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Wish I can reply back the people who replied to my comment. There's no option for it. And to the dude (MeDolly) who asked me to take care of that parent.. I would gladly do that if that's my mother. You probably a single old woman with no kids. So of course, you got no choice but to support yourself. I don't know what kind of beings or ethical backgrounds most of these people are coming from. But where I am from, we don't charge rent from our parents. We dont charge them when we takecare of their medications either. They took care of us when we're kids and provided us with almost every thing until we reach our adulthood. So, it's not a crime to treat them with love and dignity when they reach to their old age.

FYI, both my parents retired when they were 63 and they lived in their house and me and my brother took care of them financially and physically everytime when they're in need. But when my father passed away at the age of 76, I took my mother to live with us and both me and my wife taking care of her to the fullest. We don't charge a jack from my mom for living in our house. Her grandchildren enjoy her company and thats what makes a happy family. Thank God my wife and my brother doesn't have the same mind set as most of these people have in this forum.
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Fawnby Jan 2023
What if your parents hadn't taken care of you when you were a child? What if they hadn't protected you from a child-molesting uncle that they knew had a past record? How about if they didn't provide medical care when you were sick ("aw, he'll get over it, it's only a sore throat") but it was strep and you lost part of your hearing? What if they regularly yelled at you, called you names, and broke a wood paddle on your behind when you'd contradicted their opinion on some minor thing? What if they cut off funds when you reached 18 when they could have easily helped you go to college? Would you then feel the same way about doing everything for your parents?
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Fholmes, You've asked our forum on December 13th but we never heard back from you. Appears you have abandoned your post. We are her to help you and your mother.

Are you scared like your mother is? What type of job did your mother do before she lost it?? Your widowed mother is 69 and needs a break. How is she doing by this time??
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Perhaps your widowed mother is eligible for Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, to supplement her Social Security benefits with her limited assets to help her. Please contact Social Security for assistance.

Trying my best to advise many possible options with prayers. Thank you.

Happy New Year!
Helpful Answer (1)

This thread is really something else, SMH... Why don't we speak plainly here though?
The OP is obviously a little greedy but not entirely in the wrong. She does not have to support her mother for life the same as a parent does not have to support their child for life. When either is in a situation where they are expected to that is dysfunction and abusive neediness and both should think about going to therapy.
The OP has given her mother a full year to find another place to live. She even tried to help her find a place. That's loving and decent.
The mother is not indigent. She has permanent income and can afford to move to a senior apartment. She also has the option to buy the house she lives in but would have to get a job to be able to. She is not a poor, old lady that's indigent who's being thrown out into the street by her evil daughter when she can't afford to live anywhere else. She can't afford to live in the house her daughter is selling unless she can afford to buy it.
That's not the same thing as becoming homeless and living under a bridge because you can't afford a rent.
Rather than looking for an apartment in a senior community and getting on a few waiting lists over the last year, the mother spent that time bullying, gaslighting, and guilt-tripping her daughter hoping to wear her down so the living arrangment her mother enjoys will continue. That's wrong.
No one 70 years old should have to go back to work out of necessity otherwise they will be out on the street if they don't. That isn't the case here. The mother doesn't WANT to move to a different location. Too damn bad. The daughter's selling the house. Find an apartment.
Helpful Answer (4)
lkdrymom Jan 2023
I agree with everything you said except for the part about the OP being a bit greedy. The OP has helped support her mother was quite awhile. Now she needs those extra resources for herself. She gave her mom a years notice. The only greedy person here is the 70 year old.
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Live your life, Fholmes. You have done more than enough.

We DO NOT owe our parents our entire lives!

For everyone who says, “They raised us, so now it’s our turn to give back to them.”

It is a parent’s responsibility to raise us! Children don’t ask to be born. A couple makes the decision to bring a child into this world. They shouldn’t expect to be ‘paid back’ for their child rearing. No one forced them to have a child.

Truly good parents raise us to be independent human beings and rejoice with us when we accomplish our goals.

I would NEVER in a million years expect my daughters to give up their lives to care for me. They deserve to live their own lives. I raised them to live independently, and certainly not ever to be my caregiver.
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Has anyone else noticed that there are over 60 replies to this post and the OP hasn’t responded ever?

Maybe the OP is reading the responses and maybe not.

It’s a mystery!
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MarlzDX Jan 2023
Thats because half of those comments/replies are against my personal opinion, not recommendations for the OP. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽
Maybe the OP & Mom are already busy moving...

Hopefully nice new year fresh starts.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
Let’s hope so, Beatty

Where do get the notion that you can come over to this forum (or anywhere else for that matter) and insult American culture and American people?
You have no right to do that.
As for your complete nonsense as to why American men go over to these 'Asian' countries to find women. I'll tell the real reason. It's not because these Asian women are more loving and respectful to men.
No, my friend. It's a BUSINESS transaction. Some guy with nothing going for him can't get a good American woman. This would be because women like me have standards that the men in our lives have to meet if they want to be in our lives. We pay our own bills. We make our own decisions. We don't need some loser to rescue us. A woman who respects herself does not depend on a man to take care of her. I would never and have never been in a relationship where the roof over my head and the food on my plate depended on how well I please and serve the man sleeping next to me.
H*ll to the NO on that thank-you very much.
Let's get back to the loser American guy we were just chatting about a paragraph ago. He's a real loser by the standards of a good American woman. He looks like a real prince to those poor ladies down in a third-world country though. All he has to do is take a wad of cash (which isn't much here) and head down to an impoverished village in some Asian country and wave that money around. Within five minutes it will be love at first sight and the prettiest girls in town will be kneeling at his feet. These guys don't even have to go in person anymore. Just put up a profile on line and he'll have his pick.
Beautiful, third-world honey hooks up with a first-world loser. Financial support for her and her family in exchange for sex. Then once he makes her legal she really scams him proper.
Then there's the other reason why all these men head over to those Asian countries. This was explained to me by my brother who was in the navy and stationed in an 'Asian' country. Those girls will do anything. They want that meal-ticket and American $$$.
So please, You should stop.
Also, many people here had lousy and abusive parents. They also had abusive spouses. So they don't take care of them. It does not speak to a person's morality and character if they are willing to live in an abusive situation. A woman who is willing to live as a care slave to an abusive parent or spouse is not a better person than one who is not willing to.
You have a lot to learn about life and people, my friend.
Helpful Answer (7)
MarlzDX Jan 2023
I don't think men are that dumb to travel 1000 miles to marry a hooker considering America is one of the top rated countries when it comes to prostitution. The main reason why they travel overseas is to find a traditional woman not some "male" wannabe feminists like you. Of course asian women from 3rd world countries enjoy the western lifestyle and probably marry that american to get the green card but atleast they stay loyal and loving to their married ones. Like on the previous comment, 28% of American men travel to Asian countries to find their partners. So according to you, all those men are losers.

American women (eg. You) have a ridiculous sense of entitlement. When it comes to certain things like we’re all equal and how dare you treat us differently, yet on other things they want men to be men and women to be women. One moment it’s “I don’t need your help just because you’re a man and I’m a woman” and the next it’s “but you’re the man, and I’m the woman, so you’re supposed to take care of me.” lol

You really think a high value man would need someone like you who call themselves "independant"? Hell no. They enjoy company of traditional women. Why you think you're already a divorced woman? That's cause women like you are nothing but an instant red flag. Your ego is way over up to maintain a proper relationship. You should rather buy bunch of cats and spend the rest of your life with them. Peace ✌🏼
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American culture being the worst: I've traveled widely all over the world, including many countries in Asia and for extended times. I had two Asian houseguests, man and woman, for more than two years. I had an Asian daughter-in-law. I've belonged to cultural clubs in the US that included Asian, European, Latino, Muslim, Indian, and others. Every single culture believes that their culture is superior. Every. Single. One. Yet these people lived and most of them worked in the US. Why? Because their "superior" cultures couldn't provide the standard of living that we have in the US. I'll leave it to you to decide if a culture that can't provide the desired standard of living for its citizens is truly superior.

Then to the divorces in the US. Thank you, USA, for that! Being divorced is highly preferable to being repeatedly attacked by a husband, cheated on, sabotaged, stolen from, slandered, and sexually and emotionally abused. American women can divorce these creeps because we are educated and empowered to take responsibility for ourselves and our families. Our, shall I say, possibly "superior" economic culture in the US enables us to do that.
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