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I wouldn't say I dream regularly about my father (who passed in 2013) but my first dream of him was very emotional for me. All four of us (parents & sister) were in a garage staring at a map on a table (doesn't make sense) and the end of the dream he looked at me with teary eyes (never have seen him cry before) and he looked right into my eyes and told me, "everything was going to be ok." He said it in a very serious emotional way. Just talking about it makes me emotional. Every since then, on occasion, I'll dream that he just walked out the door and I missed him or I hear him in another room and I go there and he's gone. Stuff like that.
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My mom died 5 mo. Ago of Huntington disease. I dream of her when she was in her 40’s as oppose to 77 when she passed. I actually like dreaming about her and don’t want it to end. I believe in the next life and feel that I will see her again. I don’t think they are just dead… their spirit lives on until eternity. That is my Catholic belief system.

Try to enjoy the vivid dreams… instead of pushing them aside.. they love you and are telling you they are close by…

Good luck with your grief process.

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When my father first died in a car accident at the age of 56, I was pregnant with my first child. I told him I was pregnant and he died the following day. For many years I’d have the same dream over and over and over that he left us and went none of us knew where he was, but he was alive living a new life somewhere else in a witness protection program. I used to dream that I was wishing he would Walk through the door again so we could be together. I never dream about him anymore nor do I dream about my mother or my deceased brother but I wish I would. I would love to dream about them again. I miss them so much
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My dad died 21+ plus ago. I still have dreams about him. Sometimes they are pleasant sometimes they aren't. It's fairly common but if they are causing you distress you might want to see a counselor.
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Yes I do dream of my parents after 19 years. I also wanted to add any interesting thing I read. Once upon a time before electricity, people went to bed right after dark. There was no TV or such entertainment so people enjoyed their dreams which were often about the deceased in their lives. Since people did not understand dreams, they felt they were being visited by the dead- thus the belief in ghosts who wanted to steal the life from the dreamer.
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Be sure to let go of any guilt you might inadvertently be hanging onto - it may even be completely ridiculous guilt, like guilt over throwing out everything in her closet. I get this! People get really possessive and upset over their stuff and can't let go, and then they can get in your head about it too! And yes, I can imagine my subconscious bringing this up in my dreams in the middle of the night, as may be the case with you. ...Take the time when you're awake to acknowledge that you did the best you could and made the wisest decisions, including cleaning out or renovating her house. Confront your guilt and tell it you're not listening to it anymore. Hope your dreams turn to happier things soon.
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The last dream (in the last few weeks) I had where I saw my mom walking wasn't distressing at all. I looked at my son (who was in the dream) and said "don't worry, she's walking so it's a dream". Sounds to me like I'm finally moving past it! Thanks again to everyone who replied.
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Yes. Both of my parents passed away within 8 months in this past year. At first I dreamt of my dad often. It was sweet dreams, he was playing with my daughter. He was holding my hand and giving me hugs. One time he brought medicine in my dreams when i was sick in real life. When my mom passed it was the same. I had nice dreams about her even though our relationship was rocky. Now it's been a mix of nice dreams and dreams where they're really mad at me over random things
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I haven't seen this post until just now. I had PTSD nightmares for 23 years, after I was told I was adopted, right up until the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child, a son. On that day, those nightmares STOPPED on a dime, and never returned. The nightmares were recurrent; the same dreams every night, and I'd wake up screaming repeatedly every night. The dreams were senseless, really, but extremely disturbing in nature to ME and made me very upset and scared out of my mind. So I had PTSD from finding out I was adopted, having no outlet to speak to anyone about it (no brothers or sisters), and wasn't allowed to discuss it with my adoptive parents. When I talked about it to school friends, they were mortified, so I learned in short order NOT to talk about it b/c nobody thought it was cool. Thus, the nightmares were my only outlet I guess.

My father died in 2015 and I only had a few dreams about him; one visitation I'm sure, where he was laughing and holding out a shiny penny in his hand for me to take. I was finding pennies (from heaven) all over the place after he died, and I knew in my heart they were being sent by him. Then the dream solidified it for me.

Mom died in February of this year. We had a tumultuous relationship my whole life, to put it mildly. She was 95, with advanced dementia & living in Memory Care AL for nearly 3 years, always telling me what I was doing and did wrong, how miserable she was, etc. I was her biggest disappointment in life, that she couldn't have 'children of her own' and was stuck with me. Lately I've been dreaming of her nearly constantly. Most dreams I can't remember, but some I do. Last night I was at her ALF; 2 male caregivers were in her room, one was washing her mouth out with soap for some foul thing she'd said! She had a forked tongue like nobody else on earth. I was trying to get his name to report him, but he wasn't divulging it. The dreams I have of her aren't good, but they're not 'nightmares'. I'm not sure wth is going on, what the message is, what my subconscious mind is trying to tell me, no idea. Only that I'd like to STOP dreaming of the woman b/c dealing with her for 10.5 years was enough. More than enough. I guess I'm still working through all the stress & trauma of those 10.5 years of caregiving I went through, IDK. It would be nice to have a GOOD dream of her though, a visitation where she tells me all is well, or I love you, or thanks for all you did, or SOMETHING for godsake, that isn't negative. You know what I mean? Still waiting. May be waiting for a very long time on that one, though. :(

I do not believe your mother is mad at you for what you've done in her house; in spirit form, they don't care about earthly 'stuff' anymore and see things through OUR eyes now, that is my belief. If you can let go of that ONE belief you have, that your mom is mad at you for 'redoing her house', I'll bet you'll stop having these dreams altogether. Maybe not, IDK, but work on it; it's worth a try.

Wishing you the best of luck having better dreams and better sleep health in general. Wishing the same for myself, too. :)
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I dreamt about my father all the time. They were just generic dreams, but he was always there in the mix of whatever was going on in my dreams. It was actually pleasant to see him again. One, though was so real. I was rounding the corner from the kitchen to the dining room and there he was standing there. And, I knew in my dream he had died, so I said how did this happen, how did you do this (come back to life) and I just gave him a big hug. Weird, I know. But, then again I have lucid dreams all the time too. At any rate, my father died 3 years ago, and lately I haven't had as many dreams about him. It didn't bother me that he was "visiting" me in my dreams, as they say. I rather liked it. I also dreamed for many months about a long lost love who also died. It is not unusual to dream about loved ones who have died, at least it's not for me. I even had dreams long ago about our family dog and cat and those were happy dreams too.
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I've never had a dream about my parents dead or alive. I don't dream about people.
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If you don't get any comfort from seeing them in your dreams then you are right to tell them to be at peace and stop visiting you. I have never dreamed of my father whom I took care of for a year. And I have never (I wish I would have a comforting one, I really do-dreamed of my DH except once right after he died by suicide and he was blaming me and being so mean when I was so so happy to see him.) I woke up broken hearted. I would rather have no dreams than one like that again and I haven't.. I think our minds try to protect us if we cannot handle things. I think you are correct in thinking they are trauma related and will fade in time. Blessings to you.
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