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Buy Dad a Sarong. Many men in Hawaii wear Sarongs 🌺🌺
Helpful Answer (2)

You say he doesn't have dementia, but there is certainly SOMETHING going on, as this isn't normal behavior. While some of us may love going without clothes we are certain to have a robe ready for visitors. Get a coat tree near the door with a few nice looking robes. Tell Dad he must put on clothing right away to have a somewhat normal visit with you. If he isn't clothed you will leave.
My heart goes out to the housekeeper! Can't really imagine how long she might stay with Dad.
Helpful Answer (2)
Michelle2828 Jun 2022
great advice. I was thinking, me myself, my skin is so sensitive that if you look in my closet or drawers, any type of top, blouse, t-shirt, etc, if you were to look at the back of the neck part (inside the shirt), you will NOT find a single tag; as a matter of fact, even before I hang them up or put them away, I will have already used the seam ripped and then if necessary, they will be sewed if by chance I've made a hole taking the tag off.

so I'm thinking his skin may be bothered by certain material. me, I only have 100% cotton.

so maybe if the daughter in this post considered this ie getting him 100% cotton, comfortable pyjamas, this may help.

also, who knows, maybe he was always nude around the house his whole life, and a bit of dementia is setting in.

anyways, I wish all the very best, and I hope there'll be some sort of resolution 😊💕
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