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Only you and your Mom's own doctor know how severe your Mom's dementia is. This means, given all you know, you are responsible for making the best decision you can. I am assuming that your Mother does not wander. However, it is important to know that this may change and it may change suddenly and unexpectedly. I appear to be a long wolf on this thread worrying about those hours that your Mom is alone. But as I said, only YOU know the severity of your Mom's dementia. While my brother was diagnosed with probable early Lewy's dementia he did NOT wander and was overall quite rational. However, problems of balance especially, along with some hallucinations, stronger at nighttime, he decided himself that ALF was best, even though his rehab facility thought that with good daily support and delivered meals he could for some time remain alone. Your Mom's case is as individual to her as her own thumbprint. I trust that you speak with her and her caregivers on a daily basis, and I see that you are working toward assisted living.
In the meanwhile I am not surprised her neighbors are worried. Were I to have a neighbor deemed so compromised that the gas was turned off, I would be concerned myself when she was alone. That is likely my "old nurse" persona kicking in. If you are annoyed I would inform them of your plans as you informed us and tell them that you appreciate their concern and are doing both what you feel is best for Mom. They have your phone number I must assume as they are bothering you on it.
The condo may well step in and speak with you. Once INFORMED of a concern they become thereby responsible under the law in some circumstances. I frankly think it would be negligent on their part once informed not to discuss the case directly with you.
I am sorry you are all going through this.
Helpful Answer (4)
GAinPA Jan 2022
Gas turned off? Maybe it is an electric stove. Anyway, does she really need a stove? Most people can get by with a microwave or delivered meals on wheels.

The answer to your question on this thread about the neighbors being ignored is:

YES. They should be ignored and so should their "concerns". I'd be willing to bet that the poster and her sister didn't discuss the safety measures they've taken for their mother, or the status of her homecare aide service, or any other arrangements they've made for their mother with them or the rest of the community. It being none of their business and all. This being said most of their "concern" is speculation and based on their opinion about the situation.
If these people were truly concerned, instead of calling APS and snitching to every nurse and social worker they see, these people would talk to poster and her sister. They would ask what they can do to help if they were truly concerned for the mother's welfare and safety. None of the neighbors are doing that though.
What's more likely going on is there's a lot of elderly "Karens" living in the mother's neighborhood who have nothing better to do with their time than watch who comes and goes from their neighbor's house and to voice their "concerns" to whoever will listen.
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For the record, I believe 'late model car' is a newer car, 'of the latest model', but correct me if I'm wrong; junky older cars may not be aesthetically pleasing for onlookers but they are simply transportation and nobody's business; some folks prefer older cars for their reliability. As for caregivers of any ethnic/racial background making neighbors worried is just fretting. If that is the biggest worry of these 'neighbors' maybe give them a list of the caregivers and their vehicles so they are 'sanctioned' to be there; even have them introduce themselves, be 'neighborly' as an extension of your mom's household, which they are. If these neighbors are concerned for your mom's actual welfare, I agree with most of the replies: thank them, assure them you're on top of things, and encourage them to contact you directly IF something is truly urgent. Try to find out who of these neighbors are actually friends, if any, and engage them as nearby 'eyes and ears' that you trust for input as needed, for your mom's wellbeing as well as nipping 'gossip' in the bud.
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It sounds like you and your sister are fine with how Mom is in the short term.

Next time you are in town introduce yourself to the immediate neighbors and pass out your name and phone number.

If they express concern mention that you have caregivers hired and are doing remote monitoring and that you just lost your Dad and Mom just lost her husband.
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Some people, particularly in elderly communities have way too much time on their hands.
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How many facilities have you identified that would accept your mother. Have you even looked at facilities close to you yet? What about close to your sis? Do you watch the cameras all day?

Your mom should not be left alone and especially not be spending nights alone. Anything can happen. It is not the neighbor's job to keep an eye on mom, though it is good that they are and report to you.

One of them could call APS and you and sis get in some trouble for not getting mom the care she needs. Decide who she is going to live closer to and get off your back sides and get mom the care she needs before something terrible happens.

A geriatric care manager or even A Place For Mom can help you. Just do something.
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BarbBrooklyn Jan 2022
I would be grateful to have neighbors like this (and I do).
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It’s fairly clear from the range of answers that no-one on the site is in a position to know the facts. Perhaps you and your sister have organised everything to be as safe as possible, and the neighbors are just being nosy. Or perhaps you and your sister are kidding yourselves about things being OK, and the neighbours should be praised for their involvement.

If you want an independent assessment, options include contacting APS yourselves, or speaking to a care manager. If you want to improve Condo relationships, letting all the neighbors know exactly what is going on would help (including that you are being contacted by X and Y with criticisms). If you want to stand by your own judgement, do just that. It might also help to find out (eg from Condo management?) how many neighbors are involved and what their past behavior has been like. Two neighbors with reputations as busy-bodies is a different issue from many concerns from sensible people.
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I'm sometimes wonder why threads such as this continue to attract so many comments, it's been almost 2 weeks and as far as I can tell the OP has not been heard from beyond posting the original question 🤔
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gladimhere Jan 2022
Completely agree. Especially new posters and make me wonder what the heck are they thinking!
First, I would like to say I’m sorry for ur loss. I’m sad for mom that she’s there alone at night. Suppose she goes out at some ungodly hour when u or ur sister r not watching the cameras. It’s sad how we just live our lives and leave our parents to fight on there own. I know u 2 r doing the best u can. But can u guys have mom live closer to u 2 temporarily and get her a place near u guys or she live with one of u guys. They did sacrificed and help us get to where we at today. The neighbors r right. They r afraid for her and for themselves. Maybe if ur so concerned about what they say tell them ur plans and or see if they have any ideas or a trust worthy person whom can stay with her over night until u guys can come and get her. I think it would be best because things could turn out worse. If the stove is off what kinds of food is she eating? I’m praying 🙏🏽 u ask God for guidance. Take care of mom the best u 2 can but make sure she’s near so no one takes advantage. Make sure u have an elder lawyer before signing over over to reside anywhere other than living with either of the 2 of u. God Bless.
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i think it’s good u have ppl checking and seeing what’s going on in there community. That’s what u call protection. Apparently there seeing more than the daughters. The daughters may already know and don’t want to deal with it. Now they have fire on their u know what Bc they have complainers now they gotta get busy finding mom somewhere to go. They should have befriended one or two neighbors and the nurse of course just in case ish hits the fan they can extra help someone could ran over there if it’s an ent until they get things in place
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