? Maybe not. Perhaps the help of some antidepressants would make life easier for her. Parkinson and eventual dementia usually go hand in hand so whatever you try to do will not make any difference to her and ruin yours and your husbands life.

As others have said make sure her life is safe and she is properly cared for and under no circumstances move her into your home.

Do you want to have children? Can you imagine trying to cope with aa screaming infant at 2 am when Mom is demanding her bed be cleaned up.

She has ruined her life do not let her ruin yours. Hugs.
Helpful Answer (7)

"I want what's safest for her but also what will make her happiest and I don't know that being in a nursing home at 69 will make her happy."

Based on my experience caring for my in-laws and MIL who had a neurodegenerative disorder that eventually caused her death, safety is always first. That is your new role - to keep your mother safe. Your mother may never be happy again and you cannot control her happiness. But you can control whether or not she's safe.

Just to give you an idea of how expensive in-home care is: we spent $38,000 a year on *one* 8-hour shift Monday through Friday, for an aide for my MIL. She helped my MIL for 2.5 years for a grand total of $95,000. And for the last year of her life, we *also* paid $25 per night for someone to come and get her ready for and into bed at night so that cost $9,125.

Read Roz Chast's "Cant' We Talk About Something More Pleasant?"
Helpful Answer (6)

If you are likely to live in NYC long term, the best option for you and your mother might be to start the daunting process of transferring Medicaid so that you can find a facility near you. Unless you can rely to some extent on family and friends close to her current facility, she is going to be lonely and you just can't get there often. It's going to be difficult for both of you. And for your husband as well - he will be facing all vacations spent visiting his MIL, as well as his concern for your stresses. Best wishes in a difficult situation.
Helpful Answer (9)

I engaged all day in home health for a couple of months before placing my father in MC and the extended family has engaged in home care for 12-16 hours a day for various seniors. My 72 year old and otherwise healthy cousin currently has in home care following a bad fall where she managed to break both her arm and leg so she is stuck in a wheelchair for several weeks as bones heal.

We live in rural TN and have found in home CNA care through a local agency or direct hire to be very workable. I'm not sure the experience would be in the same in a metropolitan area of NY. Is your mother's OH location rural or big city too?

Since you and your husband have a full time job, I would suggest trying to find a good agency as long as your mother needs 24/7 coverage. If she improves to a point where she doesn't need someone there all the time, the a direct hire of a couple of retired nurses, stay home mothers with school age children, homemakers with grown children, etc. may work well.

Since your mother got out of ICU just 3 weeks ago, she may not be recovered enough to have the endurance necessary for a full PT program. I was in the hospital for 10 days followed by another 45 days of IV antibiotics for an aggressive infection at age 48 and it took me over a year to fully recover my previous energy levels. When my mother lost a high blood volume during hip replacement surgery at age 64, it took her about a year to fully recover too. Neither of us had the assortment of health problems your mother has. She may need time to recover while she sits in a recliner and does various non-weight bearing exercises to build endurance.

Another option you may want to investigate is smaller group nursing homes, maybe where none of the residents have dementia or are younger like your mother. We have some in our area that have as few as 8 residents in the home.

I encourage you to begin thinking of both short term and long term plans. Short term you may bring your mother home with 24/7 in home care and see if she improves, then engage in home PT. Long term would probably include relocating your mother somewhere within a hour of your home in a good care facility according to the level of care your mother needs and is likely to need in the next few years.
Helpful Answer (5)

As others have said, do not bring her home, do not quit your jobs, she has a lot of issues that require professional help. She will not be happy about living in a nursing home, period. No one says in my old age I'm going to live in a NH.

However, her needs dictate what kind of care she requires and it is 24/7/365.

I am sure you are feeling fear, she is fairly young and very ill, obligation, she is your mom after all and guilt, she's so unhappy and I have this's called FOG and it is not a position to be making life changing decisions from.

You are just starting your life and as hard as it sounds, she's had her life, she could live 20 years in this condition and that would be so unfair for her to take 20 years of your life.

Medicaid will not pay for 24/7/365 in home health, it is cost prohibitive and the taxpayers would not have a penny left if that was offered. Can you and husband afford 20 - 25 dollars an hour (maybe more in NYC) to cover what Medicaid doesn't cover? Can you afford to quit your job, stay at home, become isolated, never have 1 minute privacy with your husband, never attend another social event, birthday party, wedding, christening, or just get your hair done? Because that would be your reality. So you would not just be unhappy you and your husband would be miserable, resentful and maybe divorced so she doesn't have to adjust to her reality.

She is making a choice to not adjust and to learn to live where she needs to be. You did not do this to her, please do not give up your life for her happiness. She is where she needs to be, it sucks and it seems so unfair but it is her reality and she needs to be encouraged to find happiness where she is. Activities and socialization need to be encouraged by you for her to make friends and let you have your life.

I would recommend not going to visit as frequently and don't take every call, she needs to do this on her own with you cheering her forward, right now she is strapped tightly around your throat and you are being dragged down. I know it is hard but you are now the adult in this relationship and you will have to make decisions based on need and not want.

You can do this and she will be okay in a NH, her needs dictate that is the best place for her, now and in her future. Please do not forfeit your life to try and make her happy.

Sorry for the book I am just sick with the options you are looking at doing.
Helpful Answer (24)
rovana Oct 2018
You are so right. After all, spouse comes before parent, every time. And in such a young marriage, it would be very unfair and destructive.  No one can "Make another person happy" - that is something we all have to do for ourselves, by adjusting to the reality we are in.
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In-home care is very expensive.  On days the aid is sick, or weather is nasty, you have to stay home from work to cover. What will you do at night?  With interrupted sleep, can you continue to work?  See an Elder Lawyer about transferring your mother to a nursing home close to you, and how to transfer Medicaid.  That way you can see each other more.

My MIL was in a SNF after surgery, and refused to do PT.  One of us told her point blank that she had to work at PT, or stay there the rest of her life.  She chose to work at it.  It sounds like this does not refer to your mother, however, as she has multiple health issues.  She sounds like she needs round-the-clock care.  Big hugs and good luck to you.  It's not easy to accept.
Helpful Answer (5)

Thank you for your help. Does any one have experience with in home health for all day?
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MargaretMcKen Oct 2018
Ashley, it isn't 'all day', it's 24 hours, which is three full time shifts, seven days a week. That's more than four full time employees. It's staggeringly expensive.
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I reread your profile. You said:

"I am caring for my mother Linda, who is 69 years old, living in a nursing home with age-related decline, arthritis, broken hip, depression, diabetes, incontinence, mobility problems, parkinson's disease, and vision problems."

This is a lot of problems for a 69 yr old person. If she goes home, who will take care of her, because to have medicaid, she has no money for caregivers. Poor lady, I would be depressed too. No one person could care for this woman. Parkinson's will progress and Dementia will set in. They go hand in hand. Since she is breaking things, good reason to keep her in the NH. Fall risk.

So sorry you need to make this decision.
Helpful Answer (11)

This is going to be an up and coming problem in this country. Right now the majority of care givers are seniors caring for seniors. But the next generation chose to have their children later, into their 30s. So now you have people in their 60s with children in their 30s. I am one of them. At 69 one daughter is 41 the other 33.

I agree with the posts, Mom is not going to get better. 69 is still kind of young to have the health problems she does. If no Dementia now, she will eventually have it. My suggestion is to have her remain in the Nursing home with Medicaid paying the bill. Maybe find someone who will check on her for you. At your age and with the economy the way it is, I would not quit your jobs. Remember, you are now married and your decisions effect your husband too.

Your responsibility to Mom is to make sure she is safe, fed, clean and cared for. Its what she needs now not what she wants. Tell her for now she needs to stay in the NH to get stronger. You will need to see how she progresses to determine what the next step will be.

When doing therapy, Medicare will not pay if she is showing no signs of improvement. Talk to the head therapist. Tell her Mom seems determined to get better. Ask why they feel there will be no improvement?
Helpful Answer (14)

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