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Oh the stuff! I think the gradual exchange is a good idea. It's been two years and my mother can't remember that I was in her room 5 minutes ago, but she remembers every knicknack she ever owned. She also asks me to bring them to her for a visit.
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I agree with IsabelsDaughter -- you're awesome!  

Since we are in decrappifying (decluttering) mode, we are looking at everything in all our rooms to decide what stays and what goes. We have been doing this for about 2 years, and in some rooms we are in our 4th or 5th look/see. If it were me, I would be looking at both the basement-stored items and Mom's items, deciding which would stay. It has helped us tremendously to let go of items by thinking they are now getting a new life with another person/family. It's the same thought process we have used to repurpose rooms in our own home as our children move out & onto adulthood. You might be able to get Mom to help with the process on Sundays by having the "let's declutter this room a bit & open it up" discussion.
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Step 1. Tell Mom that each of the siblings wanted some of the furniture.
(Therapeutic lie..we have to do it all the time)
Step 2. Then get rid of a few pieces you really want to.
Step 3. Move a few to the basement and bring up some of your things.
In a month or two repeat steps 1, 2, 3.

I doubt you will have a problem if the siblings have little contact. But you could contact them and ask if there are any pieces that they would like.
My Mom started to give things away early on and she said things are better from a "Warm heart than a cold hand". So begin to declutter, downsize what ever you want to call it but it sure feels good when it is done.
Helpful Answer (5)

First let me say I admire you for visiting your Mom so much and taking her out. I think that is awesome. I think your mother would love you no matter what. The suggestion to exchange places with the furniture might work. Or she might not mind giving it to your niece. Whichever she prefers. Good Luck.
Helpful Answer (2)

Bittersweet, is your Mom very sentimental and family oriented? My MIL believes every last thing, even dying plants and old plastic containers, everything must somehow stay in the family. If this is the case, then another family member storing or using the furniture may be the thing to tell her.
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Ask yourself one question in order to balance the happyness of mum there. Would you want that to happen to you when approaching end of time as you know it. Am sure not. Furniture can wait, once the hurt has been done you can never undo it so let things be. Don't take over her life as that furniture is also her history.
Helpful Answer (5)

Well you need to use the "therapeutic fib" and tell her the niece needed it or you're doing some rearranging for Spring and it’s in storage. This is how I managed dad when he moved from IL to AL. Actually most of it was in storage and then he soon forgot about it. Then I eventually donated to Salvation Army when storage fees were mounting into $1000+. When he moved to LTC from AL recently, I kept a few things and the rest was donated again. He asked where his end tables were and I told him in storage. That satisfied him. Be sure if you use the niece story that the niece is in on it should your mom ever see her. You should reclaim your house and not feel guilty or beholden to your mom's "stuff". She will be fine. We can’t live our lives in fear of the "what if".
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God bless the Swedes. I *heart* Ikea. And Alexander Skarsgård.
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FF the four-letter-word furniture manufacturer, blue and yellow, infesting every corner of the globe, may its name and memory be erased...

Anyway. IKEA supplies all its bookcases and tallboys with a little strap, a rawlplug and a screw to fix them to the wall. I have a whole collection of them! - sitting in a box in the tool cupboard. And the pencils. And the paper tape measures - which last a lot longer than the computer desks.

I'm with Vladimir Putin on this (not often you get the chance to say that, is it?) - he went on a photo-op walkabout through a hospital and told a boy whose legs were in traction "that'll teach you to look before you cross the road, then, won't it?"

In all seriousness, Darwin Awards do not apply to under 10s and tall units should always be securely tethered.
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freqflyer - might be worth screwing the bookcases into the wall studs there, if there are kids around....they do love to climb things, the little dears!
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Veronica - I'm in BC, Canada. It's not a mandatory re-test for everyone at 80. The person's doctor has to submit a driver's medical exam report to driver's licensing when they are 80 (and every 2 years after). My mom would be on the list for mandatory re-testing based on her health report.

Edit:  that said, the rules of the road change often, so it's ALWAYS good to study!  Lol.  (My mom doesn't even know what a shoulder check is, for example....)
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Send, I cringe whenever I see a tall bookcase. I go OCD on it. I keep trying to get sig other to put the heavy books on the bottom shelf and work his way up to lighter items. Less chance of it wanting to take a rug nap.

At work my boss brought in 5 very tall open bookcases. I had to take many deep breaths to keep from freaking out. I insisted that we place pieces of cardboard under the front half of the bookcase thus the bookcase would slightly lean more toward the wall as the carpet in the office was very thick. As I told my boss, I didn't want a client or a client's toddler to grab one of the shelves and having the bookcase topple over.
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The last storage unit, I had to empty it myself.
I want to put some of his stuff in there, because he is becoming a hoarder, but a computer gained at the dumpster has no value, imo.

I really don't want to live this way, for a long time now.

We made some progress today, rearranging the house after the tall bookcase fell, on my foot, o o p s! We cut the bookcase in half, it is less tall now. Progress is very slow because he needs a 2 1/2 hour nap daily.
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dorianne are you in the US? where do you have to take the test when you turn 80?
If so I had better start studying I have only got till Jan!

Send I think a storage container is a very good idea but in this case totally unnecessary. DD will be comming up to help us sort before the actual move and as she is buying the house for us ours does not have to sell at the same time. She has a truck and horse trailer so a lot can be moved in that to get the place ready to list.
neither of us can move stuff and I certainly am not going to waste energy on that. Hubby I am sure plans to stash heaven only knows what in there.
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chdottir, LOL that was so funny :) Thanks for the cartoon.
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My mother went ballistic when I wanted to sell her car so I could use the underground parking here over the winter. (There's no outside parking nearby - my vehicle would have been parked 2 blocks away on the street, at the risk of break-in every having to deal with all the snow and ice AND mom in a wheelchair....ugh.)    Even though there is no way in h*** she was ever going to drive again (she'll be 80 this year and would completely flunk the mandatory re-testing, even if she was up for taking it), she did NOT want to let it go. 

It's the loss of hope, I think. Mom has not been able to accept the idea that she's not going to get better. Also losing her car represented losing her freedom. Your mom probably still has a faint hope, however delusional, that she is going to get better and come home - and her furnishings may also represent freedom in a way....the freedom of one's own home and hearth.

If my name had been on the ownership papers for the car, I could have sold it and just said it was parked in a friend's garage, so I could use her parking spot. But I needed her signature to sell it. In this case, you don't have that issue, so you can just say her things are in storage and quietly move them to the basement or get them out of the house all together.  It might be a lie, but it's also a kindness, to not shatter her hope completely.  She's not coming home, so she's not going to know.
Helpful Answer (20)

I would tell her that one of the sibs asked to keep the furniture for mom or a loved grandchild is using it and enjoying feeling close to grandma -- or similar fib.

Go ahead and get rid of or donate to a church or other organization -- provided there is no chance of mom returning to live at home.

Start taking her to places outside your home, museums, libraries, quiet coffee houses, etc -- so that she isn't reminded of "her old home" nor her belongings missing.

Always hard. My mom is in Memory care and refused to allow me to bring anything personal over for her (she's "not staying"). We gave away all furnishings, treasures, household items, recycled or disposed of the rest; and sold her home. Mom's been at memory care nearly a year and asks all the time about her home and belongings - I tell her, its all still there waiting for when she returns and her doctor and lawyer check on the house for her...Crazy. But keeps her happy knowing that all her "home" is in tact.
Helpful Answer (22)

This made me think of a cartoon another friend just sent me:

My mom lived in a MIL apartment. When it was time for her to move, we just put everything in a storage unit while we figured things out. It was comforting to her to know that everything was still somewhere, and not disposed of or given away. However, we will be getting to that giving away part soon. She has dementia and will recognize things when she sees them, but for the most part it is out of sight, out of mind. But we don't plan on discussing things with her. It would be upsetting for her, and she isn't up to making any decisions anyway about what should be done with it.
Helpful Answer (13)

Uh Oh, That was my plan,Veronica.
So, is the storage unit always contraindicated?
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I dread moving house as daughter plans helping get rid of the "trash" Hubby is going to go berserk. He is already talking about renting a storage place and putting things in before we are ready to move. He even plans to move our firewood. DD won't stand for that.
Helpful Answer (7)

Bittersweet, one thing I learned when i was clearing out my parents home and wanted to save some the furniture that my Dad had hand-made was finding room for it.

Then someone on this forum had a wonderful idea, swap out pieces of furniture that has no special value or meaning to you. So I donated those pieces and put in their place what Dad had made :) I did that with a lot of smaller items, too.

Thus, bring up from the basement your stuff, and try to swap out some items that were your Mom's. Tell Mom that her things are in storage [therapeutic fib] but you wanted these certain items in your house as the items are so very special to you.

Midkid58, I remember when my Dad wanted to take his 200 books with him. At first I said let's narrow down the books. The standing joke was Dad had sorted out his books, he now has 199 books to take. It wasn't until later that I realized the books were Dad's "cocoon". The books gave him comfort, such as the all the furniture your Mom had in her place :)
Helpful Answer (18)

I think I would try moving one piece and replacing it with something similar of yours and see if she notices next time she comes over to visit. If she doesn't ask keep doing it one piece at a time.
If niece does not want it get rid of it. Things stored in the basement quickly get to smell musty if it is damp.
Don't negotiate it has to go. If she pitches a fit about the first piece just tell her it is all going as gently as possible but just do it and get through the melt down.
She will get over it and you can remind her that her chair is in her room at the NH. She will hopefully soon forget that it is your stuff in house.
How did this happen in the first place?
Helpful Answer (15)

Well, you know your own mother. IS she going to notice the change? Or is she more the type to just be enjoying being out for the day?

My mother notices if you move a dead plant out of her place. She has roughly twice as much furniture as she needs, but she NEEDS it all. For emotional support, nothing is valuable by any means.

Only you can decide how mother is going to react--and in reality, this is YOUR home, not hers and changing the furniture to be yours makes sense. I'm more a proactive type person, act first ask permission later, and sadly, that has caused a lot of problems over the years. I know I'd do what I wanted and then explain that her things were in storage, if she notices and asks. And prepare for the fallout.
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I'm sure I'm being dense, but...

Your stuff is in the basement. Your mother's stuff is in the living room.

They can't just swap places?

Mind you, it would be better still if your niece really *did* need some starter furniture.

In any case. Do you absolutely have to discuss any of this with your mother? Let's say, come Thanksgiving, she is well enough to come over and spend the holiday with you. She's going to have more interesting things to talk about than where her occasional tables have got to, even assuming she can call them to mind... I just wonder if possibly this whole issue is going to be more of a worry for you than it ever will be for her, if you don't bring it up.
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