(My mom is actually the one who normally cleans under grandma’s nails, not normally me). So mom tried cleaning under grandma’s nails after they both washed their hands but grandma hated it and said mom was being mean! Mom was able to clean some but nails are still not completely cleaned up. Hand washing is of course always important but especially important during the COVID-19 outbreak and we are concerned with grandma’s nails staying dirty. Anyone have any helpful tips on how we can get her to let us clean under her nails? I hate to say it but they look gross and who knows what is under them 😬
You can only do the best you can.. From what I heard on the news today... the less contact she has with the outside world for a few days won't hurt... so, don't take her outside.
Do give her loving care.. You are doing good...
AS I posted before.. my kid saw a doctor... two people inside the room... AT LEAST ONE PERSON HAD TO HAVE A MASK ON.. And I did not take this situation seriously. fatally. I am staying away from my aunt a few days..
hydrogene peroxide ... happy music... Q TIPS... soft nail files..as far as you can until she starts complaining.. then go to the next hand or foot.. and repeat.
warm soft water... warm wash cloth-wrapped around hand ever so softly, gentle pressure around the curves of the palms n fingers, and rub... sometimes.. it looks kind of filthy feeling if they hold food in their hands for snacks...
What is her technique of cleaning? I am NOT accusing her of anything. I am asking because I don’t know.
It may take longer to be extra gentle but that may be all that your grandmother can tolerate.
Best wishes to you and your family.