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AlvaDeer is on top of this one and you should take her advice. My guess would be to notify Adult Protective Services and they will direct you. You should have intervened as soon as you found out!! Your mother needs protection from this money hungry husband of yours. How sad for your mom. You knew about it years ago and you should have done something about it then. In my opinion you are just as guilty!! Pardon me for being so harsh, but I hate to see our elders exploited. Be strong and do the right thing for your mom. I would also seek a good councilor, it might help you sort through all the controlling and abuse you endured all these years. You really do not have to put up with such a person, being fearful, what kind of life is that? You need to address these issues, with a professional, otherwise your life will continue to be a living hell!! I would not give one thought to his network of friends, this is about your mother! I wish you the best and hope you get some help.
Helpful Answer (2)
Pasa18 Jul 2020
With all due respect this is beyond APS. They won't have delve into legal aspects of a trust. Unless there is a rental contract which I doubt, APS will only focus on the senior's safety and services . Sounds like the mom is physically safe.
Night Reader,

I am quite horrified by some of the comments and criticisms that have been directed towards you on this thread. I hope that those who made them are never in an abusive relationship where they are powerless.

I posted earlier about my own situation. What I did not write is that I discovered after the end of my marriage, that my Ex had been borrowing money from my mother for many years, I have no idea if it was paid back, and they had a very weird secret relationship that I knew nothing about, for at least 2 years before the end of the marriage. I learnt about both a couple weeks after the marriage ended.

My Mum at the time and currently had no dementia.

I was working 6 days a week, plus picking up occasional evening shifts for the last 4 years of the marriage. It was not a matter of not seeing what was going on in front of my eyes, I was not home.

Isabelsdaughter asked you if Op ever knew her husband. I can honestly state that in my case, I married a man I had known since I was 14, we married when I was 26. And no, the person he presented on the surface was not the person he really was, it took a long time for me to realize that.
Helpful Answer (1)
notgoodenough Jul 2020
I'm sorry you had to go through that. But your situation is (was) somewhat different, the most glaring difference is that you had no idea this was happening until your marriage ended. The OP has known about this for many years, by her own admission. That's what makes this behavior disturbing to some people here.
I don't know the scope of the abuse she may or may not be suffering in her marriage. Maybe there is way more than she is comfortable telling us. However, I see, from what is written, a woman who, when she confronts her husband, is more blown off about her concerns than threatened:

" I've confronted him numerous times about these matters but he invariably becomes defensive, dismissive, tries to shift blame onto me, makes a swift exit."

There's nothing about, in what is written, that her husband has either used or threatened the use of force when she brings this up.
I am well aware there are myriad forms of abuse. If I have missed something that you all have seen, then I apologize. Even the issue of money - she doesn't state she has no money because her husband has taken it all, and allows her no access to funds. She only said she "no longer has funds of her own". No reference to how she has come to find herself in that situation.
Again, I have no idea if there is more than what she has written. I am fairly sure, though, if what she has described is accurate as to the scope of the behavior she is subject to, it is not going to be enough to use a battered wife defense if she's brought up on criminal charges. That's why (and I know I sound like a broken record) it is imperative she speak with a criminal defense attorney before anyone else. They would really be the best able to advise her going forward. Maybe they tell her there's no criminality, and then she can seek a divorce attorney. But right now cetude is correct that this is a problem that needs advice far beyond the ability of this forum.
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Maybe contact Adult Protective Services.
Hopefully you can prove that you had no idea this was going on! Because you have been married while the financial abuse has taken place, you may be seen as his accomplice!
Also, Senior Legal may have advice.
Best of luck!!
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Are you saying that you had no idea how much income you and your husband were bringing into the household all these years? Nor how he came to acquire $50K to pay off credit cards? Was he the only one in possession of the credit cards or were you both using them. This is sketchy to be only based on my own management of funds - I cannot speak for those who allow others to take care of all the money without knowing what is going on.

Look for legal services in your area - call your local welfare office or city services to ask about legal aid for yourself. You need to get this initiated now before mom dies and your hubby walks away with whatever is left in the estate. Trust me, if you didn't know all this was going on behind your back, it is very likely he gets it all... and more than likely he'll be done with you at the same time.
Helpful Answer (5)

This is so sad. Did you ever really know your husband? That is so cold. I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you could get a lawyer and tell them your husband took financial advantage of your mother when she could not make decisions. Maybe that would help. I know that might be hard for you to do, but it needs to be done. I'm sorry about your situation.
Helpful Answer (5)

It’s criminal what your husband has you done to your mother . You need to divorce that peace of crap immediately . And file elder abuse and fraud against him . No court would let this happen he completely took advantage of her dementia. I don’t understand how you could be so blind to what went on. Anyone would check up to see if things were going the right way . Her being her mother It was YOUR responsibility to have protected her . Didn’t you ever think to ask your mother about the house payments you can’t put all this on your husband your responsibility was to your mother . Not just a man that wanted to live off of an elderly woman. I’m furious over this . How can you even look at that man ? his butt would be out of that house so fast . If you had cared enough you would have had conversations with her or check her accounts get his butt off anything to do with her and make sure he doesn’t have any visitation rights to ever see her with out you there. I hope you wake up . A man like you have is the lowest form of any human .
Helpful Answer (9)

You have allowed all of this, and been so out of the loop you didn't even know what was paid, and for 15 years. I am dreadfully sorry you have lived for this long with an abusive man you are afraid of. But as a side effect your mother has been abused and to the extent that you husband is Trustee of her trust.
I would suggest that you attend an elder law attorney with a friend. However, given that you have lived this lifestyle you may not even have access to do this. And without the courage to move forward I cannot see what can be done.
I do have sympathy for the life you have lived, but I cannot in all honesty get past what you have allowed to happen to your Mom. You have enabled your husband in this, not warned your mother. You are complicit in all that has happened to her. That is the sad truth. What a dreadful situation.
In any situation where someone lives in fear of someone else there are people harmed dreadfully along the sidelines. Usually they are children, maimed and destroyed for life. In this case it is an elder.
You have told us you have not got the courage to move forward; I guess you have answered your own question the same way you have answered it for the last 15 years.
Helpful Answer (8)

important addendum- I cannot feel any sympathy nor concern for you1 You have treated your poor mother horribly and there is no excuse. You deserve no inheritance nor should you receive one. However, my heart aches for your poor mother. She needs and deserves free and or inexpensive legal help to try to reclaim as much as possible from the wicked thief you enabled to rob her.If you seek good help , find it, and reclaim as much as possible of your poor mother's resources; if that results in your ultimately receiving some kind of inheritance, then so be it.However, you obviously definitely do not deserve it! !
Helpful Answer (6)

You definitely need to gather all the evidence you can then hide it. Once you do that go to legal aid and explain that this is a dangerous situation and you need him out of the house and want a divorce.

I believe your Mom is in a nursing home? They often have a social worker that can help you navigate the rest by guiding you to resources to try to get her decisions made regarding her assets changed. If it can be proven she was not of sound mine this may be possible to accomplish.

I feel for your Mom, she was taken advantage of at her most vulnerable.

I wish you luck, this is a terrible situation
Helpful Answer (3)

To go along with all your husbands shenanigans for so long makes you look almost as bad as him. I suggest you go to Legal Aid and see if they can help you in some way. Grow a back bone and divorce this thief! You should have done it a long time ago. Does it matter that he comes from a higher place with high people. It shouldn't!
Helpful Answer (8)

Are you kidding me why was this allowed to continue for so long make police report &/or report to the Attorney General financial exploitation now or you will be charged for vulnerable elder abuse.
Helpful Answer (6)

Call the elder abuse hotline on behalf of your mother. They can offer legal assistance and start a case against him. She may need adult protective services. She may need a restraining order. For yourself, you might consider the same things. You need to find a lawyer who can work pro bono and begin to build a case against him. If the last thing you do for your mother is to reverse a dynamic of passive victimization which appears to be something she does and modeled for you, then that effort will have amazing consequences for you both in the bigger picture.
Helpful Answer (10)

You can play the helpless act but I’m not buying it. You are just as much to blame. Both of you should be reported for financial exploitation of the elderly.
Helpful Answer (10)
Countrymouse Jul 2020
May you never know different.
allowing this to go on for years is a legal quagmire beyond the scope of this forum. If you allowed your husband to be power of attorney...that's on you. you can report your husband to authorities and go from there.
Helpful Answer (6)

Report the estate attorney too. She's supposed to be working for your mother.
Helpful Answer (6)

Why are you still living wih this man? You are abusing your mother by bringing him into her life when she was obviously helpless and vulnerable. you should have been her trusted helper and protector.Instead you brought this evil criminal man to her to take horrible advantage of her! dvorce this man immediately and bring a lawsuit against him. Your local agency on aging will help you to get good legal help if you are sincere in now wanting to help your mother.May God have mercy!
Helpful Answer (4)

Talk to a lawyer and the authorities to get this to stop. Please understand that when you do, it will probably be the end of your marriage.
Helpful Answer (3)

As our readers have said, please report your husband to authorities for elder abuse and fraud. Do not delay this now emergency situation! And yes, get rid of this thief.
Helpful Answer (4)

Most communities have a Legal Aid organization. I would contact them ASAP. If you can not locate a legal aid contact local bar association for referral to pro bono attorneys
Helpful Answer (1)

In hind sight you should have attended such meetings. Kicked his ass out a long time ago. Know that there probably isn't anything that can be done of the trust, so plan that you will lose 40% & when you stand up to him, he will leave & you in a big mess. Sounds like a discusting person & that you need to tell yourself & truly mean it, that you are a great person & you should never be treated like this by any person especially your husband. Put your Viking helmet & your stomping boots on & tell him the lay of the land & don't ever let someone behave like this, not for 1 second. I would definitely get copies of all your documents put them where he can't get them & go to legal aid. Unfortunately people like that will not change & a breakthrough on his research is an excuse for laziness. You have got to get your name on stuff not his. If the doctor has it in her file with dementia for heavens sake get a copy of it to show what date & take it to an attorney. Get all your ducks in a row, next time he's out of the house preferably with his buddies, change the locks, put his junk at the front door & put in security & have the police serve him with divorce papers & order to stay away from your mother. If you really want the impact have a runner service deliver his crap to his office or wherever he will be with his so called supporters. You will see his supporters run for the hills not wanting to get involved. I know it's hard, but you have good friends too or make some & they can be your adoptive family. Then watch you tube videos & get handy with home repair. You can do it. We are strong women! We can not only do what men can do, we can do it better! Take it from a sewing lady that never touched a tool for most her life that turned to being a rancher that can build fences as good as any man & I can pull a calf in a distressed delivery with my hands, in the dark, without the cow restrained, where men need lots of light, chains to pull on the calf & the cow tied down. We are women, hear us roar!
Helpful Answer (7)
XenaJada Jul 2020
Your comments were AWESOME!
Your situation is shocking and troubling in so many areas! Obviously, you have been pushed to submission. You'd better roll up your sleeves and be prepared to fight for what is rightfully yours from a dominant, controlling, financially incompetent spouse. Be ready to move in with your mother, or a friend once you are prepared to act.
First, get your iron clad evidence in order, on paper or photos. It will have to reflect that you discovered and were not fully aware of the financial dealings between your mother and husband, including the letter you sent to the estate lawyer. Check and document your credit rating to see how many accounts he has included you. You will need decent credit of your own.
Second, take any income you have that he can access to separate account, out of his reach.
Third, IMMEDIATELY find out who has your mother's power of attorney, medical and financial. Get appointed as her legal guardian. Who is beneficiary of her life insurance, stocks, etc. If not you, it should be your first priority. Contact your local legal assistance reps asap, call any lawyer to get the location, get appointment and present your case.
While you are at it, let them file your divorce, with restraining order (he refuses to discuss or take responsibility so you certainly don't have a marriage to save.)
When you get control of the estate transfer it from the current lawyer, obviously working for your husband.
Its going to be tough due to the duration, but a judge will listen to proof. If you don't act quickly, you could be left in that deplorable house, alone, with him blowing what little is left of an inheritance you should receive, I'm sure your mother intended for your future care. You will be a happier, healthier person once you protect yourself and your mother. Forget about his friends and colleagues, they're not yours. When details come out, they'll understand. Once the transitions are in place, have him evicted if only to sell the house, as is. You will gain independence and reclaim your self respect. Have faith, and be strong.
Helpful Answer (9)

Go to legal aid, get your documents together, get every back in your name, contest the set up of the trustees, and DIVORCE this *sshole.
Helpful Answer (4)

Is he still your husband?!
Helpful Answer (1)

Where do you fit into this mess? Why were you not part of these early financial conversations? You haven't mentioned that.

I would not see an estate attorney (that's how your mother got into this mess), but an elder law attorney who understands Medicaid rules. For the record, this will be a huge problem if your mother outlives her available assets and needs Medicaid to survive in very old age.

And, it sounds like your husband has not only deceived your mother, but deceived you as well -- and bilked you out of any inheritance your mother would likely have left to you. What do you plan to do to reclaim your personhood?
Helpful Answer (2)
elaineSC Jul 2020
She said she didn’t have the confidence to stand up to him. No, sounds like he got what hdd ER wanted and she knew what was mostly going on. Now whining about it with remorse. I call Bull and not saying anything else. She knew.
Your post brought tears to my eyes - BUT- what he has done is illegal. It's known as "elder abuse" - for personal financial gain. If you feel you are destitute, call Legal Aid Services. They can help with lots of legal stuff. DO NOT LET HIM KNOW ANYTHING. Sugar, nothing is impossible - nothing. If Legal Aid can't get involved, call your states Bar Association, they can recommend someone who can. Gather as much paperwork as possible, you'll need it to prove your case. If Mom's in a facility, talk with them - most keep a daily log of who's in, who's out, visitor wise. Be very careful of what you do, say, cause if he decides to have you declared incompetent, and you're bouncing wall to wall, he might succeed at that. Protect YOU. Get "YOU" together, - now - and take it one thought out step at a time. Drop the guilt, the regrets - get him before he finishes you off, mentally, and physically. YOU CAN DO THIS.!! DON'T GET MAD -- GET EVEN. So, get up, and get busy starting your new life.!! Blessings, and Prayers.
Helpful Answer (2)
SeniorStruggles Jul 2020
Get mad AND get even. This sounds like you too have been abused emotionally. You've had no voice in all this time? Definitely you need some strong advocates on your side.
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Contact the National Council of Elder Abuse the website is

Your mother can not defend herself and she needs you to do it. I realize you feel defenseless too but you have way more ability to defend yourself than she does. If he depletes her funds and she goes on medicaid they could come back on both of you when she passes away for Medicaid Fraud. That will raise your level of person financial damage and emotional shame. Report him now! No matter the harm to you he must be stopped. Bad things happen when good people do nothing and this is your mother.
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WHAT did he do with the money
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You are married to him so you are entitled to anything he gets from your mother, whether she is alive or passes. Where is his own mother? He is taking advantage of yours. All in all , he is setting up things financially for himself for when she passes so he has money. But you are married to him so you will get it too. Put your foot down with him and try to regain some control over this financial situation. He sounds like a con artist and and went after your mom's money because he does not have his own. He sounds a bit like by ex, who was always trying to get money from me(not my mother) and always had some big ideas of how he was going to make a lot of money but never did.
Helpful Answer (5)

Well.... I was married to a con man for 17 years but he did work. So.. I planned... and told him nothing. I used HIS money to fix up "our" house even though he said that since he was the ONLY one working, everything was his. I got the house fixed up and he had no idea why I was doing it. Me and twins did most of the work. The price on the house went up $20,000 while I only spent $2000. But... while fixing it up, since I had no income of my own, I went to Legal Aid. Cost me $130 for a divorce. Legal Aid even told me I could get the house in my name and my name only and then do with it what I wanted. I had tried reasoning with this man but he would not listen. I went to marital counseling and tried to get him to go. Nope... he was NOT interested. I still do not understand how I could get that house that he had bought 2 years before he met me... into my name only. I put it up for sale and it was closed on in less than 4 months. In the mean time, during those 4 months, my kids and I went camping so he would not know where we were. The whole time, we used his money. He could not take my name from his checking account. After the divorce went through, kids I moved to another state. He followed us there. He told me this more than once and I believe it to be true in your case, "I never thought you would divorce me". Your husband thinks that he can do what he wishes because it is evident that he has been for many years. BUT... you can still change that. Please.... divorce him BUT do NOT tell him what you are up to. I did not. My husband was abusive to me and the children. He threatened me, never hit me but he did our son --- hitting and kicking him. We have twins, a boy and girl and now they are grown, 32, and they see who he is. They do not have a relationship with their father to speak of. He caused huge problems for my son on his wedding day. THAT just opened up our son's eyes even more to the selfish ways of his dad. Yep... I take full responsibility for marrying the man but... I finally divorced him. YOU can do the same. The sooner the better. But again... do it without him knowing about it as much as possible. You are NOT obligated to tell him any more than you have to. He obviously believes that you will not do anything. Prove him wrong. Hugs to you.. Wish I could help you...

Also... what about getting APS involved.... Adult Protective Services?
Helpful Answer (14)

With advanced dementia you mom cannot possibly live by herself, so either you must get her to live with you and take care of her, or get her on Medicaid with nursing home. DO NOT LET HER LIVE BY HERSELF--she is going to get hurt or killed. They also wander and end up on the streets with moving traffic. She can also fall and be on the floor for days without food or water, or broken bones from the fall and just lie there suffering.
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cgracie007 Jul 2020
She doesn’t live by herself and states that from the start.
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