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Na, no real detective skills needed, you were easy to figure out from the get go! Seek help, now act!
Helpful Answer (4)

Stacey B/ this poster has an actually offer from one of the wonderful caretakers on this site, an offer for a place to stay! with a relative or someone the caretaker knows. My bet is that this almost never happens on the internet. And the poster refused. Says it all.
Good thing: Lots of wonderful, loving people in this world. This is heartwarming.
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Jumie, I know! I read that too! How very kind and generous! Now, why in the world wouldn't she take her up on such a wonderful gesture? Hmm, something fishy going on here!
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I have no idea....a place to stay is refused by this woman! Unbelievable!
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No real detective skills, indeed. Ladies, you don't have your facts straight. You were led to believe by Midkid that I refused an offer of help, but, in fact, I did not refuse at all. I wasn't sure what I should do or how I should respond to her kind offer. So I asked her what i should do. Should I really impose myself and my 4 cats on someone I didn't know without a car to go anywhere in? What if she lived in a very small house? She might mean only for a night or two. What if she doesn't really like cats? So many things to consider....i am not comfortable just moving in with someone. So, tempted to accept the offer but unsure, I asked Midkid in a private message, "what do you think I should do?" Maybe not the best response, but I did indeed thank her for her kind offer. She never responded to my question, and truthfully, ladies. Considering the feedback and criticism I've received through this forum. I'd be hesitant to make a decision like that on the spot. No refusal, however, no refusal at all. Thank you again.
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"Indeed". How interesting that turn of phrase. It believe it is British. So the troll is from England? hmmmn. Did not accept because is not in the situation. Looking for the money.
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Lady/Man/ whoever, whatever you are, you are blowing it big time. You are very poor at your trolling trade. Seeing right through the bs.
Helpful Answer (2)

Dallas, what do you want?
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Dallas, if you are a troll amusing yourself, Be Gone!

If even 30% of this story is true, please, please, get yourself to a mental health clinic. You need way more help than you can get from an online board.
Helpful Answer (3)

Dallas, do you honestly think that staying in these Terrifying, Horrific, deplorable conditions could Possibly be Better than accepting an offer, even if it IS Only for a few days, from a kindhearted person, offering up some assistance to you? It makes absolutely No Sense! Even a Womens Shelter would be better than where you are living now! Why don't you give us some real idea of what you intend to do? You mentioned living under a bridge, well that obviously will put you in a very dangerous position! You have to figure out a game plan. For God's sake, call or go to Social Services, and demand help! Do it!
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What got me early on was the purchase of four cat carriers by; someone with no money, someone who has no transportation, someone who can't walk ... Come on! I've got a great idea; how about we put an end to this crap by no more replies? I know I'm out.
Helpful Answer (5)

Dallas a/k/a ?????:

"Wow, ladies. Many of you appear to have missed your callings. If I were you. I'd shuck the caregiving gigs and become detectives. "

Doesn't that sound like the former Mousehunter a/k/a PieceofCrap?

This fake identity is probably one of many used by this sicko to provoke responses on various forums. I'm guessing she/he/it is trolling on many forums, testing out different fictitious scenarios to see what reels in the most catches.
Helpful Answer (1)

And why did you feel it appropriate or even legal to snoop, using Your DETECTIVE SKILLS, through Your Employers Private Paperwork, then make indications that you would somehow use this Information Against them, when you FINALLY GET OUT OF THERE? There is Something Wrong with You! You had No Right to ever Do Such a Thing! I believe that you are after Money, and somehow Think that the Kind and Caring People on this site can help you in this way, but this site is for Advice, Information and the Caregiving, and how we all can help each other. Well you have been given a Tremendous amount of time, understanding information, and even an offering of a place to go, yet you continue to wallow in your own self pity. Take Action, and Move Out! Why would you continue to stay in such Deplorable Conditions? Put your Big Girl Panties On, and Get Out, before Something Really Horrible Happens Again! If the living conditions are as you have admitted to Us, the the Police would have to act on it and do something to help you! No bed, sleeping on the floor, inches of water on the Floor of your bedroom, Flea bombs, with living creatures, in an inclosed room, You coughing and hacking for 1 & 1/2 hours afterwards? Really? Get a Clue and Move Along, You are No Longer Welcome There!
Helpful Answer (1)

I have come to this site with questions myself, and seeking support. Once I have received the support, good ideas or solutions to the situation have been given to me...I don't keep the post "going" for the sake of attention, or whatever. Yes, we all help each other, but you have gotten SOUND advice and TONS of sympathy. Now your story (while it may be true) is ringing a little too false. You've had actual offers, in Dallas, of people who would come GET you. You refused. So you've chosen to stay in this place. If it's all true, my heart does go out to you. If you are having a jolly time scamming all of these kind, caring people, I really feel sorry for you.
Helpful Answer (2)

Rainmom, I was able to purchase four cat carriers because I do things like surveys/market research online and earn Amazon gift cards. I felt compelled to get something to put my cats in rather than risk losing them, so the gift cards were a real blessing. So. Maybe not as crazy as you thought. Gardenartist, maybe someday you can explain to me why I would use fictitious names and "troll" various sites. What would I gain? I'm at a loss as to why someone would do that.....Staceyb, several points for you....i had EVERY RIGHT to see legal/personal papers of my patient. I was asked to, for various reasons, such as locating specific documents, addresses, dates, etc. . I was her companion/aide/secretary for awhile. ..yes, I would like to receive my back wages. If you think I'm looking for money HERE, on tho sure, surely you are joking. I doubt i will ever receive the money that I legitimately earned.I was asked if I wanted Midkid to call her friend in Dallas. I pmed her and asked her what she thought I should do. I just wasn't sure. I NEVER turned ANY offers of help down. The police did not take me seriously and were not willing to help me. They blamed me for not being gone even though Dallas shelters turn down 150women every this is NOT a group I would expect to be wealthy. . I came to this site for help, advice, understanding, same as everyone else. I got seriously criticized. Oh well, I'm now gone from the abusive household. Before I left, I was told he might give me some money if I signed hold harmless agreements and recanted my statement to police that he had injured my back. I have retained a lawyer to help me through the fraudulent eviction proceedings he set in motion against me. I moved out in the night ahead of my expected move-out date, so that I would not encounter his wrath and his rage as I left. I am free of him at last, and I thank you ladies for making me angry and determined to get out. I dont believe you were justified in the horrible accusations you made of me, and i don't understand why. But it doesn't matter. Thank you for reiterating to me how mean people can be and how they're not usually my friends. But i did find a friend, and I'm really happy about that. They don't accuse me. Judge me. Or do anything but let me be and are kind. I feel very blessed. Midkid, how can you say I REFUSED when you know that's NOT TRUE??? I dont get that.
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I agree, midkid58!
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I never thought that i would be attacked by my own kind. But, I dont beleve I want to continue being a caregiver. Shocking, I know. So, you ladies helped me with that decision. Thank you so much!! You helped, even though that wasn't what you intended to do. You were more interested in bashing me than helping me, or so it seemed.
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How did you get four cat carriers home? Never mind - I don't really care
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You said you had every right to go through this women's Personal Paperwork? I Highly doubt that! Not to the degree that you indicated that you could could have SOME WAY, to CHANGE the way that ABUSIVE Man, collecys on His Inheritance. Or did you forget that you wrote that? Als, after over 100 posts on people reaching out to you with suggestions to escape this horrible situation, you fail to announce exactly where you ended up. Are you in a shelter, with family, a friend? After so many, myself included, showed you compassion and caring, you don't even say where you went? This forum is a two way street, you ask for advice, then you should show the courtesy in telling people how you are doing and where you ended up going!
Helpful Answer (1)

Would y'all PLEASE cut me some slack here?? Rainmom, I ordered the cat carriers from Amazon because I had gift cards there that I earned online doing surveys and such. They were delivered--they are soft-sided/collapsible. Staceyb, I had right to go through papers because she asked me to. I would be searching for something for her--she was quite disorganized, causing me to have to look through files, drawers, boxes, etc....i became familiar with just about everything in her house, plus she and her son both used to tell me everything related to family. I was her secretary, aide, companion, maid, yardgirl, nurse, slave, etc.....yes, I had the right. But she and her son told me all about the inheritance, income, family, etc. Yes, y'all were kind and helpful and offered me many suggestions, none of which I refused. The shelters are always full, the Police were useless and uncooperative to me (maybe they see this domestic violence-type situation often and dont have much to offer as remedy? I don't know). But try were quite clear in expressing their viewpoint--that I should just leave. And where I am now? I met a nice man about 6 months ago at the grocery store who was the piano player for Al Hirt in his younger days (y'all remember Al Hirt?). A really colorful guy--REAL PEOPLE, if you know what i mean. Unfortunately, he died recently, and his roommate took me in (they had shared an apartment very close to where I was living). If not for the cats, I could probably stay here indefinitely, but the cats cause a problem, of course. He loves them, though, and is an extremely kind, good soul. Yesterday, I used his laptop and applied/tested for a remote transcriptionist job online. Computers, typing, and English are my strongest talents (apparently not caregiving-lol), and i was a secretary working my way into IT work when I started to take care of my father full-time in late 1990s, so I'm hoping I passed and can receive assignments from them and earn some money that way. I'm really kind of depending on that because it could help me immensely to get back on my feet, so I'm thinking REAL positive about that becoming reality.
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I am SO EXCITED!! Just found out I passed required testing to become transcriptionist remotely, via computer. I am sooo hopeful that this is start of new life for me! Ladies, I thank you for all your help and advice, I'm sorry that you felt the negativity towards me, and I am hopeful making the biggest change EVER in my life! Although I did not LIKE the fact that you doubted my motive and intentions, I appreciate all your comments because it ALL adds up to character building and a deeper understanding of the world. Thank you! I have to go to court tomorrow to answer to the eviction proceedings against me that I told you about. My boss did that just to be mean. But a lawyer is supposed to meet me there, and since things are really looking up for me, I'm confident that all will go well! Our God is an AWESOME God!! I can only stay where I am two more weeks, but it just might B enough!! I need to figure out how to get computer, so if any of you have any connections for computers, please let me know! I PROMISE I'm not trolling!! Just trying to make things right and realm thankful to you for all your help!!
Helpful Answer (2)

Glad things are looking up!
Helpful Answer (4)

Yea! I too am glad that things are going well for you! You are a very good writer, so hopefully this will be a good match for you! I know that you are angry about some of the negative posts, but you did come across a bit flaky and did always seem to have a reason why you couldn't leave, and it did become strange and oppositional. But I am very happy for you, and proud that you are putting one food in front of the other and getting your life back on track! Good luck to you in your new ventures! I really mean that!
Helpful Answer (5)

I have been reading this and im wondering if your maybe here illegally, because even if you are there is help out there, i was a victim of domestic violence for 6 years and that was 30 years ago when it was alot harder to get help.. i know there's alot of mental anguish and anxiety from abuse and it tears down your self-esteem but i feel something isn't rite or you would have snuck out of there along time ago and until you decide your ready to go nothing anyone tells you will work. I had two children and im sorry but there alot harder to raise and take care of than cats and i stayed hidden for over a year. Im going to reread these posts and if im wrong I appologize but something isnt right for no hospital or organization ,battered womens foundations, shelters and the salvation army is a big advocate for helping people in need especially battered women, so what is it that your afraid of ?
Helpful Answer (2)

Well thank you for yet one more negative post about my honesty and intentions. I don't know if you've thought about this, but none of the organizations that you listed take cats, to the best of my knowledge. They take children, yes, but not cats. Anyway, I have moved on now, and I'm not here illegally. That's a new one. As to what I'm afraid of-- I was afraid of not having a place to live with MY children--my cats. They ARE easier to take care of than kids, but not as acceptable into most homes of any kind. Especially not when you have several of them. And I'm still shocked at the negativity on this forum. This is supposed to be an understanding, compassionate place for caregivers, right? Is there something I'm missing here?
Helpful Answer (1)

May God Bless you through your struggles. I'm so sorry you are going through this. God always finds a way, when there seems to be no way. I know you have tried hard, and see no way out. There is. Call the police or a friend and ask them to take you to a battered woman shelter for protection, but first find those rescue agencies that have foster people for the cats. They are awesome animal lovers. friends/family is involved in that, Raleigh NC, "Paw Prints", mostly dogs but they know other ones. The "Women's Centers are good at helping you find a job and place to live too. God Bless you and good luck. Hopefully a friend can help you or take you in till you get your next job.God Bless you and good luck.
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I get some greedy person is supposed to read all this an s say, "wow, the name dropping, new job, possible link to an inheritance....sure, I'll cash your check for more than the amount."

Where do I sign up for the Nigerian scam? Bruce from NY/NJ aka "Crispin," whatever your name is nowadays, is that you?

Ladies, beware. State and federal authorities have been looking for an abusive man who owes lots of child support to several women who poses as a caregiver and preys on lonely women on caregiving, dating, and other sites. He tries to sound super spiritual, sweet, helpful, and an animal lover. He bothered some ladies around here but is thankfully long gone from our area; unfortunately, he conned a church into giving him money to go to California and he jumped off the bus in, yes, Texas for yet another "job opportunity."

The internet is full of Bruces, men and women and when they aren't living off their mothers and girlfriends they are trying to live of food of your hard earned money.

P.T. Barnum said, "A sucker is born every minute." Don't be one of them. Unfortunately for caregiver types, they tend to be taken in more than average on internet scams and you can lose more than just your money. There are identity scams, kidnappers, perverts, and if you haven't seen the interview with the woman whose boyfriend was murdered brutally by the man that abducted her and her boyfriend after keeping them in a shopping container after bragging about his intentions on Amazon reviews, maybe you should get out more and not be so trusting of people you "meet" on the internet.

This troll is an amateur but the next one might not be. This one isn't even female. Be more discerning, ladies (and gents, if you are there).

God bless.

Signing with my real name because I have a prayer for you and a bullet with your name on it if you stalk or disturb my family again,

Helpful Answer (1)

You mention financial abuse against you. Do you carry cash? If so, go to the bank and sock it away into an account and  don't give your abuser any more money, not one more dime. If you have an ATM card, tell the bank what's going on and have them put a stop on that card. See if you can get a safety deposit box and put your new card in there along with anything else of value. Definitely speak to the bank manager if you can and tell them you're being financially abused and tell them exactly what you told us here. They may also help you get in contact with the right channels for your area. If you can take someone you trust with you, do it and get a restraining order against the abuser. You don't have to put up with this. Have you been to the hospital for any specific injuries from the abuser? If not and you have abuse related injuries, go now and tell the hospital exactly what's going on. Tell them everything, don't leave out nothing. When your examined, have your nurse put you in contact with somewhere safe to go on your discharge and tell them you're not going back into the house of an abuser. Explain to them you don't want to care for this elder anymore. Also ask your nurse to make a police report of your injuries when you tell her what happened and how you got the injuries. Ask that they make a police report and photographs all the bruises and other injuries. 

It sounds like you must be caring for someone of a different race or they wouldn't call you "white trash". What you need to do is still keep calling the police department and even start looking for a lawyer and go for what you deserve in pay. It would also be a good idea to contact the APS and to get the heck out of there. What would help is if you had someway to record all of the activity going on in that house and send copies to proper authorities. You're better off in a homeless shelter right now then you are where you are being abused.
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Go to abused women shelter today
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I believe her
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